Showing posts with label AR15. Show all posts
Showing posts with label AR15. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 30, 2017


In Aberystwyth you're not allowed to shoot Glocks or AR15s because they're far too dangerous. So when my brother drove over from Dallas, where he's taking a vacation from "Aber", I loaded up the rig with some deadly assault rifles and a couple of .45s. And off we went to the range.

First off, we tackled a green silhouette at 30 and 50 yards with a banned-in-the-UK carbine, topped with a Primary Arms red dot. It's a fun gun to shoot and my brother did well, handily putting down the green terrorist. Take that, paper aggressor, you lose.

Note Cooking Glock

Then it was time for some banned-because-Brits-can't be-trusted-with-pistols Glock action. Mostly against steel plates at 10, 18, 24 and 30 yards. Big excitement as the workmanlike bit of Austrian engineering roared in the hand with explosive fury. Great enjoyment.

The best shots of the day went to my brother, who scored a series of headshots at 100 yards against the green enemy. Not bad, given no magnification and a dot.

Moral of the story? Shoot more.

Gun rights,


Wednesday, June 21, 2017


Yes, you got that right, it's the Solstice, the longest day of the year, a day when hippies come out to play and sing. 

In England that means dusting off the antlers, putting on your unicorn mask and heading off to The Stones for mysticke revelry. 

Keep it Clean, Hippies

If you're a top-level hippy, you can even dress up like a druid wizard. All good, harmless fun, eh?

Face Painting

Sure it is, until you wake up from a crazed body painting session and discover someone's ripped off your giro, leaving you possessed by a Special Brew demon.

The Magic Of The Stones

Here at the Compound we're not marking the Solstice by travelling to Austin's famous fiberglass stone circle, much less its superior English forbear, heck, we didn't even make it to Burning Man. But we are saying this.

Hose Them Down

If you meet the hippy on the road, hose it down, AR15 optional.

Love and Peace,


Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Cleaning Guns The LSP Way

People often ask me, how do you clean guns the LSP way? And I reply that it's much like any other way except it's mostly done on the porch, in Texas. But this evening I had a nasty surprise.

I'd no sooner stripped down the BCG (bolt carrier group) of one of the compound's deadly assault rifles when I noticed it was filthy dirty. Obviously the Russians had hacked it, in a desperate bid to subvert the weapon's democratic process.


Thanks to Hoppe's solvent, oil, a bore snake and a thorough scrubbing, the carbine was soon back in working order, kremlins removed. All's well, fortunately, that ends well.

Send Her To Raqqa

In related news, a grassroots movement to send Katy Perry to Raqqa, is sweeping America. Whether Katy will enjoy coexisting with the Caliphate remains to be seen.

Gun Rights,


Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Unicorn Hunting School

One of the things English visitors to the compound like to do is hunt unicorns with deadly pistols and assault rifles. You see, they can't do that in the Old Country, because unicorns are protected and it's far too dangerous. But it's open season on the horned predators in Texas, so we loaded up the rig with weaponry and headed to the range.

The unicorn hunting evolution went well, with a brisk warm-up against steel plates, playing cards (thanks, LL), some pound coins and a couple of silhouettes. Watermelons featured too. And guess what?

The new pound coin doesn't stand a chance against a Glock 21, a .38 Special, an AR15 and a Ruger American .22. Then we got on the unicorn. Let's just say this, it met its match. 

Vicious little things, unicorns, they'll gore you with their horn so don't hesitate before squeezing the trigger.

Well done, JS and H. You are now unicorn hunters, good shooting.

Gun rights,


Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Shoot! It's Spring

The day didn't start off well; I wasn't happy about the marketing stunt Walmart had pulled on its T shirts. These have been rebranded as "Extreme Sports Temp," in the hope that no one notices that once good T shirts are now flimsy rubbish. Way to go, Marketeers. So, to put things straight I put some guns in the rig and headed out to the range to celebrate the first day of spring.

As always, it was great to get out in the country with the guns, in this case an AR15, a Glock 21 and a Ruger American .22. Nothing too adventurous, just some relaxing target practice in the sunny Texan spring. And some pest control.

That's right, a unicorn had sneaked into the range and had to be dealt with. They're a menace, I tell you. Just look at their horns, they'll gore you, given half the chance.

So I didn't waste any time dealing with the threat. Will 5.56 and .45 take down a unicorn? Yes, they will and the Glock 21 proved especially effective at neutralizing the deceptively fluffy enemy at close range. Take that, unicorn.

