Sunday, February 16, 2020

This Is Radio Freedom

Kick out the JAMS, time is eternal.


A Sunday Meditation

Mass at Mission #1 was over insofar as the Mass is ever over, which it isn't, and we fell back to the church hall for coffee. 

Time, eternity and the Sacrifice aside, conversation was mostly about getting milk from your cows, these being Polled Herefords, chickens getting picked off by Buzzards, an issue, and the usual stories about coyotes and bobcats. Then things took a turn for the spiritual.

"Padre, can you say a prayer."
"I'd be glad to, what for?"
"Well, I bought tickets for the Rolling Stones as a Valentines Day gift for T."
"Thing is, need you to pray they'll still be alive in time for the concert!"

Some argue Keef and Mick have no business remaining on this mortal coil, others say "let him that is without sin jail the first stone." And not before time, either.

Here endeth the Lesson,


Saturday, February 15, 2020

Feel The Bern

Presented without comment except to say listen to the end and... feel the Bern.

Rock on,



Guess what, there's over a million Chinamen in Africa. Good thing the weaponized, Wuhan escaped coronavirus isn't ferociously infectious.

Hazmat suits forever.

Your Old Pal,


The Horror

Yes, the sheer horror of the moment as you contemplate the dark, Devil-inspired plan to turn this small Texan country town into a shamtique mawl. Well it didn't work, thank God, and perhaps the above infographic explains why. The horror.

Speaking of which, note this Wuhan to world flight chart showing air travel out of the coronavirus hotzone before racism took over and restrictions were put in place. Scary? 

I'd say so and so does the World Health Organization, which predicts the deadly weaponized virus will become a "community affair" this year or next. Maybe they're wrong. Whatever, smart people are stockpiling food, ammo and hazmat suits.

In other terrifying news, the traitorous liberal media outlet Drudge Report tells us that Mini Mike - "put him on a box" - Bloomberg's thinking of campaigning with Hillary as Vice President. What can we say, Mini Mike's an incredibly brave little man. 

Could this be the Old Crone's route to the absolute, ultimate, no-holds-barred power she craves and deserves? Watch out, Mini, it's her turn.

Such frightening news, and we haven't even got to the venerable Church of England's apology tour. Therein, readers, hangs another tale. In the meanwhile, here's an uplifting infographic to raise the spirits.

Justice for Juicy!


Friday, February 14, 2020


Have you heard the news? Quondam presidential hopeful Michael Avenatti, popularly known as Creepy Porn Lawyer (CPL), has been found guilty on all counts of attempting to extort money from Nike. He awaits sentencing.

Race Cars! No coke obvs

Avenatti, signature sign-off Basta, who obviously isn't a coke addict, represented famous prostitute Stormy Daniels in a case against Trump, which ended badly with Stormy being ordered to pay 45's legal costs. But the once and not so future president started to sink under the sheer weight of hubris and totally fictional cocaine bills.

Prostitute. Clearly no coke

Before you could say "8 Ball," CPL was hauled before the court for fraud, extortion, skulduggery and malfeasance. Nike, it seems, didn't take kindly to the wannabe race car driver's cokehead's attempt at blackmail, and his former wife's not too keen either. 

No Coke Involved Whatsoever

But look, here at the Compound we don't sit and gloat. No, we hope that a coke free CPL has learned his lesson and will rise from the ashes to use his skills to help us all in the not inconsiderable task of making America great again.

A Man in Full without any coke whatsoever

I know, you're saying, "Is this a chapter in a Tom Wolfe novel,  like Bonfire of the Vanities or A Man in Full?!?" What can we say? Cinéma vérité.



Thursday, February 13, 2020

Go West

Go West? Yes, to the town of West, a small Texan farming community known for its Czech Stop bakery on the side of highway I35. The town's named after Thomas West, the town's first Postmaster who sold land to the Missouri-Kansas-Texas railway in 1881.

West grew up around the rails and prospered along with its Postmaster, attracting immigrants from Czechoslovakia who were drawn to the area by the heady lure of rich farmland and all-round opportunity. 

You can see their influence today in the catholicism of the place and its several bars or pubs, to say nothing of various bakeries, not least the notorious Czech Stop. The Czechs are there today as of the 2012 census, which credits West with the highest concentration of Czechoslovakians in the state.

The railway still bisects this curiously attractive town, though it's now sadly restricted to freight. What a shame, it'd be a far more civilized thing to be able to get on a train at Hillsboro, ride to West or Waco, have fun, then ride the rails back home as opposed to driving on the hideous and deadly I35. 

Who knows, maybe that day will return in some form or another, but hopefully not in the way of another Crush Crash. You can see all about that infamous disaster here.

Crush Crash aside, it was good to go to the Two Amigos restaurant with a crew of churchpeople, and they say, interestingly, that a congregation which meets during the week is more likely to grow than one which doesn't. Good point. 


