Showing posts with label Holy Innocents. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Holy Innocents. Show all posts

Monday, December 26, 2022

Boxing Day Report


Well that was a lot of fun. A delicious rib roast, cooked to medium rare perfection, Yorkshire pudding, mashed potatoes, carrots, and tasty as you like gravy conjured from the roasting pan. Good work, team, and well appreciated by a young soldier. And all served on these awesome plates, have a look:

What an awesome plate!

But food and Confederate crockery weren't the stars of this Christmas show, no, that honor belonged to a drone. What a nifty little beast! Off it zoomed, hovered and ran on recce missions over the Compound's back yard and perimeter.

So that was useful, chalk it up to "training." But now it's Boxing Day and the Feast of St. Stephen, Deacon and Martyr. Reflect on that. We no sooner celebrate the Nativity than we find ourselves honoring martyrs, Stephen and the Holy Innocents.


The message is clear, witness, μαρτυρία, martyrdom, flows from the Incarnation. Christ lives in us, as he lived in Bethlehem, and we must incarnate this. Where does that end? For St. Stephen it ended in execution. For us? Who knows, but rest assured of this.

I call this "Festive Cheer"

If we stand up for the Faith, and we must, the satanic, godless, secular power will round on us with all the rage of the insane beast it is. Be sure, too, that the reward will be great in paradise. Here endeth the Lesson and bless you all.

Your Best Pal,


Saturday, January 1, 2022

New Year's Day - What Will Tomorrow Bring?


A friend sent this, what does it mean?!?

So here we are at the beginning of a new year, it's rolled around yet again and we're still standing, for the most part. All well and good, but what will tomorrow bring? Good question.

It may bring rain or it may bring snow or any old thing, such is our old enemy, the Weather. Perhaps it will bring stagflation, Weimar style and we'll all be hauling our crypto  home in wheelbarrows as one bullet = >1000 USD$. Maybe there'll be war because, after all, too much peace ain't good for the bottom line and, of course, there'll be plague, we know this. Wear your masks, serfs, and don't you dare question a rigged midterm, you hate extremists. Mirror of Illusion? Cubed.

Whatever, welcome to the hideous new normal, but think on this. At Christmas we celebrated the advent of Christ into the world, the Word made Flesh, and the eternal light which shines in the darkness becoming flesh, a man, for our salvation. The Light has come down to earth to be the Light of the World and we behold, through the eyes of faith, his glory, full of grace and truth.

Stand fast to him, our redeemer, in this new year. Flee from sin, from the Herods who would destroy him and be filled with confident, joyful hope. All the raging, insane powers of Hell, to say nothing of the world and the flesh cannot defeat the divine life present within us. If, and that's just it, if we remain faithful.



Thursday, December 28, 2017

Kwanzaa And The Holy Innocents

I know, I know, you're all getting down with ahem, "Dr." Karenga's awesomely made up Kwanzaa, which some argue isn't celebrated by anyone other than white liberals and perhaps the FBI. But spare a thought for the Holy Innocents while you're at it.

O God, Whose praise the martyred innocents did this day proclaim, not by speaking, but by dying, do to death in us all the malice of sinfulness, that our lives may also proclaim Thy faith, which our tongues profess. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee. in the unity of the Holy Ghost, God, world without end.
Grant, we beseech Thee, almighty God, that the new birth of Thine only-begotten Son in the flesh may set us free, who are held by the old bondage under the yoke of sin. Through the same Lord Jesus Christ Thy Son, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the Holy Ghost, God, world without end.

And for all you trads out there, here's the Latin.

Deus, cujus hodiérna die præcónium Innocentes Mártyres non loquéndo, sed moriéndo conféssi sunt: ómnia in nobis vitiórum mala mortífica; ut fidem tuam, quam lingua nostra lóquitur, étiam móribus vita fateátur. Per Dominum nostrum Jesum Christum Filium Tuum: Qui Tecum vivit et regnat in unitate Spiritus Sancti, Deus, Per omnia saecula saeculorum.
Concede, quaesumus, omnipotens Deus: ut nos Unigeniti Tui nova per carnem nativitas liberet; Quos sub peccati jugo vetustat servitus tenet. Per eúmdem Dóminum nostrum Jesum Christum Fílium tuum, qui tecum vivit et regnat in unitáte Spíritus Sancti, Deus, Per omnia saecula saeculorum.

Serious stuff, right? And now we can all get back to innocently enjoying Kwanzaa.