Herd control over, I finished off with some gentle plinking against the range's steel plates. Remember to breathe, was my note to self.

Shoot over, it was time to head back to the Compound, mission accomplished and a good day had by all, except the unicorn. You can watch aspects of this curious adventure here.

Gun rights,


Thursday, December 1, 2016

Sunrise at the Compound

The sun rose over the Compound to the usual morning chorus of roosters, crazed peacocks and pyschotic dogs.  Blue MAGA didn't care, he was busy gnawing on a cast off steak bone. 

Like a lot of our international readership, Team LSP doesn't like to waste steak bones and after they've been gnawed clean they're turned into finely honed push daggers. Waste not, want not.

Crazed Millionaire Socialist

In other news, it looks like the bizarrely overpaid and traitorous Megynne Kelly is switching networks. For more millionaire socialist dollars, presumably. 

Shoot The Gun #TrumpsAmerica

Who is this "Megynne" anyway?



Friday, November 18, 2016

Hot Chocolate Onesies And Kittens

In Safe Space no one can hear you scream! Anonymous

You're proably wondering, scornfully, "Is LSP capable of serious thought?" Well, maybe not, but George Rutler is. Here's the Upper East Side onetime Anglican on the discouraging "safe space" trend:

"Professors who never attained moral maturity themselves, reacted by providing “safe spaces” for students traumatized by reality. In universities across the land, by a sodality of silliness in the academic establishment, these “safe spaces” were supplied with soft cushions, hot chocolate, coloring books, and attendant psychologists. More than one university in the Ivy League provided aromatherapy along with friendly kittens and puppies for weeping students to cuddle. A college chaplaincy invited students to pray some prescribed litanies that offered God advice in an advisory capacity.

"The average age of a Continental soldier in the American Revolution was one year less than that of a college freshman today. Alexander Hamilton was a fighting lieutenant-colonel when 21, not to mention Joan of Arc who led an army into battle and saved France when she was about as old as an American college sophomore. In our Civil War, eight Union generals and seven Confederate generals were under the age of 25. The age of most U.S. and RAF fighter pilots in World War II was about that of those on college junior varsity teams. Catholics who hoped in this election for another Lepanto miracle will remember that back in 1571, Don Juan of Austria saved Western civilization as commanding admiral when he was 24."

Don Juan was twenty four when he took down the Moslem sea jihad.  Ponder that and as you do, reflect on the West's cultural devolution. Who will save us? Rome? Moscow?

I'm not a betting man but I'd lay odds on the latter. Then again, all the polls were confounded last Tuesday so perhaps there's hope for the West yet.

Sink me, a Guinea on the Monkey.


Wednesday, November 16, 2016


Here at the Compound we're drinking strong coffee, dusting off the Steuben and cleaning guns while, ahem, loyal staff polish the Mess silver.

A lot of this fast-paced, hi-stress action takes place on the porch, where Blue Eschaton has set up in vigilant defense.


In related news, it seems that Hillary wasn't able to address her party faithful on election night because she'd fallen into a psychotic, drunken rage, clawing at long-suffering staffers while hurling inanimate objects at Mook and the well known Satanist, John Podesta.

A Typical Texan Tailgate

Hell hath no fury, eh? America, looks like you dodged a bullet.

God bless Texas,


Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Go On, Shoot Some Guns

To celebrate America's new dawn we loaded up the pickup with guns and headed out to the country. A few minutes later we were on a friend's farm, lining up against a burn pile with a .38 Special, a Glock 21 and an AR15.

Do you remember Hillary? She wanted to ban these guns but failed and fell into a pyschotic drunken rage, tearing at Mook and Podesta as the vote came down past midnight. Boom,  Witch, you lose. A doctor had to administer sedatives, just to calm her down.

The guns performed flawlessly in the searing heat of an autmnal Texan Fall. Take that, 5th Columnist water bottle, take that big time. Same applies to you, Jerrycan, and you too derelict license plate. 

Driving through this town's dystopic outlet mall after the shoot  you couldn't help but notice the legend, Guilt Free Shopping. Maybe that's because all the shops are shut, as in, gone bust. In Trump's America that's going to change, we hope.

After that it was fried pie and what can I say? Life is good.

Gun rights,


Thursday, November 10, 2016

The Light Shines Brightly

And why's that, LSP? Because the evil Witch Crone Harridan, (WCH) Hillary, has been squashed like a roach. So we're celebrating at the Compound with crystal, fine wines, weighty silver, and guns.

