Showing posts with label Climate Change. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Climate Change. Show all posts

Friday, December 23, 2022

Bomb Cyclone Winter Eschaton


Many of you will laugh and shake your heads in scorn, but it's cold in Texas. Like no kidding, there's ice and even some snow. "Look," I announced in awe to a young soldier, "Snow, see it?" It took a while but he did, "Oh yeah, literal snow, wow." A few wind-driven icy flakes of it anyway.

So layer up, pull on an Arcteryx fleece, dust off the Carhart and face the new Ice Age. Such, my friends, is global warming. You see, the hotter it gets, thanks to people not paying carbon taxes, the colder it becomes.

I was struck by this, driving into a golden sunset across Lake Whitney dam to say Mass as clouds of mist steamed up from the water. Climate change can be dramatic, no doubt about it. Let's zoom in:

The Sacrament confected and the Sacrifice offered, ite missa est, it was time to drive back to the Compound, wary of black ice and grateful for the privilege of being able to celebrate the Eucharist. Where angels fear to tread, eh?

Domine non sum dignus,


Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Under Glowering Skies

no stranger's wing shielded my face.
I stand as witness to the common lot,
survivor of that time, that place. 
(Anna Akhmatova)

What remained after the flood? For us, we few survivors? A glowering sky for sure, that much is constant.

And shacks, somehow these too remain.

As does the Dojo. Kick 'em out, kids, before you too are washed away in the flood.

But trees still stand. What happens here is that roots destroy the sidewalk which no one walks on, so the Town in its wisdom cuts down the trees. Idiots.

So back again to the Compound, unscathed, frosty, our enemy the Weather threatening. But questions remain.

Have we paid too much Climate Tax, too little, or is this an issue caused by prayer? Pray for rain, God agrees, cause and effect. Problem, solution. But note how abundantly our Creator provides this. 

Do you detect judgment?


Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Climate Change Eschaton


This small farming community in North central Texas faced down ferocious storms on Monday, but it was nothing compared to Dallas. Our Old Adversary, the Weather, changed with a vengeance and flooded the Metrosprawl.

Like no kidding. Torrential rain turned suburban streets into raging torrents and shut down the Mix Master, an insane highway complex in the center of town which is a nightmare at the best of times. A woman died in Mesquite, caught in her car as it was carried under by the current. May she rest in peace.

Even the world famous Margaret Hunt bridge was threatened with disaster as the waters rose with primal, apocalyptic fury. Yes, the levees hold, for now. And it's a here and now issue because, apparently, that's not some kind of God-given thing. Work it out, Dallas.

In the meanwhile, Ma LSP's house rests on high ground and I'll be sure to swing by and make sure all's well, safe from marauding hordes of waterborne looters. On that note, smart people are investing in BOATS.

Row Jimmy row,


Monday, July 18, 2022

A Bit Chilly


Here we are in Texas and it's a bit chilly, with temps pushing 110*. Brrrr. So what do you do? Go out on a recce and notice the streets are empty, yes, the road is your own. And what a road, lying there under an unrelenting sun.

March or die, I thought, putting one foot in front of the other. Do. Not. Give. Up. Ever. Back at the Compound, which has air, I reflected on this wisdom. Whoever said life'd be easy? I recall no such promise.

In related news, UK airports are shutting down because planes are getting stuck in melting asphalt, think tar babies. Thanks a lot, GRU.



Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Just Out in The Field


Yes, this is Texas under a glowering sky. Note Cow Barn.

And tractor. I don't know why but Kubotas rule here.

A Shop.

I call this installation "Fence."

We recouped after a hard morning's work, "Wish you'd buy this place, brother, make for a heckuvva range. Put up a big berm by the tanks and off we go." My friend thought about this for perhaps a second as we took it easy on the side of his rig, "Dam! That's what I've been thinking about, berm and boom, shoot out to 450 yards." I agreed, "Right, put up a shooting tower back in the deal and have at it."

A moment of reflective silence and ES went ballistic, "Get going with a .50. But what if the round skips the berm and hits an 18 wheeler on I35?" I thought about it, a .50 BMG lofting out of the target area to power through an engine block on a highway a mile off.

Look, The Climate Changed!

"Utter disaster, my friend," and he agreed, "My wife told me I couldn't buy it, dammit. Dude, stop talking in case I do." And that was that, "Drive safe." I file this exciting story under guns and country life in Texas.

