Showing posts with label NWO. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NWO. Show all posts

Friday, May 11, 2018

Outrageous Fishing

Unless you're a sad Marxist determinist or some kind of insane philosopher, you'll agree that we have free will, we can make choices. Some good, some bad, some tending towards freedom and others towards that other place which ends in iron tyranny.

No, Wymmin Can't Be Priests

With this in mind, we had a choice today at the Compound. Go fishing or sit in slack-jawed amazement at the wreckage of what used to be Western culture. The team took the better path, we went fishing.

Say No To Spirit Cooking

And BANG, pretty much out of the gate we were catching. Bluegill, Catfish and Bass; mostly Bluegill and a couple of keepers too, but they all went back. Some of you might want to know the detail. Here it is.

Defeat Globalist Elites

#1 Eagle Claw Bait holder hook, cheap as you like and then some. 1 medium split shot weight, placed appx 12" from the hook, 12' test (you never know). Bait, 1 half live worm threaded onto the hook with a chunk of Walmart shrimp (Cats seem to like the combo) and another half worm threaded below the shrimp chunk.

Smash The NWO

Presentation? Chuck it in! Well, test the water and see what works. I found that casting diagonally to a cross current tended to get good bites and... sometimes not at all.

Hey, a fish is a fish

Moral of the story? Get out and fish, and know the water. If you do, you'll be able to get on the fish with what they want and start catching. Which is the optimum result, but word to the wise, a few recce patrols don't hurt.

But of course you know all this. As it is, we lost count today. Result.

Gun rights,


Tuesday, May 1, 2018

May Day!

Well, well, it's May Day, yet again. The Puritans frowned on May Day, go figure, thinking the festivity a a blasphemous, pagan excuse for wanton immorality. And, like red moleskin trousers or the Church of England, it wasn't in the Bible. So they stamped it out along with Christmas and Easter, killjoys.

A Hippy

Still, in fairness to the Puritan sensibility, May Day was doubtless full of unreconstructed, late medieval bawdiness and it never made it back onto the calendar of popular feasts after the overthrow of the wicked regicides. That is until now.

Cheap Red Wine

Hippies have taken over May Day, along with their revolutionary geeknerd cousins, the Communists, and typically don't miss an opportunity to make a nuisance of themselves in otherwise peaceful civic centers. 

A Couple of Commies

The May Day commies throw dialectical materialist duodecimal dice for their NWO rulers and the hippies get loaded on cheap red wine and thieve, it's what they do.

A Typical Bluegill

Here at the Compound things were different. I drove to Clifton to administer Last Rites and followed that up by catching a catfish and a bluegill. 

Aggressive Little Monster

The cat fought hard and at first I thought I'd caught a snag, but no, it was a fierce, aggressive fish. He lived to fight again another day.

Never trust a hippy,


Friday, April 20, 2018

So I Went For A Stroll, Dixie

It's not easy having to look at the face of Lyin' Self-Promotin' Comey, leering out at you from myriad screens. Sometimes you have to escape, and that's what I did, strolling through the spacious boulevards of asset stripped rural Texas.

Albanians Run This Place

The cotton's gone now, mostly, but a lot of the bricks and mortar remain of former wealth, albeit re-purposed, and I like that, it gives a sparseness to things and a feel of the frontier. 

Chip & Joanna?

The Spring air is crisp and clear too, unlike the smog you breathe in the plastic sided monstrosity of the Metrosprawl, and that's a benefit all to itself.


You may be surprised to know that this town has no plans for removing its Confederate War memorial, unlike Dallas.

Go on, come and take it,


Saturday, April 14, 2018

Not Happy

Lo and behold, World War III didn't start last night, at least not immediately, so that's all good. But it came dam close. 

Ask yourself this. Are we, and the West at large, in the grip of evil people, people who would destroy what's left of our civilization for the sheer nihilist joy of the ruin. And have these wicked people co-opted our government?

Good question. In the meanwhile, thank God the Russians didn't fire back last night, and I'll be straight-up. I'm not happy about this at all. 

We should be allies with Russia in the face of the twin evils of the Secularist and Islamic Jihad. Nationalist Trump and nationalist Putin should be working together, contra globalists. There's clear commonality.

Has that been hijacked by the Illuminati Death Stooges of the NWO? Don't say House of Saud and...

Don't fear the Reaper,


Friday, April 13, 2018

Satanist Illuminati Goes To War

Trump has just launched against Assad for... Al Qaeda, the Jihad, and while we're at it, Saudi Arabia. Good work, Illuminati Satanists, we're now on the edge of World War Three.

And why? Because Assad apparently used chemical weapons on his own people as he was winning a war. Because he's an evil idiot? Sorry, that adjective applies to the bombers.

I'm tempted to say WTF. As it is, please pray this doesn't get any further out of hand.

Remember this, he was a murderer from the beginning.

Your Friend,


Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Release The Video

Is it too outlandish, too bizarre to think that top-level members of our ruling elites are part of a satanic pedophile ring? That's exactly what's being claimed by journalist Liza Crokin, who believes the NYPD is in possession of video evidence detailing the pedophile activity.

