Saturday, August 11, 2018

Dalek Interlude

I've been in the land of the Houston Dalek, which is always awesome. 

There he is, the Dalek, beaming his beneficent light on the Maseratis, Porsches and McClarens of the Inner Loop. And motorcycles too, which like to race up and down Westheimer like ratcheting hornets. Stay on the bike, kids.

Normal programming to resume shortly.

God bless,


Sunday, August 5, 2018

Chicago Slaughterhouse

A Typical Ghetto Street Scene

Gun controlled, leftist, Democrat Chicago saw some 63 shootings since Friday. The city's West and South side are like Northern Ireland at the height of the "troubles" but worse. It's just one instance of our dirty urban hellhole secret and it's not getting better.

So much so that Chicago blacks are turning to the President for help and who can blame them, ultra lib Rahm Emmanuel hasn't helped, he's continued the Dem status quo. But it looks like people are fixing to get off the plantation:

"It’s my fervent hope that President Trump – who has frequently commented about the terrible violence plaguing the city – will intervene soon and provide federal law enforcement officers and funding to save lives of innocent men, women and children being gunned down every day in my hometown of Chicago."

In The Ghetto

If the Democrats really cared about people they'd be working all out to fix it. But no. Prosperous, working, functioning inner cities don't fit into their buy-votes-with-handouts scheme. Here's Candace again, speaking from the Ministry of Telling it Like it is:

Well said, Candace, less government, please. In the meanwhile, it seems there isn't much of that left in Chicago. Better sort it out; I'll leave you to parse the "or else."

Your Old Pal,


The Hippies Went Down To Portland

Well, well, well, the hippies went down to Portland. Some of them were going to abolish ICE and the nation's borders because, you know, without a border there'll be an anarcho-syndicalist revolution that's gonna overthrow the Man.

Grace Slick With Some Deadbeat

So the hippies set up a camp outside the ICE house and stayed there forever because Portland's Democrat Mayor wouldn't let the police arrest the filthy, thieving, unclean, aggressive, reeking hippies. Then the Man told them to go and off they went but they left this, en lieu of overthrowing the State.

A Typical Hippie Encampment

Here's the Wall Street Journal:

Along the trolley tracks behind the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement field office, a biohazard cleanup crew works under police protection. It finds used needles and buckets of human waste simmering in nearly 100-degree heat. The smell of urine and feces fills the block. For more than five weeks, as many as 200 people had occupied the site to demand ICE’s immediate abolition. They’re gone now, but a community is left reeling. Thirty-eight days of government-sanctioned anarchy will do that.

1st Battalion Garbage Cans

In related news, violent hippies tried to stop Patriot Prayer in Portland and deployed the 1st Battalion Garbage Cans. 1 BGC failed to live up to promise and ran away in the face of "flash bangs." 


Whether they duct taped their garbage cans together for waste disposal is currently unclear.



Saturday, August 4, 2018

What's Wrong With You?

Readers, all two of you, why is our art and architecture so ugly, why are the values, traditions and mores of our culture held in derision and more than that, attacked right down to the fundamentals? 

Why is gender, biology, family, the very givenness of who and what we are, all emptied of content as oppressive?

Why? Because we're dealing with an enraged, destructive spirit. NYU prof, Michael Rechtenberg, sounds the alarm:

We’re undergoing a Maoist-like Cultural Revolution — with the power of the corporate mass media, corporate social media, the academy, most of corporate America, the deep state, the shadow government, and most of the legal apparatuses behind it. Anti-western, anti-individual, anti-Christian, anti-liberty monsters are ravaging our cultural legacies as well as our contemporary arts and letters. Our entire culture is under siege and undergoing an utter and relentless social justice dismantling. Leftist totalitarianism is running amok.

Or to put it another way, in the words of Georg Lukacs:

I saw the revolutionary destruction of society as the one and only solution. A worldwide overturning of values cannot take place without the annihilation of the old values and the creation of new ones by the revolutionaries.

In sum, we're dealing with nihilism, a parasitic evil whose end is destruction, pure and simple, and whose author is demonic. No wonder Saul Alinsky dedicated Rules For Radicals to Satan.

This battle is spiritual, it's an affair of the heart and mind. We must counter it likewise, spiritually, with love and truth as opposed to hate and deceit. 

If that inward and spiritual grace is belied outwardly by 7.62, so be it.

Deus Vult,


Friday, August 3, 2018

Anglo-Catholic As The Day Is Long

Keen-eyed readers of this popular mind blog might recall the oddity that is Anglo-Catholicism.

That's right, a movement that asserts catholicity for the Church of England and its various branches around the world. It started a while ago, with Pusey, Keble and Newman in Oxford, and spread.

Then in the '70s it went bust with the ordination of women. How could Anglicanism claim sacramental authenticity with the innovation? Not easy and its supporters didn't even try, it was all a matter of equal rights for a disenfranchised, oppressed "minority," women. 

Women are oppressed, runs the logic, because they can't have all the jobs men have. So hurry up, Nazis, and make them priests. The Anglican Church  in the West fell beneath the irresistible force of this powerful algorithm. And who can blame it. 

A creature of the state since Henry VIII, why should Anglicanism suddenly mutiny when its overlords start riding the rainbow?

For the most part it didn't, it embraced the rainbow, lovingly. But Anglo-Catholics held the line, protesting against all the odds that their denomination isn't a denomination at all but part of the one, holy, catholic and apostolic church founded by Christ to be the Ark of Salvation.

We're at it today and you have to ask, is it a wasted effort? No, it's not. It's one small strike, to be sure, in the fight against evil and that's never a waste. On the contrary, it's a Gospel imperative.

