Showing posts with label Biden. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Biden. Show all posts

Sunday, January 9, 2022

Nothing To See Here


Via Zero:

Among the boldest and eye-brow raising political moves by embattled Kazakh President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev within the past days that grabbed international headlines was his ordering the arrest of Kazakhstan's powerful former intelligence chief, Karim Massimov, on the charge of high treason.

Indicating that amid widespread fuel price unrest which quickly became aimed squarely at toppling Tokayav's rule there's a simultaneous power struggle within the government, Massimov had headed the National Security Committee (KNB) up until his Thursday sudden removal and detention. Massimov had served as the prior longtime strongman ruler Nursultan Nazarbayev's prime minister and has long been considered his "right hand man". Shortly after, a photo has resurfaced, currently subject of widespread speculation which shows Joe Biden and Hunter Biden posing with the now detained Kazakh security chief Karim Massimov, along with well-connected oligarch Kenes Rakishev.

10% to the Big Guy? Whatever, don't say snouts down, pigs at the trough.



Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Ad Inferos


This man's been made a Knight. Please don't throw up in your mouth.

And this corrupt old charlatan's the most popular president in the history of the United States.

They say, perhaps unkindly, that people get the kind of government they deserve. Perhaps so, but surely we the people deserve better than these fraudulent, self-serving, corrupt, deceitful, malfeasant, snake oil mountebanks.

Perhaps, at some point, people will rise up against our ruling gerontocracy and say enough's enough. Ad Inferos. I don't say that lightly.

Over to you, gentle readers,


Tuesday, December 21, 2021

What About The UFOs?


OK. Here we are, and things are pretty weird. You're a rayciss if you think that the color of someone's skin doesn't determine their worth as a human being. You're threatening the very health of our nation if you don't get a vax which doesn't stop you getting the flu. So you wear a made in China mask which comes from a box explicitly saying its masks don't protect you from viruses.

Off-world insane? Yes, and that's just CRT and Covid. Let's not forget a persyn, who didn't even bother to campaign, becoming the President of the US by an epochal efflorescence of votes; more than any other candidate's had in history. So much for democratic process in our constitutional republic. And the people who dared protest the doddering old crook and the power he represents are in DC Gitmo.

Nice little American gulag, and no wonder the Left doesn't object. But that and more aside, what about UFOs? Seriously, the Navy and Pentagon admit they're there. UFOs, UAPs, unidentified aerial phenomenon, all running around and pulling aerial stunts which can't be accounted for by present tech. Media response? So what or ridicule.

You'd think video footage of inexplicable flying craft was pretty big news, backed up as it is by trustworthy sources, gun cams and pilots. But no, evidently not. Who cares if we're being visited by creatures from a different world or dimension. Like, "how ridiculous."

Except that it's not, it's there for all to see. And we have ask ask, who are they, what do they want, and how many of them are walking amongst us, unknown.Terrifying question, eh?

Ad Astra,


Thursday, October 28, 2021

Biden's America - Zut Alors


Welcome to the new  America, Biden's America, the home of the most popular president ever in the history of Delaware. Do you remember Orange Man Bad, the heinous Russian spy? Of course you do, now he's replaced by someone truly popular, a Peoples' President, our beloved leader. And so we rejoice in song, here it is:

Innit for the long haul, right? 



Tuesday, October 12, 2021

You Wicked Old Fake


Is our Beloved Leader an utter fraud, a fake? Have a look, here he is getting a "booster shot." Convincing, isn't it. Look, here he is "campaigning."

Compelling, right? And 81 million votes agree, the most ever in any election in our history, and all for Biden because he's so very, very charismatic and popular. Why, then, are people chanting this.

"Go On Brandon." Mystifying, eh?



Tuesday, October 5, 2021



Vermont has the highest vax rate in the US, with over 69% of its serfs vaxxed up, which is really weird coz the vax vaccinates you from the CCP virus and protects you from it. But it doesn't, so you'd better get the vax to flatten the curve, stop the spread, make Pharma richer, buy your, hahaha, "elected representatives" another mansion and or jet and you, the peasant, another slice of lockdown.

What gets me about the whole thing is how quickly and pretty much without protest, everyone put on their masks and knuckled down. In other news, don't you dare protest Marxist school boards for CRT, because that'd be domestic terr*rism. Just ask the FBLie. 

So how do we sort this out? See LL's helpful post on prison hulks and imagine them, resting at anchor on the Potomac. Beltway Bandits/LCS? Problem, solution.

