Friday, November 6, 2015

El Nino Escapes

The War on Weather took a serious turn for the worse with the dramatic escape of El Nino, a renowned weather kingpin.

El Nino's jailbreak has brought a surge of humid, wet and stormy weather to the once arid state of Texas, causing local residents to suggest taking matters into their own hands.

"El Nino's loose and wrecking everything," said one angry Texan, "The Government isn't doing anything about it, but I've got guns and there's only one of it. We're fixing to shoot it."

In related news, the oil giant, Exxon, is being investigated by New York's Attorney General for climate crime, and traitorously giving aid to our enemy, The Weather.

That wouldn't have anything to do with the company's partnership with Rosneft, or it's stunning failure to sponsor the Clinton Foundation. And the Benghazi massacre was caused by a video that no-one had ever seen.

El Nino is still at large.


Thursday, November 5, 2015

Look What Our Friends Did

Sadad had a large Christian population at one time, before our frenemies got to them. You know, the same ones we're arming and fighting, all at the same time.


Culture of the Damned

A friend asked me the other day if I believed in the Devil and I replied that I did. "Good," they answered, "Then maybe I'm not crazy, because things sure look satanic." 

Maybe you think that's an exaggeration and that there's nothing wrong with our new normal, a normal that says it's OK to sell baby parts and rewards the company that does it with your money. 

A normal that parses freedom in terms of Crowley's "do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law," and accuses you of hatred for daring to believe that marriage is something that takes place between a man and a woman, regardless of Bruce Jenner spending over $4 million to prove otherwise.

Or more seriously, a dominant worldview which says we come from nothing and return to it, so in the meanwhile live as though there were no tomorrow and place your bets on a financial system based on infinite debt and greed.

In short, a new normal based on the kind of radical nihilism described by Dostoevsky in The Devils. But go right ahead, look around you and congratulate our brave new world experiment in secularism, and wonder why people aren't getting any happier.

Then, as you ask that question, ask another. Has our culture stopped believing in God, or simply shifted its allegiance?

There's a boom in exorcism. Go figure. I'm off to clean a gun.


Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Bishop Michael Curry, You Are A Dhimwit

Michael Curry is the new Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church. He was enthroned on November 1st, at Washington National Cathedral, to the sound of drumming and dancing. And a Muslim prayer, led by Mohamed Elsanousi, the Islamic Society of North America's (ISNA) Director of Community Outreach.


ISNA was an Unindicted Co-Conspirator in a terrorism financing trial successfully prosecuted in 2008 (US v Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development), and was shown to have supported the terrorist organization, Hamas, the Muslim Brotherhood in Palestine.


The Muslim Brotherhood brutally persecuted Christians in Egypt while in power and though repressed by that country's secular government, continues to persecute them today.


Asking an ISNA representative, a group with close ties to Christian-killing Jihadists, to lead Christians in prayer in a purportedly Christian cathedral, is a curious choice indeed. Not dissimilar to asking Stille Hilfe's PR, or a Holocaust denier to speak at a synagogue.


But Curry probably isn't aware of ISNA's ties to murdering Jihadi savages, he probably thinks Islam is a religion of peace and was simply trying to spread the love.

Michael Curry, you are a Dhimwit.


It's Bushcraft Wednesday!

Seeing as it's Bushcraft Wednesday, I thought I'd better share this outdoors survival video.

Ride on,


Monday, November 2, 2015

It's All Souls Day, Clean Your Boots

You can sit there like an Illuminati dupe, waiting for the New World Order's pansexual Stasi to turn up and clean your dirty boots, or you can do it yourself. Like a sovereign

Not wanting to be a slave of the transnational elite, I chose the latter option, scrubbed off the mud with water and then applied Fiebing's Golden Mink Oil. Not because there's some "rule," it's just the way I chose to do it, and guess what? It works. 

Illminati Dupes

Those mink oiled Ariat Heritage Stockmans, with Advanced Torque Suspension, whatever that is, are nicely supple, waterproof and good for all kinds of fun.

As I cleaned the muddy and miserable offenders, I prayed for the departed, it being All Souls Day; and I prayed especially for a number of old friends who died far too young. May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.

Some people don't clean their boots or pray for the departed. That would be a double error.

God bless,


Sunday, November 1, 2015

All Saints Day, Clean Your Gun

You can be part of today's benighted entitlement culture and think that the State is going to step in and clean your dirty gun. Go right ahead, just keep on thinking that and wonder why your firearm doesn't work anymore.

On the other hand, you can take destiny into your own hands and clean the filthy little beast yourself. Like a free man.

That's what I did tonight, as I reflected on the Saints and in particular on the Cure D'Ars, Patron Saint of parish priests. Jean Vianney didn't own any pistols, much less a Glock 21, but he could read minds and see into peoples' souls.

He also led a life of extraordinary asceticism, living on a potato and a glass of warm milk per day. He did that for decades and when he died, the examining doctor stated that there was no earthly reason why the humble priest should have lived as long as he did.

The Devil would taunt him at night, bellowing out, "Potato eater!" Look it up on the modern Delphi that is the internet, if you doubt me.

Have a blessed All Saints.


Saturday, October 31, 2015

Very, Very Scary

Two friends came over from Dallas yesterday and stayed over. One of them brought along a SOCOM 16, which is a short barreled variant of the M1A, and we wanted to test that out and see if it worked. So, undaunted by rain, we headed out to a ranch where there's a good area to blast away in the wilderness. 

You can even access this range via rocky roads, in your pal's new Tundra. No danger of getting stuck in the mud, right?

Well Done, Team

Wrong. We got stuck in thick sandy clay. An hour later, and lots of rocks under the tires, we were out of the mess and shooting. The SOCOM worked just fine, a right little beast of a 7.62 barker.

Proper Little Barker

On the way home, one the crew had to ask, "How many soldiers, former and serving, does it take to get stuck in the mud?" That would be three, apparently.

Moral of the story? Get a SOCOM, and a winch, and a 4x4.

Happy Halloween,


Thursday, October 29, 2015

Well Done, Pope Francis

Castigated by many as a comsymp lefty and a lib wolf in sheep's clothing, Pope Francis nonetheless tells it like it is, at least when it comes to our Adversary, the Devil. Here he is on social media:

Now some of you may not believe in the Devil, and that's up to you. But have a look at this before you jump to any conclusions.

See? You might want to think again.

Your Friend,


Take a Bath, Hippie

At least that's what the horses say, and who can blame them? I rode out on Tres this morning after a week's break, caused by torrential rains and the horses being let loose to pasture in Texas' idyllic Mesquite Groves.

There was a little bit of rodeo (bucking) but nothing too radical. That was worked out by galloping up and down a hill and making our way through trails in the woods.

It was beautiful to ride in the clean, crisp, air and I went back to HQ refreshed and uplifted. Blue Destroyer, in the meanwhile, had chewed up an issue of American Rifleman. And some butter.

I wasn't too happy about that.