Saturday, January 6, 2018


You may have missed it in your rush to buy Bitcoin but today's the Feast of the Epiphany and the manifestation of Christ to the Gentiles. I like this:

THE Magi took the lids from their urns and unfastened their caskets, when they presented the symbols of universal homage to our infant prince. But when a woman came to anoint the king in his royal city, she shattered her alabaster jar, that she might pour the precious spikenard on his head. There was a sympathy between her action and the approaching Passion: the perfume of man’s homage could not be offered to God, without breaking the veined alabaster, the body of the Son of Man. Our incense may rise, like that of the Magi, from unbroken vessels, if we present our bodies a living sacrifice. Yet a living sacrifice is also a sacrifice, and is made so by some participation in the shattering of the vase. Christ, sacrificing himself, joins us with him in sacrificing him; Christ, sacrificing himself, sacrifices us, for he has made us parts of him. We come to offer our homage to Christ, but his star has brought us, and the breaking of his mortal vase has furnished all the perfume of our offering.
                                                                                  The Crown of the Year, Austin Farrer.


With that in mind, it's only fair to say that several members of this popular information brokerage have also had epiphanies. Viz. Justin Welby is not so much an Archbishop as  a Comedy House Elf. 

There's no need to get into Mantis People, that's a different post.

Quo Vadis,


Friday, January 5, 2018

Cold Fusion

It's Twelfth Night and the end of the Christmastide so it's only natural to pause in your reveling and reflect on Cold Fusion (CF). You know, the elusive holy grail of nuclear fusion occurring at or around room temperature. How does this happen?

When hydrogen atoms are infused into various metals, such as nickel and palladium. In the resulting LENR (Low Energy Nuclear Reaction) more heat is produced than went into the reaction in the first place and it's relatively safe.

CF produces slow moving neurons which don't create ionizing radiation or radioactive waste and its ingredients are plentiful and inexpensive. Excellent, a clean, cheap source of abundant power; no wonder an experimental reactor, ITER, is being built in Europe. But there's a twofold catch. 

Limitless non-polluting energy means no climate changing gasses from burning fossil fuels and that's a disaster because it means no more carbon tax, no more excuse to tax the weather. Oh dear, there goes that income stream. Then there's the Moslems. 

With Cold Fusion safely underway, we wouldn't have to rely on the meteorite worshipers for oil. Bad day for Saudi Arabia and the Clinton Foundation! Happy day for all those who resent being enslaved by primitive savage Mohammedans.

Quite a conundrum. Cold Fusion's obviously racist and climate denying; it also takes more energy to produce than it creates, unless Rossi's E-Cat's to be believed. 

So in the meanwhile, here's what we recommend at the Compound. Drill, drill, drill ANWR.

Energy independence forever,



Do your guns still work, for that matter, do you still know how to use them? There's one sure fire way to find out, go shooting and that's exactly what we did.

An AR15 performed flawlessly, putting rounds down range like a proper little heater, likewise a Glock 21. Well done, Austrians, you've produced a good 'un.

Speaking of pistols, I've noticed people have a tendency to shoot low with the Glock and some say that's because of the ergonomics of the grip. With that in mind I aimed slightly high and shot, ahem, slightly high. Excellent pistol and I always enjoy its explosive .45 ACP power.

We finished off with some .22 plinking against various threats including a bottle cap, someone's discarded Coors Lite can and our ancient enemy, unicorns.

It's argued that unicorns are harmless, mythical, noble creatures. We disagree, they're a right menace, just look what they've done to San Francisco and Austin. And the moral of the story?

Shooting is great, so get out in the fresh air and do it more often.

Gun rights,


Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Patriarchal Wisdom

Listen up, you heathen. Here's the Patriarch of Constantinople dispensing incarnational Christmas wisdom.

