Showing posts with label Joe Biden. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Joe Biden. Show all posts

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Vote Rigging Skulduggery

 Joe Biden

It's no secret that America's corporate-sponsored Communist Party, the Democrats, are all about rigging elections. They've been at it forever, even before they went full Cultural Marxist. 

Of course this aligns well with their new revolutionary red persona. Commies have always sat light to the actual will of the people in pursuit of their workers' paradise.

"Eventually, the Soviet Communists did not have to bother so much with the annoyance of losing elections. They rigged them instead. Those old enough may remember that elections in the Soviet Union became fodder for jokes. In the 1984 elections to the Supreme Soviet, for example, the Communist Party of the Soviet Union won over 99.9% of the vote. And you thought Reagan had a landslide in 1984!

Joe Stalin

"Yes, the jokes practically write themselves when it comes to totalitarians disrespecting and rigging elections. But when you consider that here in the United States, we have a major political party that has hardly respected a presidential election they lost since 1988, that participated in an attempted coup faced on fabrications against the elected President of the United States, and that is very busy trying to rig this year’s election with vote-by-mail and ballot harvesting, along with the old standbys of no voter ID, dead people voting, and non-citizens voting, then maybe it’s not so funny. And maybe one should wonder if that major party really is Democratic."

Well said, Mark. Nothing to do with democracy, all to do with power. And the so far thwarted demons of the #MillSoc Left sure are shrieking for it. 

Coming to a point, eh? Let's see how it plays out in November and beyond. I predict turbulence.

Workers Unite,


Monday, February 10, 2020

Lying Dog Faced Pony Soldier

Wannabe president Joe Biden verbally abused a woman in New Hampshire at one of his pathetically small campaign events, calling her a "lying, dog-faced pony soldier." What does that even mean? Here at the Compound  we believe a picture's worth a thousand words.

Two typical dog-faced pony soldiers. Tell the truth, boys.

A good dog-faced pony soldier looks after his horse and that's no lie.

Dog-faced pony soldiers operate in all weather conditions. Sometimes they tell the truth, sometimes they don't.

Biden's used the cryptic phrase before, dementedly claiming it's a quote from a John Wayne movie. But so far the aging politician's rhetoric doesn't seem to be working, with  Real Clear Politics showing the presidential hopeful polling at an underwhelming fourth or fifth place in the New Hampshire primary.

Whether the 77 year old politician's habit of insulting voters with gibberish will reverse this dismal trend remains to be seen.

Ride on,


Thursday, September 26, 2019


Nice Brooks Brothers polo, "Joe." Could it be that the Dems were running scared of a Crowdtstrike, Fusion GPS investigation, and with it Hillary's miracle of the real absence email server? So they decided to kick up static to deflect attention from the crime?

Possibly, but whichever way you cut it the ancient Democrat frontrunner's not looking good, along with his Party.

As in, don't try and impeach a President for a crime which he hasn't committed and you have. Bad optics, Dems, especially on the heels of an epic fail 2+ years of "Trump's a Russian Spy!"

Are they trying to lose 2020 or have they been infiltrated by Trumpist agents?



Sunday, June 24, 2018


Shocking new research suggests that US transsexuals weren't "born that way" but are victims of a sinister experiment by space aliens, the "Greys", to alter human DNA. 

According to one UK based paranormal expert, A. DelGarde, the current wave of American transsexualism is the result of 20 years of alien abduction.

"The notorious grey aliens are, on the whole, devoid of gender," stated DelGarde, "but were in the 1990s interfering with humans because of some peculiar reproductive agenda of their own. Within its own frame of reference this would explain why aliens after human spermatozoa didn’t just covertly raid a sperm bank rather than target men in California, Austin and the Midwest."

DelGarde and other experts believe we are now seeing the results of alien experimentation.

"So, after twenty years of alien hybrids and experimentation, their Midwich Cuckoos are growing up - we are now seeing the consequences of alien interference with human DNA. 

"In the words of a colleague, 'Given that some estimates say that up to 3 million Americans may have been abducted by aliens, it could explain what's occurring over the Pond'."

Others aren't so sure. Singer songwriter superstar, Lady GagGa, Presidential hopeful Joe Biden and the Episcopal Church believe that gender's a construct, that being a man or a woman is the result of brain waves rather than biology or experimentation by space aliens.

So what's it to be. Are transsexuals the sad victims of alien abduction or a victory of mind over matter?

You, discerning reader, be the judge.


Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Deep State Biden Goes Full Buffoon

Outgoing US Vice President, Joe Biden, has blasted Vladimir Putin, saying the Russian leader would upset the liberal New World Order.

DAARPA Class II Groper

Readers of this infosite know that Joe "Biden" is a buffoon. You may not know that it's a malfunctioning DAARPA designed A.I., code named "groper" by its handlers.


But now you do.

Rise of the Robots,


Monday, August 22, 2016

Full Disclosure!

UFO theorists are predicting that US President, Barack Obama, will finally reveal the existence of space aliens, in a last ditch attempt to save his floundering "legacy."

Barack Obama

Seen by many as a millionaire socialist who cares more for golf on the prestigious Martha's Vineyard playground of the super rich than he does for the needs of the people, full alien disclosure could well secure Obama's place in the presidential hall of fame. According to one disclosure expert, Stephen Bassett, revealing the truth about aliens will give Obama a "legacy more profound than the coming of Christ."

Space Alien

“Disclosure is the most profound event in human history," stated Bassett to the UK's Express, "and if you are the head of state that lets it out, the one who brought the Truth to the world, you will leave a legacy more profound that the coming of Christ.

“If you think being Jesus Christ is a big deal, being the Disclosure President is a bigger deal!”


However, the Truth could be closer to home than pundits predict, with Alien replicants hiding in plain sight, in the heart of the Washington establishment itself. "We've known about aliens for a long time," said one DC source on conditions of anonymity, "In fact, they struck a deal with the Government, space tech in return for positions of power.


"There's at least three. The Hillbot, a kind of teflon hybrid with a cazed lust for power, John Kerry, aka Woodentop, who has the ability to transform himself into a swift boat, and Joe Biden. We call Biden 'Groper.'"


Others aren't convinced. "It's obvious that the Hillbot, Woodentop and Groper aren't space aliens," stated one well-placed source, "They're clearly malfunctioning DAARPA AIs. Just look at the way the Hillbot keeps falling over, and that vacant stare on Woodentop's face, like the lights are on but no one's at home. I won't comment on Groper."

Groper Gets Down

Whether space aliens are alive and well at the highest levels of the US government, or whether America is being run by a series of malfunctioning DAARPA androids is presently unclear. 

The Truth

Will Barack Obama secure his place in history by revealing the truth?

Ex Machina,


Tuesday, April 2, 2013

You Lying Frenchman

France's former "budget minister", the improbably named Jerome Cahuzac, has admitted to being caught up in a "spiral of lies." Lies about what? About his secret Swiss Bank account, of course. Question; did he party with Dominique Strauss Kahn and the rest of the NWO satanists?

Here in America, our politicians are scrupulously honest. Obviously, just look at them.

Ole Shifty

There's Ole Shifty himself, our ruler, and his BFF, Hillary "Pants" Clinton. 

Pants Clinton

And let's not forget Nancy and her reptilian friend Joe! 

demented space creature


reptilian overlord

As the day is long.

O Lord, make haste to help us.