Friday, December 15, 2023

What Are Your Politics?


Such an obnoxious question, and that in mind I remember standing decades ago before a roaring fire at a drinks party, in a soutane no less. An untidy woman came up, announced herself as a social worker and asked, "What are your politics?" 

Resisting the urge to say, "Dam your impudence," I held fire while a senior priest leaned over and offered, "I wouldn't ask him, dear, he's Hitler's chaplain." She walked off, discomforted. But that was then, this is now. What are your politics? Well I can't speak for all three of you who read this Space Reich mind blog, but I can speak for myself. 

Henrietta Maria

In sum: Both parties are unfit-for-purpose copies of something they might once have been; labels giving people the illusion of choice in their governance. Call it it a Uniparty if you like, a uniparty which has become increasingly intent on enriching itself at the expense of the people it governs. By all means call it a self-serving oligarchy, made all the more revolting for hiding and masquerading under leftist, liberationist slogans.

OK, we could go on into further tyranny but what's the positive, what do you actually stand for, as opposed to against. Good question. For me: The Catholic Faith, once delivered, and by extension, No Bishop No King. 

Newbury 2

I guess that'd make me a Monarchist, as above so below? In the meanwhile, do we even have elections anymore? Asking for a friend before zhe gets arrested.

Chime in as you will,




Tax That Terrorism

Everyone knows we're in a war, a bitter war, a vicious war, a no-holds-barred war against a ruthless enemy, the Weather. You see, what happens is this. Thanks to man-made Carbon Dioxide (CO2) emissions, fragile planet earth is shrouded in CO2 and heats up like a greenhouse, which melts the glaciers and floods Vanatu and Martha's Vineyard. Disaster.

So Not Satanic

Polar bears die, sad, and multi-million dollar mansions get washed away in the flood of rising sea water, tragic. Awful, and it's all down to Carbon Dioxide being spewed out by us, humans. So to save the planet we must stamp out Carbon Dioxide. Yes, you may even have heard the slogan, NET ZERO. That means no more. Absolutely zero CO2. The venerable if shrinking Church of England's all in favor of this, obviously, but here's the thing.

Note Bear

Humans produce CO2, Carbon Dioxide, it's a function of breathing, and accounts for 0.1% of the UK's Gaia destroying carbon emissions says the Sceptered Isle's Daily Mail. This is a problem, to put it mildly. Here at the Compound we propose a solution, tax the air. Here's a song:

On topic, don't you think?


Thursday, December 14, 2023



Do you remember how experts predicted the useless, rubbish, totally not fit for service Russian army would be ejected from the Ukraine sometime last year? 

Sure you do, those stupid subhuman Slavs were all about to lose Crimea, the Donbass, Luhansk and everything else, hell, a victorious NATO/UKR combined arms battlegroup was gonna take Moscow itself, or at least make it quake and dethrone terminally sick Putin.

what useless peasants

Nice, and it seemed to be working. The idiotic peasant Russkies failed to take Kiev, in fact they retreated, and then they lost Kherson, Izium, and all the rest, just showing how corrupt and useless they were. How idiotic of Vlad Putler to nonsensically wage war against the Garden of our totally free democratic rainbow utopias. What an unhinged autocrat.

Right. 2014 STATE coup/maidan aside, things haven't been going so well for Victoria "Fat Devil Dog" Nuland, far from it. Russia hasn't collapsed, wondrously. On the contrary, they're getting stronger, with over 600k soldiers in the SMO.

good thing WWIII isn't on the table anymore

I know, a small number by historic standards, see BAGRATION, but still. And guess what? Russia manufactures stuff like artillery shells on its own soil, they have factories. No kidding, they really do, and they're churning out tanks and IFVs 24/7.

Point being, we don't. We've off-shored/asset stripped our manufacturing and can't make things like millions of steel artillery shells or ships or planes or guns or anything else needed to fight the industrial scale war which was never supposed to happen. It seems, my dear friends, that Vladimir Putin called the West's bluff.

idiotic subhumans who are going to lose any day now

England, the once great lion whose roar woke the world, has, maybe, 150 aging tanks and perhaps 12 long range artillery pieces. France, La Belle France, has, apparently, 90 serious guns, wow, and pathetic Germany has enough ammo to fight for two days on the battlefield, according to the WSJ.

Dear readers, at the risk of ad naus, I say again with emphasis: The Western Power, in particular Europe, has lied to itself for several decades, kidding itself that it will never, ever, ever have to fight a major war again. Instead, pump all that cash into vote winning migrant assets and Rainbow Baphomet take the hindmost.


Seems to me, and it's just an ill-informed guess, that Christian Russia's  called out the LGBTQ+ unicorn riding godless West on this score. Of course time will tell.

Per the WSJ: 

Europe has “systematically demilitarized itself because it didn’t need to spend the money,” thanks to the lack of an apparent threat and U.S. military dominance around the globe, said Anthony King, a professor of war studies at the University of Warwick. “They have basically gone to sleep.”




