Sunday, March 22, 2015

We're Riding on Austin

I said to my MC this morning, before Mass, "Mr.******, we're fixing to ride on Austin." He's an outstanding horseman, so I figured he should be in on the action. "That's right," I continued, "And when we've sorted out Austin we'll head West, and take out Burning Man."

Typical Austin Street Scene

"Then San Francisco."

"But why San Francisco?" asked a nervous church person. 
"Because it's a hippy capital. Of the world."

Get a Haircut LSP

By the time our flying column moves out of Austin, I predict we'll be at Brigade strength.

A Couple of Monkeyheads at Burning Man

That might be needed.


Saturday, March 21, 2015

Fun Guns in Waco, Texas

I know. You should be patient in firearms acquisition. Don't rush into things. But I didn't want to go through the hassle of a transfer and FFL fees to get an Aero Precision lower receiver. So I drove to Waco, where Fun Guns (which ones aren't?) promised stripped lowers, ready to go. 

The first thing you notice about Fun Guns is that they're playing Led Zep, the Stones, Blue Oyster Cult, Deep Purple and all kinds of '70s rock, which is alright by me. The next thing you see is your old pal, D, Waco's famous gunsmith, shut down by the Administration, behind the counter. D once told me that "the .303 is a shark gun." Right on.

Alright then, you look around the store, pick out what you want, and find yourself agreeably pleased by friendly, helpful, and generally young staff.

I bought a Spike's stripped lower, nothing wrong with that, and gave the completed background check form to the tattooed but efficient-seeming AR afficionado in charge. He phoned up the Feds and got into trouble with the birthplace part of the form. So he questioned:

"What's 'Oxford,' man?"
"It's like a city. In England."
"Yeah, I know, there's a few."
"Oxford, England. Not Oxford, Kansas, or wherever."

Check done, I complimented the store on its music policy, and learned that St. Patrick's Day meant listening to the Dropkick Murphys. Shipping up to Boston? On St. Pat's, for sure.

If you're in Waco and you want a welcoming place to visit, check out Fun Guns. They're alright.

Shoot on,


Church of England Cathedral Taken Over by Mantis People?

Startling new evidence suggests that Bury St. Edmund's Cathedral has been infiltrated by Mantis People.

Sources in the picturesque market town have drawn attention to a new stained glass window, which they claim is being commissioned by the Cathedral.

"The Cathedral has always been a patron of the arts," said one insider, who wishes to remain anonymous, "But this is an outrage. The new window isn't even about Jesus. I think our beloved Cathedral has been taken over by Mantis People."

Others disagree, saying that the proposed window is just the cover of a popular book, Quatermass and the Pit.

"It may look a lot like a stained glass window in the Cathedral, and lot of people in the town think it is," claimed window skeptic and paranormal expert, A. Delgarde, "That's not true. It's the cover of a popular novel, Quatermass and the Pit. There is no truth at all to rumours suggesting that the Cathedral has been taken over by Mantis People."

Is the Cathedral's new window a smoking gun, showing that the once Christian place of worship is being run by an off-world cabal of mantids, run amok? Or is it just the cover of a book?

You decide,


Friday, March 20, 2015

All in a Night's Work, in Texas

Far-sighted readers of this family blog will know that I'm turning one deadly assault rifle into two deadly assault rifles. I went a step in that direction this evening, by assembling an AR15 Lower Receiver. It's not hard.

I drove to Waco in the rain and bought a Spike's Tactical stripped lower, a buffer tube with components, and an Anderson "parts kit." Then I drove back home and put it all together. I used a small padded vise to drive the trigger guard roll pin home, and taped up the receiver to install the bolt catch assembly -- using a roll pin punch and a taped punch to keep the holes aligned.

The front take down pin was a bit tricky, because the small brass detent kept springing out of its hole, like a Womyn Dean in search of a Bishopric. It's not easy to find those little detents, when they're rolling around on the floor like so many predatory texts in an English market town.

But the job was done soon enough and I was pleased with result. If you want to do this, consider getting some roll pin punches, a lower receiver vise block of some sort, and a razor blade to help keep the front take down pin detent in place, while you slide in the pin.

New Grip to Follow

Do you save any money, doing it yourself? Sure you do, a bit; more if you're a parts dealer. But you also have the satisfaction of having a hand in something you're going to shoot; and that's alright. More practically, you get to understand your rifle.

This lower will go on an upper that a friend's assembling for me. My hope, of course, is that it will shoot like a laser.



Madonna, Hermetic Sorceress?

Famous pop icon and low-level Illuminati witch, Madonna, has thrown her pointed hat into the ring against Dolce & Gabbana, after the fashion duo spoke out against gays having IVF children.

Here at Team LSP, we have to ask: Who would be so irresponsible as to lend Madonna a child, and secondly, since when did the Queen of Pop become an "as above, so below" authority on Hermes Trismegistus?

As noted previously, the Vatican is wisely commissioning more Exorcists; here's what Kipling has to say.

