Showing posts with label Putin Syria. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Putin Syria. Show all posts

Monday, October 12, 2015

Be Ready

Via Pastor Lusted: "Uncle Volodoya is strong!" says little Obama, sitting syriassly on Putin's lap. 

Have you noticed how no-one any longer cares, or thinks it odd, that the US is backing Al Qaeda in Syria? I always thought we were fighting a war against them, I guess The Weather took their place.

Anyway, we were, until the Russians started killing them all, and their evil twin Caliphate. Then we weren't.

Good job, foreign policy geniuses.


Saturday, September 5, 2015

Putin Ups the Syrian Ante

Evidence is in that Russia is putting boots on the ground in Syria, ostensibly to fight ISIS, just like we're doing, kind of. Zerohedge was ahead of pack, two days ago, and had this to say:

"Of course, what is left unsaid is that since Russia is there under the humanitarian pretext of fighting the evil ISIS, the same pretext that the US, Turkey, and the Saudis are all also there for, when in reality everyone is fighting for land rights to the most important gas pipeline in decades, the US is limited in its diplomatic recoil.

"Indeed as we sarcastically said last week: 'See: the red herring that is ISIS can be used just as effectively for defensive purposes as for offensive ones. And since the US can't possibly admit the whole situation is one made up farce, it is quite possible that the world will witness its first regional war when everyone is fighting a dummy, proxy enemy which doesn't really exist, when in reality everyone is fighting everyone else!'"

What's the real driver behind the halfhearted  fight against ISIS, Assad's backing by Russia, and the Saudi, Qatari, US focus on deposing him? Oil and gas. Here's a helpful infographic, again, from Zerohedge:

The tragedy of this, to my mind, is the massive scale of human suffering unleashed by the Western power and its oil allies in their attempt to break Gazprom's leverage over Europe. Russia, understandably, wants to protect its interest and Putin appears to have upped the ante. We won't look so good fighting ISIS by, er, fighting the people fighting ISIS.

In the meanwhile, Syrian refugees should have the automatic right to resettle in Saudi Arabia, Qatar and inside the Beltway. Not that I'd imagine they'd want to go to any of those places.

Putin continues to ride the Bear.


Friday, September 13, 2013

Loaded For Bear

Klown Swallowed Alive

Who knew that Russia, (remember Soviet Russia, where Christianity was pretty much not allowed?), would someday be the only power to stand up for the Faith publicly.

Far-fetched I know, but that's what's happened; Vlad Putin is the only world leader speaking out in defense of Christianity. The only one.

Don't Flinch!

America, England, France and the rest of the West, especially their rulers, hate Christianity. Why? Because it isn't gay, for a start and that's curiously threatening to them. Islam's O.K., of course, and we can ponder the reasons for that.

Bear growls, Klowns Blink 

Meanwhile, Russia has said no to bombing Syria, leaving our limo-lib socialists scrabbling for something meaningful to say and do other than standing around, looking dumb.

Who knows, maybe the war's off.