Thursday, January 9, 2025



LA's in trouble, with fires raging out of control. A serious catastrophe, which is already responsible for torching some of the world's most expensive real estate. Rainbow riders were quick to point the finger of blame at our ancient enemy, Climate Change.

Others, such as James Woods, accuse LAFD's two top lesbians, Chief Kristin Crowley and Assistant Chief Kristine Larson of gross incompetence, prioritizing DEI over actually fighting fires. 

Sadly, DEI lesbianism's no substitute for a properly funded fire department and the kind of water management which ensures fire hydrants actually have water. So useful when it comes to fighting fires, if not prominent on the DEI radar.

You can read all about the several failures of LAFD leadership, the city's Mayor and the state's Governor, Gavin Newsom, on the information superhighway. Or, if you like, you can blame climate change on the worst fires in LA's history. Whatever the case, let's hope this disaster is brought under control.

Back the Blue,


Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Are You A Nihilist Traitorous Bolshevik?


Obviously not at the Compound, you'll be pleased to know. Here, let's listen to some music, in mem HRH Henrietta Maria. I think it's French, but whatever:

Henrietta was,  to my mind, a hero who helped fund the fightback against demonic Puritan tyranny. Look, here's an infographic:

Satanic then, demonic now. See the UK's Parliament, which can't even bring itself to condemn Pakistani Moslem rape gangs. Good work, Satans. You have been weighed in the balance and found wanting.


Tuesday, January 7, 2025

A Musical Interlude


McCreesh is, in my opinion, a genius, you may think otherwise. Regardless, listen through to the fanfare and its perfect end, turn up your speakers whilst you're at it. ("Whilst" is anachronistic and wrong, see UK, Ed.) The music of Christendom moving into, tragically I think, another age. So be it. In the meanwhile, we have several tasks before us. Viz. 

Liberate the UK

Liberate Canada

Liberate Greenland from colonial oppressor Denmark

Reclaim the Panama Canal


To say nothing of draining our own swamp. Is this achievable? I think, for what little it's worth, that it'll take a miracle and that necessity will prove to be the mother of our invention. But your call should you care to make it.





No, not the brave men and women tasked with defending our borders, but real ice, the literal ice of the Arctic. And with it, shipping lanes, immense natural resources and geostrategic influence, to say nothing of glaciated alien tech. So who's after this frozen treasure trove? America, Canada, and Russia, with Danish Greenland conveniently situated.

Have a look at this helpful infographic, via RWA:

You'll note America's physical control of Greenland and Canada would give the US equal footing with Russia in what RWA believes will shape up to be one of the "Great Games" of the current century. Here's their brief analysis:

So let's talk about the Arctic. 

Russia is positioning the Northern Sea Route as a key global shipping lane, which it controls almost entirely. This route significantly shortens transit times between Europe and Asia. With improved infrastructure and receding ice, the NSR is superior to the Suez Canal - not only shorter (and therefore cheaper, and becoming cheaper with the infrastructure improvements), but also there are no queues, no tolls and no pirates or Houthis. 

The melting ice also makes it easier to exploit natural resources in the Arctic circle, and they are estimated to be enormous: 15% of the world's undiscovered oil, 30% of the world's undiscovered natural gas (those numbers come from the US Geological Survey iirc). There are also other strategic resources such as rare earth elements. 

Russia has been developing oil and natural gas reserves in the Russian parts of the Arctic, particularly in areas like the Yamal Peninsula and the Kara Sea. Diversifying energy export routes is CRITICAL for Russia moving towards the mid-21st century. Projects like the Yamal LNG and Arctic LNG 2 are absolutely crucial to Russian economic strategy, and these projects also involve partnership with China -- of course, Russia is China's only gateway to the Arctic, so they are highly interested in cooperation. 

In recent years, Russia has reopened or a bunch of old Soviet scientific and military bases across the Arctic, particularly the Arctic Shamrock base on Alexandra Land. We're also testing many of our newest weaponry in the Arctic and even basing it there, such as the S-500 air defence system and various missiles (Bastion, Tsirkon). We are operating a respectable fleet of nuclear subs in the Arctic Ocean, too. 

Currently, Russia has an edge over everyone else in the Arctic -- we own the largest portion of it, we operate the world's largest and most advanced fleet of icebreakers (including the INCREDIBLY cool nuclear-powered ones), we have been heavily investing in both military and civilian infrastructure in the region. 