According to Crokin, the NYPD has video footage showing Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin engaging in sex with an underage girl. 

The video was allegedly discovered on disgraced Democrat underage sexter, Anthony Weiner's laptop and features "high-level political figures doing horrible things to children" and that "when NYPD officers watched them, 'it made grown men cry.'”

The New York Times has run an article warning readers about "fake videos." They care that much? Who knows, maybe the Russians did it. 

In the meanwhile, just in case you think the idea of a ruling elite millionaire pedo ring is somehow conspiracy theory and tinfoil hat, ponder this. Jimmy Savile, Jeffrey Epstein

If there's a video, let's see it.



Friday, January 12, 2018

Oh What A Freakout

Our lying, venal, mendacious, aggressive, corrupt, self-serving elite mainstream media has gone into full freakout because President Trump has reportedly asked the question, "Why do we want all these people from Africa here? They're shithole countries... We should have more people from Norway."


Or Sweden, Italy, Germany, Spain, Denmark, Austria, England or wherever civilized people have found their lives made unbearable by an influx of immigrants from sh*thole countries. 

Come on you lot, move to America and help us MAGA as you leave your once great nations to the savages your governments invited in.


But seriously, when did it become somehow racist or fascist for a country to have borders? For that matter, who stands to benefit from a massive influx of unskilled, culturally dissonant immigrants? 

We don't have far to look for an answer. Corporations looking for a cheaper workforce, politicians desperate for votes and a Left which hates the West and wants to destroy it through immigration.

Kabul, sorry, Germany

Hungary, Poland and Eastern Europe recognize this and if the Reuters report is true, so does Mr. Trump. Why should we allow hundreds of thousands of savages to move to America when we've got more than enough as it is. Just look at Baltimore, Detroit, Chicago or any one of our urban hellholes. So why create more?


In the meanwhile, the NWO Illuminati shills in the media and their Party masters are melting down in fauxtrage because someone from the Ministry of Truth told it like it is.

Well said, Mr. President.

Build The Wall,


Tuesday, December 5, 2017

You Gang Of Frauds

The best bit about ex-FBI Director DS (Deep State) Mueller's Russian collusion investigation is that it's an impartial exercise in blind, unbiased justice. Except that it isn't, as one after another DS, FBI domino totters and falls.

First it was DS Peter Strozk, who couldn't help himself from sending anti-Trump messages to his mistress, and now DS Andrew Weissman's been caught emailing Obama loyalist, former Acting Attorney general Sally Starks for refusing to obey the President. 

DS Weissman

"I am so proud. And in awe. Thank you so much. All my deepest respects," gushed the DS operative in an email to disobedient Sally, when she refused to enforce the Presidential ban on people travelling to America from Jihadland. 

Thanks to an FOIA request from Judicial Watch, we now know that DS Weissman donated $6000 to the Democrat cause between 2006 and 2008. It's just a guess, but maybe DS Weissman wasn't too happy when Hillary lost the election. 

DS Strozk, Second Left

That's not all, some members of Mueller's, ahem, bipartisan, impartial League of Justice have an interesting track record of political donations. Who to? Hint, it's not the GOP. Via ZeroHedge:

Jeannie Rhee: donated $5,400 to Hillary Clinton in 2015 and 2016, according to FEC records. The records show she gave $2,500 each to Obama for America and Obama Victory Fund 2012 in 2011.
Andrew Goldstein: According to Fox News, “Goldstein contributed a combined $3,300 to Obama’s campaigns in 2008 and 2012.
Greg Andres: FEC records show that Andres has donated at least $2,700 to Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY).
James Quarles: Donated thousands of dollars to the campaigns of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. He has also donated money recently to other Democrats, including Friends of Chuck Schumer and two other Democrats. He has a lengthy donation history dating back years. He did donate to two Republicans over the years, however.
Elizabeth Prelogar: A former law clerk to Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Elena Kagen, gave $250 to Hillary Clinton in 2016, according to FEC records. She also gave $500 total to Obama for America and the Obama Victory Fund 2012.
Brandon Van Grack: gave small amounts to ActBlue, an effort to raise money for Democrats, and to a Democratic candidate for Congress in 2012. In 2008, he gave about $286 to Barack Obama.
Rush Atkinson: donated $200 to Clinton’s campaign in 2016.
Kyle Freeny: In 2012, Freeny gave $300 to Obama. In 2008, Freeny also gave $250 to Obama, FEC records show.

How many more? I guess we'll find out as the NWO, Globalist, Deep State attempt to avenge the thwarting of Hillary Clinton's unbridled lust for power unravels. 

The Deranged Crone

In the meanwhile, and this is a serious question, how deep does the rot at the dark heart of the FBI go? Here at the Compound our guess is this. Pretty Deep State indeed.

New Constantine Putin

Maybe it's time for DS Mueller to be fired.