Cupcake Crybaby

Make that deadly assault rifles, like the Old Crone was going to ban, but can't because she's been pasted by Trump. Some crybaby cupcakes aren't too happy about that. Too bad, losers, a new Sheriff's in Town. 

You Lose This Round, Satan

The light shines brightly.

Your Friend,


Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Product Testing, Shoot The Fiver

The best thing about Great Britain's new currency is that it's indestructible. I know this because a friend from England drifted over to the Compound from Houston with some samples, two "Fivers." I looked at the shiny, holographic plastic currency and she made the pitch, "Look, LSP, this note's indestructible." I wasn't convinced, "Let's see about that. At the range."

Pin it Up

A few traditional range cheeseburgers later, the indestructible Fiver was pinned onto the head of a silhouette and we were ready to product test with a .38 Special snubby, a deadly assault rifle and a Ruger American .22. Would the Fiver live up to its marketing?

Your Old Pal

No. It didn't. In fact it failed dismally, taking rounds right through the paper right out of the gate from the .38. Not a monster round, right? But it did for the Fiver. So did the diminutive 5.56 from the banned-in-England carbine. Bang, right through the Fiver. Maybe that's why they're not allowed in England, who knows.

Banned in England

The lowly .22 did the trick too, sending tiny bullet after bullet right through the Indestructible. Fiver, you fail, but well done, JS, for winning the "knock the Fiver off the silhouette from 50 yards" competition. Good shooting.

Hand Out of Sun, Fool

In fairness to me, I was a bit of a bystander because of a badly burned hand. Keep it out of the blistering Fall sunlight, sort of thing. Still, I experienced it for myself; low caliber bullets go right through Great Britain's shiny, new, so-called indestructible currency. Go right ahead, put all the holographs you like on it but sorry, it's not going to win this FX speculation. The guns had it.

Go Short

Verdict? The new Fiver isn't indestructible. Go short.

With apologies to the great Winston Churchill and HRH EII.

Gun rights,


Saturday, October 8, 2016

What, You Won't Fight Our Frenemies?

ZeroHedge -- As is by now well-known, the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency’s previously classified 2012 report on the origin of the Islamic insurgency against Bashar al-Assad was released to the public on 18 May 2015, and it revealed the Obama Administration’s knowledge, at least since that time, that «the Salafist [Saudi-backed fundamentalist Sunni Islamic], the Muslim Brotherhood [Qatari-backed fundamentalist Sunni Islamic] and AQI [Al Qaeda in Iraq] are the major forces driving the insurgency in Syria», and acknowledgement that «the West, Gulf countries [Saudi Arabia and Qatar mainly], and Turkey support the opposition [to Bashar al-Assad], while Russia, China, and Iran support the regime», so that the U.S. Government is, in fact, allied with Al Qaeda there, to overthrow Assad.
This pro-Al-Qaeda position was news, however, to America’s military personnel in that region.

Reflect on the NWO skulguggery, malfeasance and outright perfidy of our globalist elitocracy and ask yourself how happy you'd be, defending our Jihad frenemies under the command of Barack Obama and his chosen Illuminati puppet successor, Hillary. Maybe not so much.

I'm off to clean an AR.

Kick out the JAMS.


Sunday, September 25, 2016

Torrential Rain and Mammon

Driving to the second Mass of the day was a bit of a deal because of torrential rain. Who wants to hydroplane across HWY 22 in the downpour? So I took it slow and wore a pair of Wellington boots to keep my 1% inside-the-beltway loafers dry.

In the sacristy I pointed to the boots and asked our MC, who's a renowned bronc champion, if he liked my "new church shoes." He shook his head.

"It's not that bad out there."
"Well c'mon, it was pretty much zero-viz coming up from the compound."
"Look. I'm not interested in your sad little stories, LSP."
"Yeah, said the rich man. You can't serve God and Mammon."


And that's what the sermon was about, with reference to Dives and Lazarus. Note that the former isn't named in the Gospel, he's nameless and accordingly not written into the book of life. "I do not know you," says Christ, elsewhere, and, "Depart from me ye cursed, into the lake of eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. For I was hungry and you did not feed me."

A Random Fish

No, the rich man was too busy enjoying the mammonistic gravy train to love God or his neighbor and accordingly found his way to perdition, which is separated from heaven by a great chasm.

Don't Worship This

Some say the god of our age is Mammon. I'd think twice before you pledge allegiance to that particular deity.

God bless,