Your Old Friend,


Saturday, September 18, 2021

March Of The Morons


Biden, aka "The Corpse" is the most popular President ever, say morons. That in mind, I liked the Corpse's magic protective circles, like pentagrams but round, offering precisely zero protection to the unseen forces of evil. Have a look at the photo and do the alchemical math of moronicity.

S'up, boys? Off to a "nightclub"?

Then there's the great INSURRECTION of all those people who dared to question the US' time honored if moronic tradition of voter fraud. Good thing we put up barbed wire around the Capitol to protect our selfless pols from a faked up, moronic PR stunt today! Said every moron.

Note Commie Chorus and Masked Skirt Serf

But look at this. A socialist on a paltry 174k a year goes to a Met Gala event wearing a 30k dress, only to sit at a 200k+ table. She is unmasked, obviously, being a Democrat Elite, but her male maid isn't. He lifts her your-years-salary-skirts as a chorus of adoring commies cheer her on. Don't say moron, say follow the science.


OK, it does look a lot like moronism, but note. AOC's flashing an Imperial German Army salute. Is she a DAARPA construct, recruited by some dark money intel agency we will never, ever hear about? Is she /our girl, a White Hat, as opposed to a mere white dressed emblem of the ascendant moronocracy? Mysterium.

As always, you the reader be the judge,


Friday, September 17, 2021

Patrolling The Aposcalypse



One of the things about the Apocalypse is that it's searingly hot. Imagine a preheating oven and in its midst are tiny fragments  of combustible dust, super dry, ready to ignite. No kidding, Texas in mid-September is like an air bomb about to go off. Terrifying.

It didn't fortunately, but dove did explode out of the trees as I patrolled their welcome shade. A few years back I thought nothing of walking the treelines in 100+* and scaring up dove, snapshot!, and you never know, sometimes the shot would even connect. Let's see those poppers.

an old fraud

These days an armed stroll in the oven doesn't have quite the same appeal, but the excitement of wingshooting does. Message to market? Go for a walkabout with a #20, shoot some fliers, hopefully, then set up along the flight path with some mojos and have at it.

Then put those morsels of apocalyptic goodness into cream-cheese-filled jalapenos, wrap the beasts in bacon and off you go, to Valhalla and beyond. But word to the wise.

chicom rubbish

Keep your finger off the trigger till you're ready to shoot.



Saturday, September 11, 2021


So what's been going on today. To my mind a very moving tribute form the Guards, (Welsh?) at Windsor Castle. Well done. And 45 visited with firefighters, first responders and police in New York, also well done, we love the blue.

Biden, on the other hand, didn't say anything to mark the 20th anniversary of the Islamic terrorist attacks on our country, though he weirdly took off his mask to shout at someone at the 9/11 memorial event. Not well done, but his VP spoke out against, you guessed it, Americans. Because Islamophobic racism. How very appropriate.

Deep State Bush got in the action too, denouncing evil, "extremist" Americans; NWO Bush thinks they're "noxious" and share the same "spirit" as the 9/11 Muslim terrorists. Interesting, and where's that going to stop. KZ, anyone? 

Further north, in the land of the ice and snow, Canada's Justine Trudeau took a leaf out of Kamala Harris' book and warned against the evils of "Islamophobia." Like really, what's to be afraid of? Just crazed jihadists flying planes into buildings and killing thousands of people.

Hungary's Viktor Orban, on the other hand, told the world that 9/11 proved that Christian civilization's something we have to "fight for every day." Well said, that man. And here's the thing.

You'd have thought that the governance of our country would be able to marshal a dignified, unifying, national tribute to those who lost their lives 20 years ago, and honor the men and women who have fought, for two decades, to right that wrong. Windsor Castle managed it well, on a small scale. You'd think we could do that here, in a big way. But no.

Our remarkably, historically, most votes ever, popular president figure didn't say a thing and his vice attacked Americans, along with Illuminati Bush. We can't even id the enemy. But what am I saying, we're arming them.



Thursday, September 9, 2021

You Satanic Old Fraud


Satanic Fraud

Well here we are in the land of the free and the brave, and the diktat's come down from our rulers, get vaxxed or get fired. Wow. Take an experimental vaccine, what could go wrong, for a disease with a >99.7 survival rate, or lose your job, you peasant.

Leaving aside pharma profit$, consider the lawyers. Dr. Swankenstein texted, "And just like that, a million constitutional lawyers became billionaires." Like no fooling. 

You Liar

But this is wild, we're being ordered to get a vaccine, which doesn't stop you getting COVID, to somehow protect other people from getting COVID even though they may or may not have the vax. Follow the science. What?

