Monday, September 14, 2020

Exaltation of the Holy Cross

Today's the Feast of the Holy Cross and Christians everywhere, if they think about it all, scratch their heads and ask why September 14th?

Because the Eastern Roman Emperor Heraclius returned the Cross to its rightful place in Jerusalem's Holy Sepulchre on September 14, 629 AD. Where had the most holy relic in Christendom been until then? With the pagan Persians who, under their King Chosroes II waged war against Constantinople, capturing Jerusalem and the Cross in 608, along with much of the rest of Asia Minor.

However, despite near total defeat, Heraclius, possibly the last classical Roman Emperor, launched a successful campaign against the Persians, defeating Chosroes in 627 at the battle of Nineveh and advancing on his capital, Ctesiphon. 

Chosroes was subsequently overthrown and killed by his bloodthirsty son Kavad, who gave the Cross to Heraclius in a gesture of goodwill. And so the Wood on which hung the Saviour of the World returned to the Holy City. Restored on the same day as the Church of the Holy Sepulchre's consecration, September 14th.

Legend has it that Heraclius attempted to carry the Cross into Jerusalem in his bejeweled regalia but was mysteriously unable to move forward. The city's Patriarch, advised by an angel, put matters right; the Emperor must proceed in sackcloth, barefoot, and he did.

So the Cross came back to the Sepulchre. Within a few short decades it faced another enemy, Islam, which arose like a storm from the East and swept both Persian and Byzantine empires before it.

O GOD, who by the passion of thy blessed Son hast made the instrument of shameful death to be unto us the sign of life and peace: Grant us so to glory in the Cross of Christ, that we may gladly suffer shame and loss; for the sake of the same thy Son 
our Lord. Amen.

God Bless,


Sunday, September 13, 2020

Ministry of Truth or Kingdom of Lies?

Thanks to Borepatch, all the world knows George Orwell's Ministry of Truth wasn't so much a prediction as a training manual. Type in "White American Inventors" in a Google search bar and see the images it presents.

A Black Inventor

Go on, give it a go!


And of course Google's right, Thomas Edison? Famously black. Alexander Graham Bell? Indisputably Black. Samuel Morse? Notoriously black. Elias Singer? Genuinely black. George "Kodak" Eastman? Black as you like. Charles Goodyear? Black as the tires he invented. George Westinghouse? Never blacker.


Maybe, Google, if you just lie hard enough everyone will believe you. Or will they start to think, enough of this BS and take the contrary view?


Remember, readers, everything the Left attempts produces the exact opposite of its intended result. It's like an... axiom.



Sunday Sermon - Guns

After Mass #1 VCC (Veteran Crew Chief) asked, "D'you have a minute, LSP?" I did and we strolled over to his rig. "I'd like you to have these, if you want them. They're yours." I thanked VCC, who's famous for fighting in the EMUs, running motorcycle hippies out of his stock tank and being an all 'round good man. 

A Bolt

The weapons belonged to his brother, who I'd buried a short while ago and once had the opportunity to hunt dove with. He was a good man in the meeting, and I'll look after his A Bolt 300 Win Mag, O/U 12 and .22 WMR varminter, to say nothing of praying for his soul. Rest in peace.

Some kind of Italian 12

But is there a point to this short homily, beyond gunnish show and tell? A wider meaning, a helpful Gospel message? Yes, there is, and it's twofold.

Marlin .22 WMR

Sacrifice, along with generosity of heart and spirit covers a multitude of sin, and the second advisement is like unto it. A free citizen is able to defend themselves against tyranny. 

I'd say that's all pretty relevant, right about now.

Gun Rights,


Saturday, September 12, 2020

Back To Popski

We've all heard of fabled desert raiders like the Special Air Service and the Long Range Desert Group, not so much the smaller and perhaps more eccentric Popski's Private Army (PPA). 

Popski or Vladimir Peniakoff was a Belgian of Russian descent who emigrated to Egypt between the wars, where he worked as an engineer as well as learning Arabic and desert navigation in a Ford he called "the pisspot."

When war broke out in 1939 Peniakoff, in his early 40s, tried to join the British Navy and Airforce but was turned down. Eventually he was awarded a commission in the British Army and served in  the Libyan Arab Force (LAF). 

LAF bored the adventurous Belgian, so he applied to set up a small, highly mobile commando to operate behind enemy lines, the Libyan Arab Force Commando, LAFC. The unit was approved and off it went, blowing things up and providing reconnaissance in conjunction with the LRDG for some 5 months.

On return to Cairo, Peniakoff was less than happy to discover the LAFC had been disbanded and he'd been without pay for 4 months. Colonel Shan Hackett, who controlled British special forces in the Middle East, told him had only himself to blame and sent the restless Belgian off to the LRDG for a raid on an airfield, Barce.

