Showing posts with label ISIS laughs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ISIS laughs. Show all posts

Monday, December 14, 2015

You Ain't no Muslim Bruv!

No, you're not, you're a pike, caught by my pal in Catford. Muhaydin Mire, on the other hand, is a Muslim, who went machete Jihad in Leytonstone the other day.

The UK is ruled by a sinister cabal of Old Etonian NWO oligarchs, led by Illuminati puppet, David Cameron. Cameron has stated on social media that the Leytonstone Machete Muslim is not a Muslim.

Cameron may, or may not, be related to Stephen Fry.


Saturday, December 12, 2015

Red Islamic Terror

Maybe you're wondering why millionaire socialist, Jeh Johnson, who happens to be head of Homeland Security, is unable to call out Islamic terrorism. 

Here's some background, via LL:
(Investors Business Daily) While speaking to Muslims last week, Homeland Security chief Jeh Johnson revealed why he's so protective of them. He compared growing suspicions cast on them to the plight of his communist kin.
Johnson dropped the bombshell that his grandfather had been investigated for communism and un-American activities.
We can't say we're surprised. Add him to the parade of Red diaper babies in the Cabinet, including top White House advisor Valerie Jarrett, former political advisor David Axelrod and President Obama himself. 
No wonder this administration isn't interested in monitoring radical Muslims for terrorist connections.

Millionaire Socialist

And here's the thing. If there was a Communist 5th column in the U.S., and there was, that was intent on turning America into a godless workers paradise, replete with gulags, then what was wrong with prosecuting them?

Maybe that doesn't sound very tolerant, or liberal to you. Well go and tell that to one of Stalin's kulaks. Likewise, go ask the victims of San Bernardino if they think Islam is a religion of peace.

Oh, you can't. They're dead.

ISIS laughs.


Wednesday, December 9, 2015

The RAF Goes To War Against ISIS, Chocks Away!

Not to be outdone by the German Luftwaffe, the fabled RAF has gone to war against ISIS, bringing fury, pandemonium, outrage and anguished hand-wringing to Britain's peace-loving populace. But perhaps the Eurolib, shariasymp left don't have to worry. According to the bellicose Daily Telegraph:

Britain’s full might consists of 16 strike aircraft, only ten of which can actually drop all the weapons we possess. In the six days and seven nights since MPs voted to authorise action on Syria, we appear to have carried out two raids and dropped a grand total of 14 bombs.

Rumors that the RAF only has 20 bombs in its arsenal and that its 16 "strike aircraft" are vintage Sopwith Camels, are unconfirmed. 

Chocks Away!


The Essence of Islam

Everyone's scratching their heads and wondering about the essence of Islam. Is it a violent war religion that drives its adherents to go out and kill people at pop concerts and Christmas parties, or is it a philosophy of peace?

Jeh Johnson, US Secretary of Homeland Security, has come to the rescue, speaking at a mosque in Virginia.

"...The overwhelming, overwhelming majority of American Muslims, and Muslims worldwide, are men, women and children of peace, who seek to live their lives in peace, and want nothing to do with terrorism. Anyone who does not understand this does not understand Islam. The very essence of the Islamic faith is peace. The standard greeting As-salamu alaykum is 'peace be upon you.'"


Now we know, the very essence of the Islamic faith is peace. I guess that's why Mohammad was such an advocate of non-violent resistance against, I don't know, the Khaybar Jews, for example. It's probably why he defined non-Muslims as living in the House of War and never led an army in his life. Ever.

The Prophet x10

Jeh, for your invincible dhimwittedness, you get an outstanding 10 out 10 coveted John Lennon Heads.



Monday, December 7, 2015

Reverse The Curse

As we remember Pearl Harbor, some members of the intelligence community are urging us to "reverse the curse" of an administration that seems unable or unwilling to confront Islamic terror and has left America weak economically, morally and socially.

Perhaps you think that's an exaggeration. If so, ask yourself why our military's been tasked with fighting The Weather, putting women in combat roles and forbidden from destroying ISIS oil convoys.

ISIS Laughs

As you ponder that mystery, consider the record numbers of Americans out of work, the whining antics of our intellectual campus elite, and a government debt that sits beneath the economy like a bomb.

But hey, not to worry, our Vice President tells us that transgender discrimination is the greatest civil rights issue of our time. Unlike the genocide of Christians in the Middle East, which isn't.

