Monday, June 25, 2018

The Alien Invasion

Lord of the Flies

There's business. Is Bezos even a human name?


What about Zuckerberg. A tiny ET with big Alien ambition?

Space Alien

Or Strzok. Now that's hardly a human name, is it.


Then there's the media. Is Rachel Maddow a hybrid?

The Red Cuck

And are the aliens thrashing in reptilian rage at MAGA thwarting their plans for global domination? Don't say Red Cuck  Restaurant.

Good Heavens

Are space aliens taking over? You be the judge,


Sunday, June 24, 2018


Shocking new research suggests that US transsexuals weren't "born that way" but are victims of a sinister experiment by space aliens, the "Greys", to alter human DNA. 

According to one UK based paranormal expert, A. DelGarde, the current wave of American transsexualism is the result of 20 years of alien abduction.

"The notorious grey aliens are, on the whole, devoid of gender," stated DelGarde, "but were in the 1990s interfering with humans because of some peculiar reproductive agenda of their own. Within its own frame of reference this would explain why aliens after human spermatozoa didn’t just covertly raid a sperm bank rather than target men in California, Austin and the Midwest."

DelGarde and other experts believe we are now seeing the results of alien experimentation.

"So, after twenty years of alien hybrids and experimentation, their Midwich Cuckoos are growing up - we are now seeing the consequences of alien interference with human DNA. 

"In the words of a colleague, 'Given that some estimates say that up to 3 million Americans may have been abducted by aliens, it could explain what's occurring over the Pond'."

Others aren't so sure. Singer songwriter superstar, Lady GagGa, Presidential hopeful Joe Biden and the Episcopal Church believe that gender's a construct, that being a man or a woman is the result of brain waves rather than biology or experimentation by space aliens.

So what's it to be. Are transsexuals the sad victims of alien abduction or a victory of mind over matter?

You, discerning reader, be the judge.


Friday, June 22, 2018


Do you feel concussed, worn out, weary, fatigued, irascible, ready to snap at any moment? Yes? That's because you're suffering from the debilitating effects of Traumatic Fauxtrage Stress Disorder (TFSD), or "Faux Shock."

TFSD's brought on by relentless barrages of fauxtrage, shrieking cacophanies of faked-up, hysterical moral indignation, pouring down on you like a Stalin Organ in full flood. And it's constant.

A Typical Stalin Pants Organ

Do you remember the faux civil rights movement, Black Lives Matter, and their phony hysteria when thugs got shot by the cops? And the Statues! Cue another salvo from the faux Katyusha. It's all forgotten now but such is the nature of fauxtrage, it's vicious but short lived.

A Typical Katyusha

Then there was the great feminist Grab 'Em Fauxtrage of 2016, quite the barrage, only to be replaced by the foaming-at-the-mouth, Cold War frenzy of Russia hacked the election. Thanks a lot, Putin, for destroying our democracy and putting your spy in the Whitehouse.

Stormy The Prostitute

But that got boring because there wasn't, like, you know, any proof. So the rolling thunder of hysteria moved on to Stormy The Prostitute. Outrage. Sorry, fauxtrage, and it too fizzled like a malfunctioning Soviet rocket. Hunh, fail, back to the drawing board and don't mention Bill Clinton.

Now it's The Children. Trump is a racist, unchristian, child hating, Nazi monster for enacting inhuman, fascist immigration laws. Rockets fire! But, dammit, the laws were put in place by other presidents, and while we're at it, since when did the Planned Parenthood left ever care about children?

A Millionaire Socialist

As in MillSoc (Millionaire Socialist) Peter Fonda, who told social media and the world that 12 year Barron Trump should be "put in a cage with pedophiles." And we won't talk about the millions sacrificed by MillSoc Cecile Richards to demonic Moloch.

So stay tuned, as this latest blast of hysterical anger fizzles away to nothing and's replaced by another frenzied salvo of leftist fauxtrage. But while we're waiting for the faux shock and awe of the next assault, consider this.


The presenting causes of fauxtrage are transparently fake but the anger isn't. The dustbin of history BLM, Statues, Grab 'Em, Russian Collusion, Stormy The Prostitute, Children, all these and more are simply signs or channels.


I'd argue bogus ones at that, but nonetheless emblems of a real inner and spiritual anger. Of an incohate, nihilist rage that seizes on the nearest available thing, no matter how flimsy, to find expression.

Now that's something to fight.

Fish on,


Catch The Cat

Well done, kid!

That is a monster.

You have now officially passed the catfish test. On a light rod too, which adds to the glory.

Fish on,


Thursday, June 21, 2018

Summer Solstice

Thanks to a noted member of the intelligence community we all know it's the Summer Solstice. How very beautiful.

It seems innocent.

But is it?

Better mind your wallets.

Hippies are thieves.

Harambe weeps,


Monster Bass Bonanza

Like a gift from heaven it began to rain, rippling the still surface of the small lake and out whirred lines across the water. Tranquil, but not for long.

His First Big Bass

The first Bass plowed into my hook like a sledgehammer coming down on a Clinton Blackberry. Kaboom, and before you could say Russian collusion the fight was on, and what a fight but finally, after about 5 minutes, up came a Bass, a monster Hybrid.


This went on for two days, morning, noon and evening, monster Bass after monster Bass until I lost count. Outrageous, unreal, ridiculous fishing, a make-your-arms-ache Bass bonanza of epic proportions. Pretty much a huge fish with every cast, and here's the thing.

Weirdly Large Hybrid

I had some luck with green plastic worms on Texas rigs, very little with topwater lures and no luck at all with crankbaits. These didn't produce; similar, when you think about it, to the Deep State's various attempts to overthrow the President. P**gate, Russian spy, Stormy the Prostitute and on, none of them worked, dammit.

