Showing posts with label Ukraine war. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ukraine war. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Brazen Transfer

Do you remember our rulers giving Zelensky's Ukraine >40 BN? Sure you do, bipartisan effort. GWB comments:

Don’t be surprised if that $40 billion we’re sending him ends up in the pockets of his pals."

Not a penny will leave the Beltway. You see, help for Ukraine has to be built first — here.

Ever wondered why there was such bipartisan support for the measure to the tune of appropriating even more than asked for? A brazen wealth transfer. It’s not Zelensky’s pals who are lining their pockets. In the US, interest in the war will start fading. The goods have been delivered. 

It’s monkey pox time!



Don't forget pride month, GWB!

Realpolitik forever,


Sunday, May 29, 2022

Imagine We Win


Just look at all these Defense Ministers! No fooling, these are the people nominally entrusted with managing the Armed Forces of Europe. Behold their feminine prowress, and how large and effective do you think the armies these women control are? Hint. Tiny. Pardon GeoStrat genius but without the US they're exactly nothing.

Feel free to disagree and you'll note that the mighty strength of UKLF isn't represented above. OK, the Sceptred Isle doesn't have more than a motor pool of 1st Cav in their armored, snerk, division but still, they're fierce. The UK's military, I think, hasn't been completely turned over to tranny lesbyterianism.

That in mind, imagine our proxy Ukraine winning the war against Russia. Triumphant rainbow flags in Red Square, Pussy Riot playing accompaniment. No more prayer in schools, the army or prisons, oh no that's illegal, free sex-changes for one and all and, guess what, you all have to wear masks because Science. And on.

Picture them, rainbow marching through the Kremlin as Putin and Kadyov are beheaded. That's what we're fighting for, our way of life. Freedom to have a government subsidized sex-change. Think about that and while you're at it on Pharma profits, follow the money.

I don't know about you but I get the feeling Putin's going to resist such a fate. I think the last Christian country in Europe is going to fight against the Rainbow tooth and nail. Well, they're getting there(ish) right about now.


Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Well Lookit This!


Yes, you see that right, the Ukrainian colors have been added to the Trans Pride flag. All those Ukrainians are fighting and dying for Joe Biden's "greatest civil rights issue of our time," trans rights. Because, you know, getting a sex change is a really important civil liberty thing.

A Typical Black Sun. Note runes

You'll note the original Rainbow Banner of Gayness is shrinking under an aggressive assault by forward moving chevrons and we have to ask, what will be left of the Rainbow Banner's  fruity cheery colors as the West lurches into stainless steel, liberal Fascism. Intuition says stay tuned for the caring, tolerant, laughing face of Sonnenrad. But don't worry, in the meanwhile we have NATO, i.e. the US:

The U.S. Army is reportedly proposing a new policy that would allow soldiers to request a move to a new base if they believe they face discrimination from local or state laws on the basis of gender, sex, religion, race or pregnancy.

The move would change an existing policy that allows personnel to seek a move to help them cope with family problems. 

In effect, it would allow soldiers to declare certain states to be too racist or homophobic for them to live there.




How very beautiful. I say again, and again, are we gambling on never, ever, ever having to fight another major war? Serious question.

Guinea on the Monkey,


Sunday, May 22, 2022

Sunday Sermon


Sometimes a picture's worth a thousand words or more. Haunting, one day before the Azovstal surrender by Orest. And the sermon? There's several but the immediate practical message, the application, is don't be a Nazi and hole up in a bunker as Russian guns thunder overhead. It's just not a good plan.

That's it, the sermon.



Thursday, May 19, 2022



Behold the different faces of the Orc Horde.

The vicious fangs of the woodland O Orc.

And the ferocious tusks of the V.

Some orcs fight on land as well as sea.

And yes, there's clearly hierarchy in the horde.

As of today over 1,700 mithril elves have surrendered to the orc horde been evacuated from the caverns of Asovstal to the Goblin Kingdom of Donetsk. 

Thanks, @dazbastadraw for the orc art. 

With apologies to Tolkein,


Sunday, April 24, 2022

Easter - 8 Days After


Birds sing and fight ferociously with squirrels, Blue Terminator rests on the kitchen floor, Mex/Latino big bass pounds from the neighbor's compound and it's the second Sunday of Easter. Or the first if you're old skool lectionary.

