Sunday, December 24, 2023

Just Throwin' it Out There


Rock on

Merry Christmas,


Merry Christmas!


You may be thinking, "Cologne Firefights aren't very Christmas, so-called LSP," and you'd have a point. So to put the record straight, here's a prayer:

O God, who hast caused this holy night to shine with theillumination of the true Light: Grant us, we beseech thee, that as we have known the mystery of that Light upon earth, so may we also perfectly enjoy him in heaven; where with thee and the Holy Spirit he liveth and reigneth, one God, in glory everlasting. Amen.


God bless you all, have the merriest Christmas,


Saturday, December 23, 2023

Cologne Firefight


Could it be that we've mentally blocked the prospect of war, industrial scale war, from our collective unconscious? You know why, too horrible to behold. That in mind, why is England, with its mighty 150, snerk, tank fleet baying for war against Russia? Why, for that matter, is anyone. 

Surely it doesn't have to do with money. In the meanwhile, it looks like the Russkie's aren't going to fold anytime soon, which is weird because we were going to take Donbass, Crimea and Moscow by the end of the summer.

Of course I know nothing, but I do know this: Viz. Napoleon and Hitler failed. Do you think we'd be any different? Well, sure, we are different. We're LGBTQAI+, which makes us so much moar force lethal.



Almost Christmas


The great Feast of the Nativity is almost upon us and lights went on at the Compound after a traditional trip to Walmart for last minute Christmas essentials. 

Now look here, punters, some traditions are good and we love them, they add depth, meaning and continuity to our fleeting lives. But other traditions are bad, like going to Walmart right before Christmas.

I tell you, and I'm no snob, don't laugh, it's true, that it was rough in there tonight and this is a country Walmart. Parse that as you will, while recalling that the rule of law is comparatively new here.

Speaking of which, could someone please make a law banning people from wearing pajamas in public, at the supermarket? But I won't neck-tattoo-bang-on, you get the picture. That in mind, let's recall the opening words of the governing Prayer (Collect) for what's left of this season.

Cast away the works of darkness and put upon us the armour of light. Needed, eh?

Stand Fast Against Leviathan,


Friday, December 22, 2023

Wymxn And Guns


Many wymxn are against guns because so violent. Get rid of gunz, they argue, and no one will shoot anyone because no gunz. Hey, it's not a bad argument, and wymxn use it all the time. 

Ban guns and there'll be less of them around, the wymxn say, and welcome to the new green rainbow gunless utopia! Unless, of course you're a criminal, in which case you've got a couple of Ukrainian AKs, an NLAW and far moar besides.

Old but Gold

That in mind, flash back to Ludlow October '22, where my friend, what a good woman, was not only against firearms but lamented the lack of police in her tiny little hamlet. No cops for miles around, no budget for that, and thank Gaia, no guns either.

"But tell me," quizzed the Colonel of the Dallas Light Cavalry (Irreg.), "What happens when some roughs out of Birmingham turn up at your door stop with a baseball bat, will you call the cops who won't be there? Yet another argument for the Second Amendment." Quite.

She frowned, stoically, and didn't press the point, being a gentlewoman, and neither did I, but let's be honest, slaves can't defend themselves and free-men can. True, eh?

Ludlow observation aside, and what a lovely town it is, things could get right rough in the next few years, if you can bear to do the math and face reality however grim. That in mind, smart people are taking note and planning accordingly. Don't say ammo and precious metal, and DOGE$, obvs.

Your Old Pal,


No This Is Not Sexy


Those merry satanic pranksters are at it again, this time in Michigan where the Satanic Temple's set up a Baphomet Goat Skull Idol, right in time for Christmas. All very Mr. Rogers festive cheer as Christians around the world get ready to celebrate the birth of Christ, but it didn't take long for a Democrat to get down and dirty on the Horned God.

Democrat staffer Samantha Storka wasted no time kissing the idolatrous Goat Skull Idol (GSI), posting on social media,  “In the name of Satan, I claim the sexy satanic baphomet [SIC.] goat altar at OUR Michigan Capitol. Amen.”

Storka later deleted her Devil Witch post on Elon Musk's X but didn't hesitate to follow up her Baphomet worship with a shout-out to pagans, "Don’t forget to wish a Pagan a happy Yule and a bright solstice."

You'll be utterly amazed to know that Michigan Democrats passed legislation allowing abortion up to the point of birth. Here at the Compound we wonder why they don't advance the date of child sacrifice to birth itself, or beyond. Good pagan practice.

Just remember, kids, it's all a larf until the Wicker man's on fire and you're inside.

Out Demons Out,


Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Off The Ballot!


Well it never seems to end, does it. 

First, Trump is an evil Russian spy in the pay of the Kremlin, a fifth columnist Putin agent who stole the election from Hillary! That didn't go too far, despite the best efforts of the Uniparty and its Stasi enforcers. Dam.

Then there was the great vote rig of 2020, which saw swing states magically swing to Biden in the depths of the night as just enough ballots were delivered to voting stations to ensure victory for the installed Old Crook. Who didn't even bother to campaign because so very 81 million popular. Huh.

And now this. Colorado's Supreme Court has ruled that Trump's name can't be on the ballot in 2024. Why? Because he's an insurectionist. Yep, 45 fomented an insurrection on January 6 2021. It was like Pearl Harbor but way, way worse, so he's in breach of the Constitution and you can't vote for him in Colorado.