Oh the road to En-dor is the oldest road
And the craziest road of all!
Straight it runs to the Witch’s abode,
As it did in the days of Saul,
And nothing has changed of the sorrow in store
For such as go down on the road to En-dor!

God bless,


Thursday, March 19, 2015

The Face of the Church of England?

Christians have been wondering when the Church of England went off the tracks, and began its downward spiral into becoming a gay advocacy womyn's group. Startling new evidence points to 1941, when a strange object crashed near Cape Girardeau.

A witness claims that the wreckage looked identical to the Church of England, which he described as "a rounded shape with no edges or seams." Police and military were allegedly at the crash scene, where they recovered bodies of what appeared to be CofE bishops and deans.

"It was hard for him to tell if they had on suits or if it was their skin," stated one source, who described the senior clergypersons as having "large, oval-shaped eyes, no noses, just holes and no lips, just small slits for mouths." 

Is it possible that space aliens infiltrated the Church of England in the 1940s, and have now spread out to once quiet market towns, like Bury St. Edmunds? Perhaps that would explain the off-world and obviously unfounded rumors of secret "gay annulments" and predatory texts emanating from the hallowed grounds of Bury's Cathedral Close.

While many believe that the Church of England has been the victim of an attack by Extraterrestrials, others claim that things started to go wrong when Henry VIII went ISIS and started chopping off heads.



Meet the New Grill, Same as the Old Grill

I went out and bought a new grill; it's a Weber, just like the old one, except that it has plastic handles and isn't a broken down old wreck.

I fired the shiny new grill up this evening, after church. Did it work? Sure it did, and I reckon Weber Kettles are worth every penny, especially if your idea of cooking is mostly about putting meat on fire.

But here's some food for thought. Do negative interest rates signify an essentially worthless currency? Fiat forever.

Grill on,


Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Devil's Advocate

Maybe you think everything is just fine, and all we need is some more diversity training poetry workshops to make our very own modern utopia. But what happens when the money, and the credit, runs out? Reflect on this:

It looks as though they’ve got the perfect hustle going. They create money to buy their own debt.

You can read it all, at ZeroHedge.



Get A Grip!

After Evening Prayer, I set up on the porch and got into some complex gunsmithing. That's right, I changed out the stock pistol grip on my deadly assault rifle, for a more deadly looking Mega Arms hogue grip.

See that little spring? Don't lose it.

It's not hard. Unscrew the old piece of plastic rubbish that comes with the gun. As you do, you'll see a small spring; that's the safety detent spring. Don't lose the spring or the detent. If you do, you'll feel like an idiot and your gun won't work.


When the old grip is off, sit back and enjoy the wonder of firearms for a moment, and the neat look of the Mega Grip. Meditation over, screw in the new grip, making sure that the detent spring is on the detent.

Illuminati Stooge Puppet

Check and see if the fire control group works. It does. Good job, you've done well, unlike Azealia Banks, who is an Illuminati stooge puppet of the New World Order.

Shoot straight,


Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Happy St. Patrick's Day to all of you, readers. And if you're not too busy shipping up to Boston with the Dropkick Murphys, spare some thought for the great Saint, who converted the Irish.

Or did he? Some say that was a difficult task; others, again, claim that the job wasn't finished. Whatever the case, mind how you go when you next visit Southie, and listen to some war tunes.

They seem appropriate today.



Cooking, with LSP

You can't cook with LSP! I hear you say in that half-dismissive, half-indignant way of yours. But you can! And here's how.

Get some 80/20 Chuck, separate it out and add seasoning, salt and pepper, not Worcestershire Sauce, Tabasco or some other thing. You're making hamburgers, not Bloody Marys. Wash your hands in cold water and shape that meat into balls, then press them into 3/4" patties. Put those patties in the refrigerator as you fire up the Weber. I prefer two chimneys of charcoal. 

Cold Steel Force Recon 1

Why? Because you want the grill to be hot. Then have a glass or two of ice-cold beer, why not? There's no law against it, and when the charcoal's ready, spread it out and cover the grill to preheat it for around 5 minutes. Uncover and get the patties; put them on the hot grill. It should sizzle. 

Glorious Gloucesters

Cover the grill and let the meat cook for 4 minutes. Uncover and flip the burgers. Cover again and cook for another 4 minutes. Take the burgers off the grill, and cover in tinfoil. Then toast some buns; be careful, they don't take long, and use Sesame Seed buns, not some weird "artisanal" high-stepping tomfoolery. 


Lay out sliced onion, tomatoes and iceberg lettuce, English mustard, ketchup, and Duke's Mayonnaise. Say grace, and eat those burgers like a chieftain.

And that's cooking, with...


Monday, March 16, 2015

The Watcher

I like my dog for his ears and sometimes wild eyes. He's a fierce little thing and has a visceral hatred of mail trucks. Though he likes gunfire well enough. In fact he likes that a lot.

He likes to set up on the porch, too. So do I. You meet a lot of the congregation that way and it's better than being cooped up inside. That's what I think and I'm sticking to it.

Just Some Crazy Person

Good luck finding Hillary's emails.

God bless,