Good luck, America.


Saturday, November 14, 2015

You Pathetic Fools

Breitbart -- "Your country has just been attacked by a wave of at least half-dozen terror attacks. More than 120 innocent people are dead. Upwards of 300 are hospitalized. Your iconic city is trembling in fear and unease. Muslim-extremist barbarians, many of whom you invited to live among you, are cheering, plotting, and anticipating the next round."

So you draw a peace sign. Why not a rainbow, and a unicorn too? Then you could doubly beat back the Jihad.

You pathetic fools.

ISIS laughs.


Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Shock Poll, Church of England Loses Members as ISIS Laughs

Shocking new figures show that the numbers thin but buildings rich Church of England lost 1.7 million members between 2012 and 2014. During the same time, the Religion of Peace has gained 900,000 adherents.

Cof E traditionalists argue that the crisis-level decline is due to the small denomination's desperate bid to gain popularity by turning churches into mosques for a day, encouraging transsexual naming ceremonies, making women bishops and "going goddess."

What's gone wrong? Everyone knows that trans advocacy, women bishops and praying to Gaia are big crowd pullers. And turning your church into a mosque is guaranteed to fill those empty pews!

With Muslims.

ISIS laughs.


Wednesday, April 15, 2015

ISIS Camps on US Border

By now everyone knows that ISIS has a training camp a few miles from El Paso and the Texas border. According to Judicial Watch, the Muslim terrorists are being smuggled into the US by cartel-backed "coyotes."

In the meanwhile, the Obama administration appears more concerned about "domestic extremists," than the very real terrorists in our backyard. Perhaps they intend to counter Violent Extremism By No One In Particular in Mexico with job opportunities and benefits. That might explain our open border policy.

Allow the terrorists into the U.S. where they can get good jobs and then, as if by magic, they won't be terrorists anymore.

In the meanwhile, ISIS laughs. Let's see that last when they arrive in Texas.


Tuesday, February 24, 2015

All Hail Clint Eastwood

Some crew of angry Muslims are demanding that Clint Eastwood apologize for American Sniper. Good luck with that.

In the meanwhile, our government is broadcasting this handy leaflet against Violent Extremism By Nobody In Particular.

Maybe they'll airdrop it on, you know, Dabiq.


Saturday, February 21, 2015

Yet More Dhimmwittedness

“Here in America, Islam has been woven into the fabric of our country since its founding,” said President Obama to the Summit on Countering Violent Extremism By Nobody In Particular.

How true this is! Many of the Pilgrim Fathers were Muslim, poor, unemployed Muslims, who fled England in search of new opportunities and a Caliphate in the New World.

George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, John Quincy Adams, all Muslims. How galling it must have been for Cornwallis to surrender to the Janissaries of the Continental Army!

No wonder, then, that the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights are Islamic documents, establishing Sharia in the North American Ummah. Think of any one of our institutions, movements of thought and the individuals behind them, and you will find Islam, woven warp and weft into the fabric of our great nation. Since its very founding! (that's enough, we get the point -- ed.)

The first Mosque was built in America in 1915, by the way, and I'm off to the range for some personal jihad.

Don't be a dhimmwit,


Thursday, January 15, 2015

We Scorn Duke

We scorn Duke. Why? You ask. Well, as a famous philosopher once said:

"It's all fun and games until you wake up and see your buddy's severed head. In your lap."

Good luck with dhimmitude, Duke.

ISIS laughs.


Thursday, September 4, 2014

Protestant Prelates Wage Peace, ISIS Laughs

Counting down the hours until they too can become Dhimmis, mainline Protestant denominations have stated their opposition to the use of force against ISIS. 

In a letter to President Obama, the United Methodists, Prebyterians, United Church of Christ and the Quakers have stated that military action against the savage Muslim terror group "is not necessary."

Instead they recommend, “long-term investments in supporting inclusive governance and diplomacy, nonviolent resistance, sustainable development, and community-level peace and reconciliation processes.”

And that's not all. Not by any means. These soon-to-be Jizyazites want to send out “professionally trained unarmed civilian protection organizations to assist and offer some buffer for displaced persons and refugees.”

In the meanwhile, ISIS is laughing all the way to the nearest woman bishop.

Maybe you think this is some kind of joke, like satire, but no, these clowns are for real and so are the savages.

Good to hear Christians are fighting back.