Monday, January 11, 2021

Your Mind Has Left your Body


Just be sure and pick it up on your way out the door.





Yeah, thanks but no thanks, and so the Night of the Long Routers continues. For goodness sake, don't these geeks have anything better to do than x out small MAGA accounts? Apparently not. So I fell back on Gab and post there @LSP, not that it's easy to access because Gab's getting around 500k+ new users a day, and their servers are swamped. But here's the thing.

How long before Gab et al get taken down for, I don't know, domestic terrorism. For that matter, how much longer will Blogger tolerate anything that's not globalist, millionaire/billionaire socialist Google party line? I'm not betting the aging monkey.

Maybe we need to fall back on coded handwritten letters, perhaps in Greek - see Indian Mutiny - courier pigeons, steam powered free-press servers and speakeasies (what? Ed.). Or something like that, but make no mistake, our Corporate Overlords and their political shills are barreling down the pike to silence their competition. See Parler, nuked.

What's amusing, to me, is the spectacle of rank and file NYT style Dems supporting this in the name of STICK IT TO THE MAN! Like what, Tech, Banks, Hollywood, the Military Industrial Complex, Academia, Media, Pfizer, and Chase have become magical icons of anti-establishment freedom? 

Bizarre ain't in it. In the meanwhile, the snow melts at the Compound but was great while it lasted. More please.



Sunday, January 10, 2021

They're Coming to Gitchoo


They are? And in league with transnational capital to boot, clearly McCarthy didn't go far enough. In similar vein, the Corpse is promising special stimulus to POC (Person of Color) owned small businesses. Fortunate for the POC, not so hot if you're not. But seriously, since when were taxpayer handouts awarded on account of skin color?

Since right about now, and don't you dare say racist or you'll get banned for being a Nazi. As in, how dare you stand for equality, regardless of ethnicity, you Fascist. In similar vein, have you noticed how the Left is full of hate, vitriol and spite at the moment?

You'd think they'd be happy and magnanimous, their guy won, apparently. But no, they're baying for blood. And this inner state of being will surely manifest itself outwardly, it already is, which doesn't bode well. 

That in mind, I'll spare you the sermon, but I will say this. They're coming to gitchoo. Good luck with that, Bolsheviks.



Winter Wonderland!


It started off as cold, sleety rain, and then our Old Adversary the Weather escalated the fight. Yes, it began to snow. "Well that's exciting," I thought as I fired up a Mission for Mass, "Snow, in Texas." But here's the thing, it didn't stop, on the contrary, it intensified.

By the time Mass was over and we opened the doors of the church and looked outside, there it was, a veritable winter wonderland. "Haven't seen anything like this in ten years," said one churchman. "This is more snow than we had in Oklahoma," said another, mysteriously. And I agreed, we haven't seen this much snow here since the great Global Warming blizzard of 2010. Exciting.

Back at the Compound I started getting calls from Mission #2. Like, "We've had to turn around, padre, sorry about that," or, "We fishtailed on 56 and headed back, didn't want to risk it." Also the power was down in the area, so we called a snow day on the service and I emailed the crew with a "make your Spiritual Communion" reminder. Then what?

Brush the snow off your rig and take a recce through town. No small thing, I tell you. It was like the Kharkov Front, or maybe Narnia. Still, I wasn't complaining, it's rare to see anthropogenic global warming like this in the great state of Texas.

I know, same-old, same-old for everyone living north of the border, but a big thing here. So too, apparently, with the Corpse and the Whore's incoming ascension to power; all the shotgun ammo was gone at Walmart yesterday, no fooling. Never seen such a thing before, make of it what you will.

In the meanwhile, snow continues to fall.


Saturday, January 9, 2021

Gimme Shelter


This seems appropriate right about now. And here at the Compound we wonder if Big Tech trying to ban people who disagree with you is somehow "progressive." Like wow, "I'm a socialist, that's why I support Silicon Valley billionaires telling everyone what to think." Absurd ain't in it and you'd think they'd recall the Bolshevik revolution eating its own, but no, history's not taught anymore, and neither is truth.

Without that, an objective standard of reality you conform to or don't, the accordance of mind to thing, you're left with what? Opinion and its enforcement, with the exercise of power unchained from any external constraint. Or to put it another way, with an unchecked lust for power, and we've seen the results. The Nazi KZs, Russia's Gulags, Cambodia's Killing Fields, and on. In short, with the mass slaughter of the 20th Century. 

I pray that this utter evil isn't heading our way, though it seems close and perhaps we're already in it. How many babies are killed in the womb, every minute of every day? Ask yourself, what will a people or nation which condones such a thing not do

So here's the Stones:

Thanks, Dr. Swankenstein, for the tip.



