Showing posts with label gun rights. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gun rights. Show all posts

Friday, May 11, 2018

Outrageous Fishing

Unless you're a sad Marxist determinist or some kind of insane philosopher, you'll agree that we have free will, we can make choices. Some good, some bad, some tending towards freedom and others towards that other place which ends in iron tyranny.

No, Wymmin Can't Be Priests

With this in mind, we had a choice today at the Compound. Go fishing or sit in slack-jawed amazement at the wreckage of what used to be Western culture. The team took the better path, we went fishing.

Say No To Spirit Cooking

And BANG, pretty much out of the gate we were catching. Bluegill, Catfish and Bass; mostly Bluegill and a couple of keepers too, but they all went back. Some of you might want to know the detail. Here it is.

Defeat Globalist Elites

#1 Eagle Claw Bait holder hook, cheap as you like and then some. 1 medium split shot weight, placed appx 12" from the hook, 12' test (you never know). Bait, 1 half live worm threaded onto the hook with a chunk of Walmart shrimp (Cats seem to like the combo) and another half worm threaded below the shrimp chunk.

Smash The NWO

Presentation? Chuck it in! Well, test the water and see what works. I found that casting diagonally to a cross current tended to get good bites and... sometimes not at all.

Hey, a fish is a fish

Moral of the story? Get out and fish, and know the water. If you do, you'll be able to get on the fish with what they want and start catching. Which is the optimum result, but word to the wise, a few recce patrols don't hurt.

But of course you know all this. As it is, we lost count today. Result.

Gun rights,


Monday, May 7, 2018

Cooking With LSP, Venison Backstrap

Excuse me? You snort indignantly. You can't cook with LSP. Not so fast, tiger. You can and here's how. First step, go out and shoot a deer or get someone to do it for you. 

Next step, get a slab of the deer's backstrap, maybe some tenderloin too, and behold its glory; season with salt and pepper, then marinade in a mixture of soy sauce and brown sugar, about a 1/4 cup of the one and a couple of tablespoons of the other.

Put it in the fridge. Well done, you've successfully completed the first evolution of this training program and you've earned a break. Take it, go fishing, sharpen your knives, clean guns, whatever, it's up to you.

As the sun begins to set, take the venison out of the fridge, cut it into thick slices (1.5/2" or so), wrap in bacon, skewer with a toothpick and marvel at the genius of it all. 

When you've recovered from that, put those bacon wrapped chunks of awesome on a rack in a tin in the center of a 350* preheated oven.

Relax, you're nearly there. Have a glass of wine if you like, have several; there's no rush because the meat has to cook for around 20 minutes, until the bacon's on the go. But be careful, don't overcook, you're after medium rare or at least I am. So know the heat of your oven.

Oven done, finish the beasts off on a heavy metal hot skillet. Please don't, in your enthusiasm, grasp the handle of the red hot skillet. Trust me, it hurts. 

Then serve with vegetables if you want and eat your scoff...

Like a Warrior,


Sunday, April 15, 2018

Resurrection Of The Body

Church was good today, as it always is, and I preached on the bodily resurrection. When was the last time you heard a sermon on that? On the reality of the resurrection, sure, but its bodily aspect? Not so much, I'll wager.

Preachers scare shy of it, I think, for two reasons. Firstly, they take it for granted and secondly, it's a hard doctrine. That a body should rise from the dead? Outrageous. But that's what we believe and Scripture's clear, so is tradition. But why is it so important.

Long story short, because anything less than a bodily resurrection isn't really a resurrection at all, leaving us with a ghost or an immaterial shade. And that's fine except that it isn't fully you because we're composite beings, made up of body and spirit. For the real person, you, to rise from the dead, there has to be a bodily rising or you're left with nothing more than a ghost.

To put it another way. The body which decays and dies is the proper subject of resurrection, unlike the soul which is immaterial. If the former doesn't rise then the latter's left free-floating and resurrection hasn't occurred, just the given continuance of the soul.

Speaking of which, it's long past time for a range day. Fill the truck up with guns, get out in the country and blast away.

Proven medicine for mind, body and spirit.

Gun rights and MAGA,


Saturday, March 3, 2018

Boycott Big Business Gun Control

Big Business or at least 12 chunks of it, has decided to jump on the anti-gun bandwagon by dropping sponsorship of the NRA in the wake of the Florida school shooting.

Companies like Delta and United Airlines will stop offering discounts and perks to NRA members as will their lesser allies, such as AVIS and Budget car rentals. You can read the list here.

Others, like Kroger, Walmart, Field & Stream and the curiously named Dick's Sporting Goods have also re-examined their firearms policy, with Dick's and Field & Stream banning semi-automatic deadly assault rifles altogether. The others have raised the age of gun sales to 21 years old and all appear to be lobbying for more stringent background checks, excluding the "mentally ill" from firearms purchases.

