Thursday, December 17, 2015

Should You Carry a Gun in Your Rig?

Short answer, yes, though in Texas a handgun has to be concealed. But I'll tell you a true story by way of illustration. 

Grandma LSP was driving with Great Grandma LSP, in Plainview, West Texas, during the '20s oil boom. They were wild times and an outlaw figured he could rob the two women. He thought differently when Great Grandma LSP produced a revolver from the glove box.

Plainview in the 1880s?

That was the '20s and this is now. Have we become more, or less lawful since then?  And if you're carjacked by Justin Welby, or some other bad actor, would you be more, or less safe if you're armed? The NWO libs insist that you'll be safer if you aren't and that the police will protect you.

That wouldn't have worked for those two women in Plainview in the '20s and guess what, it wouldn't work now. And I'll go further than that and say that one of the hallmarks of a free society is the ability of its citizens to defend themselves.

Go ahead and say otherwise, but know that not only are you on the side of Hillary Clinton, the NYT and "Huffpo," but also Hitler.

Gun rights.


Putin Finds Elixir of Life

A series of photos has emerged proving that Russian President, Vladimir Putin, hasn't aged since at least 1920. Many are speculating that the former KGB strongman is immortal, and some suggest that the animal-loving ruler of the Russian Federation may, in fact, be a vampire.

Vampires Don't Cross Themselves

We dispute that claim, here at the Compound, and for several reasons. Unlike a vampire, Putin is frequently seen in daylight and has a reflection. He also goes to church, venerates icons and receives Communion. Vampires do none of these things.

Vampires Don't Venerate Holy Icons

However, Putin has clearly found the key to extreme longevity if not "immortality." This suggests that he may have found the Elixir of Life, and possibly the Philosopher's Stone, which turns base metal into gold.


So we call the question. Is Vladimir Putin an Alchemist and if so, what does that make Barack Obama?

You, the reader, be the judge.


Wednesday, December 16, 2015

It's Bushcraft Wednesday!

The thing about bushcraft is it's all about living and surviving in the wild, in the "bush," and doing it yourself instead of relying on nanny state or the nearest supermarket to sort it out for you. That applies to Christmas, and Hickok45 has given us a helpful video to show how it's done.

Notice how everyone's favorite outdoorsman uses the right tool for the job.


Judgement Runs Out Into Mercy

Listen up, you lot. It's not Christmas yet, it's Advent, and you've probably forgotten this so I'm posting it again. Wisdom, from Austin Farrer:

Our journey sets out from God in our creation, and returns to God at the final judgement. As the bird rises from the earth to fly, and must some time return to the earth from which it rose; so God sends us forth to fly, and we must fall back into the hands of God at last. But God does not wait for the failure of our power and the expiry of our days to drop us back into his lap. He goes himself to meet us and everywhere confronts us. Where is the countenance which we must finally look in the eyes, and not be able to turn away our head? It smiles up at Mary from the cradle, it calls Peter from the nets, it looks on him with grief when he has denied his master. Our judge meets us at every step of our way, with forgiveness on his lips and succour in his hands. He offers us these things while there is yet time.Every day opportunity shortens, our scope for learning our Redeemer's love is narrowed by twenty-four hours, and we come nearer to the end of our journey, when we shall fall into the hands of the living God, and touch the heart of the devouring fire.
Advent brings Christmas, judgement runs out into mercy. For the God who saves us and the God who judges us is one God. We are not, even, condemned by his severity and redeemed by his compassion; what judges us is what redeems us, the love of God. What is it that will break our hearts on judgement day? Is it not the vision, suddenly unrolled, of how he has loved the friends we have neglected, of how he has loved us, and we have not loved him in return ; how, when we came (as now) before his altar, he gave us himself, and we gave him half-penitences, or resolutions too weak to commit our wills? But while love thus judges us by being what it is, the same love redeems us by effecting what it does. Love shares flesh and blood with us in this present world, that the eyes which look us through at last may find in us a better substance than our vanity.

I love that.


Put Some Lights on The House

"So what do you do, when you go to the big city, so-called 'LSP'?" I hear you asking, with an edge in your voice. Good question, and I'll tell you.

These days, I mostly put up Christmas lights. That means clambering about on the porch roof to get the wreath in position.

Ground level is easier. Just put the lights on the hedge. Simple, and I think they look good. But that's just me.

Have fun getting your place ready for Christmas.

God bless,


Tuesday, December 15, 2015


Hacker group VandaSec have traced a number of ISIS social media accounts to the British Government, in London.

