Friday, May 18, 2018

The Mullallyfication of the Church of England

Take a break from wondering if former CIA boss, John Brennan, and the rest of the coup conspirators will finally be brought to justice. Put that interesting question to one side for a moment and ask yourself this. What qualifies Sarah Mullally to be the Bishop of London?

Jules Gomes answers the question. Here's a snapshot:

So what are Mother Mullally’s towering achievements and phenomenal gifts that qualify her to be appointed to the third most important bishopric in England? Mullally’s crowning glory is that she is a feminist and so ‘necessarily subversive’ as she portrays herself in her debut sermon.
Feminism is subversive? Is the new Bishop of London so out of touch with cultural criticism that she doesn’t even know that feminism has been part of the dominant orthodoxy for ages? Feminism in the West is as subversive as environmentalists hugging trees and snowflakes cuddling teddy bears.

Gomes goes on.

So what are the other impressive credentials on Mullally’s Curriculum Vitae that dazzled her selection panel? Mullally unwittingly answers: ‘There aren’t many bishops who come from comprehensive schools, who are poly [polytechnic] girls and who did [part-time training] for the priesthood.’ 
‘It’s not just gender; it’s also your background that’s equally important,’ she adds. Translated from Anglican virtue-signalling gobbledygook into English, Mullally was chosen to be Bishop of London because she’s a woman who went to a comp school and polytechnic and trained at Saint Mickey Mouse Seminary.

The Rebel Priest then lists the seven pillars of Mullallyfication.



Thursday, May 17, 2018

Get On The Fish

Rather than reflect on the Church of England's devolution into mawkish irrelevancy masquerading as radical counterculturalism, I went fishing. 

It seemed better to get by the water after Mass and tangle with the ancient adversary than contemplate the Mullallyfication of the CofE.

Once again, the adventure started off with an empty pier, no pressure, and out went the lines with their tried and true #6 baitholder hooks and juicy worms, barely weighted with a split shot sinker resting around 12" from the hook.

Now, experts say the bigger the hook, the bigger the fish and I'm sure that's true but small hooks are notoriously capable of catching large fish as well as their smaller allies. You see, the smaller fish can't fit an enormous great hook in their mouth; they attempt it, greedily, then drop it in frustrated contempt.

Regardless, this hook logic works well if you're fishing indiscriminately from the bank and your emphasis is on catching fish, any fish. If you're singularly after trophy Bass or the awesome Striper or whatever, you tailor your rig to meet the need.

In my case, it's mostly just about catching fish and the above method worked well this evening, with no end of good sized Black Drum and a couple of fat Bluegills coming up for good measure. Pretty much every cast a fish, great result.

Fish on,


Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Lord Tebbit Calls Bury's Gay Dean A Sodomite

Top Tory grandee, Lord Tebbit, has called Bury St. Edmunds' new gay dean a "sodomite" and is boycotting worship rituals led by Joe Hawes, who lives with his partner, Rev. Chris Eyden.

"I find it difficult to accept a sodomite as a member of the clergy who will, for example, be called upon to conduct marriage services," said Tebbit, "I will struggle to attend if he is officiating."

Bury St. Edmunds Cathedral

The outspoken Tory peer went on to assert his belief in the Bible and denounced homosexual activity.

"I just don't see how he can decently read the marriage service. I stand by what is written in the Bible, which is the basis on which the cathedral was built. It says the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed by God."

The Flag of Bury St. Edmunds Cathedral

"It cannot be a sin to be born homosexual. It is what one is. What I can't accept is the activity. I use the expression sodomite."

Lord Tebbit stated that he would continue giving financially to the cathedral, which he believes will "be there long after the dean and I are gone."

Hawes and Eyden

While the Church of England hasn't approved gay marriage ceremonies, Hawes and Eyden live together in a civil partnership, which is allowed by the denomination with the proviso that the partners don't have sex with each other.


One UK Barrister who wishes remain anonymous, commented, "Remarkable. One of the few occaisons I find myself in agreement with Norman Tebbit in 38 years. Clearly there's hope and redemption for us all."

God bless,


Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Still Beating The Drum

After a morning visiting the sick, I stopped off at Lake Whitney dam to test the waters. These were clear(ish), and apparently devoid of any fish. 

The occasional Water Moccasin slithered across the still surface of the pool, ignored by floating turtles, and that was that, no evidence of fish at all.

Still, I had the pier to myself, no pressure, and that's no small thing. There it was, the great edifice of the dam and the Brazos, winding its way through Texas to Waco and beyond under a big sky. A tranquil scene, and I cast off more for the contemplative reflection of it all than anything else.

Say your prayers, consider the upcoming Feast of Pentecost and the nature of the Holy Spirit, who we're told is the personification of the love between the Father and the Son. Take a break from the turgid skulduggery of the world and unwind overlooking the river.

Good call, right? No, it wasn't to be. The pool looked empty, like the pews of the venerable if shrinking Church of England, but it wasn't, it was full of voracious Black Drum. No kidding. I'd no sooner cast off with a famously scientific split shot, #6 worm rig than Drum were plowing into the line. 

