Showing posts with label Trump. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Trump. Show all posts

Sunday, July 5, 2020

A Presidential Sunday Homily

The lying, hypocritical, venal, duplicitous, malfeasant, smug, corrupt media say this sermon's "dark" and "divisive." No it's not, it's awesome and calls out out evil while appealing to the good. But perhaps you think a President being patriotic is somehow bad?

If so, you're a right fool. Speak to the Monkey and stop being a useless, self-loathing, pathetic ComSymp lib.



Thursday, April 2, 2020

Arm Up You Fools

A lot of people lost all their firearms and ammo in boating accidents over the last year, and that's a tragedy. Maybe now's  a good time to hire SCUBA teams to salvage?

Just a thought, as looting and two-bit lawlessness starts to break out here and there. To be succinct, in the words of one of our London correspondents, "Junkies are fighting outside my window." The supply chain's diminished, you see.

In other news, the Pelosi/Schumer combine have started a new impeachment drive because they can't kick the habit, viz. junkies, and 45's announced war on the cartels. Meghan Markle, on the other hand, has made a stunning debut on Disney.

Coal Burner?

Whatever. Message to market. Arm up, be prepared. It's simple math and you've lost nothing for following it. Heck, you can always shoot the rounds later if they're not needed. 

As it is, they might be.

God bless,


Thursday, March 26, 2020

The Truth?

With the rider that the current crisis will doubtless see a remarkable rise in awful novels, I like this infovideo.

Feel free to disagree,


Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Trump Addresses Nation

Quick take - travel ban with Europe, except the UK where no one will ever get Kung Flu, a health insurance deal, no deductibles for virus testing, and an injection of liquidity/financial relief for businesses and taxpayers.

Good call 45, let's see if Congress plays ball. We'll find out soon enough if it's  all a day late and a dollar short. As will the European experiment in open borders.

Speaking of which, are you old enough to remember the time when a country having an actual border wasn't Fascist? Bizarre but true, people really thought that way and the Greeks do today. Such racism.

Regardless, stay safe and please don't buy all the loo roll because if you do, no one else will have any. Math.

God bless,


Thursday, February 27, 2020

Trump Goes Christian For Lent

Preident Trump said this on Ash Wednesday:

Melania and I wish everyone observing Ash Wednesday a peaceful and prayerful day.
For Catholics and many other Christians, Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the Lenten season that concludes with the joyful celebration of Easter Sunday. Today, millions of Christians will be marked on their foreheads with the sign of the cross. The imposition of ashes is an invitation to spend time during Lent fasting, praying, and engaging in acts of charity. This powerful and sacred tradition reminds us of our shared mortality, Christ’s saving love, and the need to repent and accept the Gospel more fully.
We join in prayer with everyone observing this holy day and wish you a prayerful Lenten journey. May you grow closer to God in your faith during this blessed season.

Simple, powerful and true. Well done, White House Chaplains. But hey, he said it. Then there's the magical, anointed Obama. Remember him? Here's what he had to say:

Today, Michelle and I join our fellow Christians across the country and around the world in marking Ash Wednesday.
Lent is a season of sacrifice and preparation, repentance and renewal. Through reflection on the teachings that guide us, we reaffirm our commitment to God and one another -- and we remember those who are suffering, including those persecuted for their faith.

Through reflection on the teachings that guide us. What would those be, you mountebank, the Koran? And note, not a single reference to Christ or the Cross. Christians made it in, but only just.

Christians, you have a choice. Vote for the man who defends your faith or the Party that hates and denies it to the point of killing babies at birth, all in the name of freedom. The same Party, you may recall, which took the Little Sisters of the Poor to court for not providing abortifacients.

Wake up,


Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Behold The Glory Of The Raj

Richard Wellesley famously said that India needed to be governed from a palace instead of a country house. That happened and the President of India lives there today. 