Shoot straight,


Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Is This The Way?


Maybe it is. Keep it simple, right? That in mind, I powered this wreath with green LED lights and a battery pack. What a compact solution, and green too.  Speaking of which, do you remember Climate Change?

You know, the biggest disaster in the history of disasters which would raise the sea level so high it'd flood out the coasts, kill all the polar bears and... and... destroy the planet? The God King Messiah Barak Obama was a big booster, maybe that's why he bought a seafront mansion in Martha's Vineyard, because what a green socialist. What a colossal scam.

Ma LSP's Ready For Christmas

And now we've got COVID. Better vax up and wear your mask, even though neither protect you from getting and spreading a disease which 99.7+% won't kill you. Leap to it, serfs, and guess what. If you don't, you won't be allowed to enter a shop, much less leave your country. So you'd better OBEY.

Is that the way? Sure, the way of slavery, perdition and corrupt deceit. We walk a different path at the Compound. And lest we forget, remember Pearl Harbor, a day of infamy.

Your Crypto Pal,


Wednesday, July 21, 2021

I'm Covid Confused


Would That be a Carbon Spewing Private  Charter Jet?

I'm confused, Covid confused. We've been bombarded, especially by Democrats, with a barrage of wearing masks is very important because it protects us and others from the deadly Bat Bug. In fact, it's so important that it's federally mandated for air travel. 

Wear a mask or die or kill your loved one, runs the compelling line. Same with getting vaxxed. Get that salvation vax or you'll get the Kung Flu and die, you might even kill someone else in the process. It's like a civic duty.

If Only

That in mind, why did a crew of Democrats fly from Texas to DC without masks and why have six(?) of them, despite being fully vaxxed, come down with the China Virus? That doesn't make any sense, do you see my confusion? 

I don't men to be obtuse, but if masks were important, as the Democrat Mile High Club insists they are, how come they aren't all masked up? Strange, right. And if the all important vax works, how come vaxxed people, see Israel and Democrat jetsetters et al, get the deadly disease despite burning incense on the altar of Big Pharma?


It's strange, isn't it. Let's rephrase the conundrum with a riddle. If anthropocentric climate change is so deadly as to melt ice caps and flood the coastal regions of fragile planet earth, why are the champions of the green crusade buying seafront mansions.

Appalling Bad Taste

Could it be that our elite transnational overlords know something we can only guess at? Don't say Soylent Green. In the meanwhile, mask up, vax up, and OBEY.

Your Old Friend,


Monday, June 28, 2021

You Miserable Offender


Look at this miserable offender. Yes, a burned out front indicator bulb, Sylvania #3157A, which gave up the ghost on the way to Made-in-China-Mart, right as the heavens released a relentless barrage of rain.

Park up, test the turning signal, listen to its ADHT fast click, watch the rain pound down, look up the part on your handheld computing device, and then wade through the flood to the store. Find a replacement bulb, look at empty ammo shelves - who knows, maybe they'll magically fill up if you stare hard enough - and head over to groceries for supplies. After all, a man's gotta eat.

That in mind, it's a very good thing that "man does not live by bread alone" because the price of food's skyrocketed, especially steak. It's around 30% more expensive than it was a year ago; just imagine the price if there was any inflation. Well done, prog-left, corp-sponsored oligarchy, everything's more affordable now because it's way more expensive. Awesome work, Socialists.

Back at the Compound, the downpour slowed to a gentle rain and then stopped, so I took advantage of the lull to swap out the busted bulb. It's not hard on an '08 F150. Pop the hood, reach behind the headlight housing, turn the bulb fixture counterclockwise, pull it out, replace the bulb and return the thing to its rightful place. If the recalcitrant anarchist mutinies, pull the headlight unit and teach the beast who's boss, which I ended up doing, annoyingly.

One working front turn signal light later, it seems only right to celebrate this small but important victory with hamburgers. Steak would be better, but that's too pricey. Thanks a lot, commies.



Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Memorial Day Retrospective


Forgive this late post, it wasn't from any lack of respect, but I hope you had a blessed Memorial Day. It's right to celebrate with friends and family and at the same time to honor the fallen, see LL's excellent post. May they rest in peace and the wicked be held to account.