Up came one, up came another, and another, and on we went for an hour or so. Good action and good sized fish. Finally the worm battalion were down to their last two conscripts, which I threaded onto a sharp, #6 baitholder.

The Tebbit

Within seconds something big was on the line. A Gar? A Striper? A Dolphin? Lord Tebbit himself, protesting against the rainbow riding iniquity of Bury St. Edmonds' Deanery?

No, just a monster Black Drum. He thrashed, flailed, dived and pulled but nothing worked, the fish was on and up it came. 

And that, international readership of this popular mind blog, is just the way it was.

MAGA and Fish On,


Monday, May 14, 2018

Melania Mondays! SEND FLOWERS

Melania, America's popular, glamorous and respected First Lady, had kidney surgery this morning at Washington DC's National Military Medical Center.

It was successful and Melania, 48, is expected to spend the rest of the week in recuperation. Along with the rest of the nation we wish her a return to full health.

Many have sent flowers and you can too, by dialing 1-800-FLOWERS. 

Well done Melania, for doing your part to make America great again.



Melania Mondays!

It's Monday and everyone's happy because that means Melania Mondays! and another episode in the life of America's popular and glamorous First Lady.

No, You're Not

Michelle Obama thinks she's the country's "Forever First Lady" or FFL for short. But Michelle isn't our First Lady, some say she isn't even a lady at all but some other kind of thing. 

Here at Melania Mondays! we can't say what that other "thing" is because we don't want to scandalize the children, but we can say that Melania is definitely a woman and really is the country's First Lady. Unlike Mitchell Michelle.

Warmhearted Patriot

And being a warmhearted patriot who loves our Armed Forces, Melania devoted part of her Mother's Day to honoring military moms.


Well done, First Lady, for doing your part to make America great again, and the nation's glad you're making a good recovery after your procedure this morning.



Sunday, May 13, 2018

Robots To Care For UK Elderly

Artificial humanoids, or "bots," have been tasked with caring for the elderly in cash-strapped Great Britain's old folks homes.

Unable to afford the human touch, UK caregivers are increasingly turning to robots to look after the elderly and provide companionship.

“We want to explore to what extent they might prevent loneliness and isolation, improve mental health and reduce family caregiver stress,” stated Dr. Chris Papadopoulous, from the University of Bedfordshire.

The low-level bot artificial intelligences will be equipped with a tablet on their chests, enabling the frail and elderly to skype, tweet, email, play games, post to Instagram, Snapchat or even chat via Whatsapp while being reminded of when to take their medication.

What could possibly go wrong?

Vladimir Putin has been reelected to the Russian autocracy and is hailed by many as a new Constantine. 



Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day; I hope you've all had a fantastic time with family, friends and hopefully, your Mothers. Here at the Missions we celebrated in good form, with feasting after the Masses and a lot of fun it was too. Well done, team.

Then it was back to the Compound to regroup, get collected and look to the next evolution, which weirdly enough turned out to be fishing.


Things were a bit crowded at the top secret Texan location today, on account of all the Mother's Day fishing expeditions and perhaps the pier pressure scared the fish off. 

At any event, the going was slow for the first hour or so but I didn't care, it was good to see families having fun at the water.


Picture the scene, Grandfather and Grandson, Father and Mother, all fishing away with Grandma sensibly sitting in the shade but smiling on.  

Heartwarming and I especially liked the Grandfather, who went by "Pappy." He came from a more civilized time and fished away with lures and jigs while I cast away with savage worms.

A Mother's Day Catfish

At one point the old gentleman pulled up a fishing rod, a fairly new one, too. I congratulated him on the catch and we laughed; a good moment. 

Fierce Little Predator

Then thump, tug, the fish switched on at last and with it a brisk hour or so of reeling in mostly small Bluegill. Hey, a fish is a fish and on a light rod these perch put up a fun fight. 

Country Life in Texas

I left as my new friends went after Bass with topwater lures and the sun was setting over the still, glassy waters of the lake.

What a good day.

God bless you, Mothers,


Saturday, May 12, 2018

UK Goes Full Thought Crime

Or at least it will if new sentencing proposals for provoking online  "hostility" towards people with "protected characteristics" are enacted. 

Offenders could face up to 6 years in prison for posting things on the internet that are hostile to “race; sex; disability; age; sexual orientation; religion or belief; pregnancy and maternity; and gender reassignment.”

For example, if you were evil enough to post, "Islam is a devil inspired death cult whose founder, Mohammad, was a pedophile, rapist warlord, and transsexuals are blasphemous parodies of women," then you might get in trouble and go to jail.

Or maybe you're hostile enough to tweet, "Hillary is a lame Old Crone who had degenerate sex with Yoko Ono," all the while having the temerity to broadcast Russian infographics of the last President.

Well then, if you were online hostile enough to do that you might end up in the slammer for six years. So much for freedom of speech, and since when was it some kind of Gaia-given right to rainbow ride your way through life without being offended by contrary opinion?

For that matter, who decides who and what's on the list of "protected characteristics", a lesbian theater collective in Dalston and their Islingtonite patrons on the judiciary? And where does thought crime begin and end, what constitutes "hostility"? 