President Trump and America's First Lady were welcomed to Rashtrapati Bhavan by a ceremonial guard of honor and a 21 gun salute. The spirit of the Raj loomed large and you have to wonder at the thing; the Mall, Rotten Row, an Edwardian Baroque Blenheim Palace (?) and the Cotswolds all supersized and rolled in with India to fit the dignity of their Imperial Majesties and Viceroy.

So 45 was welcomed by Lancers, yes they still exist, Gurkhas and a formation made up of members from the three services. Stirring, at least for me, at every level. But was anything missing?

Yes, surely Trump and the First Lady would've looked better in uniform and in a carriage, more in keeping with their cavalry escort than the Beast, awesome as that is. Also, and it's a big also, the Viceroy wasn't there because there isn't one.

Too bad, Great Britain, for not realizing the Commonwealth vision that could have been and might still be. In the meanwhile, well done President Trump and Melania for flying the flag and keeping America great. Well done India too, for such a welcome.

Your Old Friend,


Monday, February 17, 2020

The Grand Marshal

They came at him with the polls, only a fool would think he'd be president. They came at him with Mueller, Brennan, McCabe, Comey and all the apparatus of the deep state swamp and its puppet media. They came at him again with impeachment, and guess what. They lost, he won, and took a well deserved victory lap at the Daytona 500.

It started off with an Air Force One flyby for the benefit of all those flyover country people, who thunderously cheered, and go figure. 45 has their back, he's working without pay to bring jobs, business, prosperity and pride back to a country that's been gutted by transnational elite asset-strippers, and their bought and paid for bi-coastal, millionaire socialist elite shills.

Our Grand Marshal summed up the effort as he started the race, Gentlemen, start your engines. Then he climbed into the Beast with America's popular and glamorous First Lady for a few laps around the track. 

Yes, a triumph. For 45, for Nascar, for ordinary Americans everywhere who love their country and stubbornly cling to their God, guns and freedom. Well done, Mr. President, we salute you.

Then there's Mini-Mike, he wants to be president too, here's a promo video:

But maybe Little Mermaid's better?

Like, what? Mini-Mike, what's wrong with you. Punters, I'm not a betting man but I'll wager the fighting monkey on Landslide 2020.

Your Friend,


Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Panzerlied Musical Interlude

Who knew there was a Tokyo Philharmonic version of Panzerlied conducted by Hirofumi Kurita. But there is, and you can play this rousing video while waiting for 45 to address the nation.

Achtung Panzer,


Monday, February 3, 2020

Thunderstruck Yet Again - Not Tired Of Winning

The Iron Duke, Wellington, said of the Battle of Waterloo that the Frenchmen "came on in the same old way and we beat them back,  in the same old way." Looks like that applies to 45 in the latest coup attempt by the impeachmenteers. I'd say this infovideo's on point.

This too.

MAGA 2020.

Your Pal,


Saturday, January 25, 2020

Trump Talks Life

Can you imagine a US president or for that matter any leader of a major Western power, unashamedly, brazenly acknowledging their faith in God and the sanctity of human life, speaking out against abortion? Hard to to imagine, isn't it, but that's exactly what 45 did yesterday at the March For Life. He talked life.

For the first time ever a US president addressed the March in person, standing for God and against infanticide. Unthinkable during the last administration, which was notoriously hand-in-glove with Sanger's eugenicist, racist Planned Parenthood, and apparently unthinkable to every other president since the fateful Roe v. Wade ruling in 1973.

So at last we have a leader who's unashamedly pro-life and against the Pink Moloch demon who's infested the culture of what was once Christendom. Does this make 45 a new Constantine, a ruling defender of the faith in the face of today's neo-pagan heathen?

Some say yes, though I'd argue the prize belongs to Putin who champions the Church and is, to boot, a Mass going catholic Christian, Byzantine style. Trump? Something less than that but still, he's nailed his colors to the mast and they're for God, life, and the country he serves.

The Opposition, on the other hand, are precisely against all of this. They hate our country, the West, its spirituality and religion, its life itself. They want to destroy all of this, they are the playthings of the Devil, which is why they gleefully applaud murdering babies at the point of birth and beyond.

