Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Melania is Awesome and the Posh Challenge

One of the Team's not too happy about the way Melania's being treated by the progleft commie fashionistas and sent in the above "meme." Some of you know the sender as "BW" and she's famous on both sides of the Atlantic for her ability to impersonate "Posh Spice."

Posh, aka Victoria Beckham, no longer smiles in public after the Sunday Sport accused the celebrity of being a "Village Idiot." 

BW, can you do the "Posh" smile? The challenge is on.

Arduus ad Solem,


Monday, November 21, 2016

Let Them Eat Steak

you have the steaks... you have the wines... and all of that. Donald Trump

It's a brave new dawn in America, as oppressed people everywhere shake off the shackles of oppression and get down to the serious business of pounding the mahogany to the tune of steak and wine.

Both of these are affordable now, thanks to Danaldus Magnus, and here at the Compound we took advantage of that, scoring a "Threeper" of New York strips at Walmart for $15 bucks. Yes readers, that's right, 5 dollars a steak and guess what, they were delicious. 

Seared for a minute a side in an iron skillet and put in the oven at 400 for 3 minutes. Did Marmite butter feature? Sure it did, along with egg and chips (French Fries).

Was it tasty? Yes it was, as tasty as the Network Heads and their millionaire socialist, comsymp, agitprop shills in the media getting a beating in the Golden Tower. 

“Trump started with Jeff Zucker and said I hate your network, everyone at CNN is a liar and you should be ashamed…" Right on, Magnus.

The next day, the Team got out in the field with a couple of deadly assault rifles and settled into some serious business. Just you, the country and the guns. Sorry, rainbow rider losers, there's freedom in that.

Gun rights,


Friday, November 18, 2016

Hot Chocolate Onesies And Kittens

In Safe Space no one can hear you scream! Anonymous

You're proably wondering, scornfully, "Is LSP capable of serious thought?" Well, maybe not, but George Rutler is. Here's the Upper East Side onetime Anglican on the discouraging "safe space" trend:

"Professors who never attained moral maturity themselves, reacted by providing “safe spaces” for students traumatized by reality. In universities across the land, by a sodality of silliness in the academic establishment, these “safe spaces” were supplied with soft cushions, hot chocolate, coloring books, and attendant psychologists. More than one university in the Ivy League provided aromatherapy along with friendly kittens and puppies for weeping students to cuddle. A college chaplaincy invited students to pray some prescribed litanies that offered God advice in an advisory capacity.

"The average age of a Continental soldier in the American Revolution was one year less than that of a college freshman today. Alexander Hamilton was a fighting lieutenant-colonel when 21, not to mention Joan of Arc who led an army into battle and saved France when she was about as old as an American college sophomore. In our Civil War, eight Union generals and seven Confederate generals were under the age of 25. The age of most U.S. and RAF fighter pilots in World War II was about that of those on college junior varsity teams. Catholics who hoped in this election for another Lepanto miracle will remember that back in 1571, Don Juan of Austria saved Western civilization as commanding admiral when he was 24."

Don Juan was twenty four when he took down the Moslem sea jihad.  Ponder that and as you do, reflect on the West's cultural devolution. Who will save us? Rome? Moscow?

I'm not a betting man but I'd lay odds on the latter. Then again, all the polls were confounded last Tuesday so perhaps there's hope for the West yet.

Sink me, a Guinea on the Monkey.


Thursday, November 17, 2016

Safe Space

A friend from England was discussing America's gun laws and how they might not work in the UK, "Think downtown Romford on a Saturday night, throw guns into the mix and Boom! They'd all be dead, innit."

Piers Morgan Being Appalling Somewhere in England

Even the most ardent firearms enthusiast might have to concede a point, though I bravely countered with "being able to defend yourself is a hallmark of a free society." Picture the scene, you're strolling down a street in Soho looking for fun and up saunters Piers Morgan, all raced up from Champagne and Gin at the Groucho. So Whaddya do? Call the police?

Alien Gear

That's a negative, by the time London's Finest arrive it's too late. No. You pull out a Glock like a free man and shoot it dead, but you can't do that in England, which brings us back to America.

It Works

In this country you can defend yourself and I'd argue that qualified persons should carry in order to defend the unarmed citizenry against bad actors, like Piers Morgan and Lena Dunham. My friend agreed, "It's like a duty."

Safe Space

With that in mind, my carry weapon's a Glock 21. I know, I know, it's not a .357 Magnum or an awesome Kimber, but whatever, the Glock's all business and gets the job done. What's the job?

Creating a safe space, obviously.

Gun Rights,


Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Lena Dunham, Loser

Celebrity millionaire socialist, Lena Dunham, campaigned tirelessly for Candidate Clinton, filling Hillary's presidential run with a thick, cloying fog of canting hubris ridden smug. 

Then bang, Clinton lost by a landslide and flew into an uncontrollable rage, slinging champagne bottles through hotel flatscreens and clawing at Mook like a wild beast. They had to sedate her as she thrashed on the floor of the Victory Suite, shrieking obscenities.

Painful at a Cellular Level 

And all thanks to Lena Dunham. Imagine the celebrity leftist's stomach churning waking nightmare when she discovered her idol had gone down in flames. It made her sick:

"Watching the numbers in Florida, I touched my face and realized I was crying. ‘Can we please go home?’ I said to my boyfriend. I could tell he was having trouble breathing, and I could feel my chin breaking into hives.”