Monday, December 4, 2017

Putin, Evil Genius?

Is Russian strongman, Vladimir Putin, an evil genius? Good question, let's see. Here's a short checklist. Putin single-handedly:

   Defeated Hillary in the election.
   Installed a Kremlin spy in the White House.
   Is against the globalist, Illuminati NWO.
   Is a nationalist.
   Imprisoned Pussy Riot for blasphemy.
   Goes to Mass regularly and lights candles at icons.
   Rebuilt the Russian Church.
   Destroyed ISIS Jihad savages.
   Freed Christians in Syria from Jihad savages.

   Conquered the Crimea faster than Concord on afterburn.
   Conquered Syria.
   Didn't get taken down by a Soros funded Color Revolution.
   Has stayed in power, signifying genius.
   Didn't get into a full-on war in the Ukraine.
   Has so far resisted attempts by globalist, Illuminati, NWO libs 

   to start WWIII.
   Is hailed by many as a "New Constantine."
   Goes hard, is heterosexual.
   Loves animals.
   Can ride, shoot, fish, hunt.

So, Evil Genius? Here at the Compound we think that defeating Hillary, smashing ISIS, freeing Christians from Moslem genocide, rebuilding our Holy Mother the Church and sending P Riot to jail is good. Yes, good, not evil. Compare it, if you like, to the DNC's Spirit Cooking and endorsement of the Crowleyite witch artist, Maria Abramovic.

Is he a genius? Well, compared to the buffoonery, lies, corruption, chicanery and hucksterism that's come out of the White House in the last decade or so, Putin looks pretty adept. Maybe that's why he was able to install his spy in the Oval Office.

Compound consensus says, hurry up, Kremlin spy, drain the swamp. And, as an aside, name one other catholic Christian leader of a major power. You know, the leader of a world power that champions the Apostolic Faith. 

Have a go and see how many names you come up with. I dare you.



Thursday, November 23, 2017

Let's Wreck The After-Party

Sorry to ruin your after dinner brandies but top Democrat, Senator Al Franken, has been accused of inappropriate behaviour, preying like an oversexed beast on any unfortunate women that came within groping distance of the lecherous liberal.


“My immediate reaction was disgust,” said one woman after being manhandled by Franken. “But my secondary reaction was disappointment. I was excited to be there and to meet him. And so to have that happen really deflated me. It felt like: ‘Is this really the person who is going to be in a position of power to represent our community?’”

Apparently in Minnesota it is.


Good luck with that, Gopher State. Please someone, anyone, remove the weirdly creepy Senator Franken from his position of power.


Franken, who used to be a comedian for SNL, is a socialist millionaire. His net worth is an estimated $9 million. Good money if you can make it, comrade. 

The Most Hilarious Comedian Ever, David "So Funny It Hurts" Letterman

Then there's the most hilarious, brilliant, not overpaid for a second comedian, David "Split Your Sides Laughing" Letterman. That comedic contemptible shill MillSoc genius has a net worth of $400 million, look it up. At least it's not a Senator.

Hope you had a fantastic Thanksgiving.

Power to the the People,


Thursday, November 16, 2017

You Chicken

People often ask me, they say, "What's country life actually like, in Texas?" And I tell them, "It's like a game of chicken." No fooling, the birds are everywhere.

Blue Eschaton loves this. For him, there's nothing better than running full tilt at a terrified, squawking chicken, cornering it and then killing it. He doesn't eat them, he just stands there attempting to look innocent, with feathers in his mouth.

He tried it the other day and I managed to save the bird, much to the dog's annoyance and a bit of running around on my part.

Sometimes you'll see the poultry roaming around the center of town and I'm surprised resourceful live off the land, DIY, off-grid preppers don't eat them. I've done that myself, after Blue Marauder's done his work.

"Dad, how did you learn to do that?" asked my sons as I breasted an unfortunate fowl with a handy razor sharp folder, "It just happened, kids."

All this flashed through my mind this morning outside the town's food bank, where I'd gone to fly the flag, make a bereavement visit and do my bit for the needy. There it was, a random chicken by the dumpster. And I thought this.

We're devolving into something third world because the globalist NWO, transnational, Illuminati elite and their bi-coastal puppets have sold us down the river to make themselves even more stratospherically wealthy than they already are. Hence Mexico moves to Tejas, along with all their chickens.

After a moment of bitterness I consoled myself. When the center cannot hold, imploding perhaps under burgeoning debt, the rural parts of this country which have been gutted by our MillSoc (Millionaire Socialist) overlords will be OK. 

We'll have eggs and meat and feathers. And guns, lots of them, and horses. Expect a lot of irregular cavalry units.

God bless,


PS. Beer Can Chicken is simple and tasty. Heap coals to side of grill, rub butter/olive oil over bird, salt and pepper then put small beer can (with beer) up the chicken. Don't think Freddy Mercury. Place on indirect heat, drip pan underneath for gravy. Cover and cook for an hour and fifteen minutes, turning half way through. It'll be moist and delicious.