Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Ascension Reflection

On Thursday we celebrated the Feast of the Ascension and, here in the Missions, carried the theme on to Sunday. Christ rises to heaven, Victim and Victor, taking his resurrected body up to glory, the glory that is the life of God himself. 

But how can anything corporal be assimilated by God who is pure Spirit (John 4:24)? Surely there's an unfathomable divide between the two. Perhaps this is helpful, by Romano Guardini:

...by comparison with the Holy Spirit, body and soul, matter and spirit, person and thing are all “carnal.” Between all these and the Living God lies not only the distance between Creator and creature; not only the distance which divides life in grace from life in nature; but also the infinite gulf between saint and sinner which only God’s love can bridge. Before this bottomless ravine, the difference between earthly body and soul shrinks into insignificance.
That God pardons the sinner and accepts the creature into his holy presence – this is the new and overwhelming message of Christ. Once we have assimilated this truth, the additional incomprehensibility of God’s accepting not only created spirit, but also created flesh, no longer seems great. His salutary love is directed not exclusively towards the “soul” but towards man in his entirety. The new, saved man is founded on the divine humanity of Jesus, and this humanity, begun in the Annunciation, was fulfilled in the Ascension. Not until Christ has entered into the intimacy of the Father, is he the perfect God-man.

What a scandal to our blinded and earthly sense, but what a cause for awestruck joy that humanity in Christ should be elevated above the angels to the life of God himself.

Here endeth the lesson,


Monday, June 3, 2019

Trump Rips The Khan And Visits The Queen

Uplifted and strengthened by Zadok and Elizabeth II's coronation, the Compound turns its watchful eye to Trump's UK state visit. And to be sure, POTUS wasted no time, blasting the Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, in a series of tweets before he'd even landed at Stanstead.

Dubbing Khan a "stone cold loser" who had "done a terrible job as Mayor of London," the social media savvy President compared the short Muslim leftist to "our very dumb and incompetent Mayor of NYC, de Blasio, who has also done a terrible job - only half his height."

Trump and America's popular and glamorous First Lady then went on to meet the Queen at Buckingham Palace and inspect the guard, while the Royal Horse Artillery and the Honorable Artillery Company fired an 82 gun salute. As one pundit put it, "Melania gleamed and the Queen beamed."

You can't blame HRH, it has to be a relief to visit with Trump and Melania after the last two comsymp, globalist dupe shill mountebanks. And who knows, perhaps Great Britain's Sovereign isn't a big fan of crime explosion Sadiq.

Trump has the dubious pleasure of meeting with Theresa Traitor May after various state functions. Will the President enjoy telling Traitor May about forthcoming witch hunt hoax declassification, and the attempted coup which MI6 and GCHQ had nothing whatsoever to do with?

Good question, I would. In the meanwhile, well done POTUS for flying the flag and supporting UK Brexit sovereignty over the dead, NWO Illuminati elite hand of Brussels.

MAGA and the UK too,


Saturday, June 1, 2019

Hold The Fort

The sun was rising, Blue Perimeter was on the front porch, I was finishing off some coffee in the kitchen, and there was a voice, "Hey, Padre, where you at?" 

I looked 'round to see a rodeo buckle strolling in, "Dog didn't bite you?" Apparently not. "No, I just walked 'round him," said the cowboy, "Let's go to Fort Worth." 

And that's what we did, drove down I35W to the metrosprawl to elect a new bishop for the Diocese of Fort Worth. I know, you think "so what?" So a lot. 

Fort Worth  is the last Anglo-Catholic diocese of stature to remain standing against the libtransgay revolution that's doing its best to turn us into genderless satanic drones of the NWO.

We stood against that and elected Fr. Ryan Reed to be our next bishop. He's a good man, pray for him and his wife, Kathy.

This diocese will continue to stand firm and resolute for catholic truth.