Lectionary wars aside, here's some Farrer:

THE death and resurrection of Christ draw near to us in this sacrament.  The bread is broken - there Christ dies; we receive it as Christ alive - there is his resurrection.  It is the typical expression of divine power to make something from nothing.  God has made the world where no world was, and God makes life out of death.  Such is the God with whom we have to do.  We do not come to God for a little help, a little support to our own good intentions.  We come to him for resurrection.  God will not be asked for a little, he will be asked for all.  We reckon ourselves dead, says St. Paul, that we may ask God for a resurrection, not of ourselves, but of Christ in us.


Christ in us, crucified and risen. What can we do but with Thomas, fall down and worship at touching so great a mystery, my Lord and my God! Some call that the most magnificent confession of faith in Gospels.



Monday, April 4, 2022

Mother And Son


From the land of the Ice and Snow and pre-deployment exeat. Dog inna fight? I'll leave it there but feel free to comment on the iniquity of the MIC.

Your Old Friend,


Tuesday, March 29, 2022

A Little Z


Germany, that bastion of free thought and liberty has banned the letter Z from its lexicon because Putin hate speech. No more Z for Germans, the wicked letter's like the swastikas carved into the chests of people in the basements of Mariupol.

No, none of that. But hold on, when do we stop, when the whole of the alphabet's banned? Do the math. No such thing as men and women, no such thing as numbers, no such thing as truth or humans themselves, only the will to power.

We stand against this satanic evil,


Saturday, March 26, 2022

Some Kind Of Armageddon Joke? No, Just Our Joe


The president figure of America's in Poland where he spoke with the famed 82nd Airborne and pretended to be one of the guys while eating pizza. Just a regular man of the people, but why did he speak from a giant zero? Here, look:

A parable, perhaps, and why did the Old Crook tell the 82nd they were going to war in the Ukraine. A demented octogenarian slip of the tongue or something more sinister? Good question and the White House is saying it's just an honest slip because, you know, the Big Guy's such an honest man. Don't say 10%.

Putin got a bashing too, with Uncle Joe threatening to remove him from power, “For God’s sake, this man cannot remain in power. God bless you all and may God defend our freedom." 

Freedom. Unless you're rotting in DC Gitmo for well over a year because of your brazen attack on our politico corporate managerial elite. Whatever, Breitbart won the dry award of the week, "It is unclear whether Biden’s comment was part of his prepared remarks."

That in mind, our beloved 81 million vote leader believes in first strike nuclear war and this brings us to a point. Regardless of your opinion on the rights and wrongs of the Ukraine action, why are powerful people openly and unapologetically talking of atomic conflict. And they are, 35% of Americans support them.

This, to me and perhaps you, is both heinous and diabolic.


Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Taking Care Of Business


Ye Olde Meth Shack

Life at the Compound follows a rhythm, a pattern, and it all starts with a measured stroll to the Pick 'n Steal (PNS) via the Meth Shack. The shack's fallen on hard times, sadly, as you can see from the photo. Gone are the halcyon days of shirtless tweakers in filthy pajama bottoms decorating the porch. They're gone, along with much of the porch itself. Who knows, maybe the crew of Mexicans who've been, ahem, fixing the place up will achieve their goal.

We can but hope. In the meanwhile, a lone picker shuffled in the Shack's pecan grove, searching for nature's bounty. Good luck to him, may your harvest be plentiful. Ag exemption in mind I moved on to the Steal where, lo and behold, gas is only 3.59 a gallon. Get it while you can, kids.


One PNS coffee refill later and a pack of Marlboro Lights I was back at the patrol base and saying Morning Prayer. 1928 BCP version, thank you very much and you can get it online here. Then, no sooner was the Divine Office finished than a barrage of emails from lawyers and realtors came flooding in.

Upshot? Go to a notary, affidavit in hand. But the notary's shut because... who knows, it just is. Drive over to Land & Title, "How you doing!" what a cheery receptionist, "Good! How about you?" "I'm good, what can we do for ya?" Well, they couldn't notarize a document but they sure wanted to and were helpful as they could be. I thanked God for putting me in a Texan country town and headed over to Don Tutor's Bail Bonds.

Good People

"Hi, I recognize you from Bible Study at El Con! (an unreconstructed TexMex restaurant) What can we do for you?" So helpful, just notarize this document, please, and she did, free of charge. "What part of England you from?" I replied "London" and learned she wanted to go to Manchester, where she has an email friend. "Watch out," I admonished, "They call it Gunchester," and then felt bad, "Don't worry, you'll be alright." Good for her, so excited to visit England.