Neither the tragic experience of violence and reduction of the human person, nor the proclamation of noble ideals have prevented the continuation of aggression and war, the exaltation of power and the exploitation of one another. Nor again have the domination of technology, the extraordinary achievements of science, and economic progress brought social justice and the peace that we so desire. Instead, in our time, the indulgence of the affluent has increased and globalization is destroying the conditions of social cohesion and harmony...
In the Church, we experience freedom through Christ, in Christ and with Christ. And the very summit of this freedom is the place of love, which “does not seek its own” but “derives from a pure heart.” Whoever depends on himself, seeks his own will, and is self-sufficient—whoever pursues deification by himself and congratulates himself—only revolves around himself and his individual self-love and self-gratification; such a person only sees others as a suppression of individual freedom. Whereas freedom in Christ is always oriented to one’s neighbor, always directed toward the other, always speaks the truth in love. The aim of the believer is not to assert his or her rights, but rather “to follow and fulfill the rights of Christ” in a spirit of humility and thanksgiving.

This truth about the life in Christ, about freedom as love and love as freedom, is the cornerstone and assurance for the future of humankind. When we build on this inspired ethos, we are able to confront the great challenges of our world, which threaten not only our well-being but our very survival.
The truth about the “God-man” is the response to the contemporary “man-god” and proof of our eternal destination proclaimed by the Holy and Great Council of the Orthodox Church (Crete, 2016): “The Orthodox Church sets against the ‘man-god’ of the contemporary world the ‘God-man’ as the ultimate measure of all things. “We do not speak of a man who has been deified, but of God who has become man.” The Church reveals the saving truth of the God-man and His body, the Church, as the locus and mode of life in freedom, “speaking the truth in love,” and as participation even now on earth in the life of the resurrected Christ.”

The truth about the "God-man" is the response to the contemporary "man-god" and proof of our eternal destination... Outstanding and you can read the whole thing here

As a parting shot, what does the Patriarch's "man-god" look like? Hint, it likes to ride a unicorn en lieu of an eyes wide shut, Rothschild supplied driver but don't ask Welby, he doesn't know.

God bless,


You Miserable Offender

Have a look at this miserable orange offender; here's a closeup of the little beast.

It came on yesterday, signifying a "cylinder 6 misfire."

Everywhere Else Was Shut Or Booked

Spark plug, coil or something else? Let's see.

Stay, ahem, tuned and pray that all those sealed indictments mean LOCK HER UP.

God bless,


Sunday, December 31, 2017

Happy New Year MAGA!

Here it is, New Years and it's only natural to count the blessings of the past year, such as criminal Hillary not being the President. Check out this video, thanks to Adrienne, and see if you agree.

Watch to the end and notice the irenic tone of the infovid; resist the temptation to "school" our loser Hillaryite friends and "heal" instead.

Perhaps this famous Trump election night anthem will help the process as we move into 2018.

Dance on and death to the Illuminati NWO elite.

Happy New Year!



New Years Eve Ice Age Eschaton

Thanks a lot, so-called General "Flynn," if that's your real name, which we doubt. Thanks to you and the Russians we're entering a new Ice Age and no, this isn't Oymyakon, it's rural Texas and there's ice on the rig.

In fact there's snow, drifting wildly against Blue Icebreaker's leash on the front office porch. I know, it's badly in need of paint and that should have happened by now; who knows, maybe it'll all be over by Spring. In the meanwhile, c'mon, Lupe, finish the job.

Ice, paint and snow aside, there's a roast in the oven and Yorkshire Pudding batter chilling in the fridge. Our plan is to eat like warriors. But in the meanwhile, where's that good old Global Warming?

Have a blessed and happy New Year.

Rave on,


Saturday, December 30, 2017

Farmers Markets? Pack Up And Go, Racists

Just when you thought it was safe to buy some farm fresh tomatoes, free of the chains of Big Food, you're brought up short. You see, farmers markets are racist. We know this thanks to two San Diego State University profs.

Farmers markets, say the brainy professors, are "white spaces where the food consumption habits of white people are normalized.”