Back from the raid, Peniakoff was given the green light to set up his own unit, the 1st Demolition Squadron, which when pressed for something more catchy by Hackett became Popski's Private Army, "Popski" being Peniakoff's LRDG call sign.

The rest is history. PPA went on to do significant work in the western desert and from there moved on to Italy, where the tiny Jeep-mounted commando expanded to around 100 men. And Popski, who spoke Italian as well as Arabic, was notorious for gathering intel in Italy by phoning up German garrisons while pretending to be "friendly forces." Not dissimilar, when you think about it, to those Russians who call up Democrat leaders pretending to be Greta Thurnberg.

Regardless, PPA suffered very few casualties (12 KIA?) in years of fighting, a testament to Popski himself and the quality of the men under his command. He celebrated victory in 1945 by driving around St. Mark's square in Venice seven times, the first and maybe last motorised event of its kind.

So there you have it. I hesitate to post all this because I know some of the few people who read this inconsequential mind blog know far more about these kinds of things than I do. But still, Popski stands out as a remarkable man, a hero to me in my youth and also now.

Let's see more of the same and let's be honest, who doesn't want a Jeep with mounted .50s?




The area between Route 16 and Adriatic, from the SAVIO to the UNITI canal presented a problem to Porterforce. The area was intersected by canals, in some places densely wooded, and for the rest a flooded marsh. Major Peniakoff during the first fortnight in November with three patrols has liquidated all enemy opposition in this area. Every operation was planned by him, and in the majority of cases he actually led the patrols which have resulted in 31 PW and many enemy cas, and a retreat by the enemy from the SAVIO to the UNITI.

His own personal courage and drive have been the dominant factors in a notable achievement. When the floods made operations seemingly impossible Major Peniakoff personally led a Duck assault patrol, and supervised the building of a most unorthodox bridge over the GHIAIA canal in face of enemy Spandau fire. This bridge enabled a joint 27 L and PPA raid to surprise and capture 14 enemy in the village of GHIAIA.

This officer's consummate coolness and gallantry has not only made it possible to clean up a wide area of country which should easily have been held by the enemy, but his own personality has so impressed itself upon the Partisans in the coastal sector that their activities under his guidance have proved quite exceptional.

Title Your Paper

OK, you have to give a paper in one of the nation's Conventicles of Satan universities or military academies, like Westpoint or Sandhurst. So far so good, but what's the title? Use this handy guide to find out.

In my case, Reimagining The Self In an Intersectional Framework.

Rather good, eh? Hope you score well.



Friday, September 11, 2020

Patriot Day 2020

On a day that began as ordinary as any other, terrorists carrying out a sadistic plan murdered thousands of our fellow compatriots.  With shock and disbelief, we watched our first responders, encumbered by heavy equipment and hindered by debris and smoke, rush with conviction and courage into the void to rescue those in despair.  With pride and sorrow, we felt the tremendous bravery of those aboard Flight 93, who summoned the courage to charge the terrorists in a counterattack that saved countless American lives.  As the day closed, America steadied its resolve to hold accountable those who had attacked us and to ensure it would never happen again.
The courage, heroism, and resilience Americans displayed on 9/11, and in its aftermath, are perpetual testaments to the spirit of our country.  While our Nation was anguished by this attack, the grit displayed that day — the very essence of America — was a reminder that our citizens have never failed to rise to the occasion.  Heroes sprang into action in the face of great peril to help save their fellow Americans.  Many laid down their lives.  As we reflect on the events of that September morning, let us recommit to embrace the stalwart bravery displayed and reaffirm our dedication to defending liberty from all who wish to deny it.

As we reflect on the events of that September morning, let us recommit to embrace the stalwart bravery displayed and reaffirm our dedication to defending liberty from all who wish to deny it.

Yes indeed,


Thursday, September 10, 2020

Popski's Private Army -- Warning Order

Keen-eyed readers of this rarely read mind blog may remember the Compound's all about the Chindits. Fair play, but what about Popski's Private Army?

Good question. We'll get into this later, as the day unfolds. Watch the tracer.

I'll take it,


Fish? No. Boat? Yes

Thanks to some good friends I got on a boat today. It was awesome, we went out on the lake in search of fish, even though it was freezing.

Lures, slabs, spoons, you name it, all went in. No shortage of effort on our part. But were the fish biting? Good question.

No, they were not. Should've brought a box of worms. Still, big fun to zoom about on the lake which used to be the Brazos before it was dammed. And there's no harm whatsoever in getting outside instead of staring in weird consternation at the still unrolling coup attempt against our President.

So much for democratic process. But of course the Left has never been about this and it isn't now, they want power, total power by any means necessary. This, they think, will bring about a utopia in which the reign of The Man is at last brought to an end.

To be replaced by what, exactly? Images of Millionaire Socialist Nancy Pelosi (MSNP) getting a blow dry while ordering hair salons shut spring to mind. Hey, all pigs are created equal but some more Viking fridge equal than others.