They also say a church which actually believes in Christianity is more likely to grow than one that doesn't. Bizarre, perhaps someone should inform Pope Francis and his lesser colleague, the apologetic Archbishop of Canterbury. But therein lies another story.

Travellers Club Forever,


Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Laura Blasts The left

Laura may be easy on the eyes but that's not all. In this infovid she calls out the Left and our double standard press/judiciary.

Imagine, if you can, the outrage that would've burst across the front pages if a Trump supporter had driven through a crowd of Bernie supporters. Picture, if you're up to it, the incandescent fury of the Left.

Now, count up the quiet fury of the other side. People are getting fed with "sorry, your kid needs to go trans, you stupid redneck, and Islam's a religion of peace so suck up the latest bomb," etc. And lest we forget, "Look out, idiot redneck, your president's a Russian Agent!"

Random .45

FFS. We've had enough, and look out, one side knows how to shoot, the other doesn't. No kidding.

Speaking of which, my eldest tells me, "We love Trump, he stands for us. We got a pay rise and he's got our back. The Army loves him a lot."

Go figure. Landslide 2020,


Strolling The Deluge

Darkness, thunder, rain. No, this wasn't downtown Aberystwyth in July, it was Texas in February. Climate change experts tell us that if you collect the rainfall here you'll have enough water to last the year, and I believe it. Undaunted by the deluge I left the Compound for a morning stroll.

Stairway To Heaven

Only to see that the Meth Shackers have cleverly built a stairway to heaven; there it is, a ladder to paradise. What happens when you get to the top of the ladder, I asked myself as I gazed at the floral tributes in front of the shack. Who knows, perhaps you ascend, higher.

Meth Shack, Note Beautiful Floral Tributes (stop using "filters." Ed.)

The Pick 'n Steal was open for business but eerily empty apart from an elderly POC playing a slot machine. He's a Nam vet and plays that machine every day; I like him, though we've never really talked. Need to change that.

Pick 'n Steal

One large coffee later I was back on the flooded streets of the bucolic Texan farming community I've called home for the last decade or more, and you know what, I'm not complaining. For me, it beats living in the 'sprawl that is the DFW megacity connurb. You may think differently and that's fine, there's no "rule."

Storm Debris

Back at the Compound, Blue Dog-Faced Pony Soldier curled up on a Moslem rug while I said the Office. He's not buying the "religion of peace" thing. 

"It's obviously not a religion of peace," he tells me, "It was started by a warlord in search of loot, rape and plunder." I accuse him of racism but he just snores. Typical. Next thing you know he'll be banging on about "replacement strategy," asymmetrical warfare, the Kalergi Plan and trying to make me read Mark SteynBut what does he know? He's just a dog. 

Dog-Faced Pony Soldier On A Moslem Rug

In other news, Juicy Smollet's been indicted, 4 prosecutors have fled the Stone case, 45 held a massive rally in New Hampshire, and Biden's campaigning in Iowa again, or something like that. And Britain's deported a load of Jamaicans for being thugs, much to the disgust of the self-loathing white left and their POC friends.

All About The Hat

So there it is. Rain continues to fall and the clay ground of the Compound is pretty much flooded. Blue Deluge is sleeping, God is in his heaven and the Democrats flounder like beached fish after a storm. Is 45 anointed, by God?

Stand firm against evil,



Here at the Compound we're playing Demtanic on continuous loop. Why? Because awesome, obviously. 

In other news, it's dark, thunder rumbles across the sky and rain pours down on the streets of this rural Texan haven with Aberystwyth Pier ferocity. Such is the penalty for not paying the weather tax, but more on this exciting story later.



Monday, February 10, 2020


Can you watch Styx for 10 minutes? I know, perhaps that's difficult, but he gives a good round-up viz. coronavirus. Official reports put infections at over 40k and we know that over 400 million are quarantined/locked down in China. 

Reports from citizen journalists suggest crematoria are operating 24/7, making for a surge in SO2 levels. Point being, this escaped bug factory virus isn't some kind of kung-flu joke. So what to do?

Good question. Move to high ground, get away from the teeming sprawls that are our sh*thole cities, move to the country. While you're at it, ensure water and food supplies; you think I'm joking? In Wuhan, infected people are locked in their houses, do the food math and don't think it can't happen here. Lay in ammo too, if you haven't already.

But all of the above aside, consider this. Why would an omnipotent, omniscient, utterly righteous God, who is perfection in Himself, necessity at rest and absolute expansion, why would such Deity allow a culture which kills its children, its babies, to continue?

Of course a people that's so sick as to kill its children is equally capable of killing itself. We stand against that and we will win, the victory's assured. In the meanwhile, prep up.

Live free or die,