Showing posts with label Mark Steyn. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mark Steyn. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Strolling The Deluge

Darkness, thunder, rain. No, this wasn't downtown Aberystwyth in July, it was Texas in February. Climate change experts tell us that if you collect the rainfall here you'll have enough water to last the year, and I believe it. Undaunted by the deluge I left the Compound for a morning stroll.

Stairway To Heaven

Only to see that the Meth Shackers have cleverly built a stairway to heaven; there it is, a ladder to paradise. What happens when you get to the top of the ladder, I asked myself as I gazed at the floral tributes in front of the shack. Who knows, perhaps you ascend, higher.

Meth Shack, Note Beautiful Floral Tributes (stop using "filters." Ed.)

The Pick 'n Steal was open for business but eerily empty apart from an elderly POC playing a slot machine. He's a Nam vet and plays that machine every day; I like him, though we've never really talked. Need to change that.

Pick 'n Steal

One large coffee later I was back on the flooded streets of the bucolic Texan farming community I've called home for the last decade or more, and you know what, I'm not complaining. For me, it beats living in the 'sprawl that is the DFW megacity connurb. You may think differently and that's fine, there's no "rule."

Storm Debris

Back at the Compound, Blue Dog-Faced Pony Soldier curled up on a Moslem rug while I said the Office. He's not buying the "religion of peace" thing. 

"It's obviously not a religion of peace," he tells me, "It was started by a warlord in search of loot, rape and plunder." I accuse him of racism but he just snores. Typical. Next thing you know he'll be banging on about "replacement strategy," asymmetrical warfare, the Kalergi Plan and trying to make me read Mark SteynBut what does he know? He's just a dog. 

Dog-Faced Pony Soldier On A Moslem Rug

In other news, Juicy Smollet's been indicted, 4 prosecutors have fled the Stone case, 45 held a massive rally in New Hampshire, and Biden's campaigning in Iowa again, or something like that. And Britain's deported a load of Jamaicans for being thugs, much to the disgust of the self-loathing white left and their POC friends.

All About The Hat

So there it is. Rain continues to fall and the clay ground of the Compound is pretty much flooded. Blue Deluge is sleeping, God is in his heaven and the Democrats flounder like beached fish after a storm. Is 45 anointed, by God?

Stand firm against evil,


Saturday, September 30, 2017

Dr. Seuss Is So Very, Very Racist

Thanks to Liz Phipps Soiero, the whole world knows that Dr. Suess books are insufferably racist. That's why Soiero, a Cambridge, Massachusetts school librarian, rejected Melania's kind book bundle of Seuss' classic treatise on white supremacy, "Oh, The Places You'll Go!"

The problem, according to Soiero, is that Seuss' characters are "minstrelsy," and "steeped in racist propoganda." Minstrelsy? Yes indeed, that's because they often wear bow ties, just like those famous racists, Porky the Pig and Boo Boo the Bear. Mark Steyn actually bothered to do the research, looking up Soeiro's source text, an article in  the Journal of Social Justice Librarians. Here he is, on Tucker Carlson Tonight.

The piece argues that the Cat in the Hat’s bow tie is meant to be an evocation of 19th-century racist minstrel shows. Now just off the top of my head, cartoon characters who wear bow ties — Porky Pig, Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Huckleberry Hound. Yogi Bear doesn’t wear a bow, he wears a tie like me, but his boy sidekick Boo Boo the Bear wears a bow tie.

Ambrosia, I think the name is, in ‘My Little Pony’ wears a bow tie. I’m not one of the many men in the western world who are obsessed with ‘My Little Pony’ and have ‘My Little Pony’ parties, but I happen to know this one character in ‘My Little Pony’ wears a bow tie. Cartoon characters wear bow ties. That has nothing to do the minstrel shows. We are making ourselves a society too stupid to survive...

We are making ourselves a society too stupid to survive, says the apocalyptic Steyn and he has an evident point. My Little Pony, how minstrelsy. But mind-bending dimwittedness aside, let's not forget hypocrisy. You see, Soiero likes dressing up as a Dr. Seuss character. This is her in 2015.