This is nonsense. Lying, grifting, tyrannical chicanery, all geared to make our rulers even richer and moar powerful than they already are. And so we come back to the land of the free and the brave. How free are we and how brave are those who are prepared to fight tyranny?

Good question, eh?


Thursday, August 26, 2021

What A Day


What a day it's been, and not in a good way. In fact, it was the deadliest day in Afghanistan for the US military since 2011(?), with at least 13 servicemen killed in suicide bombings at Kabul's international airport, to say nothing of civilian men, women and children. ISIS claimed responsibility for the attacks.

But that's not all. US officials in Kabul have apparently given the Taliban a list of Americans and Afghan allies, entrusting the Jihadis with their safe passage to the airport. "Basically, they've just put all those Afghans on a kill list," stated one defense official,  “It’s just appalling and shocking and makes you feel unclean.” 


And where was the Commander-in-Chief as suicide bombers ripped into US troops and civilians? Nowhere to be seen, silent, hiding, not saying a word until his handlers trundled him out for a presser in which he blamed... Trump for the disaster.

In the meanwhile, US soldiers are destroying ammunition at their base in Kabul's airport and the Taliban has allegedly promised the Biden administration that any flights departing the airport after August 31 will be "blown out of the sky."


Could this get any worse? Yes indeed it could. Don't say Dien Bien Phu, do pray for the repose of the souls who lost their lives today.

Dear God, if my jaw hits the ground one more time it's going to break.



Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Crooks Liars Thieves And A Saint


Is this too harsh? Via The Federalist:

The whole-of-government approach to failure in a 20-year, $2 trillion fraud and money-laundering scheme has resulted in an epiphany for Americans: their country is ruled by crooks, liars, and thieves.

The abysmal failure of America’s once-vaunted and widely respected military to even face the truth of its own incompetence heaps salt on the wounds of this epiphany. What country leaves thousands of its own citizens behind enemy lines to fend for themselves, with nothing more than an apathetic shrug of its shoulders? A country ruled by arrogant fools looking to line their own pocketbooks and who care little or nothing for the citizens that are their nation’s raison d’être, that’s who.


The damning scribe continues:

The military, the intelligence community, academia, journalism—the list of institutions plagued by moral bankruptcy and Baghdad Bob-level f-ckery goes on and on and on. Few Americans have confidence in America. Pile on a huge helping of COVID-19 hysteria, lockdowns, mounting shortages in housing and basic consumer goods, a quickly growing income gap between society’s poor and wealthy, and all-around lies and gaslighting—America is in trouble.

Like with the Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan, our defeat there has exposed the nation’s failed leadership busy looting and wrecking what is left of our country. We can now see that we are led by the worst of humanity—a collection of garbage elites, tyrants, and political grifters. Like the Soviets before us, there are two only two classes in modern America: the ruling class, and everyone else.


Solution? Time to clean house. Good luck with that, perhaps at the ballot box. Sorry, just kidding. In marked contrast to the epic chicanery of our rulers, today's the Feast of St. Louis, 12th c King of France. He was famous for his holiness of life:

He was renowned for his charity. The peace and blessings of the realm come to us through the poor he would say. Beggars were fed from his table, he ate their leavings, washed their feet, ministered to the wants of the lepers, and daily fed over one hundred poor. 


Louis was also a warrior, a knight, as opposed to a grifting, lying, thieving, corrupt, cowardly mountebank.



Thursday, August 19, 2021

Thank God For The Paras


Reports are coming in that the UK's 2 Para have been running patrols into Kabul to save British citizens left behind by the US surrender of Afghanistan and its capital city to the Taliban. Scandalously, it's alleged that US command on the ground, to say nothing of its hide-away leader, Puppet Prez Biden, haven't communicated with their allies, despite thousands of Americans being stranded in a country overrun with Islamist fanatics. Via Alex Wickham:

Well, thank God for the Paras and you know the 82nd Airborne would be in there right away, if it wasn't for someone forbidding them from fighting the enemy. Some say that's the story of our Afghan adventure over the last two decades, and what does it mean?

At least this. A political class getting rich off of de facto, and cheap, mercenaries who they couldn't give a dam for, as long their lives make them moar money and moar power. What an utter betrayal of our young men and women who signed up to serve our country. Patriots in the service of self-serving traitors.

To say nothing of our friends in Afghanistan who can look forward to being hunted down, tortured and executed by our enemies. Enemies led by the very same people Barack Obama let free from jail. I tell you, I am beyond disgusted. I'd imagine 82 Airborne isn't too happy either.

