Friday, May 27, 2022

Small Town Texas


Welcome to the new normal in the rural idyll that is North Central Texas. But all's not lost, you can still buy regular for $4.39 a gallon, for now.

And drive to Itasca.

Which was prosperous until we declared war on ourselves.

Then it wasn't. Still, there's some bright spots like Karen's, home of famously good bean/brisket burritos, and the Olde Towne Country Store, run by Mennonites(?).

They sell all kinds of locally produced food, spices and much more besides. Their sandwich/deli's not bad either, pretty much a local lunch hangout.

Then there's the war memorial. What a terrible loss of life from such a small town.

Business taken care of I drove back to the Compound and that, all three of you readers, is the story of that.

God bless,


Thursday, May 26, 2022



I'll just let this repost stand as it is except to say that when I was a very junior LSP I asked a WWII vet "what was it like" when they surrendered. We were in a Morris Minor on the way to Oxford where he taught and I possibly pre-school learned. He replied, "They were incredibly disciplined, even in defeat." That's stuck with me over some 50 years.

Again, a babysitter from Germany in Texas (!) 1972, who had been in Berlin around the end. "What was it like?" She replied, "The Fuhrer would speak to us in the underground from speakers, 'Fight! We will win!'" Maybe it was Goebbels instead of the Fuhrer, and we know how his family ended. Again, an old, hoary and civilized diplomat, "I heard Hitler many times and never thought him anything other than absurd."

Make of this what you will, and if you want something uplifting check out Love The One You're With by the unwashed CSNY.





Today's the great forgotten Feast of the Ascension, the closing act in the drama of salvation. Here's Austin Farrer via Anglican Way:

WE are told in an Old Testament tale, how an angel of God having appeared to man disappeared again by going up in the flame from the altar.  And in the same way Elijah, when he could no more be found, was believed to have gone up on the crests of flaming horses.  The flame which carried Christ to heaven was the flame of his own sacrifice.  Flame tends always upwards.  All his life long Christ’s love burnt towards the heart of heaven in a bright fire, until he was wholly consumed in it, and went up in that fire to God.  The fire is kindled on our altars, here Christ ascends in fire; the fire is kindled in the Christian heart, and we ascend.  He says to us, Lift up your hearts; and we reply, We lift them up unto the Lord.


The fire is kindled on our altars, here Christ ascends in fire; the fire is kindled in the Christian heart, and we ascend.  He says to us, Lift up your hearts; and we reply, We lift them up unto the Lord. I can't add to that.

Habemus ad Dominum,


Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Well Lookit This!


Yes, you see that right, the Ukrainian colors have been added to the Trans Pride flag. All those Ukrainians are fighting and dying for Joe Biden's "greatest civil rights issue of our time," trans rights. Because, you know, getting a sex change is a really important civil liberty thing.

A Typical Black Sun. Note runes

You'll note the original Rainbow Banner of Gayness is shrinking under an aggressive assault by forward moving chevrons and we have to ask, what will be left of the Rainbow Banner's  fruity cheery colors as the West lurches into stainless steel, liberal Fascism. Intuition says stay tuned for the caring, tolerant, laughing face of Sonnenrad. But don't worry, in the meanwhile we have NATO, i.e. the US:

The U.S. Army is reportedly proposing a new policy that would allow soldiers to request a move to a new base if they believe they face discrimination from local or state laws on the basis of gender, sex, religion, race or pregnancy.

The move would change an existing policy that allows personnel to seek a move to help them cope with family problems. 

In effect, it would allow soldiers to declare certain states to be too racist or homophobic for them to live there.




How very beautiful. I say again, and again, are we gambling on never, ever, ever having to fight another major war? Serious question.

Guinea on the Monkey,


Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Sainte Jeanne d'Arc — Cantate à l'Étendard


Was Joan a witch or a hero saint? I'm inclined towards the latter, though wiser minds than mine question the visions. Regardless, Cantate a l'Etendard.

God's Pronouns


I always thought they were He/His. Oh well, now we know. And here's some social media back up from the inclusively shrinking ACOC (Anglican Church of Canada).

The excellent Anglican Samizdat exclaims, "Antediluvian throwbacks like me who have always thought of the Holy Spirit as 'He' had no idea that the third person of the Trinity had undergone a gender transition." Yes indeed, but will there be a special baptismal rite for the pneumatic sex-change? Perhaps in England.

In related news, have you noticed how the aggressive chevrons on the LGTBQ++ flag are eating up the original rainbow? Like some kind of... takeover.

In the meanwhile, the same people who gaily fly this flag are championing all out war with ORCFORCE. Vicious rumors that trans refugees attempting to flee the Ukraine have been turned around and sent to Ost Front are entirely that, vicious rumors.

Over the Rainbow,


Monday, May 23, 2022

Press Secretary


Here it is. Black. Lesbyterian. French.

Putin Quakes,




Automata, robots if you like, mechanical devices that move under their own power. Aristotle the Philosopher described them thus, “A kind of puppet with the ability to move by itself.” And of course such things were no stranger to the ancient world.

Hero of Alexandria, Ctesibus and others produced automata, mechanical wonders to amuse and amaze. These were, apparently, employed for the advancement of theater and liturgy, amphitheater and temple, and not deployed industrially. They had slaves for that. And so to today.

A kind of puppet with the ability to move by itself. Extant? Here, have a look.

Who runs it? Good question, who's behind all those water clocks, differential gears and plastiskin. And yes, the tech's obviously not quite right. Perhaps that's why 81 million voted for this apparent human, even though they didn't. 

Your Old Friend,


Sunday, May 22, 2022

Ride On


Look at this fool, a couple of years back. Well it's all fun and games till you break your femur. But I tell you, it's a great thing to go fast on a horse. I know, many of you have forgotten more about riding than I'll ever know, but we're not scoring points here, just having fun.

Ride On,


Sunday Sermon


Sometimes a picture's worth a thousand words or more. Haunting, one day before the Azovstal surrender by Orest. And the sermon? There's several but the immediate practical message, the application, is don't be a Nazi and hole up in a bunker as Russian guns thunder overhead. It's just not a good plan.

That's it, the sermon.



Friday, May 20, 2022



Our millionaire leftist octogenarian Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, has been excommunicated by the Archbishop of San Francisco, Salvatore J. Cordileone. This means the incredibly wealthy socialist abortionist and plastic surgery case study is no longer welcome at the Altar rail. 

Here's Cordileone in a pastoral letter to the Archdiocese:

"After numerous attempts to speak with her to help her understand the grave evil she is perpetrating, the scandal she is causing, and the danger to her own soul she is risking, I have determined that the point has come in which I must make a public declaration that she is not to be admitted to Holy Communion unless and until she publicly repudiate her support for abortion 'rights' and confess and receive absolution for her cooperation in this evil in the sacrament of Penance."


Baltimore Mafia Pelosi has spat in the face of God and His Mystical Body the Church for longer than some readers of this low-ebb mind blog have been alive. That the Church has taken so long to discipline this creature from the Pit is itself a scandal.

Behold The Dementor

Why, we the faithful ask, did it take until May 2022 to deny this plastic surgeoned satan the Sacrament? I'd suggest ca$h, but that's just me. Well done, ++Cordileone, you bit the bullet and perhaps late timing fits into Providence itself.

Out Demons Out,