Tuesday, November 12, 2024

How Could They Have Possibly Lost


That is all,



Infidel de manahatta said...

Where were the 16 million who voted for Biden in 2020 but didn't vote for Harris this time? It's almost like they never existed. Nah, that can't be it. Must be some other explanation.

Wild, wild west said...

If I do this, I get a whipping. Oh well, what the heck:

"She's so fine, there's no telling where your luggage went."


LSP, we might-maybe need to book me a counseling session after this one.

LSP said...

I feel, Infidel, that you need to report yourself.

LSP said...

My dear Wild, I have ALWAYS loved that song. Are you arguing for advancement?

LSP said...

Well yes, pewster, there is that. Yet here we are.

drjim said...

Not much appeal there for us Great, Unwashed, Masses now, is there?

Mike_C said...

Can we shoot “them”? Not for being a cross-dressing deviant (because that would be a Hate Crime*) but because “they” have terrible taste. Green lipstick? Really?

* I denounce anti-deviantism. People against deviants are probably against normalization of sex with preteens too, the dirty bigots. Down with anti-pedotism!

LSP said...

It does show a certain disconnect, drjim.

LSP said...

I'm rather concerned, Mike. Are you saying the luggage thief in a frock is some kind of... deviant?

Mike_C said...

Well, yes. But apart from the felony theft, the tasteless drag and the BSDM dog-sex LARPing (remember the “pup play”?), he’s most likely also a sham. Sam Brinton’s persona is based on being a Brave Survivor of particularly brutal “conversion therapy” (of the A Clockwork Orange variety) where he was subjected to needles shoved into his fingertips while being forced to view homosex images. He claims this went on for a prolonged period but cannot recall even the name of his (parentally approved) tormentor, and has no interest in bringing this torturer to justice.

Does he believe he was the last victim? Even if he has personally forgiven his tormentor, his silence would be giving assent for the man to torture other “queer youth”. He is either a liar or he is an enabler of a violent and sadistic abuser. I’m pretty sure he’s not the latter. But credit to the deviant: he’s adopted the HIGHLY effective playbook of the most successful Victim-tyrants in human history — whenever someone Notices, use “but my trauma!” as both a shield and a bludgeon. A pity Brinton couldn’t stick the landing though.