Saturday, September 7, 2019

Saturday Round Up

What a week it's been. An attempted coup across the water by the Traitor Parliament, who've done all in their power to stop Brexit and the will of the British people, in the name of democracy, bizarrely. Well it's not over 'til it's over, so sit back and watch the fireworks. 

Then there's the UK schoolgirls who had the sheer, brazen, hate-filled temerity to turn up at their school wearing skirts, forcing their teachers to call the police. How dare they stand against the sexless gender neutrality of the Hive? Good luck in the thought crime gulag, "girls." 

Closer to home, Epstein's been buried in an unmarked grave, President Trump's about to get impeached, again, and's cleverly trolling the airwaves selling Sharpies. And black unemployment's at its lowest rate ever in ever, because he's such a racist. But what about 45's DNC contenders?

They're cooking with gas, ahem, solar power, and swear they'll ban fossil fuel, which is especially smart. To say nothing of trying to ban the electoral college, get rid of the border, kill babies up to the point of birth and beyond, and confiscate all your guns. Quite the platform. And Joe Biden's eye filled up with blood, spooky satan or what?

Looking further afield, Zimbabwe's billionaire Communist dictator Robert Mugabe has finally died. He destroyed a once prosperous and civilised country in the name of revolutionary freedom and made himself incredibly rich in the process. Harambe weeps. 

On a personal note, the medicos in Waco say I'll be walking normally some time in October, yes please, and the Cadet's at the end of his first week of "Red Phase." Go Army.




Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Gun Confiscation

Everyone's on the Left's howling for gun confiscation, again, and that's because some crazy shot up Odessa, Texas. Walmart's even announced it won't be selling pistol and "assault rifle ammunition" at its stores. I won't comment, but check out Tucker. I'd say he's right in the X Ring.

Disclaimer. I don't watch Fox or any other network, why pay for propaganda to be piped directly into your home to make you a better serf? Still, I'd say Carlson's value on this. Your call.

Gun rights,


Tuesday, September 3, 2019

The Gender Construct

In the bad old days of biological fascism people were indoctrinated into thinking their gender was a given, something dictated by the body they were born with. "Two XX chromosomes?" said the gender Nazis, "You're a woman!" So intolerant, now we know biology and gender are two very different things. 

Yes, you may well be born with the body of a woman or a man, such are the sexes, but don't let this trample like some kind of jack-booted Brownshirt all over your identity. That's something for you to decide, because gender's fluid and flexible.

That's right, a construct, a complex matrix of societal, mental and emotional forces which play together to create you, the gendered self. Biology may say one thing, but who you are is entirely up to you. At last we've found liberation in the transhumanist phase of the liberal project, a true triumph of the will.

Leaving aside uncomfortable NSDAP irony, and with apologies to Leni, here at the Compound we have to ask. If gender's a construct, divorced from the tyranny of the body, why is it that transsexuals spend so much money getting their body changed. Seriously, if biology and gender are unrelated, why spend all that cash to mess with your body? 

Why? Because everyone knows in reality that gender's determined by flesh and blood. Per GaGa, you were born that way, and we get it despite all the agitprop. It's not difficult, in fact it's readily apparent to the senses. Look, there's a woman, there's a man and... then there's that, some kind of hybrid. You can see it.

So, the unfortunate woman that wants to be a man or the sad man that wants to be a woman invests heavily in chemicals and scalpel to make it appear so. And what an appearance it mostly is, blasphemous Frankenstein parodies of the two sexes.

But my question is this. Why are we allowing our children to be abused by this self-evidently dysfunctional, sorry, dysphoric, illness? OK, perhaps that's too mild, let's call it as it is, Satanic degeneracy. 

As you doubtless know, Arlington schools have gone full trans. Far-sighted readers will remember Hungary threw the Bolshevik demons off their backs in reaction to Dukacs' program of sex-ed in schools.

Peace and Love,


Monday, September 2, 2019

Happy Labor Day Comrades

The Compound

You stand to at first light, waiting for cadres of fanatical Frankfort School revolutionaries to infiltrate the compound's perimeter in the predawn mist. Such is Labor Day in these dark and troubled times. But guess what, we got a pass. 

The trip flares didn't go off, none of the Claymores exploded, no one had to throw a grenade, there weren't any shadowy figures being deadly in the hedge, and all was good. Huge sigh of relief. Now what?

Texas Dawn

Drive to the 'Spawl or stay in the bucolic bliss of this unreconstructed Texan farming community? Easy call, stay, and what a good choice. Everyone here's happy, smiling, laughing, helping each other out, full of the joy of the day. 

Perhaps they're elated that Labor Day 2019 didn't usher in a demented, satanic Bolshevik revolution. Then again, maybe they're simply happy at the prospect of good times with family and friends, free of the Communist menace.

A Typical Texan Vista

Who knows and I'm not complaining. So fire up the grill, have the best time with your people, and enjoy a great Labor Day. You know what they say, workers of the world unite.

Your Friend,


Sunday, September 1, 2019


America's long awaited Space Force got one step closer with the establishment of Space Command (SPACECOM), announced by President Trump in the Rose Garden last week.

"It's a big deal," said Trump, "As the newest combatant command, SPACECOM will defend America's vital interests in space — the next warfighting domain. And I think that's pretty obvious to everybody. It's all about space."

Yes, all about space. Not least if you're the world's first space criminal, lesbian astronaut Anne McClain who got into her estranged wife's bank account from high orbit earlier this year. "I was shocked and appalled by the audacity," stated McClain's former wife figure, Summer Wolden.

Will the advent of SPACECOM put an end to this skulduggery and all too predictable malfeasance in the icy vacuum? We can but hope.

