Showing posts with label Pearl Harbor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pearl Harbor. Show all posts

Saturday, December 7, 2024

Pearl Harbor


83 years ago today the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor and the US Pacific Fleet resting at anchor. Some 2,400 men were killed and the Fleet heavily damaged; of 8 battleships present during the attack, 4 were sunk, to say nothing of other ships. The US went on to declare war against Japan and the Axis, whose powers would pay a heavy price.

Bearing in mind the rhyming nature of history, let's pray we don't see a rerun of December 7, 1941. And if we do, would today's America have the will and manufacturing ability to take the war to the enemy? We did then, what about now. A serious if loaded question. You'll recall Kamala Harris equating the J6 protest with Pearl Harbor and Washington, apparently, agreeing.

Remember Pearl Harbor and those who gave their lives.


Thursday, January 6, 2022

Epiphany Insurrection


A Typical Threat to Democracy

Today's January 6, the Feast of the Epiphany, the Manifestation of Christ to the Gentiles. Gold, Frankincense, Myrrh. It's also a day that will live in infamy.

That's right, this time one year ago, 1 million extremists shook the foundations of our hallowed Constitutional Republic by daring to protest their absurd, nonsensical, conspiracy theory that the US elections were somehow "rigged."

Pearl Harbor was nothing on the J6 INSURRECTION!

What brazen, literal, fascist insurrection. It was like a coup, a putsch by Hitler, Pinochet or Franco. Like Pearl Harbor or planes crashing into the World Trade Center or the Pentagon itself, these literal Nazis, in the pay of Russia, yes, Russia, walked into the Capitol and took selfies. Then they left. Such utter, literal, brazen Nazis. 

You Utter Nazis. Democracuy Nearly Died.

Thank Gaia they've been locked up in solitary confinement for the past year. How dare you threaten our ruling elite overlords, you Hitletites. In the meanwhile, serfs, roll over and get your shot every six months because, you know, Pfizer doesn't want to get any richer.

And the Left loves it. But what about everyone else, will there be an epiphany? And while we're at it, why are our ruling millionaire socialists so afraid of a coup, aren't they more popular than any other Party in history? So wear your masks, peasants.

Your Old Friend,


Friday, December 7, 2018

Remember Pearl Harbor

Remember Pearl Harbor and remember too, that like Hitler, the Japanese didn't think Americans had the stomach for a fight. They were wrong.

The Chinese might think the same today as they expand into the Pacific; one part of a broader attempt to achieve imperial status, and you can't blame them. 

Past US administrations were in the habit of bowing to the Chicom mandarins, whether literally or otherwise. Which brings us to the elite globalists in charge of Europe.

They figured they had the indigenous populace down, that the people were tame to being transformed into a third world workforce. And, like the Japanese vision of America on December 7 1941, were too degenerate and ignorant to fight back.

You can see why this crew of malfeasants thought like this, all the evidence pointed that way. Until it didn't. The Rising Sun didn't look so bright on VJ Day, 2 September 1945, Trump doesn't bow to China and the French are rising up against their elitist, NWO rulers.

Who'd have thought it. America was safely in the Illuminati Sac Magique, Hillary was going to win and France, right in the heartland of the neo-lib project was safely in the rainbow wheelie. But no. 

Pay-to-Play Hillary didn't get elected and the French are busy firebombing tax collection offices while Macron's deploying armored vehicles in Paris. But here's a question. 

What side of the equation do the people who enforce the government's dictates side with, where do they come from; the people who go to cocktail parties at G-20, Davos and Georgetown or somewhere else?

If I was Macron or May I'd be scared, right about now. Stay tuned for peasants' revolts in the UK and everywhere else.

Peace and Love,


Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Striper! No, Not Stormy


Fishing wisdom says there's not much point trying to catch fish mid-afternoon when the sun's high in the sky, it's roastingly hot at 106* and the fish are stunned into stasis by the heat. They just lay there, suspended in a kind of piscine daze, not biting. 

So don't bother fishing in these conditions, runs the wisdom, it's about as pointless as trying to get Anderson Cooper into conversion therapy.

Moral Arbiter

All this ran through my mind as I loaded up the rig and headed for water. Why am I doing this, I wondered. Because I had to get out and tilt my lance at fishing wisdom, I wanted to catch fish against the odds. 

A challenge, sort of thing. Not unlike trying to convince a Democrat that peace with Russia isn't treason, or even Pearl Harbor cubed.

A Perch

Whatever. By some miracle of modern technology I reached the lake without the truck melting into the asphalt and surveyed the scene. No one was there and who can blame them? They didn't want to be baked into an early Brennanlike senescence. 

Undaunted, I cast off with a split shot, small hook worm rig and was getting bites from the get-go, but couldn't close the deal. Small perch were obviously on the scene so I switched out the hook for something even smaller, miraculously the mono didn't ignite, and result, caught 5 perch.


They weren't large and the last was perhaps the smallest. Put him to work! I thought, like Trump trying to cure our urban hellhole inner cities. Still, I wasn't counting on anything, it was the last cast. But what a cast. 

After a minute or two, the mouth-hooked perch seemed to get vigorous in the water and  I loosened the drag, instinctively. Good intuition because the line started playing out like fury, a fish was on as opposed to the perch playing around. So tighten it up, set the hook and reel it in.

Eye of the Beholder

And out came a voracious Striper who'd pretty much swallowed the perch whole. He went back to fight again another day and I went back to the Compound in the searing heat of the afternoon.

Reward. The Compound's Finally Getting Painted...

Moral of the story? Hungry Stripers, don't say Stormy,  will eat pretty much anything.

Tight lines,


Monday, December 7, 2015

Reverse The Curse

As we remember Pearl Harbor, some members of the intelligence community are urging us to "reverse the curse" of an administration that seems unable or unwilling to confront Islamic terror and has left America weak economically, morally and socially.

Perhaps you think that's an exaggeration. If so, ask yourself why our military's been tasked with fighting The Weather, putting women in combat roles and forbidden from destroying ISIS oil convoys.

ISIS Laughs

As you ponder that mystery, consider the record numbers of Americans out of work, the whining antics of our intellectual campus elite, and a government debt that sits beneath the economy like a bomb.

But hey, not to worry, our Vice President tells us that transgender discrimination is the greatest civil rights issue of our time. Unlike the genocide of Christians in the Middle East, which isn't.

Good luck, America.