Showing posts with label the Alamo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label the Alamo. Show all posts

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Gun Rights, Don't Retreat.

Libs think that you're safer if you're disarmed. Or to put it another way, if you can't defend yourself, you won't get hurt. That's why they want to ban guns and give them all to the Government, which will protect you. History argues otherwise, and so does Texas. 

"In Texas if a person is present in any place where they have a right to be, they have no duty to retreat and have the right to use force, including deadly force, if they reasonably believe that it is necessary to prevent death or serious bodily injury to themselves or to prevent the commission of murder, aggravated kidnapping, sexual assault, aggravated sexual assault, robbery or aggravated robbery."

No duty to retreat. I like that.

Gun rights,


Tuesday, June 14, 2011

France or Texas?

Sometimes Team LSP can get a little mutinous. Here's an example:

" be fair horses and guns are not a monopoly of Texas or indeed the US.  The French for example enjoy riding and shooting, and of course fine wine."

Expensive French Nonsense
They also have the Trianon, which I enjoy, and their City, Paris. But do they have the Alamo? or the Chucacabra?

No, they do not.