Who knows, maybe the enlightened librarian has repented of her racist, minstrelsy, Seussian past. On the other hand, perhaps she simply hates America's attractive and glamorous First Lady and her husband. Imagine Soeiro's reaction if Michelle Obama had sent the book bundle.

Go ahead, try that hat on for size.

Your Old Friend,


Thursday, June 23, 2011

Good News

Got back from an enjoyable ride and shoot to learn that Geert Wilders has been cleared by a Dutch court of "hate speech". His crime? Daring to suggest that Islam isn't some kind of Buddha-meets-Gandhi, pacifist poetry slam, but a "totalitarian political ideology disguised as a religion," whose Koran mandated goal is "to establish the realm of Allah in this world, if necessary by force."

Wilders is free now and I'd say that was good but Mark Steyn's comments on Gates of Vienna are telling:

"And at the end the awkward fact remains: Geert Wilders lives under 24-hour armed guard because of explicit death threats made against him by the killer of Theo van Gogh and by other Muslims. Yet he’s the one who gets puts on trial."

Maybe people like Wilders will help the West understand that a religion founded by a warlord who married a nine year old girl, when not cutting off Jewish heads at Medina, might just, possibly, have something other than peace on its agenda.

In the meanwhile, have a blessed Corpus Christi,


Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Ridiculously False Statement

Tom, of Boomers fame, sent me this quote from Mark Steyn:

"Most mainline Protestant churches are, to one degree or another, post-Christian. If they no longer seem disposed to converting the unbelieving to Christ, they can at least convert them to the boggiest of soft-left clichés, on the grounds that if Jesus were alive today he’d most likely be a gay Anglican bishop in a committed relationship driving around in an environmentally friendly car with an “Arms are for Hugging” sticker on the way to an interfaith dialogue with a Wiccan and a couple of Wahhabi imams."

There is absolutely no truth, whatsoever, in Mr. Steyn's absurd analysis of Ms. Jefferts Schori's thriving Episcopal Church and its tiny cousin, the ACoC (Anglican Church of Canada).



Monday, July 27, 2009

European Death Wish

L'Arche de la Défense

One of the interesting bylines of the dismally failing, alien driven, Ubuntuist secular humanist project, is European demographic suicide.

2.1 children per woman are needed to replace the existing population. In 2004 Germany's birthrate was 1.3, Italy's 1.2, Spain's 1.1, Italy's 1.2, France's 1.7 and so one, with 18 countries in the E.U. failing to reproduce at replacement rate. This will mean, amongst other things, that over 50% of the European populace will be will be at, or over, retirement age by mid-century, supported by a shrinking workforce. Pundits, such as Mark Steyn, predict the collapse of current social programs and the advent of "Eurabia".

Perhaps Steyn is right, but one thing's certain, we're witnessing a crisis of Western civilisational morale - the demographics listed above represent a greater population decline than at any time since the Black Death. Why has this come about?

George Weigel, in the fortunately easy to read "The Cube and the Cathedral" (see picture of neo-brutalist 'Cube' above), believes World War One acted as a sort of catalyst for various destructive currents of thought - he lists Comte, Fuerbach, Nietzche, and others, while quoting Solzhenitsyn:

"That war (WWI)... took place when Europe, bursting with health and abundance, fell into a rage of self-mutilation that could not but sap its strength for a century or more, perhaps forever. The only possible explanation for this is a mental eclipse among the leaders of Europe due to their lost awareness of a Supreme Power over them... Only the loss of that higher intuition which comes from God could have allowed the West to accept calmly, after World War I, the protracted agony of Russia as she was being torn apart by a band of cannibals."

Powerful words and, I think, true. What's needed, according to Weigel and Benedictus XVI, is a recovery of the value posited by the authour of Gulag Archepeligo et al. I would agree, but what do I know? I'm just a country LSP.

Anyway, off to make a dent in the hog demographic tomorrow - setting up at first light with enough weaponry to take on what's left of the British Army.

More anon,