Hold The Fort,


Friday, May 31, 2019

Another Day At The Compound

The day started off ferociously stormy, with high wind, driving rain and thunder clouds rolling in from the south. A good opportunity to set up on the porch, say Morning Prayer and behold the fury of the elements. 

Then the climate changed, the turbulence in the heavens was stilled, the sun came out, and it became ferociously hot. Time to set up on the back porch for Evening Prayer. Such is Ascensiontide.

MAGA Troopers And A Fiddy

Prayer no sooner said than a couple of kids rode into the Compound's car park. They were checking out an appallingly chromed up One Fiddy that's been inexplicably parked on the gravel for the last two weeks.

Being an amiable LSP, I didn't activate AI controlled perimeter miniguns or call the MPs. No, I strolled over, congratulated the boys on their horses, which were in excellent order, and asked if they knew about the mysteriously chromed One Fiddy. 

Rodeo Rocks

It belonged to them, apparently, and still doesn't work despite a certain lack of attention on the part of the person who placed it in the DLC (Dallas Light Cavalry) vehicle park. Well, the Fiddy might not work but the horses did, and off they rode into the arbored boulevards of the rural Texan haven that is this town.


I tell you, I've got a lot of time for these youngsters and, in case you didn't know, there's a long tradition of black cowboys in this neck of the woods. And I don't want to be controversial, but if there was more of it, Texas, to say nothing of America, would be a better place than it is already.

Ride on,


Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Democrat Party Run By Satan

Is the Democrat Party possessed and directed by Satan? Duck Commander star Phil Robertson certainly thinks so, telling Brietbart News Daily that the party of failed Candidate Hillary Clinton was run by the "Evil One."

Here at the Compound we believe the Duck Commander's right, consider the evidence.

The Democrat Party is the Party of Lies. For example, claiming that an American ambassador was killed in Benghazi because of a video, or that President Trump is a Kremlin spy. Who is the Father of Lies? Satan.

The Democrat Party is the Party of Abortion, right up to the point of birth and even beyond. Satan, a murderer from the beginning, loves infant sacrifice, see Moloch.

The Democrat Party is the Party of Transsexualism. The demon Baphomet is notoriously trans. The Democrat Party is the Party of Death. Infanticide aside, how big is the Clinton body count? 

The Democrat Party is the Party of Ritual Occult Magic. Remember Spirit Cooking? Sure you do, and the response? An ennui filled "so what?"

And on. No wonder, then, that Satanists and Witches love the Democrats and regularly curse and hex our President. And, as the demons are consumed with insane hatred, so too are the Democrats who shriek, howl, rage and gnash their teeth in a frenzy of hate.

You see, like the infernal legion itself, the Democrats aren't in power. Let's keep it that way and in the meanwhile, watch on as Satan discards its flailing toys.

Your Friend,


Monday, May 27, 2019

Memorial Day

It's been a good day of grilling, visiting nearby compounds, eating delicious ribs, telling Army tales for the benefit of the Cadet, and castigating the left for the comsymp shill dupes of the Illuminati globalist elite that they are.

To say nothing of remembering and praying for the fallen. I'd say this Proclamation puts it well:

"Whether on the battlefields of Bunker Hill, on the beaches of Normandy, in the jungles of Vietnam, or in the mountains and deserts of the Middle East, brave Americans of every generation have given their last full measure of devotion in defense of our country, our liberty, and our founding ideals. On Memorial Day, we humbly honor these incredible patriots and firmly renew our abiding commitment to uphold the principles for which they laid down their lives.

"As a free people, we have a sacred duty to remember the courageous warriors who have made the ultimate sacrifice to ensure that our great country would endure. It is our responsibility to strive to ensure that their noble acts of dedication to our country and the cause of freedom were not in vain and to comfort the families they have left behind, who bear the heartbreak of their loss. 

"We must ensure that the light of our Republic, and all for which these most honorable Americans willingly died, continues to shine forth brightly into the world. As President Lincoln said in 1863 during the dedication of the Gettysburg National Military Cemetery: 'It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced.'"

May they rest in peace.

