Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Yale Goes Full Rainbow

Yale, once thought of as an ivy-covered hallowed hall of academe has transmorphed into a rainbow riding, PC proving ground. 

Up till now, everyone thought of Harvard as Satan's Vatican but apparently its famous competitor, Yale, is in the running as surveys show that most incoming Yale students are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual, queer, plus.

Some, a tiny 9% minority, report themselves as "somewhat conservative." Apparently they think that biological sex has something to do with gender. Such Nazis.

Approximately 0.06 of adults in the US identify as transgender. Before you laugh out loud at the injustice of it all, ask yourself  what does that make Yale, some kind of freakshow?

And listen up. The same Illuminati, NWO, Globalist goons that are trying to enslave you by shipping your jobs overseas are doing the same by erasing your gender, turning you into a sexless non-person, and all in the name of freedom. That's right, a drone, ready to do its hivemind's bidding.

They never thought she'd lose.


Tuesday, September 11, 2018

And From Melania

"A somber tribute at Flight 93 National Memorial this morning. We honor the many lost at the hands of evil on 9/11. It's a time to remember the strength of this nation & the power that comes from unity, leadership & courage. God Bless this great nation."

Well said, First Lady,


Never Forget

Never forget and by the same token remember the constant stream of pro-Muslim sentiment that gushed out of the White House right after the attacks and throughout the Obama years. 

Islam is a religion of peace, lied George Bush and the aptly named Hussein took up the mantra.

The same lie's being peddled today, albeit with a kind of desperation in the face of the Jihad savages' inability to stop themselves from running amok in Western towns and cities, to say nothing of their homelands. Well, they've been at it since Mohammed so why stop now?

But while it's important to know, name and fight the enemy, we also have to ask what we're fighting for. I'd suggest the freedom to drown ourselves in strip malls, concrete metrosprawls and gadgets isn't going to cut it. 

we not only need to remember the attacks on the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and the aborted attack on the White House due to patriots who stood up to evil - and the attack on the US Consulate in Benghazi a year later, but we need to look at ourselves as a nation and on the unwavering course that we need to take into the future for ourselves and our posterity.

We need to look at ourselves as a nation, well said and in doing so ask what it is we stand for. For the Kingdom of God or some other thing? I'll leave you to reflect on the likely success of the latter. Sermon over.

May those who died 17 years ago today rest in peace.


Monday, September 10, 2018

Melania Mondays!

Ever quick to defend her country, America's popular and glamorous First Lady didn't waste time replying to the treasonous, cowardly, craven, deep state cabal, no name, Op-Ed in the New York Times. 

Here's Melania's statement:

Freedom of speech is an important pillar of our nation’s founding principles and a free press is important to our democracy. The press should be fair, unbiased and responsible. Unidentified sources have become the majority of voices people hear about in today’s news. People with no names are writing our nation’s history. 
Words are important, and accusations can lead to severe consequences. If a person is bold enough to accuse people of negative actions, they have a responsibility to publicly stand by their words and people have the right to be able to defend themselves. 
To the writer of the oped – you are not protecting this country, you are sabotaging it with your cowardly actions.

Melania's patriotic stand for decency and integrity was subsequently mocked on The View, causing the First Lady's Director of Communications, Stephanie Grisham, to rip the show's hosts, Joy Behar and Sunny Hostin.

"If by 'destroy'," tweeted Grisham, "you mean being disrespectful & hypocritical while mocking someone’s accent, then the 'ladies' of @TheView succeeded."

Joy Behar and Sunny Hostin have a net worth of $8 million and $2 million respectively, which must make it easy for them to be socialists. Unlike them, Melania's doing her part to make America great again.

Here at the Compound we applaud that.



We've Only Just Begun MAGA

In light of the above, I'd say this makes sense.



Sunday, September 9, 2018

Swords In Texas!

For well over a century Texas has labored under the harsh strictures of the hated Reconstruction Government, which banned citizens from defending themselves, negating their freedom. But at last tyranny is being dismantled. 

This Friday, Texans will be allowed to openly carry swords and not only swords, but also daggers, dirks, throwing knives, stilettos, poniards, machetes and spears. 

So as of the end of this week, if you want to stroll over to the Tractor Supply Company, Karen's Authentic Mexican Food, the nearest feed store, Walmart or just down the road to the local Pick 'n Steal with your cavalry saber strapped to your hip, go right ahead. 

