Showing posts with label Brompton Oratory. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Brompton Oratory. Show all posts

Friday, January 3, 2025

A Short London Pitch


Beautiful, Look What We've Lost

What's you favorite city? The DFW Metrosprawl, New York, Chicago, DC, Paris, Rome, Venice, Detroit? They're all great in their way, though some more so than others, but for me it's London, perhaps because I lived there for years and see it as something of a home town.

These days I like central London, which, for me, means that area going West from St. Paul's to St. James, encompassing Clerkenwell, Holborn, Bloomsbury, Covent Garden and the Strand, the Embankment, Soho, Piccadilly, and the Mall. Knightsbridge and South Ken seem a bit far West and perhaps always has done. Still, Solemn High Mass at the Oratory is a must, followed by Sunday lunch at the East India Club. Delicious.

Oh My, We've Devolved

After that, you can stroll down Shaftsbury Avenue to Bar Italia in Soho and enjoy a coffee or two, followed by an RV with old pals at a welcoming pub, maybe the Coach and Horses or French House in Soho, maybe somewhere else, like the Lamb in Lamb's Conduit Street, or wherever. Big fun, then stroll back through the genuinely Olde Streets of old London Town to your setup. 

Perhaps that's the top floor of the Farmers Club on Whitehall, most congenial and affordable to boot. Here, have a look from it's rooms today, from Whitehall Place looking East:


There it is, London. The center of town's changed, for sure, since the far-off, halcyon days of the '90s, when I last lived there, but still, it doesn't seem so very off, and the grandeur and history of the place are very much alive, albeit swarmed by tourists. You can avoid those, though, if you nav away from their game trails. As in Leicester Square, etc.

See That Little Cupola Onna Terace? Favorite Place. There'll Always Be An Agra

When you get tired of the hurly burley, and there's plenty of that, fall back to the NatLib on the Embankment and setup in serenity on the Terrace cupola. Right congenial. When you get tired of that, retreat to the Farmers Club for a delicious sandwich at the bar and stroll over to Soho, which may or may not involve rickshaws and associated hi-spirits.

Your Old Pal,


Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Just Go To Mass


So, LSP, where do you to Mass in London, if you go at all, which we doubt you ask with that knowing smile on your face. Ah hah, not so fast, punters, I do go to Mass in London and here's where, the Brompton Oratory in Knightsbridge.

Why? Because it's most awesome, with remarkable music, think Tallis, Tye, Byrd etc, and there you have it, the music transports your soul to heaven, and the oriented Novus Ordo but in Latin liturgy (lections English) does the same. And all with efficiency, they don't fumble about and mess around.

I tell you, this Solemn High Concert Mass lasts exactly one hour and fifteen minutes, perfect, leaving you with plenty of time to catch a cab, aka fast mover, to St. James' Square and Sunday lunch at the Club. No bad thing.

So, if you want a dose of real religion and you're in London, if you want to feel like you've been to church, go to the Brompton Oratory, it won't disappoint. Or go to St. Peter's London Docks, but that's a different if similar post.

Your Pal,


Sunday, April 28, 2024



So just what, exactly, are you back from, so-called LSP? I'll tell you, an explosive tour around the Old Country. In brief: Survive the Eclipse Event, enter a portal and land at Heathrow, set up in Whitehall, take care of business, stroll 'round the corner to the jolly old NatLib and go from there, London's your oyster, and what an oyster it is.

Typical Whitehall Street Scene

Yes indeed, not least the Brompton Oratory where they celebrate the Mass in Solemn High grand style and, let the reader understand, in good time. Yep, an hour and fifteen minutes from beginning to end, concert high. 

NatLib - Shocking Slack

After that, catch a cab to St. James Square and Sunday lunch at the East India, order off the trolley like a pro and then, delicious meal over, stroll across the way to the In & Out (Naval and Military) and take advantage of their beautiful courtyard.

A Brazen Goat

Brazen courtyard goat notwithstanding, catch a fast train to Edinburgh and stay at the Royal Scots, what a congenial club. Ludlow beckons next, an idyllic market town which is rightly famous for the Blue Boar. Stop there for drinks and snacks. Next up? Back to London and Soho.

Get off at Euston, thanking God you're wearing a stab vest, catch a cab to Soho and have fun from thereon in. Maybe that involves multiple Negronis. Last leg of the tour, fly into Calgary and marvel at one gallon of milk costing EIGHT BUCKS. No kidding, something better change. Rock on.

Your Expat Pal,


Sunday, February 4, 2024

Open Borders Begin At Home


Here at the Compound we believe in practicing what we preach.

That's why we call on Democrats to open their doors to show their personal commitment to an open border.

Anything else would be hypocritical Nazi Fascism, right?

Keen-eyed readers of this mind-blog will note Chicago and other, ahem, sanctuary cities aren't too keen on bus loads of illegals arriving in their progressive utopias, they can't afford it without massive taxpayer cash. But here's where you, the person who voted for this, can make a difference. Open. Your. Door.

