Sunday, April 25, 2021

Good Shepherd Sunday Sermon


I am the good shepherd says Jesus, who lays down his life for his flock in contrast to the hirelings who run from the wolf who scatters and devours the sheep. That in mind, consider the gang of rapacious frauds, hucksters and mountebanks who lead us. Hirelings, in it for themselves as opposed to the people they supposedly represent. Who pays them?

We can get down in the weeds, zoom in and go microscopic on the various pay to plays which fund our betters' mansions, and what a stenching mass of corruption it is. But zoom out and ask who really pays these people, who do they really work for, consciously or otherwise. Well, it's not God, is it.

Yea, though I walk through the valley and shadow of death I will fear no evil. Pray for the grace to follow the true Shepherd and Bishop of our souls who leads us, yes, to the Cross but from there to the Resurrection and eternal life, to the green pastures and still waters of paradise. 

Here endeth the lesson, and behold, I haven't mentioned sheeple or mask zombies once.

God bless,



"The Shepherd whose voice we listen for always wants to draw us to him, to make us more fully his own. For the sheep, discerning the voice of the shepherd is a matter of life and death: get it wrong, and you find yourself responding to the hired hand, or the thief, or the butcher. For us, too, discerning the voice of the shepherd is a matter of life and death: to hear and respond to his voice is to live into the abundant life he promises. To ignore it shuts us off from the life and love for which we are made. ‘My sheep hear my voice’, says Jesus. ‘I know them, and they follow me’. The sheep follow because they are known; because the shepherd is trustworthy. For even when we get it wrong: when we listen to the wrong voices, or fail to discern the voice of the shepherd, he will come and find us and call us home. For nothing can snatch us out of his hands." (Br. Dominic Austin, Oratory of the Good Shepherd)

God of peace, you raised from the dead our Lord Jesus Christ, the great shepherd of the sheep by the blood of the eternal covenant. Help us to know him as our Lord, to listen to his voice, and to follow him wherever he leads; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Saturday, April 24, 2021



So, 'LSP,' you're gambling on magic internet meme tokens being worth more than USD$? Yes, I am. Some might call that a good call, others wouldn't. Here's Tombstone, yet again:

Bets on, and at the time of writing DOGE$ is surging past its retracement from all time highs earlier this week. 

C'mon, Pup, the Lambo won't fund itself!





Black Lives Matter co-founder and self-proclaimed "trained Marxist" Patrisse Cullors just bought herself another mansion, on top of the four homes she's bought in five years. This one's in toney Topanga Canyon where 88% of the residents are white. 

Cullors states: “The way that I live my life is in direct support to Black people, including my Black family members, first and foremost. And, for so many Black folks who are able to invest in themselves and their community, they choose to invest in their families, and that’s what I have chosen to do. I have a child, I have a brother with severe mental illness that I take care of, I support my mother, and I support many other family members of mine. And so I see my money as not my own, I see it as my family’s money as well."

Your family's money? Yes indeed. Don't say fraudulent, leftist, necromancer hypocrite. No, just ask yourself how all the many millions of dollars plowed into the race baiting advocacy group have benefited one single POC, apart from Cullors and her family, obviously.

What a rich witch,


Thursday, April 22, 2021

A Miracle


Found at Walmart this morning, normal price. I'm celebrating this miracle with a bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwich. No fooling.

Shoot straight,


Wednesday, April 21, 2021



Ma'Khia got herself shot because she was a "very loving, peaceful little girl," until she tried to stab another girl. And that's just it, she probably was a loving little girl, with all that that entails, until something went wrong, drastically wrong. Then she became a stabba.

The problem here runs deep. Force, in the end, will solve it because we've apparently run out of reason. In the meanwhile, here's my kid from the Army in South Korea, "Dad, could your generation please sort it out, before we have to."

I'm afraid, Son, that the boat has sailed.

Your Old Pal,


Tuesday, April 20, 2021



I looked at the aging monkey and he looked at me. "Tell me, monkey, should I sell?" The old veteran of uncountable fights snarled, barring a yellowed fang, "Hold." So I did.

Look, I'm not a betting man but I'll wager the vicious monkey against any .666 of your priestesses that the Peoples Currency hits .40 by the end of the week, if not sooner.

Bets on and Devil take the hindmost, what?

Your Pal,



A Mountebank Crook

Maxine Waters, for inciting race hatred, and being a corrupt, hypocritical fraud of a Millionaire Socialist.

A George Floyd Juror

Our legal system, which is clearly broken.

A Martyr Angel Saint God

George Floyd, for breaking into a woman's house and pointing a gun at her stomach while an accomplice searched her home for drugs and money.

A Cop

Speaking of which, I was fishing with a couple of semi-retired LEOs when George Floyd became a beautiful, martyr saint, holy angel. One of them asked the other, "Is that the kind of hold you teach your students?"

A Dindu

Regardless, now that the show trial's over, will Minneapolis burn to the ground? Maybe the MPD should stand down if it does, while the Guard enjoys rainbow diversity training.

Maxine Waters' net worth is a paltry $2 million, low by #MillSoc standards. Don't say race baiting mountebank.

Your Pal,


Monday, April 19, 2021

Juke Box Monday


Here we are, after a long day's fishing work and it's time to spin up the juke. So here we go. First off, WSF and Thank God And Greyhound. Respect.

And let's not forget Creedence. Thanks, WWW. Rock on, my friend.

And this one's for Ed. Set those controls.

For LL? The dark side of the Moon.

I like this, just 'coz.

And this. Highway Star.

Well done, kids. Requests welcome,


Gone Fishing


A beautiful, balmy, spring day in Texas. So what to do? Go fishing, and that's exactly what happened. I drove off to Soldiers' Bluff on Lake Whitney and cast out into the depths. Would the piscine adversary bite?

Hard to tell, the climate's been strange lately, thanks to its Czar, Wooden Top, and this confuses the fish, so anything was possible. To be honest, I wasn't expecting much. But what am I saying? How much more do you want than an early afternoon under the free Texan sky?

As it was, I caught a drum and a couple of perch. Not bad, and all good action on a light rod. Then it was back to the Compound to recoup before jukebox action and tracking the Shiba on various charts. Stay tuned and regardless, a good day.

Fish on,


Sunday, April 18, 2021

Cooking With LSP


Cooking with LSP? That's not only stupid, it's dangerous, and what's that, a vegetable? Yes readers, a vegetable, asparagus, and here's how you do it. Wrap those green beasts in bacon.

It's not hard. Trim the warlike spears, toss in olive oil and black pepper and then wrap 'em up, three or four spears to a bundle. A bit like Fasces but without the axe. Then sit back and behold your handiwork, all this asparagus wrapped in bacon.

Level unlocked, put the enhanced veg in the oven at 400* for twenty minutes or so while, inspired by LL's sermon, you research Texas' illusive black cat, the Jaguarundi. 

These long tailed wild cats weigh in at around 20 pounds and are mistaken for Jaguars, which may or may not exist in the Lone Star State. They've been sighted here in Hill County, but not by me.

Better have a pistol handy in case the veg attacks!

Important research over, take the bacon wrapped green aggressors out of the oven. Serve with steak. I chose a Rib Eye, you may prefer a different cut, like a New York Strip. Hey, your call, no rule.

Then fall upon your scoff.

Like a warrior,