Ad Astra,


Saturday, August 31, 2019

US Navy Ends War On Weather

Was the last post a bit depressing? Well try this. The US Navy's ended its War on Weather by disbanding the Obama initiated Climate Change Task Force. What? You didn't know the US Navy had been tasked with fighting the weather? Think again.

Thanks to the annointed God King Messiah Obama, the most powerful Navy the world has ever seen was told to fight our ancient enemy, the Weather. 

So important for fighting ships to be on hand as glaciers melt, coastlines flood, and millionaire socialists everywhere resort to high ground. Yes, the high ground of their private islands. Except the Obamas, architects of the climatic naval strategy.

They've invested 15 million socialist dollars in prime Martha's Vineyard seafront property. Counting on the Navy to save them? Fond imagining. As the waters rise, look in vain for Littoral Combat Ships to come to the rescue. Or, if the pundits have it right, anyone else.

In other news, the Navy's allowing people who don't identify as trans to enlist. Such fascists.

Senior Service Go Navy,


Friday, August 30, 2019

Two Disturbing Shorts - Warning Graphic

Dirlewanger On Arrest

You may not want to watch these, but here they are. The first is from Russia and SS Dirlewanger (to avoid censorship click...):

You can see why the Russians went hard when they got to Berlin. The second short is, for me, more upsetting. But see what you think:

Disturbing? I'd say so, and then some. Make of this what you will.

Your Old Pal,


Relaxin' In The 'Sprawl

As Jules points out on her engaging literary site, there's a background sound to Texas. It's mostly cicadas,  their static rising and falling in time to the waves of heat that roll in like air from a hot oven. Not unlike an insectoid alien early warning signal, when you think of it. 

Add in the squawking of ferocious birds defending their territory from barking, predatory squirrels, and the same squirrels hurling half-eaten pecans down on you like nutty shrapnel. You get the picture, a Texan morning in late August, and I enjoyed it, sipping coffee while the sprinkler watered Ma LSP's ferns.

You can say, with justice, that there's many things wrong with the 'Sprawl but her garden isn't one of them, and it's been good to set up here for a few days while she's in England celebrating the Brexit movement. Tranquil, despite the barrage of pecan nuts raining down like shells on the Chancellery of the doomed Reich.

To escape the barrage I drove to my favorite ghetto barber, which used to be called Senor Ramone's, they call him "Ramen" for some reason, and now goes by a different name altogether. 

A few years back someone went in for a haircut, had the cut, left, returned, and shot a barber stone cold dead. The shooter then fled the scene of the crime only to be gunned down (or was he  just arrested?) by Dallas PD in the alley behind the shop. None of the staff seemed particularly phased. I know, I asked them at the time.

Haircuttery over, return to base and stand in awe as a brisk wind kicks in, clouds roll over and it begins to rain. What is this, Skywater? And why did I water everything in the smothering heat of the morning? Must get more and better Weather Shamans.

Back to the country tomorrow. Blue #4 is nesting in front of the sink, curiously.

Be good,


Thursday, August 29, 2019

Peak Luvvy?

This Oscar Wilde actor is against Britain being a sovereign country. In his own words:

Have we reached peak luvvy? Apparently so.

God Save The Queen,


What A Great Time To Be Alive

BREXIT, MAGA, leftist heads exploding into the stratosphere like a frothing pumpkin luvvy latte Vesuvius. London awash in floods of liberal tears and Comey exposed for the lying mountebank we all knew he was. OK, no indictment yet, but this show ain't over and pundits are saying McCabe's going down. Yes, please, drain the swamp.

Speaking of which, the Archbishop of Canterbury's been found in the icy wastes of the Antarctic. "Justsin, in the Antarctic?" said one anonymous Lambeth source, "Travelers Club, Hollow Earth, Hollow Church? I'm awfully afraid, LSP, that I can't comment." More on this exciting story later.

Then, in evidence of a beneficent Creator ruling the cosmos, an HVAC tech turned up today in Dallas who was 1. Competent and 2. Got the job done. I think. Mustn't presume on miracles.

Like the miracle of the nihilist, globalist left and their millionaire billionaire backers being rolled back in the US and the UK.

Keep it coming,


Wednesday, August 28, 2019


UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson got the Queen's permission to prorogue or suspend Parliament today, clearing the way for Brexit and the UK's return to sovereignty as opposed to satrapy under the heel of unelected bureaucrats in Brussels. And guess what?

Leftist heads are exploding all over the Sceptred Isle as the New York Times spins like a dreidel. Here's Hugh Grant (language!):

Response was swift and predictably deadly. I liked this, which you can read here.

And on, and on. Johnson's brilliant, heroic, patriotic and clever move has caused storms of outrage amongst the badly outsmarted left. They're saying it's "undemocratic," as in bypassing Parliament.

Note, This War Hero is 90

But what kind of Parliamentary democracy is it that traitorously ignores the will of the people it's supposed to represent? To say nothing of constitutional precedent.

No democracy at all, will of the people be damned. And that's just it, we're dealing with absolutist revolutionaries who will not, ever, take no for an answer. Until they do, and it looks like Great Britain's following the US in that. Well done, BoJo.

God Save The Queen,


Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Beto Burger

Remember Beto? Neither do we, but here he is miserably failing to fry up a burger in a risible attempt to persuade you that he, the millionaire socialist, is really one of the people.

What's wrong, buddy, the cook's sick? You obviously need more and better servants, and what's with the weird broccoli side? "Oh, I'll have a side of steam-damp broccoli with my burger on a toasted English Muffin," said no one ever.

I mean really, you couldn't make this sh*t  up if you tried. Good work, Beto, you're gonna beat 45 2020, right along with those Kraft Singles. Pathetic.

Dems are flailing. Has Satan abandoned its toys?