In the meanwhile, the most powerful military force in the history of the world has no plan to deal with cave-dwelling, head-chopping, medieval savages, and we have to ask, is this deliberate? In the meanwhile, thank God for the Paras.

Your Old Pal,


Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Once More Over The Rainbow


The savage woman beating, enslaving, Biden trolling Taliban were two months off from taking Afghanistan in what has to be the most humiliating, catastrophic, blunderous, incompetent American defeat since Vietnam, and our guys were pumping out this, in June. Here it is, from Understanding Men and Masculinities: Towards Creating Egalitarian Gender Relations in Afghan Society:

This paper examines how Afghan men from diverse socio-economic, ethno-linguistic and age groups challenge and redefine masculinities in the face of socio-political and economic changes. Understanding diverse and shifting masculinities and the men who practice more equitable gender relations by departing from hegemonic masculinity can help to inform more effective gender-based initiatives. The paper demonstrates the ways in which masculinities are constructed, deconstructed, and change over time and space in different ways for different men.

What were they thinking? Not much, as in no kidding. The author, Munazza Ebtikar, is or was a doctoral candidate at St. John's, Oxford. What a beautiful college, and who knows, perhaps she made it out before Afghan men decided to get all hegemonic on her compound. Let's hope Ektibar hasn't been reconstructed. You can write her here, to find out:

Afghanistan Research and Evaluation Unit (AREU) Shahr-i-Naw, Kabul, Afghanistan, Post Box number: 38–015

Have you noticed how everything the ProgLeft proposes or enacts produces the exact opposite of its intended result? It's like an axiom. In the meanwhile, here's the Commander-in-Chief of the, ahem, Free World:

Some kind of joke? No, this one's deadly serious.



America's Elites Are Trash


"America's Elites are trash" and "China knows it." Former CIA Ops Officer Bryan Dean Wright isn't too happy with the Afghan debacle. Here he is, via twitter:

Former US intelligence colleagues are angry and deeply worried at what has happened in Afghanistan.

Here's what I'm hearing, and why there's nearly universal belief that America and the world are in for one of the most dangerous, unpredictable times in modern history.

Afghanistan has shown the world -- enemies & allies alike -- that our military & intel assets are largely irrelevant because we can't deploy them successfully.

The blame lays at the feet of multiple Presidents. The Generals. The Spies. The Congress.

America's Elites are trash. 

China knows it.

They will become emboldened, covertly & overtly. War over Taiwan and contested islands in the S. China Sea and E. China Sea is now more likely.

Russia will consider similar covert & overt moves, focused on Crimea, & former Soviet satellites. 

The fear is that China & Russia will act in concert.

Why? America was whipped by a tiny rebel force and couldn't even retreat properly.

Meanwhile, the American people are angry, COVID weary, & divided.

If there were ever a time to push American hegemony aside, this is it. 

If Cold War III grows hot, America will need to quickly build up & work with foreign counterparts.

But who will trust America after Afghanistan?

Who believes we have the leadership to use our military might well?

Who will trust us when we say "We Will Stand With You"? 

Beyond China/Russia, others will take gambles too.

Terror orgs like al-Qa'ida & ISIS are degraded but not dead. Their ideology is very much alive.

Iran's Hizballah -- with terror cells throughout the US -- may see an opening to create chaos too. 

Meanwhile, the disaster inside Afghanistan is only just beginning.

The Taliban will launch a terror campaign against American collaborators. The pictures will shock the conscience of the world, further degrading American moral authority.

Biden & Co will struggle to respond. 

There's also the nightmare of tactical weaponry now awash in Afghanistan, in the hands of the Taliban and -- soon -- on the global black market.

These arms will fuel chaos around the world for decades.

The Pentagon has no idea where this stuff is and no plans to destroy it. 

Finally, if Afghani refugees pour into the US, there are profound implications for security, culture, the economy, & politics.

Are they properly vetted?

Do they hold Western/tolerant values re: women, gays?

Do they bring skills/education?

Which party will they support? 

The existential problem is that America needs good leadership to right its ship but there is none.

Our federal bench is weak.

Biden is a corrupt old man. Impeachment is a long shot; VP Harris is an unpopular paperweight. The Legislature is a feckless cabal of empty suits. 

Leadership could come from a state Governor, it's true, but not soon enough.

The above threats by China, Russia, & Co will metastasize well before the 2024 elections, and even a heroic new President will need years to clean things up.

Again, our enemies and allies know this. 

Upshot: There is fear and outrage streaming through former intel officers over the Afghanistan debacle.

America is rudderless. And the world now knows it.