God bless,


Sunday, May 26, 2019

What is Truth?

What is truth, asked the unfortunate Pilate. Prompted by LL's engaging Sunday sermon, I returned to the Angelic Doctor to find out.

Aquinas describes truth in three ways, ontological, moral and logical. You can get a helpful snapshot here, but let's reflect briefly on the logical definition, truth is conformity of mind to thing. When you see an object for what it is, you see it correctly.

Yes it's true, Putin is awesome

For example, your mind  tells you that the US President is a Kremlin spy and that Russian strongman, Vladimir Putin, is head of Spectre and Chaos. And all because the NYT, WaPo, Rachel Maddow, CNN and your pet unicorn told you so. 

Truth can be terrifying

Great, only problem being that your ridiculous, childish, risible theory doesn't have any evidence to back it up. It's all in your mind, which is laughably out of synch with reality, and notoriously out of conformity with the thing at hand. It's not true.

Please let this be true

Then, waking up from your emotive but tragically false dreamstate, you see Hillary and realize that the Killer Krone of Benghazi needs to be locked up along with all the other Illuminati, NWO, transnational globalist elite clowns.

Truly pathetic

Congratulations, you've arrived at the truth. Discerning that which is, your mind's in conformity to the thing, the awful thing that is the dismally failed Candidate Clinton.

A Winner and a Loser. Truth

In related news, the BREXIT party's smashed it's uniparty rivals in the European elections, and Marine Le Pen's defeated hated Rothschild puppet, Macron, in France. Salvini's won Italy and Tarcynski Poland, Germany's gone predictably and pathetically green. 

Le Pen truly beats hated Illuminati shill Macron

Is Europe waking up? That remains to be seen.



Sabo Sunday

Sorry, I love Sabo a lot. That's just the way it is.

But how could you not? Check out Juicy.

And look at this fine Beto!

Her Majesty the Killer Krone. Remember Benghazi?

Your friend,


Saturday, May 25, 2019

Are UFOs A Threat To National Security?

"Holy s___, what is that?" exclaimed one shocked Navy pilot as a UFO darted across his field of view. But this wasn't an isolated report.

"It's white. It has no wings. It has no rotors."

"It didn't fly like an aircraft. It was so unpredictable—high g, rapid velocity, rapid acceleration." 

"I didn't see a trail."

"It was going 70-plus knots underwater."

These are excerpts from newly declassified military reports, in which top elite airpersons describe their otherworldly encounters with mysterious craft and the beings that pilot them.

Here at the Compound we have to ask, are these Unexplained Aerial Phenomena (UAP) on or off world? You, the reader, be the judge.

Lambeth declined to comment,


Friday, May 24, 2019

Musical Interlude

note incredibly annoying Dylan wannabe at the end

Here at the Compound we're pleased to announce that Theresa TRAITOR May has resigned. We're only making plans for... NIGEL, and 45's announced Declass.

Rock on,


Proper Little Blast Off

It seemed right to go for a shoot today, so that's what we did. Loaded a 12 and a 20 into the rig along with a .22 plinker, and headed to the range via the Walmart ammo depot.

A Plinker

The kid hadn't shot in a year and wondered if he'd hit anything. My apothatic advice was, "Put the bead on the clay and shoot." Which he did and successfully smoked the clays like they were going out of fashion.

A Gun

Take that, misnomered "White Flyer." And again, the easy to shoot CZ SxS 20 was the gun of choice over the clunky 12. Still, pump action's fun enough, if only for being illegal in once great nations because criminals obey gun laws.

A Boy

A couple of value packs of 12 and 20 later and two boxes of clays sent to skeet heaven, we fell back to some plinking and shot plates, shotgun shells and assorted range debris 'til it was time to head home.

A Grill

And that was that, big shotgunnery fun. In other news, Theresa May's abdicated like the low-level, failed, Eurocrat, elite, NWO globalist she is, and Trump's pulled the Declass trigger. Let the dice fall.

Your Pal,