Monday, March 13, 2017

Jail Time!

It started off as a normal armed stroll to the local Pick 'n Steal, the famous Shamrock filling station that's founded by Irishmen and run by Nepalese. I like to walk the dog and get a coffee, it's like a ritual.

All went well, at first. I tethered the dog, got a coffee and paused to check my emails. Nothing unusual about that. Then BOOM. A Fedex guy strolled past the dog, close, and Blue Protector darted out and nipped his ankles, then darted back to heel.

Fedex man started howling and carrying on like he was about to sue the Svhamrock for a million bucks and never have to work again. He even had his trouser leg up, exposing a shin and a cowboy boot. The shin was slightly grazed.

"He bit me!" moaned Fedex while attempting to cry. I resisted the urge to ask how Blue Fang could have grazed his shin while nipping at his cowboy booted heels and asked if I could help. He didn't think I could.

Then the police arrived, two Tahoes worth, thank you very much, and an animal services pickup. I guess the desperately wounded Fedex dialed them in. Blue ended up getting busted and sent to gaol for 10 days, while they work out if he has rabies.

I wasn't expecting that outcome when I set off for the Shamrock. You can watch a recap of this remarkable adventure on video, here.

Mind how you go,



Adrienne said...

Poor guy! Ten days is a long time in dog years. Why didn't you offer to serve the time instead?

Anonymous said...

How does he post bond?

Anonymous said...


LL said...

I need to send him a cake with a file in it.

The Fedex guy should know that anyone delivering mail or packages is the instinctive enemy of Blue Fang. AND the police should respect Blue's need to defend his master from evil. But I'm sad that's not how it worked out.

LindaG said...

I thought Blue Protector was mostly blind? Maybe that FED Ex guy was a demon in disguise? Or maybe he bumped Blue's nose?
I assume there is some law that says they had to impound Blue and he couldn't be held under house arrest?
Seems awful convenient the police and dog catcher showing up so quickly.
I hope you got pictures of his attire. Seems like he would be the type to really get bit, and then blame Blue.
They better take good care of Blue. You should have your vet check him out when you do finally get him back. No telling what Blue might catch in the lockup!

Mattexian said...

When I was a wee lad, sitting with the screen door propped open one sunny day, our beagle bravely leapt over me and chased a meter-reader around the yard. He claims she nipped his hand, the one he wildly swung a clipboard with, swatting at her, so she spent a similar quarantine at the city pound. I missed her terribly, so my mom and I would visit her daily with some hamburger. Never thought about hiding a file inside it, until now.

LL said...

It will be lonely doing your daily routine without Blue Fang there to keep you company. I'm going to be flying into Dallas around noon on Sunday but am flying back the same day or I'd drive down into Hill Country to attend a service or something, buy you Sunday brunch at Monte's Mexican Food and keep you company.

Next time.

Jules said...

Silly parcel boy. It's a dogs duty to attack postal people.
Mind you, if that happened over here you'd get prosecuted and your dog would likely be put to sleep. If you had that service in the UK, we'd make our dogs bite the FedEx man deliberately just before our summer holiday in order to get free kennel care and dog food.

Mrs. Buggles said...

.....yet, an ACTUAL criminal, is able to bond out within hours.....

LL said...

He likes fried chicken from that joint down off the I-35. I wonder if they'd let him eat take-out?

LSP said...

It is a long time, Adrienne. I hope I don't have rabies.

LSP said...

Good question, BW.


LSP said...

Linda, I think Blue figured that Fedex guy just didn't smell right. I'm not saying he was a demon but evil isn't known for its sweet smell. The devil probably called in the cops, hoping to con the system for cash.

LSP said...

I'm not allowed to visit, Mattexian!

LSP said...

Will miss you, LL! Next time for sure.

LSP said...

Juliette, Fedex Fellow got too close to Blue and he didn't smell right. Perhaps he was possessed, I don't know but it's possible. So the dog went into protection mode.

Fedex Boy then proceeded to LIE about his bite.I don't think the police, or the insurance companies, were fooled. Neither was God. He's wise to the tricks of Satan.

LSP said...

That, Mrs. Buggles, is a very good point.

LSP said...

Good call, LL!

GruntOfMonteCristo said...

Our poor heeler dogs are so misunderstood. I slight grip on the heel of your boot is not a 'bite' at all. If it's any consolation, I understand that FedEx may look at this kind of frivolous claim as a black mark (or a 'blue' mark, in this case) if they accumulate. He may be one step closer to a lay-off now. Maybe. #FreeBlueProtector

Anonymous said...

I expect the FedEx guy startled Blue Fang, and he defended himself. Most people have enough common sense to watch out for any dog and stay out of range. It seems to me FedEx does not hire people with any sense. I hope it all turns out well, you need Blue at the compound for defense.