The Americans would obviously love to challenge Russia in the Arctic Circle. Oh, I forgot to mention -- the whole area is critical for all WW3 Armageddon planning, because the shortest flight path for ICBM exchanges also crosses the North Pole. The US don't want Russia to control an important global shipping lane, and they want those natural resources for themselves. They have been trying to invest in Alaskan infrastructure but efforts have been meh.

America is lagging behind when it comes to icebreakers and military capabilities in the area, though they have e.g. the "Arctic Edge" and "Cold Response" exercises. 

It's clear that things like direct control over the Northwest Passage and being able to project naval power from Greenland would be highly desirable for the US in the long term. Allies and puppets are great but for "saving a floundering hegemony" and WW3 purposes direct control is always better. 

In any case, the Arctic will be one of the most important strategic regions of the 21st century, and competition will be fierce. Also, we really should work on the Spitsbergen/Svalbard question...


Make of this what you will, but perhaps recent trolling Viz. Canada and Greenland begin to make sense in light of the above. Then there's alien tech, hidden civilizations, Admiral Byrd, Ice Nazis and more besides. Clearly worth a separate post.

Ice Ice Baby,


Monday, January 6, 2025



Justin Trudeau's resigned as leaderene of Canada's hated Liberal party and, effectively, as Prime Minister. About dam time. What were Justine's achievements? Gleefully going on Pride parades, COVID totalitarianism, remember the truckers?, Greenscam skulduggery, ongoing massive taxation and inflation, and turning Canada's once proud Armed Forces into a woke joke. Now he's gone. Good. 45-47 had this to say:

I know at least several people in Alberta who'd welcome this. In other news, Two-Tier Kier, the UK's massively unpopular Prime Minister, has accused people who criticize Pakistani rape gangs of being "far right." Interesting. Since when did being against child rape become Nazi/Fascist? 

Since Labour started importing votes, obviously, and let's not forget Two-Tier's role as a Prosecutor. No complicity there, no, none at all. In fairness, the utterly rubbish Conservatives didn't do anything about it either, perhaps because they were too busy importing, ahem, refugees when not attending Pride parades and eviscerating the UK's military. 

Regardless, it's estimated that some 250,000 children have been raped by Great Britain's beloved diversity, making this cover up by UK Pols and their lackey Sate Agitprop MSM one of, maybe the most, heinous crimes committed in post-war Britain.

Per social media, Elon Musk has called for Britain to be "liberated," leading to howls of leftist outrage. How dare he! runs the chorus of suddenly patriotic Cultural Marxists, and the head of London's Metropolitan Police even went so far as to warn Americans about posting thought crime on the internet. We'll "come after you," he threatened. 

Uh Huh, Now We're Really Scared

Like, with what? All your hi-viz vests, finger guns and massive Navy? No, we're coming after you, to liberate the Sceptered Isle. Maybe Command HQ will be at the Reform Club. Unspoiled Georgian interior, fittingly. 


In the meanwhile, the venerable if shrinking Church of England is ominously silent about hundreds of thousands of children being raped by Moslem Pakistanis. Well, something better change, eh?

Blessed Epiphany to you all, 


Sunday, January 5, 2025

Shout The Battle Cry Of Freedom


Maybe you're sick of being ruled by the unelected Eagle. You know, concentrated State power, maybe you don't like that so much. Neither did the South, which fought against the Northern mercenary hordes, only to lose.

Just For Kix

Flash forward to the Denton Country Club in the early '90s. "I think," boomed my dad, he was loud!, that "I'm gonna vote Democrat." You could've heard a pin drop, respect to the old terrorist, but my, how that worm's turned. 

Sharp guy, my dad, RIP,




Imagine, if you can, that you were in a Club whose members didn't give, and give generously, to the Staff Christmas fund. They don't get tips, you see. So what would you do to those miscreant malfeasants who scrooged out on loyal retainers? I leave you with the sheer, total genius of Yoko.

Out Demons, Out, what?


Epiphany Reflections


Listen up, heathen. Some of you may have noticed that it's the Feast of the Epiphany tomorrow or, if translated, today. Here's two reflections, the first from Benedict XVI:

The Magi worshipped a simple Child in the arms of his Mother Mary, because in him they recognized the source of the twofold light that had guided them:  the light of the star and the light of the Scriptures. In him they recognized the King of the Jews, the glory of Israel, but also the King of all the peoples.

The mystery of the Church and her missionary dimension are also revealed in the liturgical context of the Epiphany. She is called to make Christ's light shine in the world, reflecting it in herself as the moon reflects the light of the sun.

