Justin Trudeau's resigned as leaderene of Canada's hated Liberal party and, effectively, as Prime Minister. About dam time. What were Justine's achievements? Gleefully going on Pride parades, COVID totalitarianism, remember the truckers?, Greenscam skulduggery, ongoing massive taxation and inflation, and turning Canada's once proud Armed Forces into a woke joke. Now he's gone. Good. 45-47 had this to say:

I know at least several people in Alberta who'd welcome this. In other news, Two-Tier Kier, the UK's massively unpopular Prime Minister, has accused people who criticize Pakistani rape gangs of being "far right." Interesting. Since when did being against child rape become Nazi/Fascist?
Since Labour started importing votes, obviously, and let's not forget Two-Tier's role as a Prosecutor. No complicity there, no, none at all. In fairness, the utterly rubbish Conservatives didn't do anything about it either, perhaps because they were too busy importing, ahem, refugees when not attending Pride parades and eviscerating the UK's military.
Regardless, it's estimated that some 250,000 children have been raped by Great Britain's beloved diversity, making this cover up by UK Pols and their lackey Sate Agitprop MSM one of, maybe the most, heinous crimes committed in post-war Britain.
Per social media, Elon Musk has called for Britain to be "liberated," leading to howls of leftist outrage. How dare he! runs the chorus of suddenly patriotic Cultural Marxists, and the head of London's Metropolitan Police even went so far as to warn Americans about posting thought crime on the internet. We'll "come after you," he threatened.
Uh Huh, Now We're Really Scared
Like, with what? All your hi-viz vests, finger guns and massive Navy? No, we're coming after you, to liberate the Sceptered Isle. Maybe Command HQ will be at the Reform Club. Unspoiled Georgian interior, fittingly.
In the meanwhile, the venerable if shrinking Church of England is ominously silent about hundreds of thousands of children being raped by Moslem Pakistanis. Well, something better change,
Blessed Epiphany to you all,