OK, just an excuse to repost some awesome infographics. But seriously, what kind of hypocrisy, skulduggery and malfeasance are we facing here. Substantial, to say the least, and it can be parsed thus: Import millions of people into the country, give 'em amnesty and a vote and hey presto, one party Blue State per saecula saeculorum, por los siglos de los siglos, et nunc et semper. Amen. And guess what?

All the libs and their fellow travelers choke for this, gag for it and get all rainbow solemn about the Statue of Liberty. Unh hunh, open your doors and pay for it, you utter hypocrites. Speaking of which, you'll be pleased to know that Mission #1's sorted out accommodation for our new Mexican curate.

He's a good guy, a "tent maker" who likes El Senor Trump and the Latin Mass, as do I, you'll be totally surprised to know.

How pleasant it is when brethren dwell together in unity.

God Bless,


Thursday, April 13, 2017

Maundy Thursday

Listen up, heathen. It's Maundy Thursday, so here's a prayer:

Almighty Father, whose dear Son, on the night before he suffered, instituted the Sacrament of his Body and Blood: Mercifully grant that we may thankfully receive the same in remembrance of him who in these holy mysteries giveth us a pledge of life eternal, the same thy Son Jesus Christ our Lord; who now liveth and reigneth with thee and the Holy Spirit ever, one God, world without end. Amen.

Have a blessed Triduum,


Wednesday, September 21, 2016

The Feast of St. Matthew

It's the Feast of St. Matthew, who was a publican and a bad sinner who got the call. Here's the Collect:

God, who by thy blessed Son didst call Matthew from the recipt of custom to be an Apostle and Evangelist; Grant us grace to forsake all covetous desires, and inordinate love of riches, and to follow the same thy Son Jesus Christ, who liveth and reigneth with thee and the Holy Ghost, one God, world without end. Amen.

Now, there's a right way to worship God,

And a wrong way.

You decide which is which.

God bless,


Monday, July 18, 2016

Knave Altar

The Brompton Oratory Before Reform

From Geoffrey Kirk at IHC:
It has just been revealed that, on the night of July 14, a posse of twenty-five hastily recruited and commissioned Vicars General, at the behest of Cardinal Vincent Nichols, gained entry to the Brompton Oratory and forcibly installed a westward-facing altar.
The Cardinal’s representatives dismantled the existing High Altar – an action described by Catholic commentator and blogger Damian Thompson as ‘reminiscent of the worst excesses of the French Revolution’ – and replaced it with an altar table and matching ambo ‘tastefully handcrafted in limed oak’, donated for the purpose by Messrs Vanpoulles Ltd.
In what was described by the Sacristan as ‘a rampage fuelled by mindless ideology’ other altars were dismantled or defaced and a bonfire of liturgical music (Monteverdi, Mozart, Haydn, Durufle, Bruckner) was started in the nave, around which the Vicars General danced, singing worship songs by Paul Inwood and Bernadette Farrell.

A typical praise scene at the Oratory this week

At least they weren't dressed as clowns, or were they?

Your Old Friend,


Sunday, December 14, 2014

Gaudete Sunday

Today is Gaudete Sunday and the Church, in her wisdom, tells us to rejoice and lift up our hearts as we prepare to celebrate the advent of our Lord at Christmas. 

Part of that sursum corda means posting some random pictures of guns. I don't know why, it just makes me happy.

Apparently that's an easy thing to achieve; put some rifles on a table, ready to go, and it's all about, well, gaudium et spes. And I'm not talking about the document, either. 


And by the way, MBAs are Satan's degrees, especially when they're backstopped by his infernal engine, Harvard. Reflect on that as you attempt to fast-track your way to preferment in the church's talent pool of potential "high achievers."



Sunday, August 9, 2009

Churches I Like

Brompton Oratory, South Kensington, London

Sunday started off as per usual, with several Sung Masses at the Missions, then everything changed. I didn't get to try my luck against hogs, wild dogs, horses, or even spurious set up targets out in the countryside. No, there was none of that. Instead I got to drive to Dallas and move furniture for one of my sisters in blistering heat - I gained a bed and a Barbour out of the deal; not bad, but not the same as getting out in the field after worshiping the Alpha and Omega.

Anyway, my mind strayed to the Brompton Oratory in Knightsbridge/South Kensington, which I used to love when living in London. Beautiful music, Latin Mass, no liberal 'nuns' wailing away with guitars, and sidesmen (greeters) with peculiar green tail coats and brass buttons - probably Colonels. Go there if you can and experience transcendent worship; what's the point of any other? After Mass its always fun to knock about and enjoy a pint (or several) at the Grenadier. LSP points out of ten for an outstanding church? I have to give the Oratory a solid 8, which is by no means shabby.

God bless,