Here at the Compound we applaud this latest step forward on the path to ever greater liberty and are sensibly getting down to business, sharpening sabers and perfecting the drill. 

We believe that an armed society is a polite society, except at the charge in which case it's devil take the hindmost and ride like fury.

Your Pal,


Saturday, September 8, 2018


It's weird, but every time Western backed proxy Jihad militias in Syria are on the verge of losing yet another battle, the Syrian government launches a chemical attack against their civilians, prompting the West to attack Assad forces.

We're gearing up for this deadly spectacle again as the Russian and Iranian backed Syrian army launches a full scale assault on Al-Quaeda affiliates in Idlib province. Well ahead of the offensive on one of the last remaining terrorist strongholds, Russia warned of a false flag chemical attack. 

Western response has been predictable, threatening Assad with swift and vigorous action if chemical weapons are used. Fair enough, but who stands to benefit if they are?

A Syrian government on the edge of victory, which has everything to lose by drawing down potentially catastrophic fire on its own position, or the Islamist terrorists who have everything to gain from massive intervention on the part of the US and allies.

Put simply, Assad stands to lose everything if he uses chemical weapons, the reverse applies to the Islamist terrorists.

So if and when heart wrenching reports of men, women and children being killed by poison gas in Idlib, along with stirring humanitarian videos of the Mother Theresa inspired White Helmets providing humanitarian aid start to surface, who's the culprit?

Assad or some other thing?

By the way, Youtube's not only banned Alex Jones but the Syrian government too. Surely a coincidence. 

And since we're visiting, some 300,000 people have died in Syria since the Saudi/Qatari/US backed LNG war against Assad started.

Imagine, just for a moment, that we were Syria and had lost so many people. Then add Iraq's 500,000 dead and ask yourself how you'd feel about our foreign policy if you were on the receiving end

Out demons out,


Friday, September 7, 2018

Thank God For Rain

It rained yesterday evening. Seriously, no kidding, it rained. Clouds rolled in, lightning flashed, thunder rolled and water fell from the sky.

It was like a gift from heaven. No, it was a gift from heaven and I stood on the porch enjoying the sheer, cooling, clarifying beauty of the thing.

Perhaps you think that's some kind of exaggeration. So what, you mutter darkly from the bay window of a water soaked pub on Aberystwyth Pier, it rained, like we're supposed to care.

Not so fast. When the ground's cracking and every day's a triple digit furnace, rain means a lot. No fooling and you have to ask how people managed back before air conditioning. The answer is, they mostly didn't. Texan towns only got big after the advent of HVAC.

Still, those that pioneered the state were tough, no doubt about it. Right out there on the frontier in the relentless heat and the sleeping porch. Respect.

With all of this in mind I stood firm, like Ahab, as the rain crashed down and thanked the Almighty for His mercy.

Trust the plan,


I Am Spartacus

Truly this man was the great Spartacus!



Thursday, September 6, 2018


Alex Jones is banned from Twitter.

Right after Twatter's  CEO told the Senate Intelligence Committee that the social media giant didn't censor free speech.

You can't make this sh*t up.



Behold The Left

This is Tighe Barry, 59, protesting against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh during this week's  Senate hearings. As you can see, Tighe's dressed up like a giant condom. 

I'd say that speaks for itself.


Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Alex Jones v. Rat Claw Rubio Cagematch!

Bets are on for the cagematch fight of the year, that's right, Alex Jones v. miserably failed presidential candidate Rat Claw Rubio.

After altercations outside the Senate Intelligence Committee hearing on Big Lib Tech censorship, Jones and Rubio are going down to the mat. 

In the one corner we have champion of free speech and alternative media strongman, Alex Jones. In the other we have Rat Claw Rubio, the diminutive Deep State Republican Senator from Florida who may or may not have enjoyed a foaming hot tub with lots of, ahem, dudes.

Who will win, establishment puppet, polished loafer, inside the Beltway, deep state Illuminati NWO puppet or internet news strongman Alex Jones?

I'm not a betting man but I'd wager the fighting monkey on Jones, unless Rat Claw's cunningly concealed a bear taser in its lingerie. In which case all bets are off. Let the fight begin!

Let's Go Full Moron

In other news, rabid leftists' heads are doing demon possessed 360s at the prospect of SCOTUS evading their revolutionary, BillSoc grasp. Don't say Handmaid's Tale.

And such is the state of political discourse USA 2018.

Stockpile food, ammo and learn to ride if you haven't already.

God bless,