Sounds sensible, doesn't it. Not so fast, where does "mentally ill" begin and end. With being a vet, someone who once complained to their doctor about depression or a person adamantly refused to vote for Hillary Clinton?

President Trump added fuel to the fire, stating, "Take the guns first, go through due process second." Granted, the quote's out of context and it's unlikely that the President will abandon his base to woo leftist votes and their big money, millionaire socialist sponsors in corporate America.  Still, it doesn't sound good.

But the millionaire socialist corporate combine might want to take note. Trump, and with him an anti-left, anti-globalist, pro-freedom, 2nd Amendment administration didn't get elected because they were unpopular.

Message to market, we're going to boycott your stores and you will lose money. See Delta in Georgia. As a parting shot, why wasn't there a cry for gun control after the Mandalay Massacre in Vegas? Good question.

Reflect on that and the near total media blackout on the Vegas shooting. While you're at it, join the NRA if you haven't already.

Gun Rights,


Friday, March 2, 2018


There's a lot of leftist hysteria right now about guns. They want to disarm everyone and replace them with the products of their beta cuck soy boy utopia. 

Borepatch has this to say, proposing a gun rights mind virus:

You meet different sorts of people who advocate for gun control. Some of them are hard core control freaks who just want to crush flyover country, but if you're like me you don't run across them very often. Mostly you run across people who aren't shooters or gun owners, who haven't thought about the issue very much, but who are disturbed about the constant media drumbeat about shootings and who just want to "do something".
We need these people on our side, or at least standing on the sidelines. How do we separate them from the gun control pack.
My last post was how I approach this: I'm not opposed to gun control, I'm opposed to stupid and useless gun control. This is a mind virus that I'm trying to infect them with. I want to sow seeds of doubt in their minds to get them out of the gun controller's camp and onto the sidelines. Hopefully (if the virus really takes) it will begin the process where they actually start to think about things and they may even end up on our side.
It's a battle for the (very large) middle ground. In the long run, we're not viable without it.
My experience has been pretty good with this. Most of these folks are decent people. They want to be fair, and they know that they don't know much about this topic. My mind virus is a challenge to them - is what you're proposing dumb? Will it work? Is it fair? Nobody wants to be dumb, or unfair.
This is especially true with the sentence that has had more impact than any other I've used with folks like this. When they say (and they will say it) "But we have to do something", I reply:
Quite frankly, our choice is to build bunkers or to convince the middle. Building bunkers makes us look like the dumb (and dangerous) ones.
Yes, the people at the heart of the gun control battle are, well, evil. No getting past that. But we don't win without the vast middle. We don't win by starting from "Gun controllers are evil" (they are wishy-washy gun controllers after all). We don't win from "Molon Labe, bitches!" (this seems to make people nervous.
We win from a mind virus that starts to get them to ask themselves the right questions. Truth is on our side; we can lead others to truth if we want.
Do you want to do something stupid and useless? That doesn't sound right.

Well said that man. 


Saturday, February 10, 2018

Going To A Gun Show

I don't know why but there's always a surge of excitement, an uplifting movement in the force, at the prospect of going to a gun show. At least there is for me and then, when you get there, the excitement builds. So many guns, so much ammo! It's like Christmas.

A pricey Christmas, mind you, because a lot of the vendors seem to think their beat up, second hand, pawn shop wares are worth full price. I don't get that. Why would you think anyone would be dumb enough to buy your second hand Glock for the price of its new equivalent. Beats me.

Still, gun shows are fun and you never know, there might even be a bargain lurking in the wings. There wasn't this time, but there was a rainbow table and a neat 6.5 AR; which was best? 

Tough call and I resisted the siren song only to weaken at the plaintive call of the young 'un.

"Please can we get a Confederate flag and an MRE?" Seeing as how the flag cost a mere 5 bucks and the MRE the same, I bought both. Eat the appalling MRE under the awesome flag, sort of thing.

Deo Vindice,


Wednesday, January 31, 2018

You Dirty Little Beast!

It's all very well owning enough deadly assault rifles to equip an irregular fire team in the case of an EOTW scenario or the Eschaton itself, but you do have to clean them. A clean gun is a happy gun, you see.

With that in mind, I hauled out a section of the arsenal and got to work. First things first, the lowly SKS is considerably easier to clean than the AR and its allies, by a factor of a lot. And it got me thinking, maybe piston driven beats gas impingement?

Then I got to the 7.62 BCG (bolt carrier group). It's this massive thing, dwarfing the puny, toylike 5.56 equivalent. Go figure, it's designed to deal with a larger bullet. 