 So, give up or hold the line? Ask Charles Martel.



Thursday, August 2, 2018

And By Request...

Thank you all for such great Presidents.



#Groveling Goblins

By now everyone's heard of Sarah Jeong, the NYT's latest hire who filled the airwaves with her racist, hate-filled tweets. She'd been attacked on antisocial media which, according to the New York Times, excused her online torrent of hate.

Imagine, for a moment, if the race in her tweets was changed. How long would Sarah last at the fabled halls of the Grey Lady? For that matter, ask yourself if she'd have been hired at all, much less excused. No, of course not and for good reason. 

But the NYT marches to the beat of a different drum. For them, it seems that every kind of leftist bile gets a pass, provided it's leftist.

OK, if that's the case, come out and say it. Be openly partisan as opposed to pretending you're the unbiased guardians of objective reporting. 

No, hypocrites, you're not and Jeong gives it the lie, if that was needed, leaving mind bloggers everywhere aghast. Not so fast, kids.

Jeong's done us a favor, along with her new and curiously white employer. I'll leave you with Wictor.

Good luck, Blue Wave.



Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Cooking With LSP, Korhai Al Mexicani

"What?" you splutter indignantly, "You can't cook with LSP, that's totally absurd." Not so fast, High Tories, you can cook with LSP and here's how.

Chop up an inch or so of ginger and throw it in a korhai, or a pot, with appx 4 tbls of vegetable oil. Then add 3 minced garlic cloves and stir it about. 

Don't burn the garlic like some kind of fool. Enjoy the aroma and add 1/2 tsp of turmeric, 1 tsp coriander, 1 tsp cumin, as much chili powder as you like and salt and pepper to taste. 

Squeeze in some lemon, stir and if needs be add a little water to stop everything grinding to a burning, sticking halt. Keep stirring for a short while and if this starts to get boring, look at your gun, safe in the knowledge you're protected against dangerous ingredients.

Satisfied with your culinary genius, add a couple of chicken breasts, cut into chunks. Fry 'em up until they're white all over. Then add two diced whole tomatoes, skin on, along with a couple of jalapenos (I recommend 2 or your Al Mexicani curry will taste too Mexicani) and simmer until the tomatoes dissolve.

Let it simmer for around an hour, adding water if the beast threatens to dry up, which it shouldn't. While you're doing that, don't listen to Motorhead, or Werewolves of LondonAnd when it's done?

Eat your scoff like a warrior. And don't fear the reaper,


Five Ways To Spot A Reptilian Shapeshifter

Xenologists believe off-world reptilian aliens are hiding in plain sight here on earth, where they take the form of human beings. Fortunately, there are five main ways to spot a reptilian shapeshifter.

1. Eyes. Does the "person" have reptile eyes, with pupils like vertical slits? If they do, chances are you've spotted a lizard person.

2. Skin. While reptilians go to great lengths to conceal their true appearance, sometimes their disguise slips, revealing scales. A clear sign that this isn't a human being but a lizard shapeshifter.

3. Flickering. Reptilians use advanced holographic space technology to project a human image over their real bodies. However, due to fluctuating power sources and light conditions, the image can flicker, exposing the apparent person as a reptilian.

4. Soul. Reptilians attempt to mimic human emotions such as love and empathy but this is an act, covering up a grey, soulless interior. Look out for artificiality, a sense that something's not quite "right." If that's the case, there's a high possibility you've discovered a reptile alien.

5. Instinct. Trust your intuition. According to more experienced lizard-spotters, if you feel like the person has an alien presence, they might well be a reptilian.

Lambeth Palace declined to comment.


Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Hijab Barbie

You may know that MATTEL has produced a new hijab wearing Barbie doll to "diversify the Barbie line." The doll's modeled after  an Olympic fencer, Ibtihaj Muhammad. Ibtihaj had this to say.

I love my country, but I don’t recognize it today. Not in the Supreme Court ruling upholding the travel ban. Not in a Supreme Court nominee potentially engineered to undo reproductive choice, access to health care and the Russia investigation. Not in the family separation and detention policy. Not in our move to initiate trade wars and rally against breastfeeding and the World Health Organization. Not in the abandonment of allies and basic decency in how we treat other humans.

Well, well, listen to the hijabi Muslima darting and cutting with her Ã©pée. A travel ban that'd stop fanatical Muslim headchopper bombers coming to America? A Supreme Court that might look unfavourably on infanticide? And healthcare. 

The awesome, successful, brilliant, Obamacare scheme to give all the poor people insurance and then fine them if they couldn't pay for it. How very hijab.

Not unlike the inherently fascist plan to treat illegal immigrants as, you know, illegal. And God forbid, a level playing field when it comes to trade. National Socialist or what?

How dare the US trade at a natural advantage against other countries! How NAZI. A bit like breast feeding (? maybe this needs 'honing' -- Ed.), come to think of it.

In the face of this hypocritical, nonsensical, two-bit, dropped-on-head-as-infant cultural Marxist drivel we propose an aggressive policy of Draw-Mo campaigns, where talented artists draw the likeness of the Great Prophet. Then, when followers of the Prophet come out of the woodwork we...

Get all hijab. After all, it's a symbol of freedom and feminine empowerment.

Aloha Snackbar,


Monday, July 30, 2018

Wolves Slay Unicorns

This one's for a well known member of the strategic defense community and noted irregular cavalryman.

OK, for "London" read Arizona highlands. By the way, White Wolves are the Unicorn's natural predator.

As you were,