Friday, December 18, 2015

Run Hide Tell. Excuse Me?

UK police have released active shooter/terror advice, instructing potential victims to Run, Hide and Tell. That way you can keep being a victim until the police arrive.

It's an interesting take on the accepted rule, which goes like this. Run, Hide, Fight. In Texas, for example, the run to cover might be quick, followed by an equally quick armed response. In England, where everyone's safer because they're not allowed to defend themselves, you'd have to improvise.

Here's some tactical tips from the DHS, that we have to assume "Jeh" Johnson hasn't got around to censoring:

Step three (Fight):
"If this person gets to you, fight with everything that you have."

"Use any and everything at your disposal.
"If you get into that position where you have to fight, if you can use a chair, your shoe, anything you can use to protect yourself, go ahead and use that.
"Know that police can take ten minutes to arrive, and there's so much you can do in that window. The life you save may not only be your own, but those of others."

I hope that's helpful. But in the meanwhile, formerly Great Britain, ISIS laughs. I'm off for a pistol shoot, like a free man.

Beat the Jihad,



Anonymous said...

Who in England gives a monkey's what the Police tell them? As the Parson is well aware, there are still in England men who will always engage the enemy regardless of the odds or personal cost.

Adrienne said...

Not having been in a mass shooting incident, I can't say what I would do. My closet encounter was being mugged, and I used my most potent weapon - my mouth. By the time I was done talking the guy probably was thinking, "Of all the women I could have mugged, why, oh why, did I pick this loud mouth?" All kidding aside, it was pretty terrifying, and I blame it on PC. When a black man was walking toward me, my spidey sense kicked in and told me to cross to the other side of the street. I didn't because I thought he would be insulted, and I paid the price. Never, ever again!

However, I'm a bit amazed when large numbers of people stand around doing nothing while one shooter picks them off, often taking time to re-load.

LSP said...

True, Anonymous. I'm surprised our DHS, under "Jeh," doesn't shorten the "3 rules" to 1 rule, "Surrender to Islam."

Because that's effectively what we're being told to do on both sides of the Atlantic, ideologically, spiritually and ultimately physically.

The people in power don't care, as long as they get to stay rich.

LL said...

As one who used to kill people for a living, I can tell you that the turds from ISIS only want to kill sheep. A sheep dog terrifies them.

LSP said...

Sorry to hear that, Adrienne.

Of course it's easy to talk about fighting back against someone attacking you, a bit different when it happens.

Viz. PC, have you read Dreher on the Harvard placemats?

LSP said...

Seems that way to me and that's pretty much the subtext of this post.

LSP said...

Such as it is...

Euripides said...

I've refused to be a victim and have taught my kids not to be victims. They all shoot as well as I do. My wife shoots better that all of us.

LSP said...

Right on.

Adrienne said...

Oh dear. I'm afraid if I had a kid who came home and started spouting off that nonsense I'd pitch him right out the front door. And let's not forget that the parents who are being lectured by their brain dead offspring are probably paying for a good portion of the indoctrination.

Supposedly, Harvard has removed the place-mats and apologized.

Adrienne said...

LL - sheepdogs terrify everyone except other sheepdogs. I plan to never be a sheep.

LSP said...

The Harvard thing is exceptional. We all thought it was Satan's Vatican, now we know.

Mattexian said...

Unless the Bobbies have changed in response to current events, I understood that if one acted in defence of oneself, one should also expect to be arrested if one uses what they deem to be "excessive force" (usually anything more than what is minimally necessary to stop the attack). Quite unlike the law in Texas, where one can use deadly force to "stop the threat" (as I recall from CHL class).

LSP said...

In the UK you're expected to cower and hide in fear, while the State protects you. I prefer the Texan method.

Infidel de manahatta said...

Our liberal masters are religious fanatics and their god is the State. No need to defends ourselves. The State will do it for us.

When it comes to the state I am an agnostic at best.

LSP said...

Obey Your Masters!

Cower, Serf!

And hand in your guns. So you will be safe.