Thursday, June 23, 2011

Good News

Got back from an enjoyable ride and shoot to learn that Geert Wilders has been cleared by a Dutch court of "hate speech". His crime? Daring to suggest that Islam isn't some kind of Buddha-meets-Gandhi, pacifist poetry slam, but a "totalitarian political ideology disguised as a religion," whose Koran mandated goal is "to establish the realm of Allah in this world, if necessary by force."

Wilders is free now and I'd say that was good but Mark Steyn's comments on Gates of Vienna are telling:

"And at the end the awkward fact remains: Geert Wilders lives under 24-hour armed guard because of explicit death threats made against him by the killer of Theo van Gogh and by other Muslims. Yet he’s the one who gets puts on trial."

Maybe people like Wilders will help the West understand that a religion founded by a warlord who married a nine year old girl, when not cutting off Jewish heads at Medina, might just, possibly, have something other than peace on its agenda.

In the meanwhile, have a blessed Corpus Christi,


Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Bad News

There was a mighty storm here last night, so I stood on the the front porch and watched the sky light up with lightning as the rain lashed down. Like being on the prow of a ship in a gale.

Then, in the morning all was calm and blissfully cool. Pleasant. I made myself some tea and went out back to relax, only to see... that a large tree had fallen on my neighbour's house from the church car park. Disaster! No one was hurt, thank God.

Speaking of disaster, I just learned, via Ballylong and David Kearns, that Fr. Kit Cunningham had a bad past. It's on Damian Thompson's blog -- I've removed my post and agree with DT's comments. I wish I could think of something uplifting to say about this, but I can't.

Watch out for falling trees.


Monday, June 20, 2011

Texas Beats South Ken

Pit Stop
Back in the olden days, I used to enjoy lounging about in South Ken with the Fact Compiler. He'd say, "But LSP, America is so provincial!" That's absurd. We have "Mojo's".

Cold Air?
We have "Valley Mills",

Dirt Road
the road to Waco,


and Beer Can Chicken.

+ we can own pistols without being thrown into jail.

I like all those things. A lot. The moral of the story? Texas beats South Ken.

Every blessing for Trinitytide,


Saturday, June 18, 2011


Sometimes I get it wrong, it's understandable, we all make mistakes and sometimes they're grievous. Bluesun spotted mine:

"I think any public figure that Bono has mentioned in song should automatically qualify for 5 alien heads before anything else is taken into account."

Well said, Bluesun, I stand corrected.

8 Heads!
Tutu gets another alien head, automatically, and a further three for crazy off-world antics. That brings the total up to eight.

By no means shabby. Well done, Desmond.


Friday, June 17, 2011

Bishops - Desmond Tutu

"They should all be locked up and put in a cage." Fr. Bowling

African Anglicans, by and large, are a pretty conservative bunch. Then there's Desmond Tutu, acclaimed international speaker, Nobel Laureate, retired Archbishop and all 'round saint of 'inclusivechurch', the same crew that brought us Bishop 'Vicky' Gene Robinson, Mary 'Imnotamanhonest' Glasspool, and millions of dollars in litigation against trad dioceses like Fort Worth.

Tutu had this to say, at a meeting of co-religionists in Pittsburgh:

"In his sermon, he poked fun at the belief that only those who accept Jesus as their savior can enter heaven.

'Can you imagine that there are those who think God is a Christian?' he said to laughter from a mostly appreciative audience. 'Can you tell us what God was before he was a Christian?'"

Top humour, Desmond. But just think, what if that awkward bit, inter alia, in John's Gospel, "I and the Father are one", or that pesky "God from God, light from light" business in the Creed, is actually true. What if your job, as a successor of the Apostles, is to uphold Apostolic Faith and Order. What then? 

Think yourself lucky if the reward sticks at a respectable four Apostate Alien Heads.

Just sayin'.


Tuesday, June 14, 2011

France or Texas?

Sometimes Team LSP can get a little mutinous. Here's an example:

" be fair horses and guns are not a monopoly of Texas or indeed the US.  The French for example enjoy riding and shooting, and of course fine wine."

Expensive French Nonsense
They also have the Trianon, which I enjoy, and their City, Paris. But do they have the Alamo? or the Chucacabra?

No, they do not.


Left Behind?

time we left this world today
Everyone knows that the Rapture was supposed to happen the other day and has had to be rescheduled to sometime in October. Or perhaps it did and we're all 'left behind', but whatever the case, the prophets in question should pay closer attention to Scripture. Our Lord says that 'no one knows the day or the hour' of the Apocalypse, or Eschaton (Matt. 24-36). 

TP has an interesting take on the various biblical texts; he thinks we should want to be 'left behind'. Read it here, if you like.