A Short Advent Reflection


What a beautiful drive to Mission #2 for evening Mass as the sun tried to break through the clouds. "This," I thought gravely to myself, "is Texas." Mind like a steel trap, you see, but en lieu of anything beyond bears, climate change and impending civil war, here's Austin Farrer on the season, behold wisdom:

OUR journey sets out from God in our creation, and returns to God at the final judgement.  As the bird rises from the earth to fly, and must some time return to the earth from which it rose; so God sends us forth to fly, and we must fall back into the hands of God at last.  But God does not wait for the  failure and the expiry of our days to drop us back into his lap.  He goes himself to meet us and everywhere confronts us.  Where is the countenance which we must finally look in the eyes, and not be able to turn away our head?  It smiles up at Mary from the cradle, it calls Peter from the nets, it looks on him with grief when he has denied his master.  Our judge meets us at every step of our way, with forgiveness on his lips and succour in his hands.  He offers us these things while there is yet time.  Every day opportunity shortens, our scope for learning our Redeemer’s love is narrowed by twenty-four hours, and we come nearer to the end of our journey, when we shall fall into the hands of the living God, and touch the heart of the devouring fire.


Touch the heart of the devouring fire. I love that.



Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Bear Attacks Surge In Japan


2023 is a record year for bear attacks in Japan, that fabled land of the rising sun. Yes, some 203 persyns have been attacked by the furry beasts this years alone, a record. According to CNN via Breitbart, the hungry bears are looking for acorns and find tasty human flesh instead:

“The thing is that you can have years of bad harvests and years of good harvest of acorns,” contends Maki Yamamoto of Nagaoka University of Technology. “And when the harvest is bad, the bears cannot store enough energy before hibernation by eating mountain acorns alone, so they get closer to human settlements looking for fruits, chestnuts, persimmons, walnuts, and farm products in general.”

So why the sudden uptick in ursine attack? Climate Change, obviously, which is why we all need to be taxed moar or we'll get eaten by bears.



Civil War 2024 Trailer


Predictive programming?

You be the judge,


Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Everything Is Good


Tasty, right?

Your Pal,


How Very Gay


You Wicked Old Fraud

Behold the President of Satan's Vatican, Claudine Gay, real name. Claudine's got zhirself in trouble for allowing Harvard's junior demons to run around campus calling for Jewish genocide. It's apparently a trend in the hallowed halls of Luciferian academe, go ask the president figures of MIT and U Penn.

What's with these wymmxn? And why have the Ivy League Left gone full holocaust NSDAP in the space of so many seconds? More to the point, why is Claudine "Real Name" Gay President of Harvard in the first place, because of zhir weighty, substantial, academic credentials or because DEI activist. 

What an academic genius!

Surely the latter, and you'll be pleased to know that Harvard's faculty have come out some 700 strong to defend President Gay despite the fact that her bogus dissertation on some race idiocy was partly lifted from her supervisor. Yeah, Gay stole her supervisor's work and passed it off as her own.

Nice one, Gay, but Carol Swain, who Gay stole from, wasn't pleased, calling her a "fraud" and an "embarrassment" who would've been fired if "she were a white male, or even a white female, caught in the scandal that she’s caught in."

So totally not a DEI dyke

Well that's just it, eh? Remember, punters, everything the Left does produces the opposite of its intended effect and while we're at it, why would anyone, ever, send their kid to Harvard. Bad ROI, to put it mildly. 

In related news, Iowa's State Capitol's set up a shrine to goat headed Baphomet, complete with candles and everything. Good work, Iowa, perhaps you'll be joining Harvard in the near future.

I tell you, we're in for a reckoning,


Monday, December 11, 2023

Foreign Legion


No, not the LE (Legion Etrangere), this one's homegrown and it's coming to save us all. That's right, a corps of volunteers who will rescue us from Mad Putler and Nazi Racist Trump. We call them the "Unicorn Brigade" and they're made up of FBI and IRS agents. One well known solutions provider said this:

The FBI Legion could write their names in the Ukrainian history books as they conduct human wave attacks over and over again into the Russian lines in the dead of winter no matter the cost.

Heroes will be made even as they fall to concentrated machine gun fire, anti-personnel mines, artillery and as the bodies are pierced by barbed wire entanglements...but maybe the loss of 35,000 FBI agents and 87,000 IRS agents will be worth it if Ukraine is free?

Of course, the US track record (see Afghanistan) is to accept those losses and then give the enemy $100 million worth of equipment and go home.



Quite. See you at the Club.

Your Best Pal,


A Day Off


Unlike Satan I take a day off, usually on Monday, In the old days I would've gone riding but that's off the cards for now, so what to do? Catch up with old friends via the miracle of modern technology, watch the crypto charts and...

IMX is tearing it up, vicious little beast

Research silver. Sterling flatware in fact, and here's the thing and word to the wise: A Georgian silver fork, for example, at around 4 oz is typically way more valuable than 4 1 oz coins at spot, and it's not "flagged" by our beloved rulers because "antique." Looks good, too, under candlelight on the mahogany. Just saying.

Just some fork

Speaking of which, if you had a load of 1830s coin silver out of New Orleans, all forks and spoons of various sizes, what would you do for knives? You see, the knives have died, they've gone the way of all flesh, so what's knife needed to reactivate this set of glistening Americana?


In the old days it seems the knives were bone or ivory handled, but dishwashers and careless POC "help" probably killed them, and now they're no more. So replace them with what, more bone knife or sterling? I'm inclined towards sterling because durable, but maybe both options are good?

Your Call,


PS. As you can see, a "day off" involves jousting with, ahem, Gospel imperatives.