A Clay Golem

Yes, hives. Dunham's pain at costing Clinton the presidency bored right down to her inner being, to the "cellular level," and let's not forget the agony of betrayal, having to live with the fact that women didn't vote for Hillary:

"It is painful on a cellular level knowing those men got what they wanted, just as it’s painful to know you are hated for daring to ask for what is yours.”
“It’s painful to know that white women, so unable to see the unity of female identity, so unable to look past their violent privilege, and so inoculated with hate for themselves, showed up to the polls for him, too."

Yeah, they did. Sorry, Dunham, for some reason you failed to convince.


Rumors that Canada is building a "Great Northern Wall" to keep Lena Dunham out of the country are entirely with foundation.

Your Old Friend,



Here at the Compound we're drinking strong coffee, dusting off the Steuben and cleaning guns while, ahem, loyal staff polish the Mess silver.

A lot of this fast-paced, hi-stress action takes place on the porch, where Blue Eschaton has set up in vigilant defense.


In related news, it seems that Hillary wasn't able to address her party faithful on election night because she'd fallen into a psychotic, drunken rage, clawing at long-suffering staffers while hurling inanimate objects at Mook and the well known Satanist, John Podesta.

A Typical Texan Tailgate

Hell hath no fury, eh? America, looks like you dodged a bullet.

God bless Texas,


Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Go On, Shoot Some Guns

To celebrate America's new dawn we loaded up the pickup with guns and headed out to the country. A few minutes later we were on a friend's farm, lining up against a burn pile with a .38 Special, a Glock 21 and an AR15.

Do you remember Hillary? She wanted to ban these guns but failed and fell into a pyschotic drunken rage, tearing at Mook and Podesta as the vote came down past midnight. Boom,  Witch, you lose. A doctor had to administer sedatives, just to calm her down.

The guns performed flawlessly in the searing heat of an autmnal Texan Fall. Take that, 5th Columnist water bottle, take that big time. Same applies to you, Jerrycan, and you too derelict license plate. 

Driving through this town's dystopic outlet mall after the shoot  you couldn't help but notice the legend, Guilt Free Shopping. Maybe that's because all the shops are shut, as in, gone bust. In Trump's America that's going to change, we hope.

After that it was fried pie and what can I say? Life is good.

Gun rights,


Trumpocalypse Eurotantrum

While Americans are busy chowing down on Unicorn steaks, burgers and the odd "Unicorn on Rye, hold the mayo," the European millionaire socialist elitocracy seems to be throwing a bit of a tantrum. Some accuse the rich and powerful comsymp socialists of "infantilism." Here's ZeroHedge:

There is indeed an unmistakable infantility about the reactions of European political elites to the election of the new US president, which are reminiscent of a young child lashing out after being denied candy. More significantly, the reactions reveal an overbearing disrespect for the American people's free and democratic choice of a leader. Most important, however, is that the arrogant claim to the moral high ground by European elites has no basis in reality. It simply is not true that, as Merkel claimed, freedom and democracy, rule of law and respect for people's race, religion and gender are at the foreground of European policies.

A Typical Brussels Street Scene

You can read the whole thing here and, in the meanwhile, enjoy the delicious aroma of roasting unicorn!

Steak's up,


Monday, November 14, 2016


Everyone's got their eyes on the delicious Unicorn Steaks they're serving over at Trump Tower, but thanks to the Grunt of Montecristo, we now know that an affordable variant will be hitting the stores shortly.

Here at the Compound we're sharpening knives, laying the table and getting ready for the feast.

Yum, yum,


Hunter Kills Rainbow Unicorn Social Media Erupts

Social media has erupted with death threats after a hunter posted pictures of himself on Facebook with "Libbo," a rainbow unicorn which he shot inside the popular Washington DC game preserve, Hubristika.

Libbo, who was widely regarded as the world's favorite unicorn, was shot last week  on a guided hunt in Hubristika, causing Twitter users to react with outrage and repeated calls for the real estate mogul turned hunter to be "killed" and "murdered."

In Portland, Oregon, anguished unicorn lovers took to the streets in protest against the slaying, rioting and looting.

However, as one pundit commented, "Bwaah, bwaah, bwaah, bwaah, bwaah, bwaah, bwaah. Nobody cares."

The hunter remains unrepentant and was reportedly offering UK politician and BREXIT architect, Nigel Farage, unicorn steaks in his iconic Golden Tower. "Sometimes you have to cull the herd," he stated, "It's conservation."

Steaks on the grill,


Saturday, November 12, 2016

Vicarious Duck Hunting

"I'm off to the lease early," said my philisophical pal, GWB, "So I can shoot some ducks and get back to the metrosprawl for Mass." And that's what he did, see above.

I wanted to join in, too, but couldn't because of a funeral and a wedding, to say nothing of a burned hand. Speaking of which, my old friend, VCC (Veteran Crew Chief), who once turned out a roving band of motorcycle hippies from his stock tank, asked me how the hand was doing.


"How's that hand, LSP?"
"Better, but here's my advice."
"What's that?"
"Don't pour boiling oil on your fingers. If you do, they're good for nothing."
"Hey, you can always eat them."

A Typical Motorcycle Hippy

VCC tells me he enjoyed Laos, Cambodia and helicopters but didn't much like the military, or motorcycle hippies chancing it out of Austin. Regardless, for me, the hunting's vicarious. That will change.

Get out in the field.