Monday, April 1, 2024

I Really Hate Letterman


No, not the person, just the... dam thing of its revoltingly smug persona. Whatev, here's Mr. Zevon, with apologies to all you people who were out there, unlike me. Saying that, a few years back this sandy haired guy pulled into the Pick 'n Steal, I think he was called "David."

So. He had a Cheetah on his T shirt. I took that flag in for a second and fired back, "Selous Scout, eh? Pamwe Chetwe." The aged veteran of a 1000 psychic and kinetic wars did a double take, recollected himself, snapped back to real time, and applauded.

"You're the only man in this town who would know that," replied my sandy haired pal. He then went on to talk of machine pistol parts, borders and Warren Zevon. Hey, rock on. I liked that guy, and fear he's gone. This little slice of rural heaven is the worse for it if so.

You Fool No One,



LindaG said...

A blessed April to you all, Parson.

Undergroundpewster said...

Roland never saw it coming.

Mike_C said...

I’ve enjoyed the Five Romeo Romeo channel on YouTube. It’s a man’s recollections about his service in Rhodesia.

LSP said...

And with thy spirit, Linda.

LSP said...

Maybe he was just waiting for it, pewster, not that I know anything.

Then there's the Worldwide Anglican Non Communion (WANC).

LSP said...

Nice one, Mike.