The ancient prophecies concerning the holy city of Jerusalem, such as the marvellous one in Isaiah that we have just heard:  "Rise up in splendour! Your light has come.... Nations shall walk by your light, and kings by your shining radiance" (Is 60: 1-3), have found fulfilment in the Church.

This is what disciples of Christ must do:  trained by him to live in the way of the Beatitudes, they must attract all people to God through a witness of love:  "In the same way, your light must shine before men so that they may see goodness in your deeds and give praise to your heavenly Father" (Mt 5: 16). By listening to Jesus' words, we members of the Church cannot but become aware of the total inadequacy of our human condition, marked by sin.

The Church is holy, but made up of men and women with their limitations and errors. It is Christ, Christ alone, who in giving us the Holy Spirit is able to transform our misery and constantly renew us. He is the light of the peoples, the lumen gentium, who has chosen to illumine the world through his Church (cf. Lumen Gentium, n. 1).

"How can this come about?", we also ask ourselves with the words that the Virgin addresses to the Archangel Gabriel. And she herself, the Mother of Christ and of the Church, gives us the answer:  with her example of total availability to God's will - "fiat mihi secundum verbum tuum" (Lk 1: 38) - she teaches us to be a "manifestation" of the Lord, opening our hearts to the power of grace and faithfully abiding by the words of her Son, light of the world and the ultimate end of history.

So be it!


And the second, from Farrer:

THE Magi took the lids from their urns and unfastened their caskets, when they presented the symbols of universal homage to our infant prince.  But when a woman came to anoint the king in his royal city, she shattered her alabaster jar, that she might pour the precious spikenard on his head.  There was a sympathy between her action and the approaching Passion: the perfume of man’s homage could not be offered to God, without breaking the veined alabaster, the body of the Son of Man.  Our incense may rise, like that of the Magi, from unbroken vessels, if we present our bodies a living sacrifice.  Yet a living sacrifice is also a sacrifice, and is made so by some participation in the shattering of the vase.  Christ, sacrificing himself, joins us with him in sacrificing him; Christ, sacrificing himself, sacrifices us, for he has made us parts of him.  We come to offer our homage to Christ, but his star has brought us, and the breaking of his mortal vase has furnished all the perfume of our offering.


I am constantly in awe of Farrer and B16. And you'll note, per Farrer and elsewhere in Benedict's writing, that the Feast of the Epiphany is intimately bound up with the mystery of our Lord's Passion. The Magi, notoriously, offer myrrh.

God bless you all,


Saturday, January 4, 2025

Der Sterner


So, the Golden Golem of Greatness, Trumpissimus, got himself reelected, and with all these flagrantly Nazi policies like: A country should have a border, putting your own country first as president is a good thing, energy independence, bringing manufacturing home to the States. How very, very, very, utterly Fascist Nazi. Then there's the evil Hitler 2.0's foreign policy.

Stop fighting wars, which have nothing or little to do with American security and everything to do with the MIC. Wow. Sheer. Nazi. What about annnex Canada. That's a war of liberation from RainbowBloc tyranny, surely. Liberate England? From rape gangs? About time. And while we're at it, let's have Greenland and the Panama Canal.

Greenland and Panama are a security issue, obviously, Canada and the UK are all about spreading democracy, freedom of speech and all of that. Liberation, if you will. So very, totally, indubitably National Socialist and, probably, Putinist to boot. Perhaps you remember that. Putinism.

For four long years, 45 was under investigation for being a Russian Spy, that's right, a Nazi Russian Spy (NRS). It's almost as lame as an E8 blowing up a Tesla truck in front of Trump Tower with a bootload of fireworks in Vegas, yet here we are.

That aside, since when did a country having a border and its president wanting to put his people first become Fascist? Oh, I know. Since the people who waxed stratospherically rich from asset-stripping our country co-opted the Left. There's an axiom there, if you care to draw it.



Friday, January 3, 2025

A Short London Pitch


Beautiful, Look What We've Lost

What's you favorite city? The DFW Metrosprawl, New York, Chicago, DC, Paris, Rome, Venice, Detroit? They're all great in their way, though some more so than others, but for me it's London, perhaps because I lived there for years and see it as something of a home town.

These days I like central London, which, for me, means that area going West from St. Paul's to St. James, encompassing Clerkenwell, Holborn, Bloomsbury, Covent Garden and the Strand, the Embankment, Soho, Piccadilly, and the Mall. Knightsbridge and South Ken seem a bit far West and perhaps always has done. Still, Solemn High Mass at the Oratory is a must, followed by Sunday lunch at the East India Club. Delicious.