That said, we had fun in Dallas, even though the skies opened and it poured with rain. Of course it's sunny now, despite burgeoning inflation. Such is climate change and our Old Enemy, the Weather.

Some don't see Memorial Day like this. They regard it as a moment of white, patriarchal colonialist expansion and want to ban it, just as they'd ban gender itself.

Regardless, I hope you had a blessed Memorial Day and paused, as I know you did, to remember all who gave their lives.

God bless,


Tuesday, February 16, 2021

A Bit Chilly


It's a bit chilly in Texas right now and that's too bad, because Global Warming froze all the wind turbines and broke them, causing rolling power blackouts. Who became richer than they already were through that green chicanery?

Green energy crooks aside, I went for a stroll down the glacier after Evening Prayer, in search of adventure. There wasn't much, apart from a snowman opposite the iced over Meth Shack, but what am I saying? The whole thing is an adventure - Texas, magically transmuted into Alberta thanks to the mystic alchemy of climate change. 

But maybe you think I'm exaggerating in that typical Lone Star way. No, not at all. Here's a photo of one of the crew relaxing after breaking ice on the stock tank. Looks like Alberta, right? No, Texas, here and now.

So be careful out there, and if the power goes out light massive fires to stay warm and keep the torch of freedom burning as we face off, resolute, against our old enemy, The Weather.



Monday, February 15, 2021

Texas Snowstorm

Yesterday's gentle dusting of global warming turned into a full on, no holds barred storm. Maybe a once in a lifetime event in this part of Texas.

So I stood on the porch like a Climate Czar, to capture the moment this once prosperous farming community turned into a glacier.

It's sunny now, but for how much longer? More ice, snow and driving wind is predicted tomorrow. That's what happens when the planet gets warmer because people didn't pay enough tax, yes, it gets colder.

Smart investors are going all in on $DOGSLED.

Stay warm,


Friday, February 12, 2021

Texas Goes Ice Age


It's not easy living in North Central Texas. Why? Because it's now an ice sheet with more to come. Look, here's the weather report:

National Weather Service Fort Worth TX
freezing drizzle developing late tonight into Saturday morning,
Impacts will begin as early as Saturday morning with patchy
brief break in precipitation on Saturday, conditions will begin
which will lead to a light glaze of ice in some locations. After a to deteriorate late Saturday evening, with precipitation
Sunday. The heaviest snow can be expected on Sunday and Monday.
transitioning from a sleet and freezing rain mix to all snow by High winds will lead to blowing and drifting snow with wind chills
duration of extremely cold temperatures will likely lead to major
falling to below zero by late Sunday. Snow will come to an end during the day Monday, but extremely cold temperatures will persist through mid-week. The heavy snow and forecast long
for several days... stress on the region`s infrastructure as well as crippling travel

Impact and cripple. Yes, that's what our Old Enemy does unless you pay the Tax. Come on now, all those seaside mansions in Martha's Vineyard don't come cheap, and let's face it, Climate Czar Kerry's private jet isn't cheap either. So pay up, serfs, while you buy your made in China masks to make our overlords even richer than they already are. In fact, wear two, because China's giving 'em away for free.

Lake Whitney

And while you're at it, get two shots of the vaccine because Pfizer obviously doesn't want to double its profits. Because it's a charity, just like the government which is here to help themselves grow richer.

In the meanwhile, a new Ice Age descends upon the Republic of Texas. We'll see what remains of this once prosperous farming community when the ice melts. If it ever does.

Your Old Friend,


Sunday, January 31, 2021

Random Thoughts From The War on Weather


Here we are, fighting the War Against The Weather, again, as our new ketchup fortune Climate Czar unironically flies around the world in his private jet, urging you, the peasant, to pay more tax. But speaking of war, thank Gaia the Military has to get down with trans diversity training, again, because that'll help us win wars. Yes, make us more secure.

Well they're not wrong, imagine the scene as a CCP human wave launches over the top only to be met with a camo variant of RuPaul's Drag Race, which is entirely normal, haters. Seriously, the enemy'll die laughing. A good, if eccentric, tactic.

Old But Gold

Back to the War on Weather. We've reopened another front and there'll be no more drilling on Federal lands, no more Keystone pipeline, but yes to more Warren Buffet profits (he owns the rails that ship the oil to the tune of several $ billion a year), and guess what? It's all cool coz we'll beat the weather and racist Orange Man Bad!

