Sunday, August 21, 2022

A Mercifully Short Sunday Sermon

“Lord, will those who are saved be few?” And he said to them, “Strive to enter by the narrow door; for many, I tell you, will seek to enter and will not be able." (Lk 13:22)

Strive to enter by the narrow gate. It grates against post-modernist Marcusian ears, against the culturally ascendant air we breathe  because "narrow gate" sounds dangerously like narrow-minded, and so bigoted, intolerant and hateful.

"After all," says our Ivy League uneducated friend, "I've got my truth, you've got yours. Coexist!"

What a broad path and it sounds alluring; so free and tolerant, so very narrative. But let's apply this logic to mathematics. Imagine a classroom full of young children, pronouns mixed. Their teacher asks, "You have two rainbows in the sky and you add another two rainbows, how many rainbows are there?"

An impetuous youngster raises zhir hand, "One!" A pensive girl, she/hers, utters "three," another adventurer exclaims four, another eight and an enthusiastic child offers up "eighty eight!" The teacher beams, "Children, all of you are right!" And each receives a delicious unicorn cupcake, don't say Lambeth Conference.

But look what's happened. In the name of freedom, these poor children have been denied the liberty of doing mathematics because they haven't been allowed to go through the narrow gate of correct addition. The logic of salvation's similar.

As with 2+2=4, there's one solution to paradise and that's Christ; He is the gate. Only He unites humanity to God, He alone is true God and true Man. He alone offers the perfect, sinless, atoning sacrifice to the Father for the forgivness of sins and He, and only He, rises victorious from the grave only to give His resurrected life to the faithful.

So to get to heaven, the end or τέλος of desire, we have to go through Christ, the door, the gate of the sheep, the way, the truth and the life. And we must strive to do so, to make the conscious, deliberate effort to conform our lives to His.

The Savior's grace, frightened and gentle readers, will supply the deficiency.

Here endeth the Lesson,


Saturday, August 20, 2022

A Civil Disturbance


Remember the Cherokee Nation uprising? I do, just, and part of our people goes that way, so. Speaking of which, did you know that some 80% of US combat arms are from Texas.

Food for thought,


Friday, August 19, 2022



Go figure, everyone's in Italy, living large and escaping the beautiful strip malls and flyovers of our cultural ascendancy for something else, and who can blame them? 

I texted an old music buddy, who's set up in an Italian castle, "Maybe they need to turn that town square into a parking lot. Ffs, get onnit." He clicked between contracts and replied, "Look. Castle ceiling. Standard." Have a look:

Huh. But that's not all. Ma LSP and several sisters are in Italy, living it up on the Adriatic. I guess Texas wasn't good enough, they just had to go one better:

Feeling badly left out, I drove through Italy but didn't stop. Let the reader understand.

Italy Texas, a fine place to be. Then there's this town, where the kids are staying:

So unattractively awful, why hasn't this been torn down and turned into a strip mall? I mean to say, what's wrong with these people? As we reflect on that, here's a castle garden.

Soothing, don't you think?


Thursday, August 18, 2022

What A Good Couple Of Days


It started as it often does, with a drive down I35 to the Metrosprawl, but this time in a V8 Beast, result. Objective? Set up at Dallas HQ then visit with the Bishop the next day and, the day after that go for a post-op checkup at a medico in Plano.

Two orders of business, several possible orders of outcome. So perhaps I was a little... pensive, how would it go? It went well. Had a great meeting with our outstanding new(ish) Bishop, which found financial security for Mission #1. No small thing, I live there.

And the Doc was helpful too, "You know, that was a pretty serious operation and you're healing way better than expected, I'm surprised." Result, and I drove back to base through the Tollway wasteland of North Dallas in good spirits.

Seriously, surgery's a deal. I know, we're all Warriors, but still, it's helpful to have the thing checked off by a doctor. He's Christian, to boot, and asked for permission to pray before the op, "Of course you can, I'm a priest." And there you have it, back to the sylvan boulevards of Old Hill County tomorrow.

Drive Safe,




Liz Cheney, net worth in 2018 >15MN$ on a 174K$ congressional salary got wiped out in Wyoming in this week's election.Her campaign? Trump is evil and everything the Democrats do is awesome, which is why she's Republican. 

Who thought this genius pol strategy up? Imagine, there you are on K Street in what would've been a smoke filled room, now filled with the fizz of Topo Chico:

Look, Liz, the wave of the future, how do I put this, of history itself, is open borders, trans bathrooms and 'eat the bugs.' You know, Green. So occupy the middle ground and bring it home, get the old hippies and their kids and bag those aging Cold Warriors, blame Russia at every point. That'll get 'em and you'll win big.


Leaving aside millionaire progleft traitor Liz's enormous heft, she certainly campaigned on an aggressively pro-Democrat/Progressive ticket, and lost hard, really hard. No wonder, who wants a hypocritical multimillionaire, faux leftist shill to rule them? Wyoming certainly didn't, and while we're at it, don't mention Haliburton.

                                                                          How Very Gross

Rest of the country and Uniparty RINOS? Take note, we're taking names.

E Pluribus,


Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Just Hanging Out


Just hanging out in Dallas, Lao Tze style, enjoying the porch

Good thing there's a handy leaf blade knife, right?

