A lot of people don't like Monday, it's a bad day for them as they return to the daily grind of commuting to the cubicle, but here at the Compound we're trying to change that, to make life better by bringing you Melania Mondays! What's happening in the life of America's popular First Lady?
Quite apart from settling lawsuits, caring for children, standing up for women on Twitter and hosting the wives of foreign dignitaries, Melania's planning to move into the White House in June. What a welcome addition that'll be!
And, of course, she's looking good and doing her not inconsiderable part to make America great again. Some people don't like this, they prefer Hillary and Michelle. That would be a culpably ignorant, foolish, wrongheaded mistake.
Loser |
Imagine, if you can, how the corrupt, smug, aggressive, condescending, venal, elitist, out of touch, rude, hypocritical mainstream media would be fawning over Melania if she were a Democrat. Instead, they keep a surly, critical, distasteful distance and the country holds them yet further in scorn and derision.
Perhaps they will see the error of their ways. In the meanwhile, well done, Melania!