UK readers of this important mind blog, if there are any, take note: Many, many Americans hold the Sceptered Isle in very high regard, they really do. So don't scorn your brothers and sisters across the Atlantic, it's an unpleasant, snobbish and beastly trait. Just saying.

Bonds aside, go back to the Compound to regroup, eat a slice of bread because fasting and get blitzed by lawyers and realtors over the information superhighway. Think Russian Shock Army moving on the Karkov Front. We withstood the offensive, nice work team, and then Canada called, "Can you send some... :("  I resisted the urge to ignore this threat in the hope it'd somehow go away and instead replied, "Hold fire, I'm trying to sell a ranch. Offers coming in, good offers."


And so they were, result. Realtor O Group over, head to Walmart and this town's send money to the world desk (please, Canada, work this out online). The young woman who handled the transaction was friendly as you like but aghast at gas prices, "Just seen 4 bucks a gallon, 81 million people voted for that, what's gonna happen when it's $5 a gallon or 8?" I thought about that and looked her in the eye, which was hard because of all the piercings, "Maybe smart people have ammo, right?" She gave a dyed blonde grin and agreed, yet another friendly country person.

Then back to the Compound for Vespers. Question, is it just me or is the tenor of daily life becoming increasingly off-hook?

Stand Steady,


Monday, February 28, 2022

Go To Town


The Anglo-Catholic Society of the Holy Cross (SSC) was founded on February 28, 1855, and to celebrate the anniversary I drove to St. Andrew's, Grand Prairie for Mass, lunch and an excellent talk by a faithful priest.

"Cult, sacred order," he advised, "transliterates into culture." Well said, and the "culture war," in his opinion, is a misnomer. More a matter of those without the sacral and therefore without culture fighting against those who do. 

Better then, thought our speaker, to say we're in a war of anti or no culture versus its opposite. Good call, and it speaks to the nihilist, destructive aspect of our secular orthodoxy.

But I won't preach. It was good to meet with faithful priests and bishops today. A breath of fresh air and Blue enjoyed it too, though he became confused and worried by the unfamiliar expanse of St. Andrew's church garden. So he went back to the truck, where he slept soundly.

In the meanwhile, war drums beat louder.

God Bless You All,


Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Monkey Business


Here at the Compound we try to keep on top of monkey stories and keen-eyed readers will recall that a crazed simian escaped into the frozen wasteland of Pennsylvania. Government authority wasn't slow to react, do not "approach, attempt to catch, or come in contact with the monkey."

Apparently some unfortunate person did and now exhibits symptoms of the common cold/covid, but with pink eye. RAGE, anyone? Let's hope not. In related news, we're cleverly sending a USMC task force into the Black Sea, where they won't be vulnerable, at all. But not to worry, a full 8,500 troops are on standby to fight the Russian bear. Wow, that'll stop a Siberian Shock Army if it decides to roll. 

Which shows up the empty posturing of The Crook, The Whore and... and the what? A midget or dwarf, perhaps. Imagine the novel or TV series, The Crook The Whore And The Midget. And there you have it, punters, we're now officially in clownworld. Write the fiction and discover that truth flies ahead of you.

But seriously, what's with the Ukraine and our urgent, pressing, necessary, all consuming need to go to war? Could it be that Raytheon and Lockheed Martin need to make money, a Trillion$ defense budget needs justification, and our rulers are bipartisan coining it outta the former Eastern Bloc nation, think gas.

Hey, it's all in the sons, Pelosi's, Romney's, Biden's, et al but don't forget 10% to the Big Guy. Some animals are more equal than others.

Your Best Pal,


Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Putin, the New Talleyrand?

Thanks to Drudge, everyone knows that Tony Brenton, former UK Ambassador to Moscow, doesn't see Russian strongman, Vladimir Putin, as a land-grabbing, latter-day Hitler, but as a new Talleyrand. Here's an excerpt from his article in today's Telegraph:

"The 'we must stand up to Putin as we did to Hitler' line is pure schoolboy politics. Putin, of whom I saw a fair amount as UK ambassador to Moscow, is not an ideologically driven fanatic, but much closer to Talleyrand – the calculating, pragmatic rebuilder of his country’s status in the world." 


You can read the whole thing here, but if Putin is a new Talleyrand, what does that make Obama? You know, the first LGBTQ President who's developed this smart strategy to defeat ISIS by, er, arming ISIS.

Pyramid Power?

Senior Defense Industry analysts have speculated that Beyonce, Jay Z and Obama himself, are in a bizarre "love triangle."

Perhaps the President's distracted.

Kick out the Jams,