Showing posts with label Hyde abd Goodrich. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hyde abd Goodrich. Show all posts

Monday, December 11, 2023

A Day Off


Unlike Satan I take a day off, usually on Monday, In the old days I would've gone riding but that's off the cards for now, so what to do? Catch up with old friends via the miracle of modern technology, watch the crypto charts and...

IMX is tearing it up, vicious little beast

Research silver. Sterling flatware in fact, and here's the thing and word to the wise: A Georgian silver fork, for example, at around 4 oz is typically way more valuable than 4 1 oz coins at spot, and it's not "flagged" by our beloved rulers because "antique." Looks good, too, under candlelight on the mahogany. Just saying.

Just some fork

Speaking of which, if you had a load of 1830s coin silver out of New Orleans, all forks and spoons of various sizes, what would you do for knives? You see, the knives have died, they've gone the way of all flesh, so what's knife needed to reactivate this set of glistening Americana?


In the old days it seems the knives were bone or ivory handled, but dishwashers and careless POC "help" probably killed them, and now they're no more. So replace them with what, more bone knife or sterling? I'm inclined towards sterling because durable, but maybe both options are good?

Your Call,


PS. As you can see, a "day off" involves jousting with, ahem, Gospel imperatives.