Dear God, Kyrie Eleison, we're clearly living in insane clown land and I don't see how this kind of venal, transparent, deceitful, mendacious exercise in chicanery's going to sit well with the country. Like what, I can't vote for Trump because people protested at the Capitol because of an obvious vote rig and a stupid Russian spy PR campaign. What? What level of chicanery is this?

No chicanery at all, punters, this is the rule of law, the law of our rulers. So sorry, Putlerite Nazis, we rainbow rule you now, and you'd better take it unless you wanna get locked up for years without trial in the DC Gulag. Got that?

The last time Democrats did this was in 1860, when they took Lincoln off the ballot. And look what happened, an awful lot, a heinous amount of blood. Pray we do not have a repeat of such madness at the very moment we're tearing down the Statue of Reconciliation at Arlington cemetery. Reflect on that.

Ad Causam,


Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Who Are These Men?

We've been going through old pictures and found the above. Who are these men? Jagos, add-on founders of Denton, my Mother's people? Or just some random gang my Great Great Grandmother happened to know and like. Both options are more than possible, combined. 

That in mind, you get the feeling from the photo that there wasn't much law here back in the day. And think, "back in the day" means what, 1918-20? Something like that, and something like that wasn't so very far from the frontier and all that went with it. Respect.

Regardless, any help with a positive ID would be most appreciated.


Back In Dallas


At Dallas HQ on a pre-Christmas mission. Part of that involved going to Hunky's in Bishop Arts for excellent burgers. Seriously, they do a good job and you should go, but beware, it's not easy to find parking and you might have  deal with the Bat Woman muriel.

Rando Revolver

Huh, since when did Bat Woman free Palestine? Last year she was standing with Ukraine and the year before she was trusting the science, wearing a mask and getting vaxxed. Like no kidding, zhe's a right social trend barometer.

Genuinely Good Burger

Delicious burgers complete, we drove around the neighborhood, looking in awe at new apartment blocks going up in what was once shacktown ghetto. Smart people snapped those shacks up and guess what, now they're worth lots. 

A Wooden Tree With Glass

We balked at that investment opportunity, oh well, but did manage to set up a tree which glistens in the living room. Nice. In other news, the Pope's gone gay but not as gay as the Church of England, and the Senate's apparently some kind of bath house. And people are fleeing Democrat cities because Climate Change. But of course they are.



Sunday, December 17, 2023



Well here we are on sunny Advent III, Gaudete, Rejoice! And so we must, not least after three Masses, the last being in Spanish. Vaguely on topic, the diocese kindly fired off a Mexican deacon to the Missions and what a good man.

El Senor con ustedes? Y con tu espiritu, type of thing. Speaking of which, since when did a country having a border become Fascist? Since the Left decided to go hell for broke immigrant votes. Not that I'm complaining, though my legal Deacon might. He's all about El Senor, Trump, so we get on just fine. 

Regardless, here's Farrer by way of spiritual illumination:

JESUS gave his body and blood to his disciples in bread and wine. Amazed at such a token, and little understanding what they did, Peter, John and the rest reached out their hands and took their master and their God.  Whatever else they knew or did not know, they knew they were committed to him, body and soul; they were consenting that he should die for them, and that they, somehow, should live it out.  The cock had not crowed twice that night before Peter thrice denied, but still he knew he was committed to Christ, for Christ had given him his body and his blood.  Christ’s body and blood lived in him, and Christ forgave him; there was no breaking of the sacramental tie.  We are not worthy of Christ, but we are bound to Christ.  With all the sincerity of our minds let us renew the bond, and pray to live for him who has died for us.


Bless you all,


Saturday, December 16, 2023

Just For Kix


Hope you're all ready for the Eschaton,

Oh Look, It's A Satanic Goat Skull And Pentagram In The Iowa State Capitol


Perhaps you've been following the story, viz., Iowa's Governor Kim Reynolds allowing a satanic goat head idol shrine to be set up in the State Capital. Nice, Hail Satan and right in time for Christmas. You can imagine the Satanic Templars polishing their pointed teeth in ironic glee, "Take that, you stupid Christian bigots." But others weren't so keen.

"Nothing much to see here, just a Satanic Baphomet horned goat skull in a cape and a blood red pentagram on display in the Iowa State Capitol. Pretty much par for the course in government buildings at Christmas now, right?" posted Iowa State Representative Brad Sherman on social media.

Exactly, just a Satanic Baphomet horned goat skull in a cape and a blood red pentagram on display in the Iowa State Capitol, in Advent. What an offensive mockery of the Faith, seemingly endorsed by the State of Iowa in the name of religious freedom. Can you imagine such a thing sitting well with the framers of the First Amendment?

Of course not, and it didn't sit well with reserve Navy pilot Michael Cassidy, who drove to Iowa and beheaded the blasphemous Baphomet idol in an act of "Christian civil disobedience." Cassidy then handed himself in to Capitol Security and has been charged with criminal mischief. 

Keen-eyed readers will note that destroying statues of heroic gentlemen, like General Lee and JEB Stuart is applauded by today's polity. But goat head satan idols? Not so much, they get a pass.

Mark me well, it's all a larf 'til you're in a Wicker Man and it's on fire.

Out Demons Out,