Wednesday, September 9, 2020

When There's No More Room In Hell

This is San Francisco this morning, a veritable hellscape.

Make of it what you will,


Dove Hunt Fail - Rule of 666

The plan was elegant in its simplicity. Load up the rig with a CZ SxS 20, ammo and decoys, then head out to the country, set up in a tree line and shoot dove. What a good plan, but it fell apart when a storm blew in from the East.

Wind and ferocious rain put an end to today's pleasant vision of avian acrobats falling under a flak barrage of birdshot and ending up as jalapeno poppers on the grill, so I took refuge in Walmart. A lesser thing, for sure, but interesting nonetheless. Why?

Because around a quarter of the shoppers weren't wearing masks. They weren't into them at all and strolled around the store without a seeming care in the world. This seemed pleasant to me, so I took off my stupid election mask of fear and bought some steak and wine, MAGA style.

All good, unlike Great Britain which has just told everyone that gatherings of more than six people are illegal as of Monday. Offenders will be fined and possibly arrested, who knows, perhaps they'll be sent to special camps. Churches, pubs and restaurants are exempt though, and it's a fair bet that mass gatherings of  BLM, dinghies full of POCs and Extinction Rebellion art commies are too.

What's this all about? Here in the US Democrat virus panic's understandable, after all, it's an election year and the disloyal opposition want to ride the pandemic to a win they wouldn't achieve normally. Mail in voting, stopping Trump rallies, crashing the economy and all of that. OK, fine, but what's in it for the UK's so-called Conservative government? A government with a massive 80 seat majority in the Commons.

Good question and I don't have an answer. It's almost as though some strange force is driving BoJo to set himself up as the most unpopular Prime Minister in the history of ever. Is he being blackmailed, is he a puppet shill of the sinister New World Order, are evil spirits involved? Who knows, but he looked demented in today's bizarre "Rule of 666" broadcast.

We must hope it has nothing to do with demons.



Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Tight Lines

Some of the people who read this inconsequential mind blog catch mighty salmon, others fish for trout in clear mountain streams and lakes. Great result and more power to you, but for me today it was mostly perch. Here's a sample.


I lost count by the end of it all and most weren't very large, more in the bait fish range than anything else. Still, ferocious little snappers and fun to catch, so there was plenty of action, which I like. In fact, it's mostly what I'm there for, but the whole package is good. 

There you are under a big Texan sky, outdoors in land that's only been settled for what, 150 years? maybe less. To your right, limestone bluffs rise above the water, and on the other shore trees and brush stand like an impenetrable wall in the heat haze as big birds circle above, vultures. 


It's not truly wild but isn't so very far off. Apart from the cleaning station, of course, which has a civilized tin roof, running water and cutting boards for the guides to clean striper. A good place to fish because the water's chummed.

Mind you, perhaps a boat would be a better place to fish from and I waved to the passing Trumpist Navy as its various ships passed my position. 


"Hey, lookit this monster!" I'd call out, holding up a small perch. Big ribaldry, "That a bait fish?" roar of twin Mercureys, "Should be!" But they weren't, all went back, as did a monster carp/buffalo which slipped the hook before the photo op. Big fish on a light rod. Fun.

So that was all good. In other news, the UK's setting up a Diversity and Inclusion Directorate to make sure soldiers don't say rude things about trannies or POCs. It costs £500,000 including it's Director's £110,000 salary and hopes to recruit more transsexuals and POCs into the armed forces. 

A Rainbow Pony

Wow, you can imagine the Taliban running in fear from the UK' s new Rainbow Wymxn of Colour Regiment (RWCR). You canting, pandering, risible fools. 

More on this exciting story as it unfolds. In the meanwhile, former and serving members of the United Kingdom's armed forces, feel free to comment. The floor is yours.

Tight lines,


Monday, September 7, 2020

Prowl To The Light

Yesterday was good, our new(ish) bishop, Ryan Reed, visited the Missions and all went well. No mask skulduggery, no hand sanitizer malfeasance or anti-social distancing. We just worshiped God and had a good time during and after. You know, like Christians.

Church People Having Fun

Speaking of which, I briefed the bishop, a retired infantry officer, before the Masses, "Just so you know, these are MAGA congregations and not into Covid panic." He liked that, "I figured," and went on to confect the Sacrament of the Altar not once but twice, there being two Missions separated by a horse ride, 20 miles appx., to see to.


At the reception afterwards, I amused myself by giving the black power salute along with the popular chant, "Black Lives Matter!" and "I can't breathe!" The church people, an educated crew, responded in kind. Big fun.

Ahem, lose the 12 for dove, fool

But that was then, this is now. Labour Day sees us prowling the Compound and walking to the light -- planning dove hunts, fishing on the lake, long range shooting and frying up steak. Yes, steak. Such is privilege, white or otherwise.

Have a great Labor Day and God bless you all.

Your Pal,