Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Three Cal Pistol Shootout

Tuesday evening seemed like a good time to get some well-needed pistol shooting in. So that's what happened, the contenders being a Smith & Wesson .38 Special snubby, GWB's Sig 2022 and a Beretta PX4 Storm.

Well Done, Sig

The Sig shot the best group of the day, with GWB sending three 9mm rounds neatly into the X Ring.

Shoot the Snubby, LSP

I was pleased with the little .38 too, which consistently put bullets somewhere near the center of the target... But don't be fooled, this diminutive old-school revolver can shoot much better than that, I just need practice.


There was nothing wrong with the Beretta either and as always, fun to blast away with the explosive power of a .45.

Finished off with some rimfire plinking. And what's wrong with that? Nothing at all. Except in England, where it's banned.

Keep squeezing the trigger,


Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Just Get Out And Shoot

Sunday afternoon being as good a time as any, I loaded some guns in the truck and went for a shoot. Part of that meant taking down White Flyers which were placed at various ranges in these cunning brackets that stick into the ground on a spike.

It was neat shooting the clays down with a Ruger American .17 HMR and I told myself that the targets simulated small game, like rabbits. These notoriously glow bright orange. My ancient enemy, the green silhouette, took a beating too, with a CMMG AR15. Lots of fun to shoot and I worked on breathing, which affects accuracy.

Some Ancient Old Guy With A Gun

Sometimes I'm tempted to hold my breath when I squeeze the trigger. Don't do that. Here's an excerpt from Art of the Rifle on how to breathe:

"Say you’re in the prone position. You’ve slung up, gotten your position just right, found your NPA and you’re ready to fire. Inhale. You’re reticle should drop. Now relax and let your breath escape naturally until it stops on its own. The reticle should rise. If your NPA is truly on, your reticle should rise and stop exactly on your target. You should now break the shot within 3-5 seconds. If you go longer than that, take another breath and start over. If you wait too long, you’re likely to have trouble focusing your vision, you’ll feel panicky and rushed, and your trigger finger may not perform its duty as well as you’d like.

"Now you know the proper method of breathing for optimum accuracy. What if you are in more of a hurry and the demand for accuracy is less pressing? Then just do what you need to do that will work to get the job done in the time allotted. This is rifle shooting, not dogma. One method may not apply to all situations. Just use your head."

Just use your head. I like that, good advice.

Shoot straight,


Monday, October 13, 2014

Creepy Episcopal Bishops Terrorize Town

A California town has been terrorized by a sinister crew of creepy clowns, masquerading as "bishops."


The "bishops" have posted pictures of themselves on the social media site, Instagram, prompting fears of an epidemic of Episcopalian clowns overrunning Bakersfield.


Some have speculated that the creepy clowns are the Right Reverends Bruno, Andrus and the "scary old dyke," Mary Glasspool.


Said one Episcopal Church expert, "What a gang of evil-looking, goof-off clowns. They're probably just bishops, messing around, scaring people."

Glasspool & Bruno

Scared? You should be.


Archimandrite Rips Welby

Russian Archmandrite, Nectarius, of St. Petersburg, has ripped into Justin Welby, the Archbishop of Canterbury, accusing Anglicanism's top pontiff of being influenced by demons.

"The soul of one who has fallen away from God," stated Nactarius, "is not in contact with the miracles of grace, but is subject to the invasion of false and demonic signs. This unfortunate man, the head of the church of England, has not been found worthy to witness a single miracle in his life."

The outspoken Archimandrite went on to blast Welby for his lack of belief, "For our part, we wonder why the former oil executive, Justin Welby, has not the honesty to give up his large salary and prestigious home and hand over his office to someone who actually believes in and knows Jesus Christ, the Son of God."

Fit To Fight?

Nectarius' rip followed Welby's interview with the left-leaning U.K. newspaper, the Independent, in which the Archbishop admitted he didn't believe in God when he was jogging.

"The other day I was praying over something as I was running and I ended up saying to God, Look this is all very well but isn’t it about time you did something – if you’re there," said the former "oil shark" and Old Etonian.

Out, Demons, Out!

Rumors that boxes of old socks are being sent to Lambeth Palace in an attempt to add General Patton to the Anglican Calendar are entirely true.

God bless.


Saturday, October 11, 2014

Fall of Saigon 2.0

The Jihad savages known as IS, the Islamic State, or ISIS, the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, or etc. is on the outskirts of Baghdad with some 10,000 fighters. One big push and they're in. The U.S. Embassy has 200 troops by contrast. I guess all the rest are fighting a virus.

Some see a replay of Saigon. Remember that? I do, just. But there's a difference between that fiasco and the one that's right near and present on our doorstep:

“Our humiliation in Iraq, unless things change drastically, will be even deeper, because our president now is feckless,” writes Thomas Lifson. “One big difference: The Vietnamese Communist Party had no interest in exporting its fight with us to our homeland.”

If I was CIC I'd be apologizing to all the soldiers who died for, apparently, nothing at all in Iraq. And their families.

And that's the least of it. What a thought. That a band of Dark Age barbarian beheaders would humiliate, defeat and emasculate the United States.

Well done, hope and change Hive Mind.

Let's hope everyone gets out of the Green Zone before a Youtube "movie" kills them.

But maybe none of this will happen.


Texas is Great, but What About Austin?

Texas is alright. It's a God, Guns and Country Life kind of place, where you can still burn coal and wood in your fireplace and have a healthy distrust of big government and corrupt Washington croneyism. No wonder business is booming and people are heading south from all over America to live in Texas. Then there's Austin. Southern home of the hope and change Hive Mind. 

