Saturday, February 22, 2025

US And Europe


I say again.

This is, punters, a Royale with Cheese. But totally your call. In the meanwhile, sit back and enjoy the show. I, for one, am enjoying the dismantling of our beloved Bureaucratic State, deep or otherwise.

Whatever, you get the point. Because metric system.

Rock On,


Abolish The IRS And All Of That


Go back in time, punters, back to the misty, trans dementia days of the Biden administration. Remember them? I do, though the memory's vague and indistinct; still, some things emerge out of the miasma, like the IRS hiring 87,000 agents to take your money.

Who would've thought, back then, that reversing 1913 and abolishing the IRS would be out there and on the table. Yet here we are, remarkable. In related news, a young Sergeant tells me, he's Signals, that a number of trannies have been given AAMs (Army Achievement Medal) and let go. Bye-bye.

Speaking of which, there seems to be an issue with non-combat arms. You'd expect, let the reader understand, that Expeditionary Signals would be combat trained and proficient, if only at a basic level. As opposed to being... something else. 

You can bet your M4 that Russkie Signals in UKR know how to use a weapon. Maybe Hegseth will look into this issue.

Arduus Ad Solem,


Friday, February 21, 2025

You Shouldn't Do That


Do you think, dear friends, that some kind of switch flipped and DJT was allowed to take power? That the Deep State is and was controlled by a deeper State?  You know, they got fed up with  green trans agitprop and the Zelensky fraud.

Just putting it out there, don't say audit the Pentagon.


Thursday, February 20, 2025

European Elite Hate This



Less than a 70 years ago, well within living memory, Russia lay under the blood-stained tyranny of the  Bolsheviks and their successors. Those devils hated the Faith and attempted to stamp it out. They failed. Now their cousins in Corporate Rainbow Marxist Europa are howling and shrieking over the prospect of America walking away from its proxy war on Christian Russia.

you are utter fools if you think you can defeat this

Howl, shriek and rage all you want, Eurocrats, why should we pay a single penny in defense of the European Trans Rainbow? So go on, Brussels, London, Berlin, Paris and beyond, and send your mighty armies to Ost Front. Oops, you don't have armies because all those immigrant votes don't come cheap. Maybe you shoulda done the math.



It's Freezing


It's freezing here, seriously freezing, there's ice in the dog's water bowl and snow on the ground. "What is this," I thought to myself grimly, "North Central Texas or Ice Station Zebra?" The latter, apparently, and here we are at the Compound wrapped in layers of protective clothing against the biting cold and piercing wind. What's happened?

Clearly this. Our Old Enemy the Weather decided to change, outraged at being cheated of EPA billions. Tribute denied, it changed the climate. So yes, the War on Weather continues, with hardy Texans ice fishing on Lake Whitney, doing their best just to keep alive in the new Ice Age.

some guy's photo of our W Nelson muriel

In related news, the UK's committed itself to producing zero carbon emissions by 2030, or something like that. So the Sceptered Isle's going to end family farming because kill all Kulaks and cover the land with wind turbines and solar panels. That'll save the planet, obviously, and who knows, maybe all the rainbow energy will power Two-Tier Kier's mighty army all the way to Moscow itself. 

I pondered all of this as a cold sun set in the rear-view after Mass, the revealed Word proclaimed and Sacrament confected. No small thing, the Mass must go on, even in the face of our ancient adversary, the Weather.



Kash Confirmed


Kash in at the FBI by 51-47 votes.

Let's go,


Not One More Cent


I don't recall voting to give Cocainsky a single cent. Here's Douglas McGregor:

Let's keep in mind Zelensky represents transgender-ism, LGBTQ on steroids, the destruction of religion in his own country and widespread censorship.

All of these things were celebrated by the elites in Europe who are now angry that they have been excluded. 

All of these people are on borrowed time.


In the meanwhile, European rulers and the marionette MSM are seething and raging at the prospect of peace in the Ukraine and broader American/Russian detente. Seethe and rage all you like, you irrelevants, as you remember NATO without the US amounts to effectively nothing.

Not One More Cent,


Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Fire On The Mountain


Let's hear it for MTB and all you horsemen out there, not least Bud Munroe, Ronnie Storrs, Oswald Clarke, June Jordan, Phyllis Lewis and on. RIP. Speaking of which, I recall meeting Clarke for lunch at the Cav & Guards Club in London, back in the far off, misty days of the '90s.

We walked up the illustrious stairwell of the Club, overwatched by paintings of famous charges and I remarked, foolishly, "That must have been quite a thing." Clarke replied, "Of course, but not much use against tanks. We trained to do just that on the Downs in the '30s." And so he had.

After Beef Wellington at the bar, delicious, we retired to a quiet part of the Club because "they do bellow so." What a gentleman of the old school. He was, I understand, both surprised and pleased that I became a horseman in subsequent years and was, to his dying day, a stalwart defender of the Catholic Faith as received by Anglicanism. Rest in peace.

Riding now? There's been an hiatus since an incident with a mad Arab, but plans are afoot to visit the Clubs of the old Raj and put heel to stirrup.

Don't Fall Off,


PS. Apologies to WSF who's forgotten more about horsemanship than I will ever know.

Time To Audit Time To Jail


Is this true?

Chelsea Clinton receives an annually-recurring funding from USAID, allocated by Obama for her Foundation, which provides afternoon meals to children in Africa, India, and Bangladesh.

However, as of today, the reported number of meals served stands at 11,886, implying an astonishing cost of $1,410 per meal.

Net Worth $70 Million

Husband Net Worth $45 Million

Inheritance $52 million

USAID Earnings $3.9 Million per year

Real Estate Assets $25 million

Monthly Spends $100,000

Car Collection Eight

And of course there's absolutely nothing Deep State corrupt about the Clinton Foundation, at all. In  related news, those lovable pranksters at DOGE discovered the Treasury's sent out 4.7 TN$ in untraceable payments to, errrr, someone. 4.7 TRILLION to persons and parties unknown. That's equivalent to an entire year of US tax revenue, and we haven't even gotten to the Pentagon.

We have to ask; if  rampant, egregious, underhanded, systemic, fraud, corruption and grift were cut out root and branch, would we be running a grievous, country-destroying national debt? Serious question, punters. 

Let's see our money back,


Monday, February 17, 2025

God Save The Tzar


Maybe you scorn antichrist. That in mind, God save the Tzar and the holy martyrs of the Russian Royal Family who fell to demonic red rage.

Pay attention and salute:  

Woe to you, Red Devils, the Romanovs will follow you like Furies. Your witchcraft will fall in on itself.

Боже, Царя храни!


Presidents Day Steak

Can you afford steak, fellow serfs? Hardly, but if you're clever enough you can find it on deal at Brookshires, which is a kind of supermarket in North Central Texas. I bought a 4 pack of strips for 20 bucks, not bad, and here's one way to cook 'em.

Yes, Heavy Metal style. First, pat the room temp steaks dry, apply salt and pepper to both sides, add olive oil to your cast iron skillet, then heat that beast up until it's smoking hot. Apply steaks to skillet, observe them sizzling for two minutes like a forward observer and then flip, adding a generous cut of butter to the seared side. 

Then let those bad boys do their thing for another two minutes, that's it, two minutes max. Then remove from heat. Let 'em rest, tented with foil, for 5 or so minutes, and fall upon your scoff.

Like a warrior,