Monday, April 4, 2022

Mother And Son


From the land of the Ice and Snow and pre-deployment exeat. Dog inna fight? I'll leave it there but feel free to comment on the iniquity of the MIC.

Your Old Friend,


Sunday, April 3, 2022

A Short Sunday Reflection


“What then is this that is written," says Jesus in the Temple to his enemies, the High Priests and Scribes, "'The very stone which the builders rejected has become the head of the corner’? Everyone who falls on that stone will be broken to pieces; but when it falls on anyone it will crush him.”

At that moment the evil tenants of the vineyard decide to kill the heir, they reject the stone and are, as a matter of fact, crushed or pulverized some thirty years later by the Romans. And a new foundation is established, the vineyard of the Church is given to new tenants, Jews and Gentiles united to God as walls to a cornerstone in Christ. Our Lord's prophecy was fulfilled and it speaks with power today.

Everyone who falls on that stone will be broken to pieces; but when it falls on anyone it will crush him. 

Terrifying. You cannot go against God, the rock of reality itself, and escape destruction. Witness our present anti-culture which is hurtling fast into insanity, to say nothing of wicked tenants, those wolves in sheep's clothing, those false prophets, those apostate mutineers who deny the Faith once delivered. Who champion behavior explicitly condemned in the revealed Word of God and are silent or complicit in the face of godless secularism with all its increasing tyranny.

They will have their reward, they fell upon the rock and will be destroyed. The late Bishop Terwilliger put it well, "If you go against the Holy Spirit you will be relentlessly destroyed by that same Spirit." And so to us. 

Are we not placed by God as tenants of the vineyard of our souls, the Church writ most intimately, responsible for producing the good fruit of righteousness, of faith and love? We are, and yet we sin. "Oh wretched man that I am," says the Apostle and so do we in the face of our own imperfection reflected in the light of divine truth.

Knowing this, and know it we must, what choice do we have but to repent like the Prodigal and return to the Lord crying out for mercy. He, while we are still a long way out, there's comfort in that, runs to embrace us and, forgiving our sins, reclothes us in the garments of sanctity and raises us up to new life. Take heart.

And here endeth the lesson except to say several ranchers came up after the Mass and said, "You know, LSP, I learned something. I'd always thought 'fall upon the rock' meant tripping over it, like stubbing your toe. Never thought it meant 'fall upon' as in 'fall upon your enemy.' Thank you for that."

They're a kinetic bunch, I tell you.

Ride on,


Saturday, April 2, 2022

How Very Gay


Via the Bee:


TALLAHASSEE, FL—Take that, DeSantis! In a powerful statement against the "Don't Say Gay" bill, The Episcopal Church in Florida has released a new version of their hymnal in which every song title and lyric is replaced by the word "gay." 

"We condemn DeSantis's bigoted attempt to prevent the sexual indoctrination of small children," said Episcopal Bishop Caiya Diddle. "That's why, starting today, all twelve Episcopals in Florida will sing the word 'gay' over and over and over again every Sunday until this bill is overturned." 

In addition to the song change, preachers will throw out their usual Sunday sermons and just say "gay" over and over again for 30 minutes. They will also replace traditional Sunday School with drag queen story hour so kids can get their fill of kinky classroom instruction they can no longer get in school.

"Here in the Episcopal Church, we loudly and proudly say 'gay,' just like Jesus did," said Diddle. "I look forward to singing my favorite song, "Gay," with my tiny congregation, followed by the old classic "Gay Gay in the Gay."

UPDATE: All members of the congregation have been arrested as part of a sex-trafficking sting.


Then there's Chechens,


April Fools #2


Part of the problem with yesterday's popular and influential mind post was that it wasn't long enough, several people said as much. So here's some more.

Remember rich kid, MillSoc, faux-mex Beto? He wants to take over Texas. Uh Huh. His net worth is >$9m, that's why he's a socialist. What a clownshow fraud.

Then there's the Butt Guy, Little Pete. He's in charge of our transportation because he knows so much about it, because so very , very gay.

Speaking of losers, do you remember Abortion Barbie? You know, the one that crawled outta the trailer park onto the cover of Vanity Fair? She was going to take over Texas too.

But don't forget the heavy hitters, like Ice Cream, Millionaire Socialist Pelosi. Imagine, if you can, the price of her surgeon to say nothing of her socialist $24k refrigerators.

Then there's pastry cook Mittens Romney. Tomfoolery, malfeasance and outright pharisaical corruption is clearly bipartisan. OK, let's stop there though the list could run and run. 

Don't get me wrong, I'm a patriot, I really am, and I love this country and its people. A goodhearted crew. That in mind, why do we allow mountebanks, clowns, parasites and buffoons to rule us? 

Perhaps part of it is because we don't, our electoral process is a broken sham and with that, the question remains.

Your Old Pal,


Friday, April 1, 2022

April Fools


April fools? There's the Big Guy, don't forget him.

Then there's Crackhead. Looks like that laptop's chasing the dragon, eh?

Don't forget Maxine either, she's awesome.

Or this 4 star, ahem, woman of the year.

Speaking of which, since when did we become so stupid as to be unable to define the two sexes? Even the Taliban can do that. Does that make them better than us? Feel free to add your own fools to the April list.



Tuesday, March 29, 2022

A Little Z


Germany, that bastion of free thought and liberty has banned the letter Z from its lexicon because Putin hate speech. No more Z for Germans, the wicked letter's like the swastikas carved into the chests of people in the basements of Mariupol.