See? You thought you were simply buying fruit and veg in an effort to bypass the massive food conglomerates and encourage local produce. But no, you were just encouraging "whiteness." You can check out the San Diego buffoons on Campus Reform.

While you're at it, don't forget the ivory towers of Brown and its latest fauxcahontas initiative. Race, readers, is as fluid as gender itself. Just ask Rachel Dolezal or, for that matter, the curiously named Brown.

From left to right, Rachel Dolezal, Rachel Dolezal

It costs somewhere in the region of $67k a year to attend Brown. Rachel Dolezal, who is white but became brown, didn't go to school there, oddly. 

Make of that what you will,


Friday, December 29, 2017

Fire It Up

There's the fender, the "dogs" and the ancient fire tools from the time your ancestors conquered this land, or bought them in a street market in Brussels or Oklahoma City or wherever; doesn't matter, dammit. Where's the fire?!?

I've argued this for years, "Clean out the flu, light the fire; it'll be better, warmer." But no, a feeble gaslight rules.

Now that we've had a year of MAGA this should and must change. Real fires, please.

America First,


Thursday, December 28, 2017

Kwanzaa And The Holy Innocents

I know, I know, you're all getting down with ahem, "Dr." Karenga's awesomely made up Kwanzaa, which some argue isn't celebrated by anyone other than white liberals and perhaps the FBI. But spare a thought for the Holy Innocents while you're at it.

O God, Whose praise the martyred innocents did this day proclaim, not by speaking, but by dying, do to death in us all the malice of sinfulness, that our lives may also proclaim Thy faith, which our tongues profess. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee. in the unity of the Holy Ghost, God, world without end.
Grant, we beseech Thee, almighty God, that the new birth of Thine only-begotten Son in the flesh may set us free, who are held by the old bondage under the yoke of sin. Through the same Lord Jesus Christ Thy Son, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the Holy Ghost, God, world without end.

And for all you trads out there, here's the Latin.

Deus, cujus hodiérna die præcónium Innocentes Mártyres non loquéndo, sed moriéndo conféssi sunt: ómnia in nobis vitiórum mala mortífica; ut fidem tuam, quam lingua nostra lóquitur, étiam móribus vita fateátur. Per Dominum nostrum Jesum Christum Filium Tuum: Qui Tecum vivit et regnat in unitate Spiritus Sancti, Deus, Per omnia saecula saeculorum.
Concede, quaesumus, omnipotens Deus: ut nos Unigeniti Tui nova per carnem nativitas liberet; Quos sub peccati jugo vetustat servitus tenet. Per eúmdem Dóminum nostrum Jesum Christum Fílium tuum, qui tecum vivit et regnat in unitáte Spíritus Sancti, Deus, Per omnia saecula saeculorum.

Serious stuff, right? And now we can all get back to innocently enjoying Kwanzaa.



Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Boxing Day MAGA

Have you noticed how much better Christmas was this year, as though a cloud of MillSoc (Millionaire Socialist) oppression had lifted from the land? We certainly did here in the Metrosprawl; no complaints.

The kids, who won't be kids much longer, woke up to stockings that included micro drones and almost fell over themselves with excitement. Thanks, LL, for the inspiration. Then we drove to Dallas to celebrate with the rest of the family.

I got a MAGA ornament to go with the PSG (Presidiential Snow Globe), which was pretty uplifting and some neat unicorn paraphernalia. Be magical, it tells us. Hard not too with America's popular and glamorous First Lady in the White House. Seriously, think of the alternative.

Nasty, right?  Unlike the neat boxing robots I got the kids. Perhaps you remember them from the '70s, Rock 'Em Sock 'Em; who knew these fighting 'bots were still being made. Perhaps they weren't and now they are, thanks to tax reform and putting America first.


With that in mind, all the best for the Feast of St. Stephen and as always, MAGA.

Happy Boxing Day,