According to the Daily Mirror, Jihad recruiting efforts over the internet can be traced to the UK's Department of Work and Pensions.

However, the UK's rulers have excused themselves of directly supporting the white running shoe head choppers by claiming that the IP addresses in question were "sold to the Saudis."


ISIS Laughs.


Russia Mocks Obama

Well known for their lively sense of humor, Russians haven't been slow to scorn and mock President Obama, comparing him unfavorably to Vladmir Putin.

Lately, this has spread to Syria, where a popular Russian phrase, Obama is a Schmoe, appeared on the runway at Latakkia.

But that's not all. The US President has also appeared on cutting boards as part of a family of monkeys, and even featured in one town's drive for greater cleanliness, in a poster accusing Obama of being an "unwashed chimney sweep."

One Russian company even dedicated a line of ice cream to the US Commander in Chief, "Chocolate and Vanilla." With rainbows.

Is this simple racism on Russia's part? Or is there something about Barack that doesn't inspire respect.

Surely not. That would be, you know, inconceivable.



Neil Young Comes Out For Trump!

Renowned pop superstar, Neil Young, has shocked millions of fans worldwide by going public with his support of celebrity billionaire, Donald Trump.

Photos of of the jowly pop legend are going viral on the internet, showing what appears to be an inebriated Young wearing a Trump tee shirt and a Christmas hat at the GOP frontrunner's rally in Las Vegas.

When asked about his newfound support for Trump, Young rambled incoherently about wanting to  "walk back Southern Man," and "I'm no hypocrite! I just need the cash!"

Nice outfits, guys.

Young is known affectionately by his devoted following as "Old Shakey." Whether his support for the real estate mogul's run for President has tipped polls in Trump's favor is unclear.

Crosby, Stills and Nash have not been photographed at Trump's sell-out rallies.

So far.


Dallas After Midnight

Or, more accurately, 0600. And one of the benefits of that is being able to see the city's skyline from Hampton as you drive KPH to SW Medical for a checkup.

I like the view as much as I dislike the morning rush hour, as the people head off to cubicle space.

But is Vladimir Putin the new Constantine?

You be the judge,


Monday, December 14, 2015

What is Donald Trump doing to media reality?

Do yourself a favor and read the whole thing, Jon Rappoport nails it.

Via Adrienne's Corner -- It seems like a long time ago that one of the biggest networks in the world put Trump in a throne before a national audience every week—where he said over and over again, “You’re fired, you’re fired, you’re fired.” Is it really that surprising he can do the same thing now and find a huge audience?
The network, NBC, was Dr. Frankenstein. They brought Trump to life, and then he broke away, turned around, and attacked his masters.
It just so happens millions of people also want to attack NBC and the other networks and major news sources in this country for their wall-to-wall lies, their arrogant sense of entitlement, their insider clubby presumptions, their sold-out alliance with government and corporations, and their refusal to listen to the concerns of every-day Americans.

The curiously orange billionaire celebrity is surging in the polls. I'd say Rappoport goes some way towards explaining that phenomenon.



You Ain't no Muslim Bruv!

No, you're not, you're a pike, caught by my pal in Catford. Muhaydin Mire, on the other hand, is a Muslim, who went machete Jihad in Leytonstone the other day.

The UK is ruled by a sinister cabal of Old Etonian NWO oligarchs, led by Illuminati puppet, David Cameron. Cameron has stated on social media that the Leytonstone Machete Muslim is not a Muslim.

Cameron may, or may not, be related to Stephen Fry.


Bishop Jon Bruno Forked Tongue Reptilian Space Creature

Los Angeles, California, is well known for space alien infiltration, and it seems its TEC diocese is no exception. Diocesan leader, bishop figure "Jon" Bruno, has been described by one expert, AS Haley, as having a "forked" tongue.

Via Anglican Ink -- "A prime example is the Diocese of Los Angeles, led by the litigious J. Jon Bruno -- he of the forkèd tongue. For nine years he waged war in the California courts against four dissident congregations to prevent them from keeping title to their own parish properties. 

Artist's Impression

"Using the notorious Dennis Canon, he was singularly successful in having California courts impose an irrevocable trust on the local parishes' real estate, so that when they voted to withdraw from the diocese, they necessarily forfeited all rights to their property.

"But his victories came at a tremendous cost: the Diocese had spent more than eight million dollars as of last year, and was still incurring more costs..."

Is "Jon" Bruno a human being? Or a shape-shifting reptilian, from another galaxy or dimension? Is "Jon," even the bishop figure's real name? We doubt it.

And remember this, Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles. In space, no one can hear you scream.

Your Friend,