Monday, December 15, 2014

Atheist Santa

"Dear Santa," writes the smirking atheist girl to her imaginary friend, "All I want for Christmas is to skip church." The substantial little disbeliever then goes on to explain herself. She's too old, apparently, "to believe in fairy tales."

Why does she believe in Santa, then? 

Maybe she wants to have her cake and eat it too, but speaking of fairy tales,

Happy Kwanzaa,


Sunday, December 14, 2014

Gaudete Sunday

Today is Gaudete Sunday and the Church, in her wisdom, tells us to rejoice and lift up our hearts as we prepare to celebrate the advent of our Lord at Christmas. 

Part of that sursum corda means posting some random pictures of guns. I don't know why, it just makes me happy.

Apparently that's an easy thing to achieve; put some rifles on a table, ready to go, and it's all about, well, gaudium et spes. And I'm not talking about the document, either. 


And by the way, MBAs are Satan's degrees, especially when they're backstopped by his infernal engine, Harvard. Reflect on that as you attempt to fast-track your way to preferment in the church's talent pool of potential "high achievers."



Good Dog, Bad Dog

Here, even in this imperfect world, you get good dogs.

And bad dogs.

Some dogs are downright wicked.

And if good dogs go to heaven, what happens to the bad ones? They go to dog hell, obviously

Bad dogs take note. You have been warned.


Saturday, December 13, 2014

Church of England No-Talent Management

The Church of England has hit on a radical new way to reverse its declining fortunes. Hire some consultants and create more bureaucracy, of course.


In a bold new move to turn around the dismal failure of CofE leaders to get people to go to their failing church, a £2-million budget has been approved to implement Talent Management for Future Leaders and Leadership Development for Bishops and Deans: A new approach.


In keeping with CofE best practice, training will be run by a secular institution or business school, although a "spiritual retreat" is also envisaged. In step two of the career promotion programme, 150 potential top decision makers will have to pass a 5 year course at Archbishop Justin Welby's London palace.


Failure to pass the five year "path to success" will result in career candidates being thrown out of what the report refers to as a "talent pool" and having to make do as ordinary, if failed, clergypersons. According to the Church Times, the "talent pool" will be made up of up to "150 high-potential individuals."

High Potential

You can read Let Nothing You Dismay for some commentary but I have to say, whatever happened to holiness of life being a qualifier for office in the church? And who's making the profit? 

Throw Up In Your Mouth

I'll tell you this, it won't be parishes or the increase of the Body of Christ. And with that in mind, maybe someone should follow the money all the way to the "talent pool."

God bless,


Tony Blair BritSoc Millionaire!

I hate to ruin your day, but here's a "Season's" card from everyone's favorite multi-millionaire Brit Socialist, Tony Blair.


Maybe BritSoc Tony's grinning because he's being paid so well by PetroSaudi, or because of his lucrative public speaking engagements and "advisory" roles with investment banks, like JP Morgan.


Then again, perhaps he's just possessed by the spirit of a Margarine Demon.

I'd say that was pretty scary any way you cut it, which in BritSoc Tony's case is all the way to the bank.


Friday, December 12, 2014

Celebrity Socialists!

Russell Brand is a celebrity limo-lib socialist. He's also a comedian and a multi-millionaire. Maybe he goes off to an island and shoots poor "runners" for sport. With all the other Illuminati rock stars.


Russell Brand has 9 million Twitter followers, which is a lot. He also has a stylist who straightens his chest hair, which is repellent by anyone's reckoning.


The remarkably rich Russell Brand believes in something called "liquid democracy," which is presumably a very rich person's version of socialism.

Millionaire Socialists

And he hangs out with a well-known Illuminati witch, Katy Perry. She's a multi-millionaire too, and a socialist.

Katy & Russell

Is this some kind of plot by a Godless, atheistical, NWO Illuminati elite to enslave us? And if not, why does it look that way?

Last I heard, the revolution frowned on celebrity multi-millionaire "comedians."

You have been warned.


For God's Sake, Get Out And Hunt.

It started off with a Mexican breakfast; Huevos Rancheros, eggs over-easy, corn tortillas and lots of coffee. "Power up," texted a friend, who understands these things and it was good advice, because one funeral, one Mass and a lot of driving later, I was at a ranch in Teague, spotlighting.

And that was a whole lot of fun; driving about the country in search of pigs, coyotes, rabbits and whatever varmint crossed our path. Sure enough, we shot several rabbits and lit up lots of deer, including several bucks. It was ghostly to see their eyes shine out as they bounded off into cover and this was a good omen, because I wanted to shoot a buck in the morning.

5.30 am rolled around with eschatological suddenness and before you could say 30-06, we were heading down a dirt road to a game-camera-proven buck location. The wind was in our favor and we walked in to the cover of a copse, stealthy, senses heightened. Sure enough, there were large deer on a treeline at around 200 yards. Crosshairs on and... they were does, and there's a county ban on shooting them. So no shot.