According to several UK police forces "dislike" and "unfriendliness" define the term, neatly criminalizing the entire populace at some point or another. And if you think that sounds Orwellian you'd have a point, and a frightening one.

Then again, the whole tyrannous edifice of trans rainbow utopian orthodoxy might fall apart under the weight of its own absurdity before any real harm's done. 

Like really, you're going to imprison people for saying there's something weird about trannies and pride parades and something violent about a religion that's been waging war against the world since its inception?

Go ahead and try it but don't be surprised if the law's held in contempt. Speaking of which, this internationally acclaimed mind blog has been banned from Facebook and Instagram.

Must be doing something right.



Friday, May 11, 2018

Outrageous Fishing

Unless you're a sad Marxist determinist or some kind of insane philosopher, you'll agree that we have free will, we can make choices. Some good, some bad, some tending towards freedom and others towards that other place which ends in iron tyranny.

No, Wymmin Can't Be Priests

With this in mind, we had a choice today at the Compound. Go fishing or sit in slack-jawed amazement at the wreckage of what used to be Western culture. The team took the better path, we went fishing.

Say No To Spirit Cooking

And BANG, pretty much out of the gate we were catching. Bluegill, Catfish and Bass; mostly Bluegill and a couple of keepers too, but they all went back. Some of you might want to know the detail. Here it is.

Defeat Globalist Elites

#1 Eagle Claw Bait holder hook, cheap as you like and then some. 1 medium split shot weight, placed appx 12" from the hook, 12' test (you never know). Bait, 1 half live worm threaded onto the hook with a chunk of Walmart shrimp (Cats seem to like the combo) and another half worm threaded below the shrimp chunk.

Smash The NWO

Presentation? Chuck it in! Well, test the water and see what works. I found that casting diagonally to a cross current tended to get good bites and... sometimes not at all.

Hey, a fish is a fish

Moral of the story? Get out and fish, and know the water. If you do, you'll be able to get on the fish with what they want and start catching. Which is the optimum result, but word to the wise, a few recce patrols don't hurt.

But of course you know all this. As it is, we lost count today. Result.

Gun rights,


Thursday, May 10, 2018

The Ascension

You're probably still in a state of shock from the Rainbow Bear Creed. Who knew that the Blessed Ever Virgin Mary was a "bad-ass womanist liberation theologian," as opposed to a pure Virgin and the Mother of God. 

So, to put the record straight, here's St. John Chrysostom on the Ascension of Christ:

God ascended with a shout, the Lord with the cry of the trumpet, He Who is the Creator from the ages, Who brought all things into being, Who fashioned Adam, Who generated human nature, Who translated to life Enoch who pleased Him, Who preserved Noah together with the world, Who called Abraham from the land of the Chaldeans, Who made Isaac to be a sign of the mystery of the cross, Who granted Jacob the twelve-pillars of offspring, Who granted Job patience, Who made Moses to become the leader of the people, Who filled Samuel with prophecy from his mother's womb, Who anointed David as king from the prophets, Who granted Solomon wisdom, Who took up Elias in a flaming chariot, Who instilled the prophets with foreknowledge, Who granted the apostles gifts of healing, and Who cried to them: “Take heart, I have overcome the world.”

This is the Lord of glory Who is ascended into the heavens with a shout, and is seated on the right hand of the Father. Under His authority are angels, and dominions and powers, and it is He Who receives our pained prayers, and makes us victors over the pirates of this world. Under His dominion is every rank of the unclean spirits, as He says to us: “Behold, I have given you authority to trample upon snakes and scorpions.”

Unharmed and spotless, healthy and whole, preserve us in soul and body and spirit, filling us with the fruits of righteousness and fruitfulness, You Who are the God of all, You Who didst make us worthy to gather to celebrate this feast, for to You belong all glory, honor and worship, to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

There's triumph in that, and what can I say? Hail the day that sees Him rise.

Climb the Holy Mountain.

God bless,


Wednesday, May 9, 2018

A Beautiful Bear Creed

Perhaps you're upset about the crew of wealthy, MillSoc celebrity degenerates mocking the Church at the Met Gala. So here's something to put it all right, a beautiful Bear Creed by Sarah Moon. 

It goes like this:

God Our Mother Bear 
I believe in God, our Mother Bear, source of all being.

Solidarity Against Empire

I believe in Jesus Christ, God’s wisdom made flesh,along with Sophia, the church, and all that live in wisdom. Born of the bad-ass womanist liberation theologian, Mary, suffered under the systems of oppression of this world, was crucified, died, and was buried,forever joining in solidarity with those murdered by Empire.

Bad Bear

On the third day, the women declared him risen;signifying God’s “No” to oppression.Jesus points to God our Mother Bear,who works in this world, calling for justice for the poor and oppressed. 

Happy Bear

I believe in Sophia Spirit, Christ’s body, the church,the communion of saints,the grace to reject this world’s systems, hope for justice in the future, and renewed life everlasting. Amen.

Perhaps you think this is some kind of joke. Hey, don't shoot the messenger.

God bless,