Scientific Rig

No, but live worms on a #1 baitholder did, these enormous Bass couldn't get enough of them. They loved them like a millionaire socialist loves fauxtrage, and perhaps this confounds conventional wisdom, which advises big hooks and big bait for big fish. 

Whatever the case, the small hook, live worm rig fished up a storm of surging, diving, running, thrashing Bass. Just a whole lot of fun and there's a message in that.

Get out and fish,


Monday, June 18, 2018

Melania Mondays!

It's a rare week that doesn't see America's popular and glamorous First Lady attacked by New World Order, leftist shills and this week's no exception.

Disgraced millionaire socialist and former comic, Kathy Griffin, net worth $20 million, lashed out at Melania on Sunday, saying "F*ck you, Melanie" and calling the First Lady a "feckless complicit piece of sh*t."

Melania's offense? Stating through her spokeswoman that, "Mrs. Trump hates to see children separated from their families & hopes both sides of the aisle can finally come together to achieve successful immigration reform. She believes we need to be a country that follows all laws but also a country that governs w/heart.”

Well said, First Lady, it'd take "both sides of the aisle" to change the Flores Consent Decree and you can read about that here.

In the meanwhile, imagine the outrage if any celebrity had used Griffin style language to attack Michelle Obama.

Thank you Melania for providing our nation with an alternative to foul-mouthed MillSoc stooges like Kathy Griffin.



Sunday, June 17, 2018

A Father's Day Infographic

As you're busy scoffing down those Father's Day burgers, hot dogs, beer can chicken, delicious steaks, fried Striper and enjoying the affects of toxic masculinity, reflect on the above infographic.

Here at the Compound we think it speaks for itself.

Lock her up,


Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day! And I hope you're all having a great time with family and friends on your various compounds.

But I nearly forgot. If someone tells you that gender's a construct, attack them with phosphorous, or whatever, there's no rule.

God bless,


Saturday, June 16, 2018

Get Back On The Gar!

Gar are living fossils, members of the Lepisosteiformes family of fish, which can be traced back through the fossil record to the Late Jurassic. They're also massively under fished and big fun to catch.

That's because these large predators typically put up a tremendous fight, running, thrashing, leaping and diving with your bait. Exciting, but there's a catch.

The Last Run

You see, the problem with these overlooked and abundant fish is that they're hard to catch. Sure, they'll take your bait, run with it and in a fit of enthusiasm you set the hook. Snap! but no, no snap, the contemptuous Gar drops it all and swims nonchalantly away. 

That's because your hook can't find purchase in the bony, Jurassic beak of the Gar, which cunningly plays with what's on offer before attempting to swallow the shad, worm, liver, minnow or whatever you're throwing in. This all translates into the fish being able to drop your bait during its first run.

Let's Zoom In

So don't try for a quick hookset, let the prehistoric beast make its run, then let it stop, meditate, play with the bait and run again. Be sure to let the drag play out to least resistance, you don't want to spook the fish, she'll drop everything and swim off. But keep with her; after a few minutes she'll start to swallow the bait and make an effort to head downstream.

Observe the fish through the technological marvel of your polarized glasses. Is the bait at the back of the Gar's beak, is it heading away from you, have you felt it trying to gulp the bait down, yes? Time to tighten the drag and set the hook. BANG, the fight's on.

Smallest of Three

And I tell you, it's well worth the patient opening act. Imagine the armored ambush predator, and they can be large, leaping furiously clear of the water on its charge to escape your line. Great excitement.

I brought three of these creatures up to the pier today but only landed one, the others were too large and broke the line (#12 test on a light rod). At this point it obviously makes sense to invest in a more substantial rig.

There's doubtless a moral in all of this but I won't draw it. That's up to you.

Fish on,


Friday, June 15, 2018

So Very Vulgar

Some smart, cultured, conservative people don't like President Trump and didn't vote for him. Not so much because of what he had to say, like strong borders (Build The Wall), and smaller less corrupt government (Drain The Swamp, Lock Her Up), but because he's "vulgar."

No, This is Not Saudi Arabia

President Trump, vulgar?!? You mean he puts ketchup on his steak and builds GOLDEN TOWERS with his name on them?!? How very vulgar, can't vote for him; so much better to have one of our inside-the-beltway, political class elites run the country. 

You know, the same crew who've been country club asset-stripping the country for a couple of decades.

A Typical Millionaire Socialist

Yes, these conservative intellectual aesthetes effectively preferred Hillary over Trump, even though she was their ideological nemesis. No matter, she wasn't as crude as the Diet Coke drinking, fast food eating, orange Donald.

Then there's the progressive left, they think Trump's vulgar too and unfit to be President. But hold on, Kathy Griffin's "headshot" wasn't vulgar? What about Samantha Bee and Robert De Niro? For that matter, consider the Hillary campaign funded P**gate dossier. Nothing vulgar about that, at all.


And guess what, when faced with the polished MillSoc, bi-coastal elite spectacle of someone like Hillary running the country, the people voted for Trump. Aesthetics bedamned and rightly so.

What, after all, is wrong with an American President promising to put America first by bringing back jobs, lowering taxes, securing the border and cutting parasitical government corruption? For that matter, what's wrong with an American President actually being a patriot?

Sorry, Mittens, You're Not Vulgar Enough

How very vulgar. But sorry, Ivory Tower conservatives and Progleft Elitocracy, the people of America want this country to be great again as opposed to being a subset of a tyrannous New World Order.

That's all and good luck with your "blue wave."