Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Dhimmwhit Katy Perry Says No Borders After Manchester Bombing

Multimillionaire pop superstar socialist, Katy Perry, has reacted to the Manchester bombing by calling for "love" and "no borders."

In an interview on Elvis Duran and the Morning Show, following the bombing, Perry stated, “Whatever we say behind people’s backs, the Internet can be a little bit ruthless as far as fan bases go but I think that the greatest thing we can do is just unite and love on each other. No barriers, no borders, we all just need to co-exist.”

Well isn't that precious. If we didn't have any borders there'd be no more war and everyone would love on each other in the New Globalist World Order. Beautiful, until a fanatical Mohammedan detonates a nail bomb at your pop concert, Katy.

Rumors that Perry took part in yesterday's "binding spell" against President Trump are unconfirmed.

Katy Perry is a registered dhimmwit.

ISIS laughs,



Infidel de Manahatta said...

There is absolutely no truth to the rumor that the DNC wants to make Katy Perry the Democratic nominee for President in 2020.

Anonymous said...

The picture of Katy Perry and her Nan is great. It really shows that Katy is just like us, except for the security detail, armoured limousine and an enormous pile of dosh.

LL said...

Katy Perry should travel to Teheran or Qom and do her act there. I'm sure that they'd 'coexist' with her...

cannon said...

she, and millions of stupid libs like her, don't understand or don't believe that the only to coexist with a muslim is to give up everything you value and hold dear and become one of them... the only option is to be beheaded or otherways rendered dead by them.

Anonymous said...

Please can we send her to Syria to live in peace. Please.

Old NFO said...

LL beat me to it, I'd actually PAY money to see her 'try' to perform there... Snerk... Her actual 'knowledge' of the world is a tad bit lacking, especially in the 'reality' of the world outside her little protected sphere.

LSP said...

Infidel, now I'm scared.

LSP said...

Anonymous, Katy, like her rich Nan, is clearly a spokesperson for the dhimmwit tribe.

LSP said...

I sense, LL, that you're in the "solutions" industry.

LSP said...

Cannon, you most definitely have a point.

LSP said...

BW, there's a growing consensus.

LSP said...

Old NFO, there seems to be a pattern emerging; send her to the Caliphate.

Maybe we should crowdfund the project.

Jules said...

But she is the champion and we're gonna hear her roar...

LSP said...

That, Juliette, is something we can't ever forget.