Blue agrees, he's up for a treat scrap

In other news, the appalling Salman Rushdie's been stabbed by some outta control Jihadist. Rushdie wrote the aggressively annoying Satanic Verses and incurred a Fatwah. Well, looks like it caught up with him. Bad luck, Rushdie.

I met the bizarrely annoying Rushdie back in the '90s at some place in London. He was with the even more annoying Malcolm McLaren, who distinguished itself by wearing fancy shirts without cuff-links. Whoa, what a radical.

The intenselt irritating McLaren died in 2010, Rushdie still lives.

All best,


Monday, August 15, 2022



Today's the great Feast of the Assumption and the Compound's celebrating with garlic, spring onion, and ginger stir fried pork, sweet and sour to boot. It's not hard, just shake it up in an iron skillet or wok and off you go. But some people don't like this.

"The Assumption, that aptly named feast," said one famous Anglican cleric. And for sure, it's not in Scripture but is it "repugnant to the Word of God"? Of course not. If Elijah can get assumed into heaven why shouldn't the same be true of the incomparably more holy ever virgin Mother of God? No, they snarl, that's idolatry. But is it. 

At this point in time excessive reverence of the saints is the least of our worries. Where, really, do our idols lay? Not in plaster, polychrome images of holy men and women, but in wealth and power, in Mammon. In worldly, carnal, atheistic disbelief.

To put it another way, if you conducted a thorough interrogation of an average congregation, asking the hapless Christian captive what thing or series of things was most important in their lives, their god, what would you get?

I'll wager the fighting monkey that it wouldn't be Mary or her divine Son. And therein lies the decline of the Western Church, call it apostasy if you like. In the meanwhile, the unpleasantly lib/smug Atlantic magazine's run an article saying the Rosary's an extremist war symbol. Well yes, especially if you're a Turk at Lepanto.

House of Gold,


Sunday, August 14, 2022

Meet The New Rig Almost The Same As The Old Rig


Finally bit the bullet and got a new rig, which meant reaching over to the monkey, yes, a floor safe, extracting necessary bullion from the snarling simian and driving to Dallas and a cash only dealership. Run by Iraqis, no less.

There it was, a fleet 2018 F150 4x4, low miles, realistically way under dealership price, and it drove well, the truck I was after. So I bought the V8 beast, cash on the nail, and drove it back to the Compound, where it sat looking powerful next to the old rig. But not for long.

After Mass at Mission #1, a young soldier came downstairs; no, not to go to Mass at Mission #2, "Dad, there's a Battalion recall, I've got to get back in an hour." I pondered this for about a second, "Good thing there's an extra truck. Take it, don't crash, insurance docs in the glove compartment." And off he went back to the Hood where, apparently, someone had scored a DUI causing the Battalion to parade. Huh. 

In the meanwhile, the new rig's a definite upgrade, with a spacious cab, icy AC, a computer which tells you things, 4x4, and these massive great off road tires. Awesome. But... and I can't grumble given the price/miles, it has an IWE vacuum issue, maybe a faulty check valve, certainly a cracked hose. Easy fixes for cheap, rubbish, built to fail plastic/rubber parts. So, I'll get the rig checked out tomorrow.

Ride On,


Friday, August 12, 2022


Note razor sharp Kukri. Thanks, LL.

Your Old Buddy,



Broumas Memorial Park

Well it's all fine and dandy until a literal TANK starts rolling. I know you know, but there it is, these massive beasts, rolling on, and utter respect to LT. COL Broumas. He died in '69 with a chestful of medals and grateful vets set up a memorial park in Fort Hood. Look, here's a Priest:

And a tank. Note the Fiddy

Low Pro? Yet another Fiddy (above) and some typical Sov rubbish from Iraq. Check it out:

 Jagdpanzers in UKR? Still, what a massive beast. But I like this little fella, handy range taxi, eh?

Panzers roll,


Thursday, August 11, 2022

The Streets Of Olde Dallas


The halcyon streets of Dallas, so glitzy, right? Yes indeed, but there's a reverse side of the medal.

Just look at that sidewalk. Land of the free, home of the brave

And don't forget all important razor wire

But all's not bad, there's always the leafy glens of Olde Dallas.

And lest we forget, shade trees are important in the furnace.

Your Old Pal,


Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Time Travel


Do you remember the days when we were able to afford meat? Yes, actual meat which we cooked on carbon footprint grills. Perhaps you recall that halcyon time and here at Dallas HQ we dialed back the clock last night to relive them.

After a brief dimensional shudder, a rip in the fabric of space and time, there it was, a grill with two New York strips sizzling above the charcoal.

Quick! Grill those bad boys before the Rainbow Time Cops bust down your door like so many SWAT teams ransacking Mar-a-Lago. Then let those steaks rest as you consider the future you've just escaped, a crazy timeline where America's run by a power mad gerontocracy, the Uniparty.

Can the future be changed by going back in time? And if so, where do we start? Perhaps with General Lee winning the War or Archduke Ferdinand's assassin apprehended before he took the fatal shot which set the end of Western civ in motion. But why stop there.

Portal through to the 11th C, stop the Eastern Schism, perhaps a saint speaks sense, turn the 1st Crusade into an allied operation against the Moslem horde and... Asia Minor would still be Christian, to say nothing of the Bosphorus. 

βασιλική Ἄννα Κομνηνή, Princess Anna Comena would rejoice.