Or to put it another way, hide your asset-stripping plundering behind a smokescreen of green chicanery and Cultural Marxist identity politics and hey presto! Make billions of dollars, impoverish the peasants and live large on your yacht because hey, men can use women's toilets. Justice Awards all 'round.

Clearly a Blue Ice Extremist

What risible, evil, canting, self-serving, satanic hypocrisy. Maybe it's time for the return of Blue Ice.

Your Old Pal,


Thursday, January 28, 2021

From Somewhere in Korea


Got a call from the PFC last night and he was full of mission satisfaction, which is great because a happy son is a happy dad. No fooling. To be honest, I think he was excited by the snow in our far flung corner of empire, and who can blame him. 

OK, snow is exciting, especially if you live in Texas or the UK, but I know, it does grow old. What does this mean?

Has South Korea paid it's climate tax, and the climate's changed to colder? Or is the reverse true, did they forget to pay the tax, making the climate hotter, and therefore colder. We don't know, the proof isn't open source, but what we do know is this.

The Biden administration's ordered the Pentagon, by Executive Order diktat, to re-posture the Armed Forces to fight our greatest enemy, the Weather. That's right, to fight our Old Enemy, the climate and its changes. What'll that look like?

Perhaps we'll see walls of razor wire around the Capitol along with thousands of troops on hand to beat back rising sea levels and insurgent, dystopian mobs of crazed extremist dirt people, intent on storming the sacred halls of democracy after their crops fail thanks to solar radiation. 

Perhaps. Then again, maybe a division of heavily vetted Somalians stationed on Martha's Vineyard will do the trick against furiously rising sea levels. But what do I know? Just a country parson.

Happy Feast of St. Thomas Aquinas,


Sunday, January 24, 2021

Yet More Fog


It's another day of mist and mellow fruitfulness in bucolic olde Texas. And I like that, it reminds me of strolling about in the Cairngorms, Snowdonia or 'Nam. That'd be Cheltenham, obviously. This in mind, it's good to see our ancient adversary turn from blazing, stupid hot to something else. Nice. Climate Change, bring it on.

Climatic context set, there we were in the sacristy of Mission #2 this morning, getting ready for the sacred mysteries when the Junior Warden knocked on the door.

"Come in!" I uttered, like Stentor himself, and he did. "What's up, Chief?" he was one, "Thought you might like these," he replied. I looked at the offered copies of NRA's latest MAGAzines and said, "Thank you very much." And then, turning to the Altar Party, "Gentlemen, let us pray," and we did.

An acolyte was heard to mutter, "You know you're in a country parish in Texas when..." And I fixed him with a lazerlike eye as we prepared to process, "Quite." Come and take it was left unsaid. I tell you, they're a good and faithful crew. Praise God for that.

This lifts my spirits and I hope yours too.

Spero in Deo!


Sunday, January 10, 2021

Winter Wonderland!


It started off as cold, sleety rain, and then our Old Adversary the Weather escalated the fight. Yes, it began to snow. "Well that's exciting," I thought as I fired up a Mission for Mass, "Snow, in Texas." But here's the thing, it didn't stop, on the contrary, it intensified.

By the time Mass was over and we opened the doors of the church and looked outside, there it was, a veritable winter wonderland. "Haven't seen anything like this in ten years," said one churchman. "This is more snow than we had in Oklahoma," said another, mysteriously. And I agreed, we haven't seen this much snow here since the great Global Warming blizzard of 2010. Exciting.

Back at the Compound I started getting calls from Mission #2. Like, "We've had to turn around, padre, sorry about that," or, "We fishtailed on 56 and headed back, didn't want to risk it." Also the power was down in the area, so we called a snow day on the service and I emailed the crew with a "make your Spiritual Communion" reminder. Then what?

Brush the snow off your rig and take a recce through town. No small thing, I tell you. It was like the Kharkov Front, or maybe Narnia. Still, I wasn't complaining, it's rare to see anthropogenic global warming like this in the great state of Texas.

I know, same-old, same-old for everyone living north of the border, but a big thing here. So too, apparently, with the Corpse and the Whore's incoming ascension to power; all the shotgun ammo was gone at Walmart yesterday, no fooling. Never seen such a thing before, make of it what you will.

In the meanwhile, snow continues to fall.