It's become, as it's always been, a fight of good against evil, of light against darkness. Go for light and do not waver.

Your Friend,


Friday, January 24, 2020

Trump Unveils Space Force Logo

It's been a momentous and historic day. President Trump's finally unveiled the logo of the Sixth Branch of our Military, the SPACE FORCE. Here at the Compound we think a picture's worth a thousand words.

All this to say nothing of 45's address to the March For Life, the first president to do so in person. But more on that later.

MAGA 2020,


Thursday, January 9, 2020

Melania & Satan's Ruby Ring

Here at the Compound we were delighted to receive a Christmas card from America's popular and glamorous First Lady. Thank you, Melania, for the work you do to keep America great and for being a faithful Catholic Christian. 

Are the two synonymous? Surely yes, Christ didn't start anything that wasn't complete.

Our Adversary, on the other hand, marches to the beat of a different drum and loves rubies, ruby rings especially. Have a look:

Satan's jewel crown? Emmylou sings:

God grant you a blessed and peaceful night, White Hats rule this town now.

Victory is assured,


Wednesday, January 8, 2020

K9 Genius

Do you get the impression that the Persian business is a kind of political theater? Speaking of which, some idiot savant's declared that America would need a million troops to invade and conquer Iran.

Really? A million soldiers to take out Iran? I put the question to Blue Battlegroup, who replied by way of snatching up a tennis ball and savaging it with his fangs. A message to Tehran, perhaps, which has wisely stood down to the tune of President Trump's message of peace and love.

Some call it the shortest World War in history.

Your Old Friend,


Saturday, October 26, 2019

Witches Cast Halloween Hex On Trump

Perhaps you missed it but thousands of witches from across America cast a spell on President Trump last night. Yes, a special "binding spell" to stop 45 from harming the country, along with all those who "abet him." 

Here's an excerpt from the occult ritual, which includes a feather, a candle and an unflattering picture of the Commander-in-Chief:

Hear me, oh spirits of Water, Earth, Fire, and Air, Heavenly hosts, Demons of the infernal realms and spirits of the ancestors

Michael Hughes, the magician and anti-Trump activist who invented the spell believes it's working. According to the Washington Examiner, Hughes stated, "I'm willing to go on record and say it's working." Working?

Of course, in the Star Chamber impeachment witch hunt. But bearing in mind karmic lashback, what about Durham? No, not the overvalued, hi-price UK university. And ponder this.

Imagine, just for a moment, that you've been praying, ha-ha, to spirits you don't believe in. Like spirits of the dead and demons of the infernal realm. And then, oh dear, they appear.

Hey, it's all a larf 'til you wake up and one of them's gnawing on your thigh bone or your buddy's shin.

All means all,


Sunday, August 4, 2019

Inspirational Sundays

Well, well, well. Who's to blame for not one but two mass shootings right on the heels of the epic fiasco of the DNC debates? An old pal from the Rustbelt, aka Detroit, supplied the answer. It's the President's fault for "openly fomenting hatred of Latinos."

Flummoxed, I went right to the source, Eva Peron, "Did 45's brazen, literal racism towards people of color, towards mujeristas from the countries of Latin and South America, cause the tragedies of El Paso and Ohio?"

Eva replied with typical heart-winning candour.

Do not be ridiculous. These were crazies, freaks, a mental health issue. One, a deranged socialist and Devil worshiper who loved the so-called "Fauxchahontas," the other? An eco-nut. Deranged.
And why blame guns? Are they more deadly than in 1947? Why so many shootings now as opposed to then?  Is it the gun's fault? No, it is the person, the people, society. This has become sick."

Chastened, I returned to the City of God and pondered the devolution of the West. It's a strange and abhorrent thing to watch the collapse of an entire civilization unfold before your very eyes.


Monday, February 18, 2019

Melania The New Eva

This inconsequential and rarely read mind blog's been accused of provincialism and a weird focus on Jussie Smollett's luvvie hate crimes. 

So to set the record straight we're broadcasting Melania blasting socialism. Thanks, Adrienne, for the heads up.