High Church

Spent last week teaching at the St. Michael's Conference, Southwest. The chapel was plain when we arrived, so we got it up higher; the young people prefer it that way. Thanks to Fr. Matkin for the transformation, excellent result.
The Conference is unashamedly trad -- no Pelosianite, priestess nonsense, just the Faith and, of course, worship was central, with daily Morning and Evening Prayer, Solemn High Mass, Compline, Benediction & Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Confession. I cunningly made mine before the event, but most of the kids (there were 69) make theirs during the week, often for the first time. There's great spiritual power in that.
LSP (center) at the Confiteor
The Cure D'Ars, who is the patron Saint of priests, tells us that when we go to Confession we 'draw the nails from the wounds of Christ'. A beautiful image, I always think.

After Evensong and dinner, the Conference splits into 'discussion groups'. By some strange coincidence, I was asked to lead the ones on guns, space aliens and cryptids.

'Guns' was simple - we like them, a lot, and approve of the Church's teaching on war, which prohibits priests from killing people. 'Drawing blood' was the old stricture but that didn't stop aggressive prelates, like Odo, from carrying clubs, maces and the odd surreptitious sword into action. 'Aliens' was easy too - the kids believed in them, for the most part. But do they get to heaven? Depends on how wicked they are, I suppose. For example, Jefferts Schori might find the process tricky. 

Genuflect, LSP

The Cryptids discussion was curious; lots of talk about the Chucacabra, whom most considered a mutated dog. Others thought it a new species, but all were agreed as to its animal nature. Altogether different from evil elves, which the Latino children believed in - strongly - and were almost too scared to talk about. No wonder.

They're evil dwarflike spirits who cause mischief around the house and, if not appeased, steal the souls of babies. Scary, so I reminded the kids of the power of prayer, Angelic protection and Our Lady's intercession.
Lift high the Cross
Then, all too soon, the Conference was over. Easily the most spiritually uplifting event I've experienced in years. Well needed, I can tell you.

God bless and be sure to stay away from the sinister dwarf/elf spirits.


Thursday, May 19, 2011


Smart people are getting into farming, not least because they're afraid of an oncoming apocalypse, fiscal and otherwise. Or, in my case, because I like to shoot and ride.

Here's what the canny New York Observer has to say:

There is, of course, a slightly more sinister reason to develop a sudden interest in agriculture. Last year, Marc Faber recommended to anyone: "Stock up on a farm in northern Norway and learn to drive a tractor." He sees a "dirty war" on the horizon, playing on fears of a biological attack poisoning food supplies. Those sort of fears drive capital into everything from gold (recently at an all-time high and a long-time safe haven for investors with currency concerns) to survivalist accoutrements. In this particular case, one might buy the farm in order to avoid buying the farm.

Add caption
Needless to say, Team LSP is sizing up the prospect.

Remember, they're not making any more land.


Monday, May 16, 2011

Hawking - I'm A PC

In a shocking statement to the U.K's Guardian newspaper, legendary British boffin, Stephen Hawking, has condemned millions of worn-out computers to a horrifying eternity of non-existence.

"There is no heaven or afterlife for broken down computers; that is a fairy story for people afraid of the dark." 
Fairy Story
According to Hawking, human brains are also computers and will share the same fate as their silicon counterparts.

"I regard the brain as a computer which will stop working when its components fail," said the controversial scientist to stunned reporters.

Hawking, who believes in aggressive, nomadic aliens, told the newspaper "I'm in no hurry to die."

Rumours that Pope Benedict has challenged the zany astrophysicist to an arm wrestling contest in St. Peter's Square have been denied by the Vatican.

God bless,


Monday, May 9, 2011

The Sign of the Bull

You might think that the above picture was some run of the mill, third-world hellhole. But no, it's just South Dallas; I used to get 'steak and potato' at the Charco Broiler under the fiberglass bull. It cost around $6 a decade ago and still does, so that's reassuring. If you adjust your body armour and walk down the road a bit you get to 'Senor Ramone's', where they cut your hair.

LSP: "Look at all that grey!"
Barber: "No, no! It is blond!"
LSP: "Ah yes, so it is. Keep the change."

I like Ramone's well enough but wouldn't recommend the Broiler.

In other news, it seems as though Pope Benedict's offer of an 'Ordinariate' for trad Anglicans in Canada has been  "put on hold". Following the departure of their parent body, ACoC, into the icy vastness of deep space, earthbound Canadians set up the ACCC (Anglican Catholic Church of Canada). This voted to join B16's larger vessel last year but so far nothing's happened. Maybe now it won't - whose fault will it be if it doesn't?

To be fair to the Vatican, the 'A Triple C' wasn't as unanimous about the project as their vote seemed to indicate... Whatever the case, you can watch this painfully slow moving story unfold at Virtueonline.



Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!


Nothing quite like a picture of a 'Clown Mass' to brighten up the day. I think the above liturgical genius was staged at Holy Trinity Wall Street, where there's 'more money than a trainload of Nazi gold' and an unhealthy interest in clowning.

Stand firm against the evil clowns and don't forget to honour your Mothers.
