Monday, September 23, 2013

Go on, Piers, Take the Challenge!


Infowars' Alex Jones has thrown down the gauntlet, inviting his unpopular rival and well-known Illuminati shill, CNN's Piers Morgan, to a vaccine challenge. Jones is is offering the disliked expat Brit $1 million dollars to take 1000 vaccine shots over two weeks.


Piers Morgan was once Editor of the left-leaning Daily Mirror, before being forced to resign over fake stories of British troops torturing Jihadi terrorists. Known by many as the "most hated man in journalism," Morgan was the target of an unsuccessful campaign to have him deported back to the U.K.

Illuminati Shill

Despite popular grass-roots attempts to remove him, Piers Morgan remains in the U.S., where he champions gun control, the New World Order, and vaccinations. After early successes with Oprah Winfrey and iconic radio personality, Howard Stern, Morgan's ratings have been dismal.

So come on, Piers. Turn those ratings around and take the Vaccine Challenge! Or go back to England, or both.


Sunday, September 22, 2013

Sunday Carp Fishing

Aquilla Tailrace

It's not always possible, but I like to shoot, ride or fish after Sunday's Masses. If I lived in a city, like London, or even Dallas, things might be different, but here in the country it makes sense to get out and enjoy yourself in a field sports kind of way. At least it does to me.

Shooting Bag

With that in mind I decided to go carp fishing at lake Aquilla's tailrace; I knew the carp were there because I've seen them, lots of them, gliding like submarines under the water and scooting along the banks of the channel. No doubt about it, sure as you can say "Jihadi Savages" or "Pelosianite Space Creature," you can say for a surety that carp are there in that water.


I rigged up a couple of rods and to European carp experts my setup will seem childishly crude: 2 Shakespeare Ugly Sticks, one a baitcaster, the other a spinner, each with 12 lb mono ending in a barrel swivel, followed by a braid leader and a #10 treble hook. No weight. The idea behind the weightless rig being that it won't spook the cautious carp, likewise with the small hook and braid leader. Nothing fancy for bait, just corn loaded onto the hooks. 

Carp Action!

Did the rig work? Sure enough, as the sun began to set and the fish started to jump, one of the lines went tight, the drag opened up and there was a carp on the hook. It was a good fight, not as aggressively scrappy as some Bass but still, plenty of go. I put it back, which some people don't do because they think carp are "trash fish." I'm against that; they can be eaten and they make good game fish, apart from anything else, so let the creature go to live and fight again another day.

Heading for Home

Soon it was getting dark and I headed for home, well satisfied with the carp result and an evening by the water.

Fish on,


Saturday, September 21, 2013

The State Is Your Friend.

Nice Little Bass

I got up at a ridiculously early hour, braved Battle of Britain traffic to get to church, said Mass, had a coffee, went to a lake and caught a fish. I feel somehow pleased with that progression. 

The State Loves You

It would have been better, obviously, if I'd managed to shoot something, but all good things in their time.


Less pleasing is the new comsymp lib/progressivist dinner party trick of referring to the Government as our "Federal Family." What? Look here, you lot, the State isn't your friend. It can't be, because it's not a person. Neither, of course, is Nancy Pelosi, but we've known that for years.

Speaking of which, when will the Lord call her "back home"?



Time Traveler McCain Blasts Putin!

Time Traveler?

Senator John "Weathervane" McCain has blasted Vladimir Putin in his reply to the Russian leader's touchdown scoring op-ed in the New York Times

Entitled, "Why Russians deserve better than McCain Putin," McCain's reply was written for, a well-loved online successor to the famous Soviet newspaper of the same name. In his article, McCain criticizes Putin for being against gay sex and the female Punk band, Pussy Riot, who blasphemed the Virgin Mary in Moscow's cathedral and were imprisoned. 

Vladimir Putin, Reincarnation of St. Paul?

The Senator goes on to launch a blistering attack against Vladimir Putin.

"President Putin doesn't believe in these values because he doesn't believe in you. He doesn't believe that human nature at liberty can rise above its weaknesses and build just, peaceful, prosperous societies. Or, at least, he doesn't believe Russians can. So he rules by using those weaknesses, by corruption, repression and violence. He rules for himself, not you."

Pravda, which means "truth" in Russian, was quick to run reactions to the Senator's article. "Vladimir Putin wins presidential elections," quipped one columnist, "Senator McCain loses them."

Bear Rider v. Rainbow Pony 

Experts have questioned John McCain's temporal point of origin, with several chronometrists arguing that the Senator was genetically engineered in 2086 and warped back in time, in a failed future-world bid to change U.S. and Russian Presidential history. 

From the Future?

Vladimir Putin, hailed by some as the reincarnation of St. Paul, remains in power, with political pundits speculating on the possibility of his election to yet another term  in Russia's highest office. 


Friday, September 20, 2013

No Desertion, No Surrender

Solemn High Mass

The Society of the Holy Cross, (SSC) is a priestly society founded in 19th Century England to defend and strengthen the spiritual life of its members and promote the catholic faith and mission of the Church. The Society's spread beyond England and includes an American Province, which met this week in Dallas. 