Still, it seemed harder to clean the same caliber FN FALs of yesteryear, which were notoriously piston. Saying that, this beast's way more compact than the old Broomsticks and you can clip things to it, like optics, lights and radar.

Point being? I'm no expert but maybe gas piston rules over gas impingement when it comes to weapons cleaning.

In related news, the FIB is blowing back a lot of hot gas in an attempt to impinge on the release of the House Intelligence Committee memo, detailing FIB corruption. Well go figure.



Thursday, January 25, 2018

Let's Go For A Shoot!

"Can we go for a shoot, please?" asked an eager cadet. "Sure, it's about time. We have new weapons in the armory and it's the Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul. Let's go." Before you could say principles of marksmanship we were on our way to the range.

Would the  new guns, an Aero build .308 AR and a ChiCom SKS perform? Only one way to find out, shoot the beasts and that's what we did.

To be fair, I didn't know what kind of ammo the .308 had been zero'd in on and came with a random pack of 150 grain bullets. Would the weapon even be on paper? It was, straight out of the gate. Excellent result and that can be improved. Big fun to shoot, explosive sound and fury with the recoil of a 20 gauge.

That'll do for now

After the mighty ballistics hi-power of the .308 battle rifle, the SKS came in as a fun gun, easy to shoot and light as you like. It performed pretty much flawlessly, sending its chunky rounds down range with workmanlike, ComBloc effect.

So what's better, an SKS or a Mini 14? Good question and I hesitate to answer but I will say this. The SKS seems simpler and a bit easier to shoot. 

Still, it's factory basic, thanks, Commies and doesn't have a detachable magazine, unless you mess with it. But and it's a big but for shooters on a budget, it does cost a whole lot less. Whatever, your call, both are neat. For what it's worth, I see the SKS as a ranch rifle/fun gun on a budget.

After filling up the center mass of the Green Enemy we fell back to the small shooting house and some nice and easy plinking with a Ruger American .22.

The plates met their match.

Then it was time to head back to the Compound for Mass, a good day had by all. Moral of the story? Get out in the country and shoot, it's good for mind, body and soul.

Gun rights,


Tuesday, January 9, 2018

On The Road On The Gun

The rig hummed along, thank you very much after a fortune spent at the aptly named "shop," and all was well with rural Texas as I drove to visit a sick cowboy. We talked about liturgy and society at the ranch as well as the Holy Cross Fathers.

Their erstwhile supremo married a nun who'd got herself into trouble for witchcraft in Africa, Una Kroll. Una went on to champion womyn priests and died last year. I don't know if she remained married to the former monk. 

After anointing my friend I drove to Waco. "What you going there for?" he asked, hopefully recovering his spirits. "To get some things for my new gun," I replied, quick as you like and then some, "It's a 7.62 battle rifle."

Fun Guns on Franklin supplied the deficit along with the extra bonus of late '70s music on the store jukebox. Go ahead, shop for AR15 barrels, Magpul accessories and all things weaponry while listening to the Clash.

"I say," I asked a youthful shop assistant, "Are you the only deadly assault rifle store in town that plays Machine Gun Etiquette and God Save The Queen on some kind of loop?" The pleasant young man looked embarrassed, made a needless excuse and took all my money. Thanks a lot, Malcolm  so-called McLaren.

Wallet several pounds lighter I headed for home and a kid who wants to enlist. He's at the gym now working out and he'll have to if he's going to lift the new rifle. So will I.

Gun rights,


Friday, January 5, 2018


Do your guns still work, for that matter, do you still know how to use them? There's one sure fire way to find out, go shooting and that's exactly what we did.

An AR15 performed flawlessly, putting rounds down range like a proper little heater, likewise a Glock 21. Well done, Austrians, you've produced a good 'un.

Speaking of pistols, I've noticed people have a tendency to shoot low with the Glock and some say that's because of the ergonomics of the grip. With that in mind I aimed slightly high and shot, ahem, slightly high. Excellent pistol and I always enjoy its explosive .45 ACP power.

We finished off with some .22 plinking against various threats including a bottle cap, someone's discarded Coors Lite can and our ancient enemy, unicorns.

It's argued that unicorns are harmless, mythical, noble creatures. We disagree, they're a right menace, just look what they've done to San Francisco and Austin. And the moral of the story?

Shooting is great, so get out in the fresh air and do it more often.

Gun rights,


Thursday, November 23, 2017

Happy Thanksgiving!

It's been a quiet day at the Compound, in fact the young 'un worked, clearing brush like a colonist. Well done.

Random Thanksgiving Glock

Puritan work ethic aside, have a great Thanksgiving and don't forget to take one noted member of the intelligence community's advice seriously. Enter the fray armed, gun, knife (axe?) in your hand. And question.

Shoud you put sugar in cornbread or not?

MAGA and God Bless,