Friday, January 8, 2021

A Gentle Reflection


Well here we are. Twitter's banned the President of the US, the GOP's baying for the blood of the anarchists(?) who got into the Capitol and stole Pelosi's laptop, and the FBI are working round the clock to bring the perps to justice. Election fraud on an industrial scale obviously wasn't worth the time, eh? But where to from here.

Good question, will our cold civil war become hot? It might, given current levels of anger and dehumanization, to say nothing of the fact that everyone's armed to the teeth. No epiphany there, though perhaps the utter lack of spine on the part of the GOP is an eyeopener, or not. 

Regardless, the future beckons and what does it hold? For me, working to build up two Texan country missions, simple as that. One of the Wardens, who used to head up Dallas SWAT, asked, "If they try a lockdown, what'll you do?" I thought for a second, "I'll ignore that order." He looked me right in the eye, "Me too."


Thursday, January 7, 2021

Kid Rock!


Wow. Go Kid!



Politics of Despair or is it Just Jamiroquai?


Starting with this important international mind blog, many thousands have noticed the frightening similarity between UK pop legend Jamiroquai and the Horned Hippie who broke into the Capitol yesterday. With a crew of bearded freaks who were obviously, ahem, MAGA.

Is he a Qanon Shaman or an undercover intel asset with cameras in his horns, filming the wickedness of the coup? Or is he simply a West London Jazz fusion artist, looking for kicks and adventure in the dying days of an Imperial North American Republic? That's opaque, but here at the Compound we know you'd like to get the look. Here's how.

On a serious note, why did police wave and lead people into the Capitol? I don't know, but I do know that more than 70 million people aren't too pleased at our incoming governing kleptocracy, and that's just the Trumpists. Chris Hedges, a leftist, and you can imagine him voting Bernie only to be thwarted by Dominion, puts it well:

The seizure of control of the economy by a class of global speculators and corporations has ruined the lives of the very groups the Democrats pretend to lift up...

The power of politicians such as Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer or Mitch McConnell comes from being able to funnel corporate money to anointed candidates. In a functioning political system, one not saturated with corporate cash, they would not hold power. They have transformed what the Roman philosopher Cicero called a commonwealth, a res publica, a “public thing” or the “property of a people,” into an instrument of pillage and repression on behalf of a global corporate oligarchy.



The tinder that could ignite violent conflagrations lies ominously stacked around us. It may be triggered by Trump’s defeat in the election. Millions of disenfranchised white Americans, who see no way out of their economic and social misery, struggling with an emotional void, are seething with rage against a corrupt ruling class and bankrupt liberal elite that betrayed them. They are tired of the political stagnation, grotesque, mounting social inequality and the punishing fallout from the pandemic. Millions more alienated young men and women, also locked out of the economy and with no realistic prospect for advancement or integration, gripped by the same emotional void, have harnessed their fury in the name of tearing down the governing structures and anti-fascism. These polarized extremes are inching closer and closer to violence. 


His prediction?

There are three options: reform, which, given the decay in the American body politic, is impossible, revolution, or tyranny.


I don't agree with everything Hedges writes, which I'm sure upsets him deeply, but I'd say he nails the "corporate oligarchy" of our reigning and apparently triumphant uniparty. Trump attempted to overthrow that and faced a coup, but where will it end?

We'll see, but it won't be status quo pro ante, not by a long shot. In the meanwhile, enjoy dressing up like Jamiroquai. Does anyone listen to zhir rubbish music?




Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Not Gonna Take It


Patriots gathered in DC today, to show our rulers that they're servants of the people as opposed to the other way around.  So who's responsible for the direct action?

Antifa, Maga, the Feds? Who knows, perhaps the action was funded by the same people profitting off Dominion and Smartmatic or, for that matter, made in China masks. Don't say billions of dollars.

In the meanwhile, Jamiroquai made it into the Capitol. Yes, the twat in the hat. Does this mean that in the new world order we'll all have to listen to nasty West London Jazz fusion?

Hopefully not. In the meanwhile, patriots and anarchists(?) climbed up the steps of the Capitol to overthrow the Uniparty. Who knows, perhaps the last Porkulus was the 700 billion dollar straw that broke the camel's back.

Your Pal,


PS. My youngest sister made it up to the steps of the Capitol then smartly went back to her hotel :)

Monday, January 4, 2021

A Message From Ted


Before you can say "cat scratch fever," Ted Nugent rocks:

And so does Blue Oyster Cult, representing We The People:

That is all.


Sunday, January 3, 2021

Hellfire And Brimstone


"How can a country which murders its children in the womb be expected to do anything right?" I couldn't answer contrary. So here's Cash, again:

The whirlwind is in the thorn trees. You see, there's a time for Hellfire and Brimstone sermons.