Still, it was good to see them in the crisp sunrise of a Texan December morning. A bit like Spring, in Canada.

After checking a few other spots, with no luck, my friend shot a duck. I missed one, but consoled myself with a fresh rabbit, a lot of venison sausage (thank you) and the promise of many more hunts to come.

What a good way to spend a Thursday evening and Friday morning! Clean air, good country, the excitement of a hunt, and fun company. Alright, I didn't get my buck but I did get outside myself, which is no bad thing for anyone, and added a rabbit to the freezer. My wild-eyed dog, Blue Spotlight, had a blast too.

I'd say everything about that is right on.


Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Lords of Light

I put a tree up today in Dallas, the very same one I got a week ago. I thought it looked pretty good in its stand. A little small perhaps, but full.

After the tree was up it was time for a few glasses of fortification and then lights. I put on a fair few; I think it's better that way.

Decorations can come later, nearer Christmas, but I did put a fairy on the tree, sorry, angel. There's a difference, trust me.

The angel has a wax head and was made in Germany. My parents bought it in Milwaukee, back in the olden days, when they still made angels out of wax.

I love the smell of a Christmas tree. The lights can be adjusted as the thing settles.


African Americans Pick Up After Rich White Hippies

Privileged rich white hippies at America's prestigious University of California Berkley have been rioting against racism, leaving African Americans to clean up their mess.

Typical Berkeley Street Scene

For two consecutive nights, roaming gangs of wealthy white hippies have fought running battles with poor mixed race police, trashing the once attractive university town.

In the absence of effective policing, due to rules of engagement which forbid police from using force against their rich white rulers, shop owners have taken to hiring armed private security.

Similar protests have broken out in Chicago, where police have adopted novel psyops tactics against hippy rioters, playing Sweet Home Alabama from unmarked squad cars.

The University of California Berkeley is a well known hippy safe-haven.


Monday, December 8, 2014

Immaculate Conception

It's the Feast of the Immaculate Conception today, so I loaded Blue Aquinas in the rig and drove to Dallas, for Mass with the SSC.

There was lunch afterwards and I enjoyed that, as well as discussion about Aquinas and Duns Scotus. I'd forgotten this, but the Angelic Doctor is thought to have been against the Immaculate Conception. If that's the case, why did he write this:

"Purity is constituted by a recession from impurity, and therefore it is possible to find some creature purer than all the rest, namely one not contaminated by any taint of sin; such was the purity of the Blessed Virgin, who was immune from original and actual sin, yet under God, inasmuch as there was in her the potentiality of sin." Commentary on the Book of Sentences.

A friend reminded me that Duns Scotus, who was in favor of the Immaculate Conception, also believed in the univocity of being, in finite beings as well as God. So, for Scotus, when we say SEAL Team 6 is good and God is good, we're talking about the same goodness, but to a radically different degree. 

You can read about Duns Scotus here. We get the word "Dunce" from Duns Scotus, curiously.

God bless,


Sunday, December 7, 2014

Dwarf Gnome Shill

I hate to ruin your Sunday evening by posting this picture, but I will say this. Don't pretend to be some kind of impartial journalist when all you really are is a Dwarf Gnome Shill for our elite limo-lib, statist overlords.

That is all.


Make His Paths Straight

Being a Parson, I get to preach every Sunday and I tend to stick to the Gospel, while occasionally lashing out at pansexuaists, Libs, Hippies, Marxists, Hitlerites, Illuminati pagans, big government, Bilderberger NWO shills, and assorted progleft enemies. Sometimes General Lee gets an honorable mention, along with Charles Martel and other heroes. Go figure.

Blue Tours

But there was none of that today. I just stuck to the Gospel, which featured John the Baptist, crying out in the wilderness against wickedness. Like Isaiah, preparing the "way of the Lord," making "his paths straight."

But what are the ways by which a thing makes its "path" to us? I suggested that the basic paths in question were fourfold. Viz. Senses, Affections, Intellect, Actions, and when these are blocked and twisted by evil, God can't reach us. So, we have to hear the Baptizer, and clear and straighten the paths through repentance in order for God to make his home in us.

I used lots of examples to illustrate the theme; I thought it was pretty clear. Nothing deep, or even controversial, although I did blast adultery. Then during the Peace, my MC, who's a former rodeo star (world Bronc Champion several years running), asked, "Padre, was there a point to that sermon?" 

Ride More, LSP

He's a good BS barometer and a great horseman, so I looked him in the eye and said, "I think you need to repent." I rode one of his horses the other year around some barrels only to learn afterwards that the animal was worth... a lot. It was like being on a living Ferrari.

In other exciting church news, the ladies of one of the Missions have taken to feeding Blue Armageddon kolaches at Coffee Hour. I rebuke them but they pay no attention.

Things are obviously spinning out of control.