Sunday, December 13, 2015

Putin, ISIS And Obama, or, Caught in The Act

Feel free to translate Barack Hussein Obama's exclamation any way you like. And remember, what this so-called blog lacks in nuance, it gains in enthusiasm.

ISIS laughs, or it would, if it wasn't for Russia.

Well done, Putin.


Advent Lights

We've done Hanukkah and it was awesome, but now it's time for some Advent lights. Well, I guess they're the same as Christmas lights that somehow turn on early. But I'm not complaining.

I like to stroll down to the Courthouse, which is all lit up.

Some of the other strollers might be lit up, too.

I take a pistol, just in case. The lights in Dallas are greater, but so is the threat level.

Is that Justin Welby, cruising the pawns?

So there you have it, Advent greetings.

From Texas.


Saturday, December 12, 2015

Happy Hanukkah!

This is for our friends in Israel and the IDF.

Happy Hanukkah

Go for it, Bibi.

God bless,


Red Islamic Terror

Maybe you're wondering why millionaire socialist, Jeh Johnson, who happens to be head of Homeland Security, is unable to call out Islamic terrorism. 

Here's some background, via LL:
(Investors Business Daily) While speaking to Muslims last week, Homeland Security chief Jeh Johnson revealed why he's so protective of them. He compared growing suspicions cast on them to the plight of his communist kin.
Johnson dropped the bombshell that his grandfather had been investigated for communism and un-American activities.
We can't say we're surprised. Add him to the parade of Red diaper babies in the Cabinet, including top White House advisor Valerie Jarrett, former political advisor David Axelrod and President Obama himself. 
No wonder this administration isn't interested in monitoring radical Muslims for terrorist connections.

Millionaire Socialist

And here's the thing. If there was a Communist 5th column in the U.S., and there was, that was intent on turning America into a godless workers paradise, replete with gulags, then what was wrong with prosecuting them?

Maybe that doesn't sound very tolerant, or liberal to you. Well go and tell that to one of Stalin's kulaks. Likewise, go ask the victims of San Bernardino if they think Islam is a religion of peace.

Oh, you can't. They're dead.

ISIS laughs.


Friday, December 11, 2015

You're Fired!

Well, almost. High flying Episcopal Church lib bishop, Stacy Sauls, has been placed on "administrative leave" by Presiding Bishop Michael Curry because of "possible misconduct." Curry wrote the following:

I need to inform you that on Wednesday I placed on administrative leave Bishop Stacy Sauls, Chief Operating Officer, Samuel McDonald, Deputy Chief Operating Officer and Director of Mission, and Alex Baumgarten, Director of Public Engagement. This is a result of concerns that have been raised about possible misconduct in carrying out their duties as members of senior management of the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society.

Sauls is notorious for bullying and not believing in the Bible, Hell, or Satan.

Sure about that last bit, Stacy? 

Good riddance.


Breakfast, With LSP

They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and here's how I like to do it. 

Salt and pepper a steak, then heat up an iron skillet until it's smoking hot. Throw the steak in the skillet, a minute a side. Stare in awe at the sizzling steak, then put it in a 400* preheated oven for 3 or 4 minutes.

While you're doing that, fry up some eggs and mushrooms in butter. Take the steak out of the oven, and let it rest for a few minutes as the eggs finish off. Don't bother to check your privilege, it's not necessary.

Then eat your scoff, like a warrior.

And that's breakfast, with...


Putin Gives 12 Year Old Girl Adorable Puppy

Russian strongman, Vladimir Putin, made a 12 year old girl's dream come true, when he sent her an adorable husky puppy as an early New Year's present.

Little Olga Marushenko wrote the Russian President, saying that she dreamed of having a puppy and promised to work hard at school if she got it.

“I promise to take good care of the puppy because it’s my big dream - to own a husky. And I promise to study hard,” wrote the 12 year old in her letter to Putin.

The letter touched the President's heart and he ordered the head of the Republic of Khakassia to give Olga a husky puppy.

Vladimir Putin is a dog lover and owns a grown up Karakachan Bear Dog. He has commanded Russian forces in Syria to "immediately destroy"any threats.



Thursday, December 10, 2015

Gwyneth Paltrow Illuminati Dupe

File that under Entertainment.


El Nino Calls Out ISIS

Notorious weather bandit and cartel kingpin, El Nino, has threatened ISIS leader, Al Baghdadi, after ISIS interfered with a drug shipment.

“You [ISIS] are not soldiers. You are nothing but lowly p*ssies. Your god cannot save you from the true terror that my men will levy at you if you continue to impact my operation."

Al Baghdadi

“My men will destroy you. The world is not yours to dictate. I pity the next son of a wh*re that tries to interfere with the business of the Sinaloa Cartel. I will have their heart and tongue torn from them.” El Nino said in an email, reported.

El Nino is on the run, after escaping from a maximum security prison in Mexico, and is popularly known as "Shorty."

It seems a new front has opened in the war on ISIS, but who will win? Shorty, or Baghdadi?

The bets are on,


Dallas Peace Temple Funds Terror Shocka

The Dallas Central Peace Temple, in Richardson, has been named an "unindicted co-conspirator" in America's largest ever terrorism financing trial.

Via Breitbart -- "A north Texas mosque, near the home of “Clock Boy” Ahmed, was named as an unindicted co-conspirator in the largest terrorism financing trial in United States history. The judge found there was ample evidence that the mosque, the Islamic Association of North Texas, assisted the Holy Land Foundation in funding millions of dollars to a Palestinian military terrorist organization [Hamas] that has killed Israeli children."

A mosque? Funding terrorists? What can we say.



Texas Gold

We don't know where we'll end up, under the Divine Providence, in the grand lottery of life. Some find themselves in Detroit, others languish in Hipster Hackney, or Aberystwyth, which is a small crabbing community on the Welsh coast. Some, the lucky ones, land in Texas.

A Typical Texas Street Scene

And I'm not complaining; it has guns, horses, dogs and porches, it has Karen's Authentic Mexican Food, and the people are friendly too, mostly. It also has big skies and a sense of freedom, provided you don't mess up and live in Austin, but even that den of iniquity is better than Washington, Chicago, Philadelphia, or the so-called state of Delaware.

So count your blessings if you live in Texas, and thank God for His beneficent mercy. Rumors that the local Shamrock Pick 'n Steal filling station, in this agricultural haven that I'm writing from, sells watermelon flavored "blunts," may, or may not, be true.

God bless,


Wednesday, December 9, 2015

It's Bushcraft Wednesday!

What with Daesh and associated misrepresenters of Islam, like Ummah Merkel and the RAF, perhaps you've forgotten it's Bushcraft Wednesday. So here's some Bushcraft wisdom, to set the record straight.

Black Powder Rules,