Oh My, We've Devolved

After that, you can stroll down Shaftsbury Avenue to Bar Italia in Soho and enjoy a coffee or two, followed by an RV with old pals at a welcoming pub, maybe the Coach and Horses or French House in Soho, maybe somewhere else, like the Lamb in Lamb's Conduit Street, or wherever. Big fun, then stroll back through the genuinely Olde Streets of old London Town to your setup. 

Perhaps that's the top floor of the Farmers Club on Whitehall, most congenial and affordable to boot. Here, have a look from it's rooms today, from Whitehall Place looking East:


There it is, London. The center of town's changed, for sure, since the far-off, halcyon days of the '90s, when I last lived there, but still, it doesn't seem so very off, and the grandeur and history of the place are very much alive, albeit swarmed by tourists. You can avoid those, though, if you nav away from their game trails. As in Leicester Square, etc.

See That Little Cupola Onna Terace? Favorite Place. There'll Always Be An Agra

When you get tired of the hurly burley, and there's plenty of that, fall back to the NatLib on the Embankment and setup in serenity on the Terrace cupola. Right congenial. When you get tired of that, retreat to the Farmers Club for a delicious sandwich at the bar and stroll over to Soho, which may or may not involve rickshaws and associated hi-spirits.

Your Old Pal,


Thursday, January 2, 2025

Excuse Me. What's Going On?


Now look here, you lot, what's going on? The New Year's barely upon us when some crazed Moslem from Hubbard, Texas, of all places, goes all out jihad in New Orleans. Yes, there was an ISIS flag involved, body armor, various weapons and bombs, and all of that. US Army vet Shamsud-Din Jabbar killed 15 people in this terrorist attack. The FBI is, I think, claiming "he acted alone." Uh Huh.

Then, the very next day, another soldier, this time an active duty Spec Ops guy on leave, blows up a Tesla truck outside Trump Tower in Vegas. Errrr, OK. E8 Matthew Livelsberger's body was apparently burned beyond recognition, unlike his military ID. He was evidently active in UKR training in Europe and in recruiting contractors for the ongoing war.

Both men, curiously, worked at Fort Bragg, but that aside, what's going on? For example, why did Livelsberger shoot himself in the head before his truck blew up and, given his family claims he was a Trumpist, why the Trump Tower blast, maybe he just really, really hated Elon Musk?

I don't know about our boy from Hubbard (what, excuse me?!) but Sergeant Tesla Truck seems mighty peculiar. Armchair Warlord suspects UKR and blackmail, but that's just him. What's your take? Serious question.



Wednesday, January 1, 2025

New Years Shoot


Let's go for a shoot, offered a young Sergeant, and I weighed up his rambunctious proposal. Is it sunny? Yes. Is it wet? Not very. Do you have guns? Obviously, and it's New Years Day to boot. So, "Yes, let's go," and off we went via Walmart and a purchased box of skeet to the range.

The range being about 15 minutes drive into the country, just past Brandon. And what a great little 100 yard range it is, with a small shooting house, a bench, and an all 'round berm. There you are, out in the field, under the Texan sky with plenty of room to swing a shotgun, which is what we did.

In this case, a CZ Drake O/U 20 gauge. It's light, at 6 pounds 9 ounces, swings well, has a generous white polymer front sight, and gets on target like a champ, and all for around 600 bucks. Field & Stream thinks it's great value for money and so do I. Hey, this light, attractive but nothing fancy field gun works. And work it did.

After a few moments of nostalgic reverie, we've been shooting here for 15 years, we opened up a box of White Flyer and got down to business. I went first, with Sergeant LSP as thrower, "Ready!" he'd shout by tradition, and I'd shout back, "Pull!" and up goes the orange adversary and boom goes the gun. Clays smoked. Result.

What a lot of fun, and we shot well, pretty much a 100% hit rate; if it'd been a dove hunt there would've been a tailgate full of birds. As it was, a field full of shattered skeet, and there's nothing wrong with that either. On the contrary, keeps your aim in and getting out in the field's a good in itself.

We finished off with a gentle Ruger American .22 plinkathon, targeting steel plates, the smaller the better, a Red Bull, yuck, can and a rusty old aerosol spray paint can. I tell you, those enemies met their match and then some. Shoot over, we headed back to the Compound, mission accomplished.

Happy New Year,