Grave dangers lie ahead, some predictable, others unimaginable.

Keep your loved ones tight. Pray. And vote for change. 

I can't add to that except to wonder if "voting for change" still has any... meaning.

God bless,


Friday, July 16, 2021

Behold Your Rulers -- Ice Cream Edition


Our millionaire socialist rulers love ice cream, it's just so tasty. Mmmmmm.

Look, here's another one.


Your Best pal,


Friday, June 18, 2021



Here in Lspland we take UFOs seriously and so does the Pentagon itself, which is why the Department of Defense is briefing Congress later this month on some 120 UAP (Unexplained Aerial Phenomenon) incidents going back several decades. Why the sudden interest?

Because of a series of Pentagon verified videos from Navy pilots, showing unidentified craft maneuver with capability that's seemingly far beyond our own. Such as the famous Tic-Tac, Sphere and Acorn, as well as the Metallic Blimp and a random flying pyramid.


Some politicians, like Senator "Rat Claw" Rubio, believe the UAPs  are a threat, "The facts are that there are things flying over our military installations. They don’t belong to us. They seem to evidence some technological advancement that we don’t have and have never seen. That would be one heck of a technological leap and a huge strategic surprise, so we have to know what this stuff is."

You might be forgiven for thinking that Rat Claw's beating up some kind of war drum hysteria with his vicious little hands. That uncomfortable image aside, what is this "stuff"? Secret US, ChiCom or Russian tech, visitors from another time or dimension? Literal space aliens? Who knows, maybe it's Space Nazis operating Tesla drive craft, Aryan Vimanas?, out of the center of our hollow earth. Or demons, some people think they're behind the mysterious UAPs.

The Blimp

For what it's worth, I'm inclined towards the US tech point of view, who knows what we've got going on out there on the far reaches of dark money and arcane science. And for goodness sake, the scamdemic's nearly over, so it's high time for another crisis to keep the serfs in order and the profits flowing. 

But the problem with this is that the Pentagon's UAP record goes back a long time, to well before our current microchip utopia, much less hypersonic, gravity defying flyers. Sure, capitalize on the phenomenon and lock the people down forever, but the things which were flying in the '70s and before can't have been ours, surely. Or the ChiCom's or the Russians'. The tech just wasn't there.

A Typical Space Nazi

So maybe it's demons except that why would evil spirits who can move at the speed of thought bother to use a Metallic Blimp for transport, or a Tic-Tac? No, not demons. Then there's Space Nazis, from Hollow Earth. Tempting. Still, we know the Fourth Reich is all about blitzkreig and conquest, and the UAPs haven't done this, fortunately.

That leaves extra dimensional visitors, time travelers or space aliens. So what's the score?

Your Call,


Thursday, March 18, 2021

Putin v. Biden Throwdown


By now all the world knows that Russian strongman Vladimir Putin has challenged America's President, Joe Biden, aka the Old Corpse, to a live debate throwdown, without "any delays."

Putin issued the challenge after the Corpse accused the Russian leader of having "no soul" and being a "killer." But the Russian leader wasn't slow to reply on State TV, "It takes one to know one" he quipped and, "I hope he's in good health," before issuing his famous live debate challenge:

I want to propose to President Biden to continue our discussion, but on the condition that we do it basically live, as it’s called, without any delays and directly in an open, direct discussion, it seems to me that would be interesting for the people of Russia and for the people of the United States.

Not Corrupt. No, Not For a Second

Joe Biden, at 78, is America's oldest ever president as well as its most popular, winning many millions more votes than any candidate in US history. Which is a remarkable achievement because he didn't campaign and barely spoke in the run up to the election. The trend's continued. Surging on his unbridled popularity the Old Corpse hardly speaks now and when he does seems bizarrely out of touch and confused.

Note adorable Shiba DOGE$

Vladimir Putin, now 68, is well known for his love of animals, marksmanship, bikers, martial arts, fishing and the Church. He frequently gives live interviews in the Russian press and media. A former KGB Colonel, Putin is famous for locking up the female punk act Pussy Riot and for standing firm against the West's ascendant new religion, the Rainbow Cult.

So who will prevail, the Corpse or the Strongman? Will the Corpse get into the debate arena, for that matter, is he even capable of doing so? Here at the Compound we doubt it, Joe's too old and demented, but will the oligarch, bankster elite behind him launch into Russia in a bid to bring the dissident power into line.

It's been tried before, several times, with resounding failure, and let's hope we don't see a rematch. In the meanwhile, we wait for the Old Corpse to rise to Putin's challenge. Do we wait in vain?

Your Pal,