Here's what someone had to say:

"If you’ve never been to Austin, there’s a fair chance you’ve still heard about how strange a place it is. It’s true. There are lots of hippies, even more hipsters, people wearing clothes you wouldn’t put on your pet iguana, and people not wearing any clothes at all."

Get a Job, Thieves

And maybe you think that's all innocent and harmless? Think again, while they thieve your wallet and trash your backyard.

Hippies Trashing a Park in Austin

Don't get me wrong; some good people live in Austin. And that's why we're riding south, to liberate that city.

God bless,


Friday, October 10, 2014

Country Life in Texas

"So what's it like, LSP?" you ask, meaning, "Country life in Texas." Well I'll tell you. You go out on the front porch to clean some guns and five, yes, five, chickens fly out of the front hedge, around the compound and back from whence they came.

A shotgun would've come in handy.

That's what it's like. And Wendy Davis is not wanted here.


General Theological Seminary Caught on Film!

In stunning new evidence that spirits of the dead, and maybe even demons, walk the earth, photos have emerged showing what appears to be General Theological Seminary. 

Shocking footage reveals "General" attempting to break into a house from its roof. In another, the long-dead seminary is seen emerging from a ruin, somewhere in Chelsea. In both photographs, the once-living seminary appears with its characteristic "evil glowing eyes."

Some commentators believe the strange entity is a pig or a dog demon.

"Personally, I'm not all that familiar with every rank of demon," stated one supernatural pundit, "but it somewhat looks like a pigs [Sic] head. So if there's any demon who represents any animals or a specific animal, like a pig,or dog, like others have commented on, that could be the demon."

Others are more certain, "It looks like a pig-dog demon, but it's just General Theological Seminary. The eyes are a giveaway. That place went to hell years ago."

The ghost demon of the once great seminary, "GTS", was last seen in Chelsea, New York City.


Thursday, October 9, 2014

Gwyneth Paltrow, New World Order Illuminati Stooge

Is Gwynny a limo-lib Gnostic Illuminati New World Order stooge? Or just a willing dupe of the hope and change Hive Mind?

Facts don't lie, my friends.

Or as Gwynny said to the Commander-in-Chief this evening at a star studded fundraiser, “you’re so handsome that I can’t speak properly.”

I rest my case.


Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Obama and the Virus

Our Commander-in-Chief is waging a strange new kind of war, using soldiers to fight a virus (What with? Carbines?) in Liberia, while at the same time allowing people with the "enemy" virus into the country.

Thomas Sowell, writing in the National Review, makes the case for Obama being a traitor to his people and his country. Here's the introduction:

"The Ebola outbreak in West Africa is both a danger in itself and a wake-up call for Americans — about President Obama, about the institutions of this country, and, most important, about ourselves.

"There was a time when an outbreak of a deadly disease overseas would bring virtually unanimous agreement that our top priority should be to keep it overseas. Yet Barack Obama has refused to bar entry to the United States by people from countries where the Ebola epidemic rages, as Britain has done.

"The reason? Refusing to let people with Ebola enter the United States would conflict with the goal of fighting the disease. In other words, the safety of the American people takes second place to the goal of helping people overseas.

"As if to emphasize his priorities, President Obama has ordered thousands of American troops to go into Ebola-stricken Liberia, disregarding the dangers to those troops and to other Americans when the troops return.

"What does this say about Obama?"

Good question. You can read the whole thing here.



Zeroing in the Ruger American .17HMR

Don't get me wrong, I like open sights, especially the bright fiber optic front sight that comes with the Ruger American rimfire series. Still, I wanted to scope this beast up, on a budget, so I mounted a cheap but clear Hawke Optics 4x40 onto the ready-to-go grooves on top of the receiver.

By some strange quirk of providence, the act of mounting the scope seemed to count as boresighting too and the rifle wasn't too off from the get-go at 25 yards.

Using a tool box as a rest, for tip-top ultimate accuracy, I moved out to 50 yards and shot away at a silhouette until the little .17 HMR (Hornady, 17 grain) zingers were hitting pretty much where I wanted them to. Then I fell back to 100 yards and repeated the process. I used Chuck Hawks as a guide for zeroing at 145 yards. Here's what he has to say:

"A better way to zero a .17 HMR rifle is to put the 17 grain bullet 1.5" high at 100 yards, for a zero range of 145 yards. It would then hit about 0.9" high at 50 yards, 0.3" low at 150 yards, and 5.5" low at 200 yards. The maximum point blank range (+/- 1.5") of the cartridge would be about 165 yards, at which range the bullet retains about 90 ft. lbs.of energy, enough to remain effective on the smaller varmints."

I was impressed by the accuracy of the gun and the round and it obviously shot better than I do, but did it pass the Arizona Ice Tea test at 100 yards? Sure it did.

I enjoyed that so much that I think I'll have to do it all over again. Soon.

Shoot straight,


Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Joe Biden, Apocalyptic Visionary or Malfunctioning Android?

The Vice President of the United States of America and the second most powerful man on the planet is at it again.


Speaking in Joplin, Missouri, Biden, affectionately known as "Ole Salt 'n Peppa," or "Teeth," reassured a local high school that the 161,000 people who died there in a freak tornado didn't die in vain.


Fact-checkers wasted no time. Joplin's tornado victims numbered 161, not the number mentioned by Teeth. Was Salt 'n Peppa in a visionary trance? Like some kind of 161k Rapture? Or were his AI circuits simply malfunctioning?


Apocalyptic harbinger of the Eschaton or a dud android?

You, the reader, be the judge,