Well done, First Lady.


Friday, January 11, 2019

Trump American Hero

 LL via Ed has a few things to say about our President:

I think that President Trump is one of the few genuine heroes with an American heart in politics. And there are very few of them. He serves without pay, at great cost to his personal fortune, for the sake of the nation. Draining the swamp and reducing the size of government is what we need above all else. 
For the first time in my life, the Left in 2018, was interrupted in its sequences of uninterrupted victories in their ongoing efforts to destroy life, liberty, joy and faith wherever found. We need to give President Trump a lot of credit.
These are folk who favor contraception, abortion, gay marriage, and campus thought-police. They love riots and turmoil. These are folk who burn the flag, kneel for the anthem, and trample the crucifix.
They want to make Santa Claus gender-neutral and Dr. Who a girl, and they insist on banning “Baby, it’s Cold Outside” as problematical. Each time you think society has reached the basement floor of ugliness, insanity, pointlessness, and inhumanity, the floor breaks, and deeper, darker abysses beckon. There is no bottom.
Reflect on HG Well's Time Machine for a moment if you will.
The Left is divided for convenience sake into two taxonomies: the Morlocks are the self-aware Left, who know and love evil, and are not self deceived. These are the masterminds, the prime movers, the men who know better.
The Eloi are the useful idiots who, acting against their own common sense and self preservation, are lured into a mob, whipped into a frenzy, and stirred into reckless self destruction by the Morlocks.
The names come from a famed science fiction fable where the pride in man’s evolutionary progress is curtly suborned in the reality that progress sometimes means devolution. Also, Morlocks are cave dwellers who work the mechanisms keeping the plantation in motion. The Eloi are their victims and livestock.
The distinction is made lest anyone blame the Eloi for their own self deception. They are guilty of negligence, not malice, and some are so foolish and proud that they have no idea the lemming horde is heading toward the cliff. They think a futuristic paradise awaits them once they leap into the sea.
What awaits them is Venezuela, USSR, Cambodia, and Detroit, otherwise known as Famine, Plague, War and Death.

Outstanding, LL. But for what it's worth, I'd say Trump represents the old, pre-rainbow pantomime America, the one that fought two world wars to save Europe from the Nazis.

Imagine Obama doing that, much less the MillSoc EuroCom stooges that run what was once Christendom on behalf of the banking cabal.

Question is -- Trump, rearguard or vanguard?

Who'd you say your name was?


Thursday, December 20, 2018

Peace is Flowing

Do you recall Gulf War I, 1990-91? When Bush the Elder launched against Saddam? You may have forgotten but I remember because I called up several pals in the UK at the onset of hostilities and asked if they'd had their "call-up papers." It went like this.

"Hey man, you had your papers yet?"
"You know, call-up papers. They're drafting anyone under the age of 40 with military service."
"You gotta be kidding."
"No I'm not. I got mine yesterday, have to report to Depot Lichfield next week. It's really serious."
"What the..."
"Hey, kiddng!"

Imagine several people's relief. But seriously, the pathetic comsymp Independent predicted 45,000 allied soldier deaths and all-out Armageddon, along with the rest of the leftist media. Point being, they were pacifists and I scorned that. Fast forward to today.


America's been in a state of war for nearly 30 years, fighting continuously in the Middle East and elsewhere. The cost, in terms of lives and money has been horrendous, to say nothing of failed states and the movement of radicalized Muslims into the West.

Military age males?

With that in mind, you'd think the leftist media would applaud Trump making good on his promise to end our involvement in seemingly endless wars. You'd imagine they'd be pleased that we're bringing soldiers home from Syria and Afghanistan. But no, they're not.


The left, which used to be the party of peace, is howling with outrage along with their friends in the GOP. And my question is this.

Since when and why did the, ahem, peace party reinvent itself into a nest of transsexual jingo hawks? I can speculate but I'd welcome your thoughts. 

Going home

In the meanwhile, well done Mr. President for making good on another campaign promise. Check out LL here for a great Syria briefing.

Peace is flowing like a river,