No, none of that. But hold on, when do we stop, when the whole of the alphabet's banned? Do the math. No such thing as men and women, no such thing as numbers, no such thing as truth or humans themselves, only the will to power.

We stand against this satanic evil,


The Church of England Is So Very Awesome


The venerable Church of England's attracting hundreds of thousands of Britons to its pews because it's so  very, very gay. Except that it it's not, COE numbers are plummeting and that's really weird because all the millions of LGBTQ+ people in the UK should be flocking to the nation's premiere rainbow conventicle. But they're not.

So strange. Now that the throne of Augustine's so gaily inclusive, all the colors of the rainbow, you'd think it would have grown by leaps and bounds. Unless we go gay, said the pundits, no one will take us seriously. 

Mirabile dictu, lo and behold, go figure, no sh*t Sherlock they're not, which is why the venerable if shrinking Church of England's average Sunday attendance has fallen off a cliff, from some 1.3 million people a Sunday in 1980 to a miserable 600k or so today.

And this is weird, it should be the other way around. Now that the UK's so gay, you'd think the gen pop would head to the gayest church around, right? But they haven't, they've stayed home, polishing the proverbial Baphomet.

At some point, gentle readers, all two of you, this insane, satanic craze will end leaving a lot of people feeling really stoopid as they clutch their dirty little rainbow flag.

Your Pal,


Monday, March 28, 2022

Once More Over The Rainbow


Do you remember SCOTUS nominee Ketanji Brown telling the world that she couldn't define what a woman was? Perhaps we shrugged our shoulders, rolled the proverbial eyeball and fired off a few rounds of precious 5.56. But not so fast.

Ketanji's inability or unwillingness to define womanhood  is mainstream, it's an accepted point of view. For example, USA Today, which is a kind of newspaper, is all in favor: Viz. Gender and biology are tangentially related at best. In other words, we don't know what a woman is.

Wow. Next step? We don't know what a human being is and lo and behold, it's a short skip and hop from that to putting inhuman cattle into boxcars for extinction. So shrug away and ignore the issue if you like but know this, we're dealing with evil, evil with which there can be no compromise.

Consider how the denial of truth in the name of tolerance leads to tyranny and oppression, the truth is what I decide it to be. This is evil and Rod Dreher nails it here. His conclusion:

And I am no longer willing to pretend that this is anything other than a religious war, and that what undergirds these battles over the definition of male and female, as well as the attempts by the ruling class to colonize the minds of children, is anything but satanic. There is no negotiating with this stuff.

Which side are you on? You will soon find that neutrality is not an option.


We've been saying this for years, here at the Compound, and note, Baphomet is trans.

Vade Retro,


Sunday, March 27, 2022



Enemies of the Rainbow, friends of family, hearth and home, and they beat the blasphemous, repellent P Riot too, which is a massive plus. I call brothers, comrades. 

Feel free to disagree,


Saturday, March 26, 2022

Some Kind Of Armageddon Joke? No, Just Our Joe


The president figure of America's in Poland where he spoke with the famed 82nd Airborne and pretended to be one of the guys while eating pizza. Just a regular man of the people, but why did he speak from a giant zero? Here, look:

A parable, perhaps, and why did the Old Crook tell the 82nd they were going to war in the Ukraine. A demented octogenarian slip of the tongue or something more sinister? Good question and the White House is saying it's just an honest slip because, you know, the Big Guy's such an honest man. Don't say 10%.

Putin got a bashing too, with Uncle Joe threatening to remove him from power, “For God’s sake, this man cannot remain in power. God bless you all and may God defend our freedom." 

Freedom. Unless you're rotting in DC Gitmo for well over a year because of your brazen attack on our politico corporate managerial elite. Whatever, Breitbart won the dry award of the week, "It is unclear whether Biden’s comment was part of his prepared remarks."

That in mind, our beloved 81 million vote leader believes in first strike nuclear war and this brings us to a point. Regardless of your opinion on the rights and wrongs of the Ukraine action, why are powerful people openly and unapologetically talking of atomic conflict. And they are, 35% of Americans support them.

This, to me and perhaps you, is both heinous and diabolic.


Friday, March 25, 2022



It's the great and glorious Feast of the Annunciation today, so to mark the angel Gabriel's message to Our Lady I said the Angelus and Divine Office at Mission #2's Marian shrine. I know, that sounds pious and curatelike but so what, there's no "rule," except that outdoor shrines to Our Lady have  power, even the humblest.

Then, in a spirit of Stella Maris it made sense to head to the lake. The water was down and clear, would there be fish? So on went polarized glasses and the piscine recce patrol commenced, know the water, catch the fish sort of thing.

Apart from a small school of Buffalo Carp, gliding like submarines seeking whom they may devour, nothing. The surge wasn't on, though it will be in a week or two. I'm looking forward to that and have to renew a license.

Back at the Compound birds and squirrels are fighting ferocious turf wars, it's like Donetsk, Kiev, Kherson, Kharkov or Mariupol except the protagonists are our furred and feathered friends. Speaking of which, if they were bigger would they eat us?

Dog's wouldn't, so much, and that's in their favor. Cats? Different story.

God bless,


WE beseech thee, O Lord, pour thy grace into our hearts; that, as we have known the incarnation of thy Son Jesus Christ by the message of an angel, so by his cross and passion we may be brought into the glory of his resurrection; through the same Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.