Some of the Crew, Requiem

I was Head of Transport and chartered a school bus to ferry the priests about from hotel to church. "Are you on the bus, or off the bus?!?" was my Keseyite cry. They mostly were, though some rented cars and many of the Texans had their own trucks. 

View over Oak Lawn

The SSC motto is No Desertion, No Surrender! Part of that means no goof-off rainbow clowns.

Goof-Off Rainbow Clown

God bless,


Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Terrifying Clowns


A mystery clown has been terrifying the unpleasant English town of Northhampton. Taking his cue from prominent U.S. Klowns, the anonymous British jokester doesn't appear to have a coherent agenda, other than standing around, grinning and staring inanely.

Stop Scaring People

This angers some victims: "You've been spotted now get out of the clown suit and start acting like a grown up," said one Northhampton resident, "and stop scaring people as some people do have real fears of clowns and you are terrorising them despite what you may say."


People in America, Britain and around the world are often terrified of clowns. Symptoms include feelings of dread, increased heartbeat, sweating, nausea and anger.

At Large

The Northhampton Clown and its U.S. counterparts are still at large. Experts have written off U.S. foreign policy as "largely a joke."


Monday, September 16, 2013

Axe Attack


A church member was telling me about his father yesterday, after Mass. He remembers his guv'nor charging his neighbor with an axe. The neighbor had a 30-06. Careful with that axe, old chap.

Moral of the story? We're not that far here from the Frontier.


Sunday, September 15, 2013

You Thief!


I stole this photo from LL, who tells us he took it from Woodsterman, who took it from someone else again. And who can blame us?

Ride on,


Dallas Wilderness

Where I Get My Hair Cut

One of the things I like to do, when not testing out new crossbows, or trying to hook or shoot things, is explore Dallas. Sometimes you can even combine the two, but seriously, I had no idea that there was such wilderness within the city. 

Dallas MixMaster

Urban wilderness sure, but not the natural sort. Still, there it is, right in the metroplex, wild hogs, exotic birds and monster 7' Gar, all dependent on the winding Trinity. Here's a photo, taken from the unpleasant Audubon Center:

The Trinity

Not that long ago, well within the memory of people's Great Grandfathers, this part of America was just beginning to be mapped. Reflect on that for a moment.

Dallas Pigs

It is very different indeed to England.

God bless,


Saturday, September 14, 2013

M4 Tactical Crossbow

M4 Tactical Crossbow

It's not every day that one of your old friends sends you an email saying that a crossbow is on its way to you in the mail. But that's exactly what my old pal, the Suburban Bushwhacker, did the other day; and not any old crossbow either, no, he sent the M4 Tactical Crossbow (M4TC). I was pretty excited when I read that email because I've been eyeing crossbows recently, thinking, "I want one of those."

In The Box

I was even more excited when it arrived and whipped out the trusty Spyderco Persistence to open the bow's box. Like it's namesake, the M4, this bow is black and has a synthetic stock. Unlike the M4 and its civilian variant, the AR, the M4 Tactical Crossbow fires 1/8" steel ball bearings, as well as featherless arrows. It comes complete with a premounted 4x32 scope and an adjustable fore grip. 

Stuff it Comes With

What makes this crossbow tactical? It's black, for a start, and it comes with a red dot laser light, a blue "Wolf's Eye" light  and a 600 lumen flashlight. All these can be fitted, tactically, to the body of the bow. But does it work? Sure it does. Simply pour ball bearings into the bow's interior magazine. Then cock the bow, which is easy, release the safety, squeeze the trigger and shoot.

There's a Crossbow on the Table!

I tested the beast out against its sturdy cardboard packing case, firing from around 20 yards, and was pleased to see the scope was pretty much zeroed in. Is it powerful? Powerful enough to knock chunks off a pecan tree and shoot through the cardboard box. I'd imagine it'd make short work of a rat or a squirrel. Mine didn't come with arrows but if the ball bearing action was anything to go by I'd wager it works alright with those too.

Add caption

All in all a fun bit of kit. Good for backyard range fun and more powerful than your average BB gun, not least because it fires the monstrous 1/8" steel ball bearing. It's tactical too, which is important; make sure you wear your night vision monocular so you don't trip over the bow in the dark!

Nice Little Group

You can purchase the M4 Tactical Crossbow from Tactical Tech Zone. It's not cheap, at $249+, but if you're after hours of ball bearing amusement, well, it's worth every penny.

Thanks, SBW, nice one.


Friday, September 13, 2013

Loaded For Bear

Klown Swallowed Alive

Who knew that Russia, (remember Soviet Russia, where Christianity was pretty much not allowed?), would someday be the only power to stand up for the Faith publicly.

Far-fetched I know, but that's what's happened; Vlad Putin is the only world leader speaking out in defense of Christianity. The only one.

Don't Flinch!

America, England, France and the rest of the West, especially their rulers, hate Christianity. Why? Because it isn't gay, for a start and that's curiously threatening to them. Islam's O.K., of course, and we can ponder the reasons for that.

Bear growls, Klowns Blink 

Meanwhile, Russia has said no to bombing Syria, leaving our limo-lib socialists scrabbling for something meaningful to say and